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Um grande potencial desperdiçado
Sinceramente, achei que todo o drama criado com o final bombástico da primeira temporada foi extremamente mal explorado. Escolhas muito rasas e mal elaboradas que não justificam a proporção que tomaram.A gravidez de risco da mãe do Shi De e ele ter que lidar com muitas coisas é até ok, mas ele não ter tempo de responder sequer uma mensagem do garoto que ele é perdidamente apaixonado por anos, mas ter tempo de fazer piquenique com a suposta irmã (que nunca foi explicada e ele insiste em dizer que não lembra quem é a garota... ?) e mandar justamente os emails que nunca chegaram é muita desculpa esfarrada pra separação.
Além do mais, essa desculpa de: "Vou ficar 5 anos longe de você pra você não brigar com a sua família e não sofrer"; não cola. Ele achou que ia ficar 5 anos longe do garoto e só pq tava rico tudo ia se acertar? O Shu Yu não ia sofrer? Ah, me poupe.
Não teve drama e nem emoção. Voltaram muito fácil, com o velho clichê de um ficar doente e o outro cuidar, isso ainda na metade dos episódios terminou de matar a série. O drama da empresa foi muito trivial e desnecessário, não agregou em nada.
O casal dos dois amigos tem 0 profundidade. Era melhor nem ter unido os dois, pq ficou uma relação forçada e tóxica. Até no final, com o pedido de casamento, parece que o Zhe Yu considera o Bing Wei um capacho, que precisa se arrastar demais pra chegar aos pés dele.
Shou Yi e Zhen Xuan, que pra mim estavam bem chatos a temporada toda, eram minha única esperança de salvar aquele final, mas apesar do drama final ter sido interessante, achei que teve uma mudança muito brusca para o transtorno afetivo de ambos, principalmente Shou Yi, mas foi a melhor trama, apesar de ter sido deixada para o último episódio.
Em suma, esperava mais. Decepcionado com o rumo e a decadência de uma história tão bem construída na primeira temporada. Toda a expectativa e ansiedade que foi deixava com a cena do reencontro morreu ali. A química dos atores foi totalmente apagada pelo enredo fraco. Se tivesse acabado na primeira temporada teria sido perfeita.
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O drama BL mais lindo que já assisti!
Este é um dos dramas de BL mais bonitos que já assiti! Uma das mais lindas historias de amor! Adorei as duas temporadas.Já assisti vários dramas BL, mas a história e as atuações de Sam e Yu, foram as melhores de todas. Atuação incrível!
Eles conseguem retratar cada emoção com tanta profundidade apenas com os olhos. Consegui sentir a raiva, a dor, o pertencimento, o arrependimento de cada emoção pelos olhos deles.
A cena da bebedeira é uma das mais linda e uma com as melhores atuações que já vi nos dramas de todos os genêros. Sam dedicou todo o seu coração em sua atuação e nós, o público, sentimos, recebemos e amamos! Tantas emoções em uma cena, amor, tristeza, saudade, dor, arrependimento, raiva, imploração. Não dá para explicar, tem que ver e sentir.
O que adoro neste drama é que ele não tem aquela pegada de luxúria. Ao mesmo tempo, tem cenas muito boas de beijo. Tem um equilíbrio muito bom, profundidade e maturidade. Mesmo a cena de beijo mais quente e forte, é tão profundamente emocional e íntima que apesar de ser uma cena quente, o que realmente sentimos nao foi o tesão dos personagens, mas a dor, o desespero, a mágoa e a saudade de ambos.
Ja perdi as contas da quantidade de vezes que revi esse drama. A quimica deles é tão insana que posso sentir o amor sincero deles da maneira mais natural sentadinha no meu sofá!
Em relação a temporada 2 eles poderiam ter explorado menos o casal de médicos e dado mais tempo de tela para o casal principal. Senti falta de ver mais cenas deles juntos depois que se reaproximaram.
Esse drama BL é simplementes apaixonante, envolvente e inesquecível! OST PERFEITA!!
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o fim da corrida?
O quão doce pode ser uma corrida? A resposta pra essa pergunta a gente pode ver na segunda temporada de WBL, a historia do Gao Shi de e do Zhou Shu Yi ganha uma nova dimensão e um ar bem mais maduro que na primeira temporada, alguns dos problemas são diferentes mas a essência da primeira temporada não foi perdida.Alguns pontos bons e interessantes dessa temporada foram: a resolução de alguns problemas de forma mais pratica e direta, foco nos personagens secundários e nas suas historias que parecem (inclusive um grande destaque para esse ponto) extremamente interessantes, acho que uma boa temporada para WBL seria muito bom se fosse parar explorar a historia de alguns personagens como o Pei Shou Yi e o Yu Zhen Xuan. O plot em si foi muito interessante mesmo. o visual em geral da serie é muito bom, a forma como tudo foi construído foi muito boa, o roteiro é realmente muito bom. O cast inteiro é muito bom atuando, dando um belo destaque ao Pai do shu yi ](a cena em que eles falam em japonês é INCRIVEL!), o Shou yi, o Zhen xuan e o Shu yi e o Shi de, a atuação foi muito boa, souberam dar vida aos personagens e passar todos os sentimentos que deveriam passar, você consegue sentir tanto empatia, alegria, fofura quanto raiva e estresse na medida certa. Assuntos como transtornos deveriam ser mais recorrentes em series, é um espaço muito valido e bom pra se tratar sobre assuntos assim.
Alguns pontos fracos foram a ost, e alguns pontos da historia que ficaram incompletos, mas acredito que tudo vai ficar melhor se ganhar uma nova temporada. Será se esse foi mesmo o fim da corrida? Espero muito ver os atores de volta nos papeis e é claro em outros papeis também.
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Não pensei que diria isso, mas essa resenha foi difícil de escrever, mesmo pensando muito nos prós e contras. Não sei se foi porque coloquei muita expectativa ou porque essa temporada foi fraca mesmo. Mas amei a OST, geralmente nem ligo para isso, mas com ela dá até para se basear para escrever uma estória.O primeiro episódio já começando com barraco, bem estilo deles, mas achei o ambiente ruim, acho que faria mais sentido se Shu Yi encontrasse Shi De de surpresa na empresa, aí sim faria sentido o tapa.
Entendo a indignação do Shu Yi, cinco anos é muito tempo e em seis meses mais exato, antes mesmo de seu pai intervir, ele já estava sofrendo pela falta de resposta do outro, a desculpa que deram por isso, para mim pecou, podia ao menos ligar? Iria cair os dedos? Então acho que seu pai não fez o acordo por ser mau sim por amor e preocupação com filho, eu gostei dele e acho que foi uma boa escolha de ator. Shi De que decidiu tudo sozinho como se um relacionamento não precisasse dos dois e se não soubesse o gênio de Shu Yi.
Sobre as brigas e a volta. Primeiro eu gostei como foi essa volta, nada de enrolação ao mesmo tempo que queria mais. O início do episódio dois me surpreendeu, dava para sentir suas emoções, tanto sofrimento, realmente não pensei que essa temporada seria tão forte assim, quer dizer, a primeira tudo era mais doce, mesmo com tapa, não imaginei este beijo. E que beijo foi aquele? Com direito a língua e tudo, bem de certa forma é polêmico por usar força, mas pelo contexto acho que faz sentido, muita coisa estava incluído ali, não era um beijo para prender Shu Yi, sim para se prender a ele. Mas se fosse em outra situação, eu não gostaria.
Nunca gostei do relacionamento dos amigos deles, não me parece muito amoroso mesmo depois de cinco anos, sobre o Pei Shou Yi e Yu Zhen Xuan, o primeiro justifica como trata o outro dizendo ter transtorno afetivo, eu acho que os diálogos não foram suficientes para os descrever, a verdade que fiquei muito confusa e não consegui ter opinião, sinceramente achei que o médico que tinha sido abandonado ou fugido do outro, mas amei a inclusão de uma pessoa com deficiência intelectual. Enquanto editava essa resenha vi o anúncio de um spin-off dos dois, bem espero que lá explique melhor sobre eles.
Não sei se realmente terá um terceira temporada, mas se tiver, espero que seja mais bem construída como a primeira, mas também quero a emoção que senti no episódio dois, sabe algo mais agridoce, explosivo, mas sem coisas forçadas, por favor!
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5 reasons to watch Fighting Mr. Second
I am absolutely in love. Literally. I usually never write reviews or for that matter watch shows live or pay attention to the BTS stuff but this show grabbed my attention and never let go. It will forever hold a place in my most memorable and favorite dramas not just a BL1 - Cast/Chemistry
The whole cast is pretty great, from YU’s eyes that break heart to Chih Tian Shih whose monologue left everyone in tears. But the stand out will always be Sam Lin, he is just amazing at making you feel exactly what Shi De is feeling. Who knew a “Hi” could be that sad.
Also there chemistry is undeniable. Whether it’s the angry scenes, sweet ones or smexy times there is always a kind of tension between the 2 mains. They just feel so natural together and never felt forced or overdone.
2 - The Mains
Shu Yi - I love this dramatic baby. He is a force of nature, selfish, arrogant but in such a cute way that you can’t help but root for him in the end. I love that he never backs down from Shi De, always challenges him at his level and calls him out on his crap.
Goa Shi De - I think he is my overall favourite character. He was originally going to be more macho and aggressive but with the input of Sam they changed him to agreeable, bendable , humble and accepting. I think the writer (of the show) said it best when she said that Shi De’s biggest flaw is he’s always been the pioneer in his relationship with Shu Yi and feels like he should go out first to clear the way of obstacles but he underestimated Shu Yi ability to catch up to him so he made mistakes. He holds everything inside and when he explodes it left me in tears of sympathy.
3 - Storyline
The story is quite simple for the most part, it’s about the after of the happy ending. In season one we see Shi De and Sho Yi finally get together but what happens after that? Can young love in all its immaturity conquer insecurity, distance, pride, misunderstandings and get to a more mature place? When you’ve been hurt by your most trusted one, is possible to let go of angry in order to forgive? Can you withstand your partner’s hurt and hatred to earn the forgiveness? Are you willing to walk hand in hand instead of always being the strong one that shows no weakness? These are main conflicts.
At first I didn’t think I was gonna like this as much as the 1st season because the “misunderstanding” troupe is so damn over used but if you roll with it and stick with the characters, the internal reasoning from episode 4 allows you to sympathize with the real why.
One of the shows flaw is focusing on the Alpha plot at the second part of the drama and cutting out the emails scenes that many felt was a necessity. However I felt like the director did the Alpha plot to show the mains working together in a common goal to show a glimpse of what there future working together is like. And it also was a vehicle for Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan to be in each other orbits again.
4 - Music
The music in this show is actually really good, only rivaled by ITTSAY as my favourite BL soundtrack. Usually I find the music overused and distracting because sometimes it doesn’t go with the scene it’s in (I’m looking at you Love by chance and Tharntype). But here it fit the theme of the season because it’s slightly bluezy/moody and YU has a beautiful voice.
5 - Side Characters
I actually don’t really every like multiple couple stories in general because it draws too much time away from the main couples storylines especially in shorter dramas. But here they gave us interesting side story between Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan that was just enough to make me want to see where there story goes in there spin off series without annoying me with too much screen time. I ended up falling in love in Yu Zhen Xuan in episode 6.
Will I rewatch this drama? Yes it’s now cemented in my heart as 1 of my favs. Should you? I say don’t hesitate, some people might find it not as fluffy as the first season or can’t overlook some flaws but give it try cause it might surprise you.
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Rarely a BL series will have a sequel, and when they have, there is a handful that is equally good or better as the prequel. Most, fell short. I guess given that there is a "blueprint" in the form of the prequel, one will have a hard time not to expect especially when it ended like with this sequel's prequel.
This one of the very few that figured out how to make a successful sequel. Why so? It is a direct continuation for the prequel, coupled with growing and maturing of all the characters. Making the main couple's world bigger with the sense of responsibility with real-life consequences. Introduction of the side couples didn't interfere nor takes away time from the main couple. And that's where a lot of sequels failed to do that after watching one you will ask yourself, is the sequel a way to introduce a side couple to be the main? "What the Duck: Final Call" is one of the classic example how to ruin a good enough prequel with a side couple that didn't interact with the main one. Hence, the main couple had lesser scenes.
Same how the prequel, this season has a special episode as well.
Personally, when a relationship falls apart, there is one who is at fault and the other had/have shortcoming(s).
Equally, communication is what keep relationship healthy and can make it stronger, open communication that is. Once it lacks, doubts seeps in then and cracks develop. Little by little, cracks grew bigger until it breaks it apart.
The question becomes, after it is broken into pieces, thus one of the parties ready to endure the pain in picking up the pieces, putting it back together for the love to be whole again?
After the "surprise" episode of "We Best Love: No. 1 For You", a follower of the series will definitely have a conflict for this sequel set in mind. Questions like "What stop Shi De?", "Why Shu Yi didn't confront?", to name a few. It turns out more than a lack of communication.
Can things go back like they were used before when maturing happened, when there are new factors to consider. Will perseverance can make the person trust you again? Flirting perhaps? She Di and Shu Yi world got bigger, way bigger and it no longer involves the two of them as others may be largely affected with the decision that they will make. After all isn't that what adulting is about? More responsiblities and consequences.
When you get to choose between options, you also need to consider others' welfare and not only of yourself. Or are you willing to be selfish in dispense of others just to win someone's love, again? Can you charm back your way to your ex-partner's heart? Are you ready to endure the pain just for the person's heart to be put back together and make it whole again?
Those are dominant conflicts of having a partner when you were a student, lost it and only to meet again in the future. Carefree versus responsibilities.
How can you expect forgiveness if you haven't apologize or say sorry? "I am sorry" goes a long way.
In any kind of relationship to last, it needs open communication, and I for one couldn't stress it much more.
Those are just some of the take away a viewer can have.
Obsession. How bad can it be? If you are following, okay let's settle for stalking, someone, it is actually bad? Or what is more important is the action that can happen after? However, one can never tell what in a mind of a person obsessing over someone. Is this a case of mental health concern?
The very last scene though, the very last scene.
YU as SHU YI - one can feel that the tenacity turns into angst, despise. Both emotions suits YU's facial features as he barely needs to act to expression those emotions with those sharp looks. With his snappy moves, glares and stares. Shu Yi tsundere is back and it is all over the place! Can it be tamed once again?
SAM LIN as SHI DE - the ever low-key and waiting for the right moment to hit. He is not the "strike the iron while it's hot" type of guy, a very calculated guy which he was able to carry from season 1 up to now. Noticeably, he lost weight. Nice touch to indicate that years indeed passed by. However, one of the most difficult to act out is being drunk, Sam is no exception but still like his overall acting. And he is a cute drunk. >:)
As for the rejected guys, will they be more involved for the two to get back together or drive a wedge to make sure that won't be reunited?
Also, one can clearly see how the boys now turn into men. You can clearly see how they matured in their actions and demeanor.
Episode 6 is when the songs were masterfully woven into the scenes. It gives more depth and meaning but kinda hard to be "in the moment" while reading the lyrics. Nonetheless, watch out for the scene where someone is returning things.
Like all of my reviews, not even one I have rewatch and this will not be an exception. The magic won't be there anymore.
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Lovely chemistry and excellent production but extremely weak story.
I feel kind of bad rating this so low considering the elements I do love about it, but it's just so disappointing in the end that I can't rate it any higher...Positives:
-Chemistry and acting. Sam and Yu really carry this entire series tbh- without them and their chemistry, I would have rated this maybe a 3-4. They are both incredible actors and their chemistry is insane. Sam in particular is just incredible- especially in the drunk scene. Their angsty, intimate scenes are the best thing to come out of this season (don't lie you replayed the sh*t out of them too). You can just feel the passion and emotion in those scenes. If you were on the fence about watching this and loved the first season- I'd recommend just watching the first 3 eps to see all tension and eventual makeup between the two. I was waiting with baited breath for every scene they had alone in those eps. But I was surprised that their arc is pretty much tied up in ep 3. The first 3 eps are pretty decent, but get progressively weaker after that.
-Production Quality - it's filmed beautifully and is very aesthetically pleasing (although I find some of the environments a bit cold and sterile this season- but I loved the waterfront restaurant!). The outfit design, styling and overall production quality is great!
-Story. What story? The plot was weak and disjointed. I think a lot of us were worried after the previews for the season that the reason that Shu Yi and Shi De split up for 5 years would be an extremely stupid, unconvincing and contrived gimmick... and it was... I'm so sick of the same weak and plain old lazy miscommunication tropes in BL. It's just lazy writing with zero creativity. Like at least add some flair to why they "had to" act like babies and not talk for 5 years smh. (I'll admit that although I hated the whole setup- it did allow for those incredible angsty scenes filled with fire sexual tension though lol- which I can see was the whole point).
-The scenes showing the blonde woman with the baby that were never discussed again? I thought this would be an angsty plot point as why would you show it otherwise- but nothing is ever done with it?
-The pacing, nothing happens. I saw a lot of comments excusing the bad story by saying they only had 6 episodes, what could they do with such limited air time? There's only so much they can include blah blah. But that's untrue as there are so many movies and short series that convey an interesting and fleshed out storyline in similar or shorter timespans. And we have the direct comparison of the first season being the same length but having a good story so? Honestly in this season I found myself bored in a lot of scenes waiting for an ep to finish.
-The whole software/code being stolen plotline- legitimately NO ONE CARES. This was downright filler bullshit where air time was limited and could have been used on actual/plot character development??? Worse it was boring af to watch and if you've ever worked in a corporate or IT environment (like me)- it is done laughably bad.
-The second couple of Shou Yi and Zhen Xuan. Wtf. Honestly for the first half of the show, I was one of the rare people in the comments who was actually intrigued and keen to see more of this couple. But by the end I was completely turned off by them. They are given so few scenes and then that random "explanation" at the end about Shou Yi having a dissociative disorder- and that's why he's a cold prick the entire season? Um. Ok. Don't get me wrong here- I actually liked that they were including a couple with chars with different conditions. But they handled the whole thing sooo badly and messily. They implied the whole season that Zhen Xuan had some kind of attachment disorder and that Shou Yi was distancing himself thinking it was the right thing to do. Then they randomly do a one eighty and suddenly Shou Yi is the one with a disorder and that's why he distances himself????? What. Then in the last ep after Zhen Xuan's monologue basically saying goodbye- the next scene with them they are acting fine and all chill with each other? WTF?
-Also this is a minor thing but why is Shou yi now running a bar/restaurant instead of being a doctor anymore? This is the kind of thing it would make sense to include as a plot point or at least comment on since this is a character driven drama.
-3rd couple who? I found it really strange that the third couple that has barely a couple of scenes in the entire season gets to take the spotlight of the final scene with the random marriage proposal? I found myself thinking wtf I don't care- can we actually finish with a scene of the main couple? Or you know, touching on how the second couple pretty much just had their emotional, goodbye monologue scene and now are randomly all good again? WTF is this? I know it says "their story is not over" at the end- but this whole setup was just messy af.
I would still eagerly watch a 3rd season if they make one- but this season largely felt like a waste of time that was mostly filler. Overall it was pretty with some excellent tension filled scenes between Sam and Yu- but aside from that the season was a general disappointment.
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Worth the wait!
I finished this a couple of weeks ago and I've been re-watching it just to see both Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi. I will never get enough of these two and like I said in the first series, too damn short!The story line was not as deep! I wish there was a more deeper reason as to why Gao Shi De was away for so long (clearly, I thrive on drama) and I feel Zhou Shu Yi forgave him too soon. I feel if the drama had a few extra episodes, it would have been different. The story would have been prolonged a bit and we would get to see the missing parts.
I also would have loved to see more of Shi Zhe Yu and Liu Bing Wei and how their love story came to be. Maybe there is a 3rd season that will give them more airplay, we can hope!
All in all, I would give it a 9 without question. The chemistry between the two main leads is great and Zhou Shu Yi's dad is funny, a cool dad … haha!
The music is beautiful. I actually had to download it.
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Solid first half and much weaker second half
I think Fighting Mr 2nd would work better if it had not been presented as a Part 2 of WBL. Still, I like the way it pushes the boundaries of BL a little.The first two episodes (that's one-third of the series!) are a bit of a risk--you can either say that it intrigues the viewer or you can say that it confuses the hell out of viewers. The story takes place about five years after the end of No. 1 for You. But our main characters have not seen each other for five years, and we are left wondering what has caused Shi De to not return. In a way, it is effective because the frustration of not knowing is what the characters go through. Shi De does not know why Shu Yi stops replying him, and Shu Yi does not know why Shi De seems increasingly uncontactable. For me the first 3 episodes are very good even if they defy the expectations we might have after watching No. 1 for You.
It turns out that Shi De has faced problems that he can't tell while Shu Yi has misunderstood Shi De, thinking that he is in a relationship with someone else. Shu Yi seems to hate Shi De now even as Shi De enters his life again due to a coincidence. Their intense longing for each other, a longing that Shu Yi tries to hide, culminates in what's probably the best scene in the series: a drunken Shi De starts kissing Shu Yi, who can barely conceal the love that he still has despite not daring to show it. For me, the camerawork, music and acting work together very well here to show the emotions of the characters. I particularly like the performance by YU, the actor acting as Shu Yi in this scene.
Unfortunately, the story soon goes downhill after this point. The real causes behind their separation are revealed, and Shi De and Shu Yi soon make up. Their story then doesn't really get developed much further. The scenes between them are sweet and cute, but somehow don't seem to reflect the intensity of emotions that you can imagine will arise when you are reunited with the love of your life after a long separation that leaves you baffled, frustrated and pinning.
Furthermore, the series has to give some attention to the side couples. Despite the attention given, I still get the sense that the side couples' stories could have worked much better had there been sufficient development.
This series does end up to be quite likable because of its strengths. Its weaknesses still seem quite glaring to me, however. So I'm a little conflicted here.
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not as good as its predecessor
I really, really wanted to like this series. I loved the first one and I thought sure, surely, the writing for this one will be just as good.Sadly, I was wrong.
And it was the writing that let it down. All the acting was on point. The entire cast knocked it out of the park, so to speak, even if the script they had to work with was dodgy. The music was beautiful, the editing good and the story itself, if it had been translated into the script better, would've worked.
The plot involved Shi De and Shu Yi meeting again after five years. After unexpectedly having to stay in the U.S. for two years, rather than two months, Shi De comes back and runs into Yi's father, who has confiscated Yi's phone. He tells De, in less subtle terms, that he's not good enough for Yi, which brings back a whole lot of insecurities that De already had about their relationship and he agrees to stay away from Yi for five years.
Three years after that, De is running the successful Hua Cing Technology company on behalf of this mother, when who should walk in the door to oversee the company's merger with Cheng Yi Group?
What follows is the rekindling of Shu Yi and Shi De's relationship along with some incidental corporate espionage thrown in to make it all more dramatic.
My main problem with this series is the writing. I don't know what Lin Pei Yu was thinking with this. I was confused so many times about when scenes took place in the timeline. Non-linear storytelling is fine, but it needs to be clear and concise and this was neither. Scenes were just thrown in and we were just supposed to, what? Intuit that they were set in the past?
Also, whilst in a visual medium you always want to try and show rather than tell, you have to actually show things so people understand them. I don't want to just make assumptions - I want it to be clear that I'm making the *right* assumptions. And I shouldn't have to go on social media to find out what the writer is trying to show. I shouldn't have to reference other media to understand the one I'm watching.
Why did Shu Yi suddenly forgive Shi De between one episode and the next? Why did Pei Shou Yi go from (apparently??) rejecting to accepting Yu Zhen Xuan in the space of about five minutes? Come to that, why is Pei Shou Yi running a bar instead of being a Doctor? Did I miss the explanation for that?
Was that blonde woman actually Ashley? I assume so. Is Ashley Shi De's stepsister? Is she the nanny? My assumption is stepsister. Why throw in that special episode and answer no questions about it? Because Shu Yi has decided that he trusts Shi De (apparently out of nowhere) that means we, the audience, don't get to know?
Tell me how I did with my assumptions, show. Tell me!
A smaller, yet as important problem, is also the casual ableism that runs through this series. Yu Zhen Yuan has real feelings for Pei Shou Yi, but they are dismissed as him being "crazy" because Shou Yi thinks Zhen Yuan suffers from filial imprinting, paranoia (which we see no signs of) , Aspergers, mild depression and prone to autotomy (which apparently means Zhen Yuan is prone to cutting his own limbs off.)
Pei Shou Yi makes all these diagnoses despite the fact that he wasn't a psychologist and hasn't been an actual medical doctor in years.
It's like the writer just went for an out-of-date DSM and randomly picked things she thought would make the character as woobie as possible.
And, even assuming that all these diagnoses are correct, that still wouldn't mean Zhen Yuan's feelings for Shou Yi aren't real. To claim so is ableist and wrong.
Pei Shou Yi himself says he suffers from an affective disorder (but never specifies which one) but if he suddenly declared he had feelings for Zhen Yuan, nobody would call him crazy.
A third series was teased, and I'd like to see Bing Wei and Zhe Yu's wedding, because that proposal scene was lovely and they're the most sensible couple on this show.
I can't give this as high a rating as 'No. 1 For You', but I still rate this highly and I did enjoy most of it. It is fairly re-watchable and I give this my sincere recommendation.
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A second chance romance
Is it strange to be in love with someone for that long of a period? Breaking up and moving on are two very different things, especially when the breakup of the reason may have been a reason beyond your control. I think this is the central question of this season and I love it for exploring this because I love second stories.Sam and YU is phenomenal.. I usually get annoyed with the long scenes with silence but i think with this series it was necessary because of the intensity of it. The chemistry between them is insane and i feel every bit of it.
As far as the kissing scene- I thought they did a good job at towing the line between passion and force. There is a reason people having been calling these scenes the “most sincere kisses ever” because they are. There is no awkwardness, just natural affection. A whole series can be ruined for me by insincere or stilted kisses. I would there be nothing than to taint a good story with a fish eyed kisses.
I loved this series and I look forward to how they will expand Pei Shou and Yu Zhen Xuan’s story in the upcoming spin off.
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To sum it up? Several great scenes worth reblogging in gif form, as a whole nothing really special, though. But since it’s just 6 eps, each 30 or so min. long, give it a try and see for yourself? That would be my advice. Maybe you will love it.
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