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Uma das minhas preferidas
Assisti essa série no lançamento, vendo ep a ep, e no decorrer dela, vi muitas pessoas falando mal, até hoje ainda não entendi o porquê.A série é um romance universitário clichê, com o detalhe que ambos são bem disputados. No início algumas coisas me deixaram confusa, mas tal qual uma teia, todos os episódios iam se completando, fechando as lacunas e me deixando mais apaixonada pelos personagens. As mulheres não foram taxadas como tóxicas, as famílias maravilhosas, e a história de amor se desenvolveu até chegar em seu ápice.
Minha única crítica é sobre o pobre P'Joong ter ficado sozinho no final, ele merecia um relacionamento, e também não aprovei o beijo que Kluen deu em Dao enquanto ele dormia, portanto, sem consentimento. Fora isso, tenho apenas elogios.
O elenco dessa série é maravilhoso, tanto atuaram muito bem, como combinaram perfeitamente com os personagens. A ost dessa série é divina, eu amei ver o Kluen sofrendo com a ost que ele mesmo estava cantando (kkkkk).
A fotografia dessa série é muito linda, as locações são perfeitas. Já vi, revi e ainda não cansei de ver esse hino. Recomendo muito que as pessoas assistam esses 8 eps de puro amor e fofura.
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Para mim, valeu apena assistir mais de duas vezes
Este foi o segundo dorama bl que eu assisti, e devo admitir que amei, desde do primeiro capítulo que fiquei completamente apaixonada pelo casal principal, assisti este dorama no final de 2022 e foi uma das melhores experiências que tive, tanto que fiquei com "ressaca de bls" e não consegui assisti nada por pelos três semanas.Aos meus olhos, o casal principal Daonuea (Dunk Natachai) e Kluen (Joong Archen) tem uma ótima química, o bl me fez chorar, me deixou triste e contente pelo final feliz. Devo mencionar que a cada frase no final dos capítulos me deixava com uma leve angústia, as frases mexia muito com os meus sentimentos.
Enfim, eu amei o bl, amei os sentimentos que ele provocou em mim, amei o elenco, os atores.
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Esse é o primeiro bl dos joongdunk que assisto, achei uma mistura soft e dramático, gostei sim, achei que cada um deles mostraram seu empenho e emoção nos personagens, mas sinto que falta algo não dá parte deles, mas sim do contexto da história, tem muitas partes que que fugiu da proposta que foi dada e não culpo eles por isso. Começou bem e terminou com um final que eu já esperava, mas algumas coisas do final não fizeram sentindo tipo o acontecido com o irmão do nuea, sabe o que aconteceu depois?.Descobri que tem uma parte dois de star & sky com a continuação do que aconteceu com irmão dele e como ele vai superar o antigo amor. Acho que muitos não sabiam disso, mas enfim só falando.
De verdade é bom star in my mind, mas poderia ter sido bem melhor, com dois teimosos e cabeça dura sendo que uma conversa resolveria tudo isso, porém entendo o ponto de vista do kluen, e não julgo porque de verdade existe pessoas que não sabem se expressar e lidar com isso, nós temos que ter paciência e admiro muito o fato do nuea ter tido essa paciência de esperar por ele mesmo tendo se machucado. No final ambos se amavam e acho que sobre isso, tempo, espaço e momentos certos e aprendizados porque pro kluen com certeza foi um aprendizado ele ter tido coragem, ter consigo se expressar da forma com ele queria e ter demonstrado amor pelo nuea, só foi por um lado mais difícil e doloroso, mas compreendo o desenvolvimento de cada um.
Acho que as pessoas que falam mal buscavam algo que se frustraram ao não encontrar e tá tudo bem, cada um tem um modo de enxergar as coisas, mas acho que vocês deveriam ter enxergado com outros olhos.
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não dá pra negar que esse BL é muito cliché, mas isso não é negativo, ele tem momentos realmente engraçados de humor e momentos muito lindos e fofos dos joongdunk, o que tira pontos é alguns conflitos que são... desnecessários e a falta de desenvolvimento de alguns tópicos, mas tirando os defeitos, é divertido de assistir e de passar o tempo!!! não é enjoativo (eu acabei no mesmo dia que comecei) e deixa um quentinho no coração, recomendo para quem deseja passar o tempo sem se preocupar com histórias tão complexas, um romance simples está ótimo!!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Um romance leve, mas com espaço para evolução
Star In My Mind traz uma história envolvente e doce, focada em sentimentos não correspondidos e segundas chances no amor. A narrativa é bem construída e consegue captar a atenção do público com uma combinação de momentos emocionantes e clichês adoráveis.- Motivos da resenha -
1. História (8.5/10): O enredo é simples, mas eficiente. Ele aborda com delicadeza temas como aceitação, amizade e o amadurecimento emocional, o que cria uma boa conexão com os espectadores.
2. Música (9.5/10): A trilha sonora é um dos grandes destaques da série. As músicas complementam perfeitamente os momentos emocionais e ajudam a construir a atmosfera romântica.
3. Valor de Reassistir (10/10): É o tipo de série que você pode revisitar quando quiser algo leve e reconfortante.
Pontos a Melhorar:
1. Atuação/Elenco (7.5/10): Embora o elenco tenha química, algumas performances poderiam ser mais naturais. Certos momentos pareciam um pouco forçados, principalmente em cenas de maior carga emocional. Isso poderia ter sido trabalhado com mais profundidade.
2. Desenvolvimento dos Personagens: Alguns personagens coadjuvantes poderiam ter tido um arco mais bem explorado, o que daria mais camadas à história principal.
Star In My Mind é um BL que encanta pelo charme de sua simplicidade. Ele não é perfeito, mas tem um coração que brilha através de suas falhas. É uma boa escolha para quem busca um romance leve com momentos fofos, mas que também deixa um gostinho de querer mais em termos de atuação e profundidade de enredo.
Nota Geral: 9/10
sou uma grande fã de Joongdunk, inclusive, os divos merecem muito! 🥰
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Tutorial básico de como estragar uma série: tenha uma boa premissa e execute cada vez pior a medida que o tempo passa.Basicamente é a história de "amor não reciproco" que você descobre com o passar do tempo que não era bem assim.
Daonuea é um personagem tão ruim que eu nem sei por onde começar. Ele amava Khabkluen desde a escola e quando volta da Alemanha eles tão na mesma faculdade, então ele começa uma narrativa de que não conhece o Khabkluen e automaticamente todos os garotos estão interessados nele (bobagem pura). Ele é tão péssimo que ao longo dos episódios vai brincando com os sentimentos das pessoas que gostam dele (o que é culpa de um ponto que eu detesto em todos os romances asiáticos, simplesmente ninguém em nenhum drama sabe impor limites quando alguém gosta de você e você não gosta da pessoa, ninguém nunca diz não e se afasta).
Ele é compreensivo e ajuda o irmão e os amigos mas nunca se esforça para entender minimamente o Khabkluen revelando uma personalidade mimada e mesquinha, a cena da Gia com um um problema e ligando para o Khabkluen que obviamente ficou muito abalado com a ligação e logo em seguida o Daonuea pedindo pra ele escolher entre ele e ela é ridícula. Todo mundo tem uma chance de se explicar para ele, menos o cara que ele diz amar.
Khabkluen é reservado e misterioso e no começo isso funcionou muito bem, mas com o passar do tempo foi se tornando um pouco cansativo pois em contraste com a personalidade mimada e infantil do Daonuea causou muitos problemas.
Em geral é uma história fraca, sem personagens marcantes, com pouca química entre o casal e muitas cenas desnecessárias de brigas que poderiam ser evitadas se tivesse tido algum tipo de evolução em seus personagens (porque o desenvolvimento é terrível). Não tem uma cena memorável e as cenas de casal não me convencem, culpa da química e roteiro que elaborou cenas bobas e fracas.
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Daonuea? Cute, chill, awkward. Somehow have like 3 guys after him, go figure. At the same time, I hated him. He claimed to care for people and their feelings while also acting like a coward leading people for whom he obviously has no feelings. It’s not like he was truly an awful character, he had his moments and overall I enjoy his interaction, sadly only with people that had no romantic links to him.
Then we have Khabkhluen… I don’t even know where to start. His whole story? Ain’t buying it. This level of lack of communication, but also ONLY when it involves Daonuea? Ain’t buying it. The “progression” of his feelings? Ain’t buying it. He was just poorly written, that’s that. While it was fun to watch his silent moody demeanor at first, as the drama progressed I simply got tired with it, since the guy had like -10000 initiation levels. He just did not do anything.
I don’t care enough about the side characters to write about them. Some had some random not well executed last minute stories presented, but who cares? Not me.
I think my biggest issue was how they built the conflict, or rather dropped it out of nowhere. What it felt like - they obviously did not have enough plot for 8 episodes, so they had to invent some random issues that had no place to exist and be part of the show, that’s how ridiculous they were.
The acting was… mediocre? I was fine with most scenes, but the cast failed me with anything involving deeper emotions.
Overall, damn this was disappointing. It had a decent start with the first two or three episodes, and went DOWNHILL from there.
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The story of Dao, the not so bright star
The biggest problem with Star in My Mind is the fact that it only has two real characters, and the entire plot is driven by one of them. Unlike almost every single BL in existence, this show is exclusively about Dao and Kluen, and every aspect revolves around Dao. There are no side characters, nobody has a story or plot outside of things that directly affect Dao. No character has motivations, a plot, interactions or even scenes if Dao is not a part, or is the topic. So, if you don’t like Dao, like me by the end, there’s nothing left to like. And that’s such a shame, because the friends showed enough charisma to help Star in My Mind.Dao is the worst type of protagonist, the type that’s dumb, really dumb. And he’s paired with a love interest that’s not good with expressing his feelings. That’s a great combination for disaster. Dao was unable to get any of the signs from Kluen, when they were so obvious that everyone else knew. And that’s even worse if we consider that, the biggest moments were just between them, so other people didn’t even know about. Like the birthday dinner with the mom, the talk by the poll, the “have a safe fight” line, the backstage talk during the contest… I’m not even going to mention the “fake boyfriends for 24h” ideia. It’s probably the worst plot device ever created to separate a couple in a BL, even worse than the famous “someone is traveling to another country in the last episode”, which, in this case, was how the story started.
It also really rubbed me the wrong way how Dao handled the moment when Kluen had to go off to help Gia. That was the moment when he crossed into unlikable territory for me. Kluen was clearly shaken when talking to her on the phone. So, I have zero sympathy for Dao at that moment, specially when he tried to make Kluen choose between him and Gia. By looking at his reaction, you’d think Kluen was running away with his ex and leaving Dao at the alter. They weren’t even boyfriends at that point!
Dao reminds me a bit of Kao, from Dark Blue Kiss, who also suffered from a complete inability to tell people he was not interested, and chaos followed. But Kao had a major advantage, he was part of a pair that had several sweet and romantic scenes. Dao on the other hand, spent the entire series being in love with Kluen, but suddenly decides to play it cool when he finally got Kluen to admit he’s been in love him him for years.
These two have been in love for 2/3 years. They’ve given each other all the signs that the feelings are mutual. But even after the kisses and confessions, I got zero romantic chemistry between them even in their most romantic scenes, like at the end of episode 7. Honestly, I would’ve expected Dao to love hearing Kluen call him his boyfriend, kiss him or call him Dao.
I also have a major problem with how this show decided to use Georgia being in a violent relationship as a cheap trick to cause conflict. This series doesn’t have the capacity of tackling such a delicate and serious issue.
This was Dunk’s first role, and starting as a protagonist is not easy. But, it was very clear that the emotional scenes were very weak, specially if he needed to cry. I feel like Dao should’ve been way more emotional in several moments, like the conversation at the bridge or the confession in the parking lot. There were a few tears, but I didn’t really feel it from him in those moments. In happy scenes I think the acting was better. Outside of the show, be on social media or videos, Joong and Dunk really seem to have a good chemistry, but that didn’t translate into the screen, specially in the romantic department.
Episode 8 really didn’t need to exist, since nothing really happens, and the bracelet scene could’ve been the ending of episode 7. The connection between Star and Sky could have been a short bonus video after the credits.
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IDK why GMMTV are pushing out these mediocre BLs..
I don't have much to say about this series because I felt like I watched 8 episodes of nothing. Everyone was just running around and laughing and crying and kissing and then eventually it ended. This was just a cash-grab for GMMTV, not that their other BLs aren't, but this had no plot, no real conflict, or anything essential to the story that made it an ounce interesting. Star in My Mind is basically GMMTV's version of 2 moons 2, but only with one couple. That's the best way to put it.Let's Dive In.
Star In My Mind is about our main lead, Nuea, who's had the biggest crush on Kluen ever since high school. They then find themselves in college together going for the Moon title. They ignite a friendship that turns romantic and, plot twist! Kuen's always had feelings for him too! and then the end. No literally, that's the story. Other than some irrelevant conflicts to get in between our main couple, nothing else happens. It's a cat and mouse chase, with aggravating miscommunication and misunderstandings. If anyone was coming for an interesting plot, then don't bother wasting your time here. They could've wrapped up Kluen and Nuea's story if you take out the majority of their problems. There are only a few incidents in which the show has caught my interest until it throws me out of its doors and into traffic.
For one, I did at one point, fall for the love triangle. I was mostly on Phoon's side since he was way more open with his feelings than Kluen was, but then he goes and disrespects Nuea's space by kissing him to prove a point to Kluen, and I was over it. I also liked the way they handled Gia and Kluen's relationship. Instead of her being a jealous ex, she helps Nuea (even if it is very unnecessary) and it's nice to see two people care deeply for one another without it having to be romantic. Fah was also a delight to watch. I loved his and Nuea's dynamic, and he was pretty much the caring older brother who gave great advice. He played his part right in making me more interested in watching his love story in Sky In My Heart.
I have no bad blood with any of the characters. I actually think it's this show's stronger suit since they all were charismatic and brought along some needed elements. I truly love Maitee with all of me, and I want to see him have his one series. Everyone played their part by being there for both Kluen and Nuea. Again, JJ was used as a side role, and it's part of my hatred for this series. get him his own Series!!!! Now!!!!!!
My theory is that Joong and Dunk didn't really know each other that well when they first started filming this, cause I absolutely hated the first and second episodes. They were awkward, stiff, and had zero connection. It gets a bit better by episode three, and then from there, their relationship is a least a little bit more convincing. As I explained earlier, they had no real conflict keeping them from being together. It was literally the writers making these two the most non-communicative human beings in the world. Half of everything could've been solved with conversations. And then they throw in an extremely unnecessary forced kiss between the two of them, and I've never wanted to punch my screen so bad as I did at that moment. Their story would've been much more entertaining if the writers would've done at least two more minutes of brainstorming. The last episode was the only one I didn't watch in 2x speed, and that was only cause they give a little more focus to Fah, whose two extra minutes of screentime was more interesting than this entire series.
Story: 5 - Enchante at least had a plot worthy of interest. Nothing ever caught my attention enough for me to just really enjoy this. Some chunks here and there, but this is probably the blandest story of 2022. I'll only give it five stars for the way they set up Fah's story for Sky In My Heart.
Acting: 8 - It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. Joong's acting felt a bit weird, and Dunk was a bit stiff at times. For Pawin to have such a small role, he really stood out the most. Mek also did a good job. Everyone else was decent.
Music: 6 - Fine. Didn't really pay attention to it.
Rewatch Value: 1 - not likely.
I originally watched this only for Joong cause I missed him dearly, but this wasn't the series I would've put him in for his comeback into the BL community. If anything, I wish they would've spent more time on finding him the perfect role instead of pushing him into the first one available. Dunk was fine, but I probably wouldn't have hired him to play in this series, let alone a BL. He just kind of fits awkwardly, and it makes for an odd watch. I don't recommend this unless you want to see Joong or to get some context for the Sky In My Heart, otherwise, don't bother.
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I didn’t think I’d like this, but I really did
I’ve watched so many college BLs. And just when I thought I couldn’t possibly be satisfied by yet another 2 young and dumb boys … I SOMEHOW LOVE THIS!The story of Kluen and Daonuea is a classic tale of meeting your high school crush after entering college and falling in love with them (all over again). Variations of this plot have been done to death – recall 2moons, 2gether and Bad Buddy? OK, so the plot isn’t terribly original, but so what?
I think Joong and Dunk have created a pretty solid product together with their chemistry. It’s always the chemistry that makes or breaks a typical plot or trope.
The entire show is a string of misunderstandings that could have been averted if they were brave enough to speak plainly from the start. But as the web gradually untangles and their feelings for each other are uncovered, this frustrating rollercoaster ride turns out to be quite lovely and rewarding after all.
Yes, this is yet another college BL. And one day, maybe this high school sweetheart plot will well and truly go extinct. But not this time. And until then, please take it from me: Go watch Star In My Mind.
My full review here:
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Basic and easily forgetful series, wasted potential and gave NOTHING
Finally a series where the story is not dragged for 10+ episodes but it's nicely done for the amount of episodes it had.( total of 8 episodes)
The story itself is not something new, we've seen this concept over and over again, and these companies and writers really need to come up with something new because this is boring and repetitive.
However, I enjoyed the actors, they really made this show shine with their visuals, but the acting was weird and cringey sometimes. Everything felt so stiff
and awkward for me, but the chemistry between the leads was fine. There is a room for improvement as always, but the acting and the story, the plot development was the weakest part of this series. And it's predictable which shows that it's an easy type of a story to follow but a really, really weak writing. The music was decent, nothing special to be honest
It's not the best, nor the worst drama out there. It's in the middle for me.
Pretty much is a basic series with predictable storyline, weak writing, awkward acting and meeh music and you will easily forget about it. Would I recommend this? Decent time killer, but don't expect miracles.
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