Apaixonada por BL
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 18, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Muitos temas importantes de forma leve

Inicialmente, essa série não me convenceu... a mistura de realidade e fantasia só é boa quando o roteiro é muito bom e é muito bem dirigida, então não queria perder tempo arriscando. Quando soube da existência de um casal BL e um GL, aí fiquei interessada (dramas héteros não são minha praia)

Sobre o roteiro: A série fala sobre um jovem adolescente chamado Alex, que depois de uma festa muito louca com os amigos da escola/universidade(não entendi direito), acorda no futuro sem se lembrar de como foi parar ali, num mundo onde todos os seus amigos existem e estão vivendo suas vidas de forma boa ou não, mas com destinos que foram modificados naquela festa, onde Alex fotografou a todos com uma máquina que agora pode ser considerada estranha, e essas fotos agora tem uma ligação bizarra com esse futuro paralelo. Para conseguir voltar no tempo e impedir que as coisas tomem esse rumo, Alex precisa da ajuda dos amigos para resolver o mistério das fotos, e isso vai ser feito falando de temas muitooooo importantes e com muitas doses de humor. As histórias de vários personagens acontecem de forma paralela e entrelaçada, mas de forma que nenhuma se sobreponha às outras e se desenvolvam de forma uniforme, esse é um dos pontos mais legais da série. É nítido que a série é uma super produção, mas sem um roteiro bom e bem dirigido, com certeza o produto final seria duvidoso.

Os assuntos abordados nessa série são muito interessantes, polêmicos e importantes, devem ter causado um grande alvoroço na sociedade conservadora da Tailândia. Apesar da abordagem ter sido feita com respeito, propriedade e humor, com certeza essa série foi uma destruidora de tabus. A série também trabalha muito com o elemento surpresa, pois a cada episódio tem um novo plow twist.

Primeiro ponto: Alex e Jean. Alex abusou sexualmente dela na referida festa, num momento em que ambos estavam bêbados. Nesse futuro paralelo, apesar de Jean ser uma mulher de sucesso, uma boa profissional e aparentemente uma mulher forte, ela não conseguiu se livrar do trauma do abuso sofrido e isso a impede de se relacionar com quem quer que seja, mesmo que ela goste da pessoa. Ela não perdoa Alex apesar do desespero dele em tentar provar que mudou, também nunca falou a ninguém sobre o assunto... uma clara alusão ao ciclo de violência sofrida por milhares de mulheres que sofrem caladas com seus traumas, sem ter coragem de denunciarem os agressores e convivendo sozinhas com suas dores físicas e psicológicas. Como o Alex do futuro é ginecologista, existe uma ênfase no sexo seguro e à outros temas ligados a sexo que vão surgir. Não é possível para mim passar pano para o que ele fez, mas é importante citar que ele não fugiu de sua responsabilidade e fez até o impossível para reverter seus erros, pois ele se culpa e busca o perdão dela, e isso traz a reflexão de que ele pôde voltar no tempo e resolver tudo, mas na vida real não é assim.

Segundo ponto: See-ew e Liu. A série mostra eles no futuro como um casal que não mantém relações sexuais, porém See-ew é alguém que tem muitos fetiches e desejos sexuais que ele não compartilha com sua namorada. Essa insegurança dele, e o medo de se abrir com ela, mesmo que ambos se amem e exista uma relativa confiança entre eles, aparentemente é fruto do passado, quando ele era rejeitado devido à sua aparência e jeito de ser, que fez com que ele não tenha coragem de se abrir por medo de rejeição. No final tudo se resolve, e Liu também percebe que gosta dos fetiches dele e sente desejo de transar, mas ela antes também não tinha coragem de falar sobre o assunto, e os dois calados em seus mundos se afastaram. Esse núcleo também trouxe um outro tema importante: o assédio sexual que Liu sofria no trabalho, pelo seu patrão que era bem mais velho que ela, e não denunciava por medo de perder o emprego.

Terceiro ponto: Army e Joe. Sinceramente, um dos pontos mais importantes da série é quando Joe se assume assexual, pois esse assunto é sumariamente ignorado quase sempre! Army teve que controlar seus impulsos sexuais para se adaptar a Joe, pois além de tudo, Army aceitava sua sexualidade e Joe não conseguia se entender. Resolvidos os problemas, Joe não era realmente assexual, porém foi importante abordar esse tema, e principalmente a forma respeitosa como Army lidou com ele.

Quarto ponto: Kim e Ice. A história deles mostra um casal no início de suas carreiras profissionais, quando Kim engravida.
Essa parte é um pouco chocante no começo, pois Ice, apesar da pouca idade, não cogita um aborto e começa a fazer um milhão de planos, enquanto Kim, que não se sente pronta para ser mãe, decide sozinha interromper a gravidez. Esse tema envolveu diálogos riquíssimos, tanto com Jean, que ouviu Kim sem preconceitos e julgamentos, tanto com Alex, que foi necessário para fazer seu irmão Ice entender a decisão da namorada, e apoiá-la no final, com muito amor e respeito.

Quinto ponto: Nim e Molly (e Bew). Esse núcleo também fala de temas importantes. Nim e Molly foram as primeiras namoradas uma da outra, mas nesse futuro paralelo elas terminaram. Molly segue sua vida, tentando alavancar sua carreira de atriz, enfrentando o estigma de não ser uma mulher com um corpo que se adequa às exigências do mercado, ao padrão de beleza considerado ideal, mesmo com seu talento. É importante que a líder do projeto seja uma mulher empoderada (Jean), que não permite que Molly desista de seu sonho, e além da oportunidade, também dá o apoio necessário. Devido aa esse trabalho Molly reencontra Nim, agora uma dona de academia, que namora com Bew, uma garota com quem tinha um relacionamento tão sério, que Nim aceitou engravidar artificialmente e ter um filho com ela, um assunto bem polêmico na Tailândia. Com esse reencontro Bew, de uma insensibilidade e falta de responsabilidade afetiva gigante, simplesmente abandona Nim por ciúmes, sem esperar pra saber se a inseminação artificial deu certo, abandonando Nim grávida. Quando Nim e Molly voltam a ficar juntas, outro tema entra em questão: Nim quer apenas uma bed friend, e Molly não aceita ser apenas isso. Além disso, o tema do aborto volta à cena, e mesmo o aborto no primeiro trimestre de gravidez sendo permitido por lei na tailândia, dois abortos numa mesma série que já traz tantas polêmicas é algo bem corajoso de se mostrar.

Sexto ponto: Jedi e Rose. Rose é uma mulher trans que namora com Jedi, isso por si só já é uma polêmica. Junto a isso vem o fato de ambos terem um relacionamento aberto, que é outro tema contraditório. Os dois enfrentam preconceitos, mas o amor entre eles não se abala.

Sétimo ponto: Kat. Ela também tem um trauma, sempre foi uma mulher que viveu livremente e isso, como é comum no mundo machista em que vivemos, custou caro. Ela, por não querer se apegar, acabou sofrendo violência física de um homem que não aceitou ser rejeitado, e adquirindo traumas horríveis. Seu único alento era o amigo Alex, que sempre a recebia sem julgamentos, e suas amigas mais próximas. Gostei do desfecho da história dela.

Na verdade, todas as histórias tiveram um final feliz. O que me incomodou foi a forma como tudo se resolveu... do nada aparece um padrasto de Alex com uma história sem pé nem cabeça sobre a câmera, que faz com que tudo se resolva magicamente, pensei que teríamos um desfecho mais elaborado.

Os outros pontos, como atuação, ost, filmografia, fotografia, química entre personagens, tudo isso esteve perfeito.

Muito provavelmente não vou rever a série, já que já conheço todos os desfechos, mas realmente gostaria que todos pudessem assistir.

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32 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0

It adressed some really important issues in a very respectful way

I am usually not a fan of series where characters travel forwards in time, so I wasn’t going to watch it at first. But then I saw some scenes about Army and Joe and those go me hooked, so I decided to give the show a try. And before I knew it, I was not very patiently waiting for new episodes each week.

The series is amazing! I really like that the cast was given mature roles instead of just making it a high school series. I feel like the topics addressed in the series can be better portrayed with some maturity from the characters. Even if there are a lot of comedic scenes, the series takes a very healthy and open-minded approach to relationships, intimacy, kinks, and sexuality. I really want to point out that seeing an asexual person and them expressing their lack of need for intimacy was really refreshing to see, especially as asexuality is often ignored (I was wrong on this - the character in question is actually a side, check the comments for more info). The fact that Alex is a gynecologist also helps to open topics such as STDs and safe sex.

We get to meet a lot of side characters that each have their own very detailed story, but I didn’t find it overwhelming, as they all connect in the end. Alex had quite a few photo mysteries to solve, not all of which were love problems. I don’t want to give any spoilers, so I am not going to say who ended with who when that is not already obvious.

Army & Joe – Fluke and Thor did an amazing job portraying their characters emotions, I could sense when Joe was uncomfortable just by glancing at him. The two characters are quite different but I think that’s what makes them a good match for one another.

Jedi & Rose – I really love their dynamics. It was not really what I expected and the episode dedicated to solving their problems was really interesting. The plot twists were brilliant!

See-ew – I was really interested in what would happen with See-ew once we got to see his future photo as it looked very bad for him. I also like how his kink was not just something that others could make fun off.

Kat – I really appreciated how they approached her picture story. The trauma she experienced was not taken lightly, not by her nor the others around her. It was refreshing to see, as many series and movies just ignore the amount of damage such an experience can leave.

Nim & Molly & Bew – these three ladies were an interesting bunch. Nim and Molly dated in high school but broke up, so Nim then started dating Bew. I think we saw a lot more growth for two of them, but marking the third one as just plain selfish would be too simple. There is complexity behind her decision that might seem very self-centered and damaging at first.

Alex – he showed a lot of growth and understanding for what was happening and what has happened in the past. He fully accepted his responsibility for the hurt he had caused to those around him. He did try his best to correct his wrongdoings, but he never denied his responsibility. And that is something that I really appreciate, no matter how much I wanted to hate him at some point. Not all mistakes can be fixed, and that is something we need to learn and accept.

Jean – she was a badass character! I enjoyed her high school self, her activism and the way she clearly expressed what she wants. Her story is probably the one that hurt the most, I was upset for guessing right what happened. I like how supportive she is to those around her, friends or not.

As for the ending, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for. I do understand why they decided to end it as they did though. I was not really happy with how they handled Jean's story towards the end of the series, which did bring my rating down.

I know a lot of people are / were bothered by the reason why Alex is solving all this mysteries and trying to make things better. I do agree that the whole idea that his main end goal is to be able to climax again is just ridiculous. But to be honest, it completely slipped my mind most of the time. Only when it was brought up by the characters did I actually remember it. So while it was not my favorite end goal, it wasn't that bothersome.

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Lupus in Fabula
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 14, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Humorous, bold, educational, raw and empowering

This is a show full of flawed but ultimately lovable characters and their struggles in fields of love, sex, health and friendships. It's unlike any other Thai production I've seen and it feels fresh in themes and execution, each episode introducing something new and unexpected. Praise goes to the actors too as this series doesn't lack daring and difficult scenes. The plot is well-constructed and all storylines intertwine nicely without feeling forced and unnatural, each of them carrying a different important message. Even when it's as subtle as a brick, show's heart is in the right place and its straightforward manner is a part of the charm. I highly recommend this series to everyone!

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11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10


Tbh, i had many doubts about this series. I think i started watching it after it already aired for 7 or 8 episodes. Because i am a polka and where is New or Tay, i am there also i had a duty to see it:)) however i still struggled when it came to bringing myself to watch it and questioned my loyalty at some point ° ~°
But because i am subscribed to gmmtv channel i kept seeing highlights on my wall, slowly it grew on me because i found myself laughing at the characters antics. So, after i binge watched first 8 episodes cause i had to catch up, i was hooked! I was counting the days until next Monday, and i am not usually into time travel series and stuff but this one had so many interesting stories and tackled so many sensitive subjects in such a fun and respectful way that i simply got to love it. The actors were great with small hiccups here and there but nothing to be upset about. Army and Joe... Mannnn,those two need their own series, fr! The chemistry was top notch *chef's kiss*
Anyways, this series needs more hype and publicity even if for nothing else than the subjects it tackles that everyone has something to learn about!!! GO WATCH IT! are you still here?! Go go go !!! Its on Youtube, on GMMtv's channel, and for FREE! so no reason for whining about any subscription fees. Ok, Bye!

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7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 6, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Truly watch to understand all the issued addressed

When I started this show I was not expecting much especially since I don’t watch many series in the comedy genre so I felt very indifferent about it. Consider me shocked when I gave it a shot and I DO NOT REGRET my decision. 

I am amazed at the messages this show addresses. It covers a range of issues regarding sex (i.e. "straight v gay" sex [as they described it], communication, kinks, relationships), lgbtq+, pregnancy, and friendship in a very comical (light?) manner. They even slightly address how discriminatory the entertainment industry can be behind closed doors. Although I wish they kept some of the seriousness of it when they are discussed I understand some of these topics are heavy for some. I enjoyed how they managed to put all of this in a very chaotic show-- making the topics somewhat lighter.

The only reason I didn't rate it a 10 is b/c the comedy genre aspect of it somewhat takes away from its many many messages. After watching Ep 9, I must say this show continues to be unique. I loved the communication and the portrayal of the characters at the reality of having STDs, communication with your partner, the scare, and just everything about it. I also appreciated the message behind surrogacy, the right to choose, parenting, and being a gay closeted man in order to protect your employment. 

Another thing I enjoy about the series is that it takes time to address all the stories it creates for each character without it feeling rushed or not fully developed. 

The preview for ep 10 seems to address the issues of sexual harassment at work and homophobia. I am excited to see how these two issues will be portrayed in the following episodes. 

 This show may even reach a 9 rate if it continues as it is now. I truly enjoy watching these issues being addressed, in general, and I find it new and refreshing that it's being portrayed in a funny "time travel" plot.

Some of the highlights for me are the introduction of a non-binary character and how they navigate themselves in the entertainment industry and surrogacy.

The series was done well overall, I disliked the ending a bit cause it felt like so many things going on but I also understood that the ML was trying to mend things right there and then so that the future does not turn out as it did. Overall, I loved the series due to the number of topics it hit in the alternative future (since it was all a "could have been this way" if the ML made the same choices). I enjoyed the small fluff ending despite it feeling rushed and it gets a 9 RATE FOR ME. I would recommend this show. ALL THESE TOPICS DISCUSSED are phenomenal.

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7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Sex Education Thailand - A Different Attempt Taken By GMMTV

It wasn't planned that I would watch this drama. But when the first episode released I just couldn't control myself. Now if you have seen the first episode you will realize that that very one episode made this drama very very special. It was cute but complicated which will keep you till the end.

As a early teenager when I found out what really sex is all about I felt really disgusted. But only later I found out most of the people did too. Haha

I have to say that all the characters were perfectly written. The concept was clear with a mystery in it. Which makes the drama more interesting is as we get to know each characters better each episodes. Many different topics were discussed in this drama. Especially different kinds of sexual preferences and how the society reacts to them.

Taking about the characters

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15 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Mixed Feelings Galore: Fantastic rep, but...

Oh boy. This is truly a difficult drama to write a review for. There’s so much going on here. Some, brilliantly written and portrayed. Some, truly hard to come by in media and dramaland. Some, well-intentioned but poorly written. And some, just poorly considered in general.

There are spoilers, sectioned off to the bottom, because it was impossible to make my review make sense without them. But they are clearly marked and separated as such, should anyone want my general thoughts only.

Based on the premise and advertisements, I was expecting a lot of cringe. Thankfully, there wasn’t as much as anticipated. They also became fewer as the story continued on. I would still say it’s much like a mash-up of the western stories “13 Going on 30” and “Sex Education,” but I found this mash-up itself not as unagreeable as initially presumed.

I think the biggest appeal to this drama is the representation and discussions.

Throughout the drama we get to watch as these initially unhealthy relationships resolve their individual and collective problems to become more healthy - for themselves and each other. There’s a lot of growth in these characters - something that I, as a character-driven consumer, love to see.

We also have completely human and developed trans AND nonbinary representation. We have straight, gay, and lesbian romance storylines with near equal prominence. A prominent storyline about BDSM and kink, that’s partially played for laughs, but also gets serious and reflective. We also get to see a side gay character. While some viewers may interpret this character as being asexual (and it’s totally within their rights to headcanon him as such), it’s important to recognize that this bedroom preference (rather opposite to a vers you could say) is rarely seen in media or discussed. So, while I only pressed play on this drama for the possible asexuality, I do not regard him as such - nor do I mind that he’s not.

There were also great topics about outing and being out, trauma, pregnancy, identity, workplace harassment, prejudice, safe sex practices, non-monogamy, and consent. Important topics. Topics that need to be discussed. A lot of these felt rather rushed in resolution, but understandably so given the amount of different problems and plot lines were packed into this drama. But uniting all of these plotlines is the notion that a singular moment can forever change you and your relationships moving forward. And that regret and forgiveness are powerful forces that shouldn’t be underestimated or scoffed at.

Romance wise, I actually found myself torn between the obviously end-game couple and each of their rival love interests. Especially since I did not feel that the ML (Alex) is actually IN love with the FL (Jean). He admires and cares about her for sure, but in love? I’m not convinced. And I can’t help but think it’s the writing or the lack of focus on this supposed romance, as New has sold me on his romances before (in the Kiss franchise and in Put Your Head on my Shoulder).

I loved the soundtrack (shazamed quite a few of them), but the fact that seemingly the majority of them were in English has me wondering who exactly the intended audience of this drama is meant to be? *side-eyeing GMMTV*


My main issue is about the central premise. The main conflict centers around consent. It even gives straight up literal lectures on the subject. But yet never seems to address that one cannot consent when drunk.

Here’s the main premise:

Alex made a vow of chastity to his mother that he would be a virgin until he’s 18 (because turning 18 totally inherently changes his maturity). On the day before his birthday, Alex goes to a party and one of his crushes (because he has two), Jean, proposes that they have sex. So excited that he forgets his vow, despite it being on his mind all the way up until this moment, goes in search of a condom. Alex’s friend then forces him to drink a bucket full of strong alcohol in order to “earn” said condom.

Now thoroughly drunk, so drunk that he doesn’t register witnessing anything, being kissed twice, or even getting punched, the only thing keeping him moving forward is the thought of having sex with Jean (who has, by the way, decided to take some shots to keep her courage up). Is this unrealistic to the reality of being drunk? Possibly. But this is how the drama presents it.

Now Alex and Jean are both inebriated and having sex. Jean sobers up and withdraws her consent upon realizing that Alex forgot to put the condom, that he went through all that trouble for, on. She tries to get him to stop. But he’s so far gone from being drunk (remember, he didn’t even register that he was punched just a minute ago) that he doesn’t notice.

So Jean comes out of this experience traumatized (rightfully and understandably so).
The Alex that resumes that timeline is praised for his actions that night, and like a teenager, gets swept away by the fame of it all.
The Alex we come to know gets plummeted into the future, seemingly punished for committing this act of now mutually non-consensual intercourse just seconds before turning 18.

So now we have two victims of this action. Yes, Jean was way worse off than Alex, but they are still both victims. The script makes relative light of both of them as both of them paint themselves as the bigger/only victim.

But while this story had the chance to actually paint Alex as the victim he should be, we see that his only sustained concern throughout the drama is being able to climax again. So he goes around dropping these bombs of wisdom and compassion and relentlessly pursuing Jean to reconcile.

For one, reconciliation should be on her terms and her terms alone.
Secondly, while Alex’s actions suggest that he does care for his friends while he’s solving their problems, this concern doesn’t seem to linger. Instead, it comes back to “fixing the curse.” Not so that he can fix all these problems. Not so that he can go back to the past (heck, he doesn’t even grieve the loss of his beloved grandfather for more than a few seconds). But so that he can climax again.

Talk about insensitive and immature. Like, we come to like this character through the actions he takes with his friends’ problems, but then these points get brought up again and remind us that this character is a teenager. It creates a strange unbelievable dichotomy that’s hard to keep up with.

And then there’s the way Jean’s story is framed. Jean has sexual trauma from the incident. And period problems (that are brought up for like 2 episodes and never again) presumably from the resultant abortion. Considering how many people are out there in similar situations, the writers really should’ve at least mentioned the notion that one doesn’t require sex to have a good relationship (it would’ve fit the story as well). It paints a story of a woman who is unfulfilled in life, who thinks herself unlovable. And it paints this sexual trauma as not only a problem that needs to be fixed for her to be fulfilled and loved, but an unfixable problem at that. An unfixable problem that gets fixed by Alex going back in time, an option not available to real-life individuals who share her affliction.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.5

Different and Revolutionary for a GMMTV series.

From the very beginning it was obvious than this series was gonna be different from the old, normal series GMMTV has made. It touches on important society issues like consent, sexual identity, mental health, abuse. self-identity, unwanted pregnancy, second chances and familial bonds. The writers did a great job in telling the story of the characters and the issues they were facing. Not one of these issues was handled over the top but rather respectfully and in an important manner. It was easy to root for the characters and what they were going thru. Also the amount of diversity and representation was A+ .
The cast did a good job in playing their characters esp New. GMMTV needs to make more series like this because they are important, esp for young people who watched them.
Highly recommended. And I give it a 9.0.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 28, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Discusses social issues while having a fun story and great characters

I was so very surprised by how good this drama was. The writing was incredible, and all of the characters felt so genuine. The story progressed smoothly and kept me waiting for the next episode each week. It discussed a wide range of topics, but it didn't feel overdone or like it was trying to do too much. I think they made Alex a great ally character in that he was very openminded, but he sometimes overdid it on what he was or how quick he steps up--not that this is a bad thing, but it felt very accurate.
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BL Compilations
21 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 13, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 7
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

groundbreaking in some areas and reinforced stereotypes/terrible in others

Overall: I liked how they brought up several current social issues but episode 6 pretty much wrecked the series for me (see more info in my comment). It is obvious that the 2 directors and 3 writers were all men, this thing will age like milk. Aired on YouTube.
Note: there may be words/discussion in this review that people find triggering.

Content Warnings: rape (beginning of episode 6 more info in my comment), violence/beaten up, kidnapping/held against will, bullying, homophobia, transphobia, non con kissing, non con photo taking/posting, body shaming, sexual harassment, unwanted public outing

What I Liked
- bringing up and educating about social issues, ones I thought they did well include: school having sex education class, abortion, body shaming, non penetrative sex, educating about HPV, addressing transphobia
- sexual orientation and gender diversity (m/m, f/f and m/f couples; non binary character, a trans woman character who isn't the comic relief cliche)
- that they didn't shy away from showing NSFW scenes
- I enjoyed a lot of the music

Room For Improvement
- the writer/s really messed up on several issues:
      1. more information under a comment with spoiler tag but the whole Alex and Jean thing in episode 6, they should have focused on the part with the pictures. The fact that people can't agree that Alex raped Jean (which he 100% did, you can say stop at any point for any reason at all) shows how badly the writers messed this plotline up. And that he continually violates her boundaries by talking to her. His friends come up with the plan to retraumatize Jean by again contacting her and then kissing her in order to get his orgasm back. His friends don't know that Alex raped Jean but Alex definitely knows this and yet he goes along with their plan WTF?!? And I predicted they would end it as they did, vomit.
      2. BDSM conflated with cheating and poor communication - I was so happy to see consensual puppy play but was disappointed they went the poor communication, her not really being into it and him cheating (and yes he emotionally cheated and lied by omission). I didn't want her to take him back (welp update, guess what happened bleh)
     3. Open relationship conflated with poor communication and not as good as monogamy - again I guess it was too much to hope we'd see a healthy open relationship. Instead we got them fighting/hitting each other and really bad communication before they eventually made up. And now it appears they are getting married and end up in a monogamous relationship.
4. Army and Jo - I really wanted them to work through their differences but once again in episode 11 Army is ignoring/pushing Jo's boundaries with what he feels comfortable with. I'm not saying their relationship couldn't work but I wanted to see more communication and mutual decision making. I also didn't like how they made Army violate Alex's boundaries a few times, this felt like the stereotypical gay guy who can't keep his hands off of others.
5. Kat - again they are positioning monogamy as superior to non monogamy
6. The workplace sexual harassment - eventually they showed the boss as a douche but some people are really touchy feely in a non-sexual way. I wanted the writers to make it more clear cut. So have him make an inappropriate remark "your breasts look great in that shirt" or Liu tell him to stop touching her and then he continued. As I later state, it annoyed me that Alex and Ew had to be involved at all/come to the rescue. Instead of Liu punching him, what about getting the boss other consequences like suspended without pay/fired? I would have written this plot differently.

- that Alex continues to be a gynecologist with his only training being a short tutorial on giving a pelvic exam (because that obviously is sufficient instead of years of medical school/internship #sarcasm). He should have taken vacation or a leave of absence. It's insulting that he continues to give (perhaps dangerous and incorrect) medical advice to his patients.
- whatever happened with Jean's endometriosis? (in a comment someone said that this was not endometriosis but was from a poorly done abortion, however, they never explicitly state this so I feel that a very serious medical issue was not resolved/explained well)
- Kat, why did it seem like she was having her mug shots taken? There is 1 line about him being arrested but I would have liked them to actually show him arrested and put into jail.
- too many characters/plots meant not enough screentime/not fully developed characters and plots, I also think they should have reduced the number of social issues and brought them up more organically, it felt like an after school special at some points
- Alex positioned as everyone's savior so that he can climax, this was annoying and shallow. Army even specifically asked Alex not to talk to Jo and Alex ignored him and talked to Jo. Then Alex starts yelling at Liu's boss and ignores her even though she repeatedly asks Alex to stop. They should have focused on going back in time and left the whole orgasm part out of it.
- Ew proposing at his friend's wedding, I thought this was a universal no-no, Ew it isn't your day!
- the writers tried to have flawed/complex characters but instead they made a**hole characters that I don't want to watch/don't want to see certain couples be together
- not satisfied with the ending, obviously the writers haven't heard of the butterfly effect....

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5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 28, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

A well-run progressive series

It's quite amusing to see how GMMTV is capable of the best with courageous and modern series like The Warp Effect or Not Me as well as the worst with product placement infested mawkishness like Fish Upon The Sky and Vice Versa.

Here, many important subjects are tackled with a lot of benevolence: homosexuality, consent, body acceptance, STIs, etc. We are not used to it and it's good to see a serious subject in a series that is more of a comedy. Even if it can seem a bit unrealistic at times, as if the simple fact of talking out loud about a problem with people could solve it, the good intentions are there and that is the main thing.

The actors are good in their roles. However, even if it advocates a certain diversity, the casting is still 90% "light skinned-thin body/muscular". There is still progress to be made, especially when it is one of the subjects treated.

The series is pleasant to watch. I don't know if it will be worth a second viewing. We'll see.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 28, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

Todos deberían ver esta serie.

Toca temas realmente importantes y de una manera muy respetuosa, hay parejas que te enganchan realmente la mía fue la de Army y Joe definitivamente. Sin darme cuenta estaba esperando con ansias cada capítulo.

Es totalmente diferente a cualquier otra serie Tailandesa, realmente superó mis expectativas.

Mi total aplauso a los actores, realmente ame a cada personaje de esta serie, aunque Alex es el protagonista de esta conocer las historias de los personajes secundarios pero no es algo que moleste pues al final todo se conecta.

Tiene toques de humor, pero no dejando de ser serio en los temas que se abordan.

100% recomendado.

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The Warp Effect (2022) poster



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