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Elenco e Créditos
- Ace ToledoBrentPapel Principal
- JM MartinezFrancoPapel Secundário
- Eagle RiggsRestyPapel Secundário

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this was depressing
reading the description u don't really get the magnitude of the plot - watching this, i straight off thought about the movie The Resident (2011) with Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. as there also Hilary's character is drudged and raped by her landlord - and it turns pretty fast into a psychological, horror movie.so kinda got what this was gonna be - considering Franco isn't a maintenance man - he was a rent-boy that was fixated on Brent, so much so he found out where he was living and started stalking him - that's not as mildly put or heck even romantically up in the description. and when luck had it - a maintenance man's position opened in Brent's building, so of course Franco jump's at the chance to be "close" to his idol.
add to the mix his best friend Tiger who also works as a rent-boy, but has now found a new way of making a living without "working his ass off" by drugging his client's and robbing them - and as things logical follow Franco isn't satisfied by just watching Brent from a far - not when he got this new handy drug at hand, and u can only image how things "go down" - to say this was surreal and scary - yup
there is also a lot of nudedity - as in U See Everything and there r erotic(?) bedroom scenes, so if that's bothers u might as well skip - if the description in my review hasn't turned u off XD LOL
this is a sad film on many counts, the fact that these boys have to sell their bodies - who knows from what age and how badly they r treated, let alone how this messes with their heads. cause i don't believe anyone normal - well leading a normal life, would get up to the things Franco did (even though saying this, i know that sometimes even from "normal" f*cked up sh*t can arise...) and yet his actions were a desperate need to be with the one he loved. i don't think it was just about the sex. even though he kinda turned his "crush" into a sex-doll.. long story short, this was all kind's of messed-up and there aint no happy ending for anyone in this movie -
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The main character of the film - Franco (JM Martinez) really has nothing to be ashamed of his body. He ended up being cast in about three more Filipino gay movies.
And now to the picture itself. The local acting "star" Brent doesn't look that attractive, he has other - acting strengths that put him in the limelight of "fame" in the local Philippine area. About two scenes in the film, to make it clear, are just Frank's "imaginations" of what he would do with Brent in bed, because Brent is a heterosexual and from the radio broadcast it appears that he is currently looking for some smart ladies.
I will not look for negatives, those who need to massage their bruised egos will laugh at that, and from the positives of the film, I highlight that the creators wanted to show the issue of fanaticism towards "stars", who are just as ordinary people as others, stalking, which can lead to criminal acts, you will also learn more about the homes of poorer Filipinos, not just the "tinsel" that we know from BL series and movies...
Pinoy erotický snímek pro zpestření sice nedosahuje vysokých kvalit, ale zájemci o takovýto druh filmů se jistě najdou a i já jsem se podíval, abych si oddechl od BL projektů.
Hlavní postava filmu - Franco (JM Martinez) se opravdu nemá za své tělo co stydět. Nakonec byl obsazen do asi tří dalších filipínských gay filmů.
A teď ke snímku samotnému. Místní herecká "hvězda" Brent zase až tak atraktivně nevypadá, má jiné - herecké přednosti, které ho dosadily na výsluní "slávy" v místní filipínské lokalitě. Asi dvě scény ve filmu, aby to nemátlo, jsou jen "představy" Franka, co by s Brentem v posteli dělal, neboť Brent je heterák a z rozhlasového vysílání vyplývá, že se zrovna pootáčí po nějaké šikovné dámské partii.
Zápory hledat nebudu, na tom si smlsnou ti, kteří si potřebují promasírovat své pošramocené ego tady a z kladů filmu vyzdvihuji, že tvůrci chtěli ukázat na problematiku fanatismu do "hvězd", které jsou stejně obyčejnými lidmi jako ostatní, stalkingu, které může vést až ke kriminálním činům, dozvíte se více i o příbytcích chudších Filipínců, ne spíše jen "pozlátko", které známe z BL seriálů a filmů ...
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