Talk about a Strong Comeback by both the ML and FL
Initial Review:Really, talk about a strong comeback by both Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Shik after so many years, around 5 years for Han Hyoo Joo and 3 years for Park Hyung Shik. So far, this has been an amazing show to watch. Lately, I haven't been really been in love with a drama, after "Mad for Each Other", where it felt really painful to wait for a drama's next episode for 6-7 days. This one, well, has really broken the slump.
The story is very good, intriguing and can divert in many directions over time. If I have to express the overall show with one word, I would use the word "Balanced". It's such a well balanced show, not too unrealistic by any means, not boring by any means, not too lovey dovey, not too dry and tasteless either. Story progression pace is, I would say, PERFECT. All the supporting characters have been portrayed so realistically, which is not often done well for this kind of drama.
Acting is great, truly justified in terms of the storyline. These 3 main characters have really played their role extremely well. Jo Woo Jin is supposedly playing part of the necessary evil, who has to make tough decisions, and even though by now his backstory has been somewhat exposed to the viewers, there is still a bit of mystery behind his character. He is playing his part, very very well.
Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Shik has such amazing chemistry. Although, I don't really talk about on screen chemistry too much in my review, I had to mentions this for this drama. Their chemistry is so adorable, so relatable and so subtle yet dynamic. With every episode, their relationship is evolving it seems. Their evolving chemistry, I would say, is THE HIGHLIGHT of this show.
If you read the synopsis, you will figure out what the story is about, not much for to write about that for now. My suggestion is that, give this one a go. I am pretty sure, You Will Enjoy This.
Somewhere in the middle, or after I've finished the show, I will update and make a final review of this. Take care until then.
Update 1: I've just upgraded the re-watch value to 9.5 from previous 8.5. The reason being, I can't really stress enough how charming both the ML and FL are. Their characters are so charismatic in different ways, FL with her bold cutthroat remarks alongside fighting mentality and ML with his gentleness, and eagerness to help people in this precarious situation. Both of these two have one characteristic in common: They are both very protective of each other and are very courageous. Honestly I am not really being able to express how good this show is so far, so my suggestion is that you guys watch it and confirm it yourselves.
And yes, While watching this show, I've become a fan Park-Hyun-Shik. He really is a cute cute guy. I guess I gotta watch Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I don't know why I've still not watched this one. But, truly, in this show, he has performed extremely well and really made his character worth looking back over and over again by playing the episodes again and again.
I've always been a fan of Han Hyo joo. She has really knocked the ball outta the park with this show.
Final Review: Strong Finish and really one of the best K-drama of the year. It's really a great show by pretty much all metrics. I would highly suggest anyone who is pondering whether to give it a go or not, to GIVE IT A GO. It's seriously good.
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Fake reviews?!
I’ve decided to finally drop this show at episode 5 because of the horribly inconsistent writing, dumb characters and zero-logic plot. Some highlights:- The pill causes the illness but they’re not recalling the pill or issuing a warning to stop people from taking it
- They won’t track down pill users, instead locked everyone together, increasing the number of the infected
- FL is getting all the hate (internalized misogyny from the mostly female audience no doubt), but ML is equally stupid and tries to play hero for no reason (running outside with the people who took the money etc.)
- They can’t put the child with social services? Grandparents? She has a heart disease and they think it’s wise for her to be with a “good guardian” while being locked up?!
- The murderer/doctor and the management woman are senseless characters with illogical motivations.
- Contrary to what people say, the military man is the only one I like cause he’s rational but still trying his best
The writer really questions the intelligence of the viewers and given the unusually high rating, he’s certainly proven correct. I read all the positive reviews but now that I’ve seen the show they’re either fake, or we’re watching 2 different shows.
TLDR: Don’t watch if you can’t completely get rid of logic, common sense and the need for decent writing.
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A better second half
While I liked their spin on the zombie virus and how the look at the infected as potentially curable patients. There was way too many dumb decisions, boring moments, useless scenes to drive home that a despicable character is in fact despicable(The under the table seduction scene, been there seen that enough in any given American show).And to add insult to injury, most of the characters besides the protagonists aren't even remotely likable, so I found myself watching a bunch of unlikable characters stuck in a building and wishing they would all just die.
With that said, I've yet to watch the second half, maybe there is a twist that's going to redeem the rest.
Edit after finishing:
The second half is a thousand times better than the first, I found myself actually enjoying the story and laughing in some scenes of the last 2 episodes. Loved the ending and how it was actually treated as a virus, and they bothered actually giving a reason for the outbreak instead of being like "who cares? Just focus on the flesh eating zombies and how our heros survive!" Like most do.
I give it a higher score than I originally did, I would even recommend it.
Bonus point, the romance was well written, not overwhelming just the right amount giving the genre.
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No complaints!
I’ve been quite obsessed with Zombie plots lately and when I found out about this I just knew I would enjoy it and I was RIGHT!!!Really I have no complaints about this show. Nothing lacked and nothing was too much. The characters that were frustrating were there to keep things interesting and they sure as hell did so. The characters that I hated in the early episodes I started to like them ONLY A LITTLE BIT!! I still dislike the doctor and the building representative but they both were hilarious at times and I honestly didn’t hate them as much as I did towards the end. I’m just glad the lawyer and the mistress ended up having a sad ending LOL, deserved!!!! I hope Lawyers ex wife gets the happiness she deserves in the end.
But episode 12 scared me so much?! Why’d they make it seem like Yihyun died ?! But then he showed up fine 😭 I’m not complaining but it did scare me, I’m just happy they had their happy ending in the end!
I wish they showed the other detective and if he survived and Seoyoons mom if she is doing well. Also the chiefs wife and if she survived…I’m assuming that their child passed away but I wouldve still wanted to know about the side characters endings. Very good and thrilling show!!
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Une satire social intense et effrayante
En voilà un drama qui a enfin ravit nos exigences du moment : intense poursuite de "zombie" sans dégouliner de scène gore, une romance adorable qui n'a pas du tout empiété sur l'histoire, une action musclée mais bien pesée.Non, vraiment, les détracteurs pourraient grincer des dents faute d'hémoglobines à gogo ou de mort stupides ou encore de pseudo sacrifice pour l'humanité.
Enfin, un drama d'infection à la "zombie" que nous avons pu voir en famille (oui, oui parfois, c'est sympa de regarder ce type de truc avec ses ados) : une censure de certaines actions (j'entend d'ici les grognements des mécontents, mais c'est appréciable quand on est en famille), pas de grossièreté toutes les deux répliques (j'exagère un peu, j'avoue), pas d'ambiance glauque et malsaine (oui, je parle de toi "All of us are dead").
Bref, 12 épisodes qui nous aura fait rire, crisper d'angoisse, "shipper" pour nos deux protagonistes, hurler de déception quand x meurt, et même une petite larme à la fin.
Alors, oui, ce n'est pas le drama du siècle. Oui, ce n'est pas à proprement parler un drama de zombie. Oui, n'attendez pas d'avoir de grosse sueur ou de sursauter de terreur (je doute fort que l'on puisse encore...).
Amateur de sensation forte, vous risquez fort d'être déçu.
Si par contre,
- Vous aimez les femmes fortes! Yoon Sae Bom est symboliquement la femme forte par excellence. Sa profession, élite de l'anti-terrorisme, rien que cela tout même, aurait pu nous rebuter (j'ai dû mal avec les femmes fortes et qui manient le sarcasme avec brio tout en laissant fuser des répliques arrogantes, je ne trouve pas que cela leur sied aussi tant que cela). Or, Yoon Sae Bom est affublée d'un fort (mauvais) caractère et d'une curiosité excessive et problématique (dixit son dossier hahaha) lui permettant de garder les idées claires quelque soit la situation (face surtout à la puanteur de certains personnages), mais aussi d'un humour décapant dont j'ai adoré savourer chacune de ses répliques. Sa capacité physique n'est pas étonnante au vu de sa spécialité, mais cela fait toujours plaisir de voir une femme se battant avec classe et férocité, ne rechignant pas à dire qu'elle a mal ou qu'elle a besoin d'aide. Pas de complexe d'infériorité, pas de traumatisme d'enfance, pas de revendication, un brin rebelle, mais un personnage qui a su aussi faire preuve d'une humanité rare et d'un dévouement altruiste sans borne. Zéro frustration avec elle, nous la suivons avec plaisir, soutenons ses choix et décisions et c'est un sentiment qui se raréfie ces dernières années.
Han Hyo Joo signe ici son retour après "w", 5 ans pff sans l'avoir vu sur petit écran (nan, ne venez pas me parler de "dramaland 2" par pitié...) n'ayant que principalement jouée que sur grand écran dont le très récent "the pirates 2".
- Vous aimez les lead masculins séduisants à l'humour bien caustique! Jung Yi Hyun m'a fait craquer, et cela faisait bien longtemps pour un K-drama. Un humour à toute épreuve, des poings fermes et parfois spontanés sertie d'un sourire de gamin pris en faute, il n'en fallait pas plus pour le suivre jusqu'au bout du monde. Loin d'être un lead en retrait par rapport à Sae Bom, Yi Hyun est un homme d'un caractère trempé doté d'une volonté de fer et d'une droiture insoudoyable. Sa force principale réside en sa présence rassurante, en ses décisions assumés et bien sur ses capacités physiques. Zéro frustration avec lui aussi. Pas de complexe ou de sentiment négatif. Pas de traumatisme ou de relation suffocante. Pas étouffant ou de jalousie infantile. Un personnage qu'on aimerait en voir plus souvent à dramaland.
- Vous aimez les duos de choc! Je ne vais pas vous le cacher, la qualité principale du drama repose sur l'alchimie de ce duo. Ici point de conflit ou de quiproquo qui amènerait ce couple à se séparer. Leur force est donc l'extraordinaire complicité qui les lie depuis leur adolescence. La scène de leur "rencontre" est symbolique, car elle représente un peu ce que ce futur leur réserve, cette confiance immuable qui sera la leur. Si la romance n'a pas une place prépondérante, elle reste le moteur de ce couple, elle sera leur force, leur volonté à survivre, jusqu'à ce don de soi typique des amoureux transi. Leurs interactions ponctuées de tendresse et de confidence étaient non seulement un havre de paix pour leur eux mais aussi pour le spectateur que nous étions. Grâce à leur synergie, l'ambiance de ce drama qui aurait pu tomber facilement dans le glauque et le violent était parfois étrangement apaisante et hors du temps. Toutes ces petites attentions l'un envers l'autre, ces petites touches qui dévoilaient ce qu'eux même ne voyaient pas ont été une oasis. Par ce que ce couple est tout cela, nous avons croisé les doigts jusqu'au bout, pour leur bonheur. Cela n'arrive pas souvent croyez-moi....
- Vous aimez les satires sociales! Si ce drama semble traiter d'un virus rendant les gens hors de contrôle, c'est avant tout une histoire sur l'être humain. Sur nos désirs profonds. Sur ce qui nous rendrait complet. Cette définition de bonheur qui diffère selon chacun.
Et ce n'est parfois ni joli, ni rassurant.
La progression de ce virus est à l'image de l'évolution de l'âme humaine dans une situation d'urgence où le chacun pour soi règne en maître. Certains personnages nous font rapidement découvrir le mauvais en eux dès le départ et d'autres ne se dévoileront qu'au fur et à mesure que la tension progresse, que le doute s'installe. Que ce que nous désirons soit à portée de main.
Ironiquement ici, ce n'est pas le virus dont il faudrait se méfier.
Le virus ne sert que d'exutoire pour certains protagonistes, une façon pour eux d'exprimer le pire de l'humanité. Et je vous assure que c'est pleinement réussi. Lentement mais sûrement, la folie des hommes parait évidente, et le pire des vices fait petit à petit surface. Avec un naturel désarmant.
Nous en sommes venus à détester certains protagonistes, souhaitant ardemment leur mort (je sais, ce n'est pas bien...).
Il y a d'ailleurs une moralité derrière tout cela, une moralité d'actualité, angoissante : les infectées ne sont au final pas ceux que nous devrions le plus craindre. Dans une situation apocalyptique, il est fort à parier que ces mêmes personnes tuant père et mère afin de se nourrir étaient déjà autour de nous, des proches, des amis, des voisins...ou nous-même.
Déprimant? Que nenni, une leçon d'une certaine façon.
Je vous rassure, en dehors de ces antagonistes, il y a aussi ceux qui nous font encore croire en l'humanité.
Le lieutenant Han Tae Seok, personnage complexe que nous avons adoré dés le départ. Ses raisons bien évidentes et oh si compréhensibles n'en ont pas fait un homme dépourvu de coeur prêt à l'extinction de l'Homme coûte que coûte. Bien au contraire, des décisions difficiles à prendre, impopulaires, mais toujours assumés. J'ai aimé la droiture de ce personnage, de son dévouement envers son épouse et surtout sa prise de position assumée quelqu'elle soit, que nous soyons ou non en accord avec. Je regrette de ne pas savoir réellement ce qu'il lui arrive à la fin....Tout comme pour l'agent Kim Jeong Gook, ses faiblesses loin d'en faire un personnage à détester nous l'ont rendu proche et nous a permis de nous poser cette question : qu'aurions nous réellement fait dans cette situation?
Cette fable nous démontre que la volonté de l'humain, cette conscience si chère à nos philosophes est aussi ce qui a permis à ces personnages à ne pas céder à la facilité, à rester profondément humain.
Une mention spéciale pour l'OST! Une OST, composée par le prolifique Kim Tae Seong, qui colle parfaitement à l'ambiance du drama et qui a apporté un vrai plus! Que cela soit au niveau des chansons ou des musiques, vraiment, un super travail a été fait.
En conclusion, un drama que nous avons adoré, de l'épisode 1 à 12, sans aucun temps mort et qui au-delà d'un virus potentiellement dangereux pour l'humanité nous conte avant tout la fable de l'homme face à lui même : le meilleur comme le pire.
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“Very Timely Storyline”
After 4 episodes viewed it’s a rating of 7.5 for me. Production has layers of praiseworthy complexity which sums up the positive aspect of this drama series. The element that merits criticism pertains to the unrealistic handling of the fatal infectious disease by so-called professionals which made me cringe and flinch such as:•Feisty SOU officer (female lead) gets scratched during a scuffle with an infected soldier and yet she doesn’t apply basic First Aid as a preventative measure and just stares at her open wound, unworried that the blood-bourne pathogen may infiltrate her system. Personal records reveal that she has “good survival instincts and problem solving skills” yet she forgoes prompt washing of her hand wound.
•She hands over her service gun and mobile phone to a non-gloved and therefore unprotected Lieutenant Colonel of the Crisis Management Center before surrendering for her imposed quarantine.
•The same Lieutenant Colonel is always in a business attire while everyone around him is clad in full PPE in the facility that houses infected patients.
•Equally negligent police corporal (male lead) casually examines a bloodied crime scene and touches contaminated objects then answers a call on his mobile phone. He also zealously sniffs the contents of a half consumed water bottle, putting the rim at very close proximity to his nose. Afterwards, he heads home and jumps straight to his bed without washing-up and still wearing his dirty work clothes.
•A bloodied suspect is whisked away by gloveless police escorts and yet in another scene there’s a conversation about how COVID-19 has made the public more safety-conscious which is why, “We don’t shake hands anymore”.
•Huge irony in the way the characters frequently allude to the present pandemic but blatantly resort to irresponsible handling with no regard for personal health and hygiene. Perhaps the writer and director can put more focus and attention to this vital detail because it’s really uncomfortable to watch.
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Clever and Charming
Never have I ever repeating two starting episode with excitement. It is almost like an instinct to hit replay all over again. Yes all platform just to entertain curiosity on subtitles presented.Story : full hopes of exhilarating action scene. Pact with thriller storyline in light speed.
Attraction scene: adorable with a tinge of sweetness. Feels like taking a leap of faith. Hasty but neat.
Music: curated suitably.
Sae Bom our heroin is fast thinking and sometimes people find her action seemed reckless. Then again, how else would you be when facing the inevitable terror. She’s scores the highest assessment, then she must be doing well with her job as Senior Officer of anti-terrorism squad. She is the perfect avenger to fought the dreadful mayhem. Her human compass works divinely well and she will jump to saves lives. Protects will her almighty.
Yi Hyun is charming, adorable and clever. He is hopelessly attracted with Sae Bom. Although pretty good in keeping his calm and composure. Would for sure keep her save. Would for sure keep her by his side. Just like how they held each other hands with the optimist trust, is how we should get addicted with this drama 😃
There’s a lot to learn from this drama and how it relates with the world as we knows it now. That is why it is perfect.
This definitely one of the best drama in 2021.
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Why is it still underrated drama?
The story,the acting,the tension and the storyline are superb.I just can't get enough of it just one defect it has only 12 ep, I wish it had more and if so iwish to have a second season with same male and female leads.They are not giving drama banners for this show in many websites and it is not in top 10 in many websitez.
It will be awesome to see the coming episodes .
And I cant wait for how the story progress from here onwards.
And tvn I know that this year you are killing a lot of good characters but please dont kill the male and female lead.
And please tell me some news if there is a chance of
second season.
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I had high hopes
(contains spoilers)I admit I am only in 3 episodes in but I already got a feel of what this drama is about. Okay, so it’s a zombie thing but actually not.
Plot - it is interesting and the story could have been told better.
Romance - not buying it. It felt so forced. The 2 leading roles have no chemistry at all. Plus! They suddenly decided to get married all for one luxury rental apartment. I found it weird that they could move in in a day and things are smooth. Like, the guy just suddenly packed up all his things and move in a day? It just doesn’t makes sense!
Thrilling scenes - I got excited when the story picked up the pace at the second episode. Yes! Her hyung got scratched! Yes he is going to turn! So okay, this episode got me excited.
Disappointing unrealistic scene - so come this episode where her Hyung gets trapped in the refrigerated container with all the infected people and turned himself, the lead lady went in and tried pulling him out WITHOUT A SINGLE SCRATCH OR BITE! Then comes her “supposedly husband” and went in and pulled them both out! And she got out unscathed! That scene did not make any sense at all!
I am still going to continue watching it for the sake of knowing what really is going on so I hope it gets better towards the end.
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As the title says, I think this drama is really catching! More you watch and more you want to see. In my case I've a weird reaction, because I'm watching other dramas right now, that I think are "better", but I don't wait for them as for this one. Happiness has that "I don't know what" that makes you stay with your eyes glued on the screen. But don't get me wrong, it's a really good drama, the acting is really really good I think that what works really good it's the dynamic of the characters.I don't find the story really original, but it works good, as I said in a comment I think who wrote this drama started from the idea of covid, because when I watch this drama I cannot not think it's what happened to us, just amplified to supernatural to make a tv product. And this is in my opinion what's make us love this drama, it's like they're joking us, a sad joke. The lockdown, people going crazy, people not caring, selfishness, stupidity and more..
Anyway I really like the leads and their chemestry, they work really good on screen, their characters compese eachother pretty well giving us balance. As I said the strong point in my opinion is how all the people interact with eachother once they're forced to lockdown together, the characters are so differents, and those two are practically the unwanted guardians of them, I still have to figure out some of them, because obviously, some are really shady!!
Putting all together this is a really good drama, this is just my opinion, but I really recommend this one! :)
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It's realistic but not, at the same time.
So far so great; it's really an amazing thriller. It's like zombies but make it more realistic and there's only one, single officer trying to save the world. It makes sense and follows general logic, but also doesn't in many places. What itches me most is how almost nobody in an entire building other than three police officers and a little girl understand the gravity of the issue. Now, obviously we need one of the residents to mess things up for others for the dynamics but I absolutely hate how literally everyone is so non-serious about a mad person disease, but then again I enjoy when they get in trouble and I go "See, I told ya this would happen!". If things like this don't itch you, it is the pitch perfect apocalyptic drama with, in my opinion, loads of survival skills if you take note.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
One of the best kdramas of 2021
Honestly, I didn't start this kdrama with big expectations and I just gave it a chance only because Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Sik are starring in it. I didn't plan to keep watching it. I would've just given a chance at the beginning and that would be because from the description of the drama, it wasn't something I would usually watch. But oh, how wrong I was. Something that I started with little hope, it was actually one of the best dramas of 2021, and maybe not only.The plot maybe it won't be on everyone's liking and some people won't give it a chance but once you start it, you will love it.
Park Hyung Sik and Han Hyo Joo did an amazing job in portraiting their characters, and not only them. Each one of the actors did a great job giving life to their characters. I went through so many emotions and feeling while watching it. I was angry, I was sad, I was happy. I could see myself being immersed in each episode. I would want more and more after I finished an episode and I would need to wait for the next ones arriving the next week.
The chemistry between Sae Boom and Yi Hyun was over the top. You could see and feel that they care a lot for each other through their gestures and actions, without them needing much to show it. All the moments they had, all the soft intimacy and realizations, they got you through all of them. There are so many moments that I loved between them and indivually as well. They chose the right actors to portrairt the characters. Park Hyung Sik and Han Hyo Joo were truly an amazing pair for this series. They just fit in the drama, they fit their characters and portraited all their emotions so well and I really hope that if it will be another chance in the future, I would love to see them acting together again.
The music was also on point. It is so important to have good music in a series because it helps contributing to the emotions the people are watching feel. I found myself searching so many times for the OSTs from Happiness and listening to them and having the images of the drama running in my head. You can also feel the emotions in the singers' voice.
In the end, I'm not really ready to say "Goodbye" to Happiness but I'm also happy. I didn't expect to love this series this much and to be one of my favorite series ever but here I am. I loved every episode until the end. I would impatiently look forward to the next ones each time, until now, when Happiness ended. I really hope more people will give it a chance, because it's one of the best kdramas. I hope you all will be able to feel the same emotions and feelings through this series as I did.
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