Nem tão feliz assim
Tenho novamente que ir contra a multidão, pois esse drama não me deixou nada feliz em assisti-lo . A premissa era boa porém a execução foi longe de ser. Os episódios eram lentos e decepcionantes, por mais que os episódios passassem nada importante realmente acontecia, o tempo foi mau utilizado, o que foi uma pena pois poderiam utiliza-lo para o desenvolvimento de seus personagens.Falando em personagens, como eram desagradáveis , eram inúteis, não contribuíam em nada para história, impossível simpatizar com eles ,ou eram idiotas ou instáveis ou maldosos ou os três , eram irritantes. torci varias vezes para o exercito soltar uma bomba ali .
Tinha tanta situações irreais ali que é zombar da minha inteligência, é muita ponta solta . Aquele ato da protagonista entrando no contêiner, imobilizando os zumbis com uma força descomunal sem ser ferida é sul real demais para mim.
Os protagonistas atuaram bem porem seus personagens não me convenceram, achei a protagonista feminina bem imprudente e chata as vezes. O protagonista masculino faltou um pouquinho de personalidade e independência emocional, achei aquele amor dele forçado demais.
Em fim não gostei, achei bem chato, foi terrivelmente cansativo assistir os 12 episódios. A minha real felicidade foi no momento que acabou.
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Eu amei esse drama, o jeito que foi mostrado a relação entre a Sae Bom e o Yi Hyun crescendo e se tornando em amor é muito linda. Sério, eu amei a personalidade da Sae Bom de ser essa mulher forte e decidida, cara ela é incrível 🫶🏼. Apesar do drama se passar totalmente nos apartamentos e no laboratório do Sr. Han Tae-Seok, ele me prendeu em todos os episódios e eu sempre ficava ansiosa para o que iria acontecer na cena seguinte. Fiquei feliz e satisfeita que todos aqueles desgraçados dos moradores vão pagar por tudo que cometeram, mas por outro lado fiquei triste por que queria mais detalhes do final deles, principalmente da Bo-Ram, da Na Hyun e seu irmão Soo-min que também possuía os anticorpos para a doença. Ah e o casal de velhinhos com aquele idiota do filho deles, eu queria saber como eles ficaram depois, meio que dá para imaginar, porém eu queria que tivesse pelo menos uma cena mostrando por cima a atualidade deles. Enfim, dêem muito amor para Happiness porque esse drama é simplesmente incrível! Esta resenha foi útil para você?
De Happiness só tem o nome
Demorei muito para dar uma chance para ele até porque esta temática de pandemias, quarentenas, pessoas infectadas que viram zumbis e comem gente já está mais do que batido no mundo das séries e dramas e estava longe de ser meu gênero preferido.Mas como este drama marcou a volta de Park Hyung Shik após dispensa do serviço militar e haviam opiniões positivas e negativas, fiquei curiosa em ter minha própria visão e resolvi dar uma chance.
Já no primeiro episódio facilmente o enredo da série me prendeu e já se tornou atraente e foi me prendendo a cada episódio. Falando de “Happiness” que, por incrível que pareça, de feliz só teve o final mesmo. Happiness é sobre comportamento humano acerca de situações que causam incertezas, e poder e amor.
A história está focada em mostrar a batalha pela sobrevivência contra o que eles chamam de raiva humana no prédio de Hyun e Sae Bom interpretados por Park Hyung Shik e Han Hyo Joo. Aliás eles entregaram muito bem seus papéis na trama!
A premissa tem como objetivo uma abordagem focada nas ações e reações dos moradores, nos conflitos sociais e na ética de classes diante do cenário que se encontram. É o puro retrato do comportamento humano através de doenças infecciosas e isolamento social.
O nome Happiness é uma analogia bem irônica, já que o principal aspecto do drama é ver as pessoas buscando sobrevivência e proteção a qualquer custo, mesmo que isso prejudique o outro. É uma história de suspense e drama, que vale ser assistida
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Amo séries de zumbi e distopia, sempre me divirto, então tinha muita expectativa nessa série!Mas, sinceramente, o desenrolar da história é bem entediante. O início é interessante, mas os episódios no prédio parecem que são todos iguais, eventos envolvendo os moradores acontecem, eles lutam, dormem e acordam de novo... é cansativo depois de um tempo!
Os atores são bons, eles que me fizeram terminar a série. O final também é ok, esperei muito para um final feliz.
Bom, não recomendo maratonar a série, fica extremamente chato.
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é um k-drama repleto de detalhes interessantes. o romance entre os protagonistas é simplesmente extraordinário, e os gestos do yi hyun são indescritíveis – como ele dividindo sua comida na cobertura e sempre defendendo a sae bom, é algo tocante. ele realmente se mostra um homem de caráter.já o senhor oh joo hyeong, sem palavras…
ele é, sem dúvida, um dos personagens mais deploráveis que já vi, com atitudes que beiram o inimaginável.
a forma como o drama destacou o quanto somos egoístas foi bastante interessante, especialmente no final, quando os faxineiros invadem a casa do senhor oh e começam a mexer nas coisas dele, dizendo “o apartamento é meu”.
o filho deles, sem dúvida, vai sentir vergonha dos pais…
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Happiness? Não, tristeza por ter aguentado 12 eps disso
eu sou um amante de zumbis e de romance, por isso fiquei bastante empolgado com essa série. É uma série bem mediana eu diria que abaixo da média. Os episódios iniciais foram os melhores, da metade pro fim foram tortura pura em vários momentos, a série gastou tempo pra desenvolver os personagens secundários, e parece que não desenvolveu nada em certos deles, também preciso mencionar as atitudes burras que ficaram difíceis de aguentar.No entanto, a série não é 100% ruim, o casal principal e a garotinha com certeza foi o melhor núcleo da série, de resto foi uma porcaria com furos e personagens burros robotizados pra ganhar tempo de tela, houve vezes que nada de bom acontecia em alguns episódios. Foi uma grande decepção para o que eu esperava. Esse foi o meu primeiro KDRAMA de 2024, e sinceramente, eu não voltaria a ver e nem pretendo.
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Felicidade é estar com você.
Assim, vamos lá! Eu gostei muito, a ideia deles era criar um mundo meio apocalíptico mas nada muito problemático que não desse pra resolver em um drama com uma temporada só, que eles no final não tivessem uma solução pro vírus, ele teve começo, meio e fim. O roteiro foi muito bem escrito, os personagens se encaixaram muito bem no papel, o romance não é nada clichê, eu achei fantástico. A Hyo joo interpretou tão bem o papel dela, deveria fazer mais dramas de ação, ela se dedica muito e toda a expressão corporal era incrível. Park hyung Sik preciso nem falar né? Deu um show. Os atores que fazem você odiar os personagens arrasaram. A OST que caiu como luva nas cenas, a trilha sonora é sempre importante. Claro que vou dizer que senti falta de finalidade, por exemplo da esposa do tae seok mesmo sabendo que ela tomou a cura e com certeza ficou bem e dos outros personagens que sobreviveram como eles ficaram sabe? Mas fora isso o drama foi incrível! Ah sim, eu gostei que eles trabalharam um pouco do covid também!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Just a watchable drama
One of the most anticipated kdrama of the year just for the come back of actress Han hye joo, and in the end it's finished with pretty decent watchable drama with nothing in particular. Ongoing watching experience is always different comparing to a binge watch so i don't know how you will feel if you watch now. But even for the ongoing time this drama failed in many factors even though they had all the liberty to bring out an outstanding show.A zombie drama always sound interesting, but here the situation they were facing was not a serious problem at all. Also the screenplay was not so well written it includes many dragging moments and most of them were unwanted. The first episode was very promising but it never continued that promise, after 9 th episode the gear shifted slightly faster but still the dragging feel you boring.
Everything completely scattered, no proper characterisation, no intense situation, they must create a do or die situation inorder to keep the audience on the edge. But it failed. Still it's not a bad drama, it's a watchable drama, there were some thrills also the background score played a big part to minimise the demerits.
Try it if u interested :-)
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Not what the synopsis promised
We go into this drama with the promise of a world that focuses on the aspect of a new strain of virus spreading throughout the city with a social aspect between apartment levels. While the concept of it was unique, the execution of it was lack luster. The first two or three episodes start really strong, with the primary focus on the development of the virus. But then we move to the apartment, where you'd think there would be some sort of focus on the economical differences between apartment levels and how it affects surviving the spread of the virus, but it has little to nothing to do with the actual show.We get a brief explanation that the floors 5 and below are public rentals, and that the ones above are for the people who paid for the apartment themselves. That's the end of the socio economical difference and plot, there's not dive into the extent of the difference between levels, there's no detail into any sort of survival advantage or perks that the higher levels get, no surprising twist as a result of the socioeconomically difference. I guess the higher level people get free access to the gym, and have a justification to incessantly complain that they should get more during resource division because they're rich. Again, very disappointed that they made this a point in the synopsis as it has no impact on the plot whatsoever.
Now that we've also shifted into the apartment scenes, we also seem to leave the entire zombie apocalypses as an after thought. All the residents are now trapped in their apartments as if to exemplify them vs the impending zombie doom. This quickly devolves into a 8 episode long slice of life drama where we constantly see random slice of life everyone's life (these slices never change either, it's always the same point) from the lawyer cheating on his wife with the woman who is constantly looking for a passcode to access the doctor's crypto currency all the way to the 3 person family where the mother is infected but is hiding it from everyone. We spend an annoying amount of time focused on the mother who tries to hide her infection as well. Which amounts to the promise of zombie goodness we had expected of this series. So basically nothing. We spend almost an entire episodes worth of time following this woman expecting her to turn and perhaps kill her family and start an outbreak into the apartment, but no she is basically written out from the entire show. It's like she never existed. The family goes on to live in the apartment barely attending the resident meetings that occur every episode as if nothing was wrong. I guess the son gets scared and eventually stays with other residents, but that's it. As for the apartment vs the zombie infested complex, that pretty much gets slept on as well. Nothing happens, nobody really tries to break in, it's like the rest of the zombies in their complex don't exist. We get one seen where one zombie gets in and "infects" on person and then we proceed again as if the entire zombie complex doesn't exist again. Just the discussion of locking up the person who got bit.
Then we have the researcher who obviously is trying to save his wife by developing a cure, but tries to pretend he's in it for the money. Literally fooling nobody, so when he finally shows that he's a good person at the end, it comes as no surprise to anyone. The writers also found it necessary to make illogical/unnecessary drama to make this cure. E.G. the researcher trying to deceive the main characters into getting blood transfusions and suddenly turning G.I. Joe to infiltrate the complex to extract the main character for the cure, but then saying nah it's okay you stay here. When a simple, "hey can we draw you blood, it could save the world," would be equally effective and then the entire drama would just be over.
There's a lot of time consuming, illogical, and boring build up and that always amounts to nothing. That pretty much sums up the entirety of the series. A bunch of half plots that ping pong back and forth that result into no progression. It's as if the plots were just there for the sake of being there. Another, minimum word count scenario where writers wrote the series to be a 2 hour movie, but were then told to extend it to 12 episodes so they just kind of filled in the gaps the night before and called it a wrap.
Overall this drama was meh at best and just every where all the time. It lacked any sort of identity. They just kind of threw out an interesting plot premise, added a strong and attractive cast, and proceeded to just cross their fingers. Now here we are (as of this review) with a score of 9.0 with a story that almost anyone could write so I guess the plan was successful. I can't wait for another drama to be overrated so that we continue the cycle of pumping out the next brain dead story with an attractive cast.
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Story: I like the idea but poorly executed. You would think it’s a zombie apocalypse kind of drama but not really. More like a worse version of covid but here, they were able to find the cure way faster than covid vaccines. But that’s not really the issue, the way how they came up with scenes or different reactions of different type of people with their own motives were pretty annoying. It’s not because they acted poorly but because that’s how they were written. It’s like watching ‘sweet home’ but this is more tolerable. This first few episodes were just okay, middle ones were more thrilling but a major smh and last few episodes were just flat that all I did was fast forward just so I could finish this drama. If I were living in that building, I would definitely not come out of my apartment after getting my groceries. I mean, duh, staying at home is more safe than being exposed outside. But I guess, a drama is more interesting if it’s full of people with complex issues then you add a kid and a kind wife to make it more bearable.Acting: I think they all did pretty good. I was pretty much annoyed with every character, even the kid. Not always, but somehow they did some things that were obviously shouldn’t be done no matter how many warnings they received. Their selfish reactions weren’t justified well that would make you pity them or at least give them another chance. The main female lead was always reckless that made me almost dropped this. I mean, isn’t she supposed to be more logical because of her job?
Music: Nothing worth remembering but still not bad.
Rewatch value: Definitely wouldn’t rewatch. This gave me headache for a while.
Overall: 6-6.5. It wasn’t bad but it was not THAT good either. Overhyped, honestly. I have more bad memories than good ones with this drama. You would appreciate the villains’ acting here and some cliche moves were prevented in some scenes however, the bad still outweighs the good. Too many plot holes, unanswered questions and lack of chemistry of the two. I honestly don’t get that special chemistry that others were talking about. The supposed additional twist/murderer towards the last 2 episodes was just poor idea from the writer. I wish they could have done better with his character because he seemed mysterious at first. Same with the guy on the 15th floor. The plot was rushed and it didn’t end well but provided us a HEA.
The gist(for me): Self-control/self discipline is definitely important in life, especially when there’s a crisis. Secondly, family will always be there for you. To help you heal and be your cure. Happiness will start with yourself then with others close to you. No matter how you love your family if you can’t control yourself then you’ll bring them down too.
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Tiring and Frustating
I watched Happiness coz I believe both main characters, Park Hyun Shik and Han Hyo Joo..., I was wrong.The drama premise is about a zombie-like virus, firstly spread by pills then infected people distributed by bite and scratch, but it has its own uniqueness. People who got infected are still able to get back to their human form, as long as they don't smell blood. Kinda like Sweet Home, but the virus is curable in the end. Apocalypse's setting is not my favorite but I still can watch it.
What frustrated me the most is the characters. In Sweet Home, all residents work together to face the situation. The older brother and his ballerina sister, the priest, the firefighter, the gangster, etc... all characters are strong and have special contributions to the drama. Antagonist residents exist but it still makes sense. And they're still willing to join other residents when cooperation is needed.
While this one has nothing but a compilation of useless evil and trashy characters. The one that useful are only both main characters whom the other characters trying to get rid of throughout the drama...., as if all of those characters have no common sense to UNDERSTAND, how much they need these cops in this critical situation
To make it clear, these disturbing behaviors happen throughout the drama, literally from the start till the end. The word "useless" I use refers to their contribution to the story. And these weird characters keep doing their disturbing behaviors, as is they forget that they are in a very critical situation.
Start from a very trashy useless YouTuber wannabe boy who is very rebellious and disregards his mother. He has no job but to play games and live streaming. He humiliates his mother, even mean enough to steal all of their food stock and leave their parents after his mother got infected.
The apartment-representative wanna-be woman, who wanted to get rid of the main characters for no clear reason and I can't even mention which one of her acts is the most disturbing.
A doctor who killed his wife, for the whole drama trying so hard to kill Hyunsik, .... the reason is by killing him, none will come to catch him....??? As if Hyunshik is the only cop who will chase him for his crime. I can't find the logic in which killing the police in charge is the best way to get away with your crime.
The doctor's mistress who only cares to chase for the doctor's money.
The cleaner couple who is very money-oriented.
The cleaner employee, Andrew, who mysteriously wears goggles and masks but then happens to be a serial killer.
A money-oriented lawyer with his useless protagonist wife.
A writer, the other useless protagonist with her useless brother who keeps pestering his sister to give away her apartment because he lost him and he needs a place for him and his family to stay.
Hyunsik's partner who can easily betray him for no reason, and gets easily forgiven.
A girl who has to stay at home coz of her sickness... but never shows her symptoms. She has no contribution but stays at home and be Han Hyo Joo's playing mate.
Seriously, if you delete one of those characters, it will have no impact at all.
To make it, even more, weirder, for the whole drama all characters keep believing and follow the doctor and the representative's words, even though the cop couple has already proven that they are not only can handle the situation, they also can communicate with authorities outside, which make them know what they should do. Such as how long the quarantine will last, how the food will be delivered, etc...
But, these residents, instead of believing the cops, they sided with the antagonist duo and conspired to kill the cops, even using Andrew's service to get rid of all the cops... as if living with Andrew, a murderer is way better than the cops. I can't accept the logic.
This antagonist duo is even able to convince the whole residents to kill resident 1501 for his food stock... People can turn their survival animalistic if they are in extreme condition, but they're not even that starved yet!!
Until the last episode, those whole antagonists really did not pay enough for torturing me for 12 eps. The trashy YouTuber can come back to his parents with no consequences; the doctor and the representative are jailed, but unclear for how many years; the brother becomes a test subject for the vaccine; the cleaner, the lawyer, the mistress etc status also unclear
I kinda regret investing my time to watch this drama. All characters, besides the main character, are very frustrating and just contribute to my stress and anger level.
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