O Sangue da Juventude (2022) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 8.9/10 de 7,081 usuários
# de Fãs: 17,117
Resenhas: 99 usuários
Classificado #116
Popularidade #1086
Fãs 7,081

Como discípulo do Clã Lei, Lei Wu Jie mal consegue se conter para provar seu valor como um herói; no entanto, sendo um novato que acaba de ingressar no mundo das artes marciais, o caminho para se tornar um verdadeiro herói é, no mínimo, árduo. Não se deixando abater pelos desafios em seu caminho, Wu Jei chega à grande cidade de Xue Yue, certo de que sua estada nesse local vai moldá-lo como o herói que ele tanto almeja ser. Infelizmente, sua viagem rumo a Xue Yue é interrompida por uma desventura na Vivenda da Neve Caída. Como proprietário da Vivenda, Xiao Se tem toda a aparência de um abastado proprietário, mas ele quase não tem condições de manter a estalagem aberta. Com seu negócio em dificuldades, Xiao Se não fica nada feliz quando seu estabelecimento é avariado pelas imprudências de um jovem aspirante a herói. Exigindo que ele ofereça uma compensação pelo dano causado, Wu Jei só consegue pensar em uma forma de apaziguar o exigente Xiao Se: trazê-lo em sua jornada. Desprovidos de opções, os dois partem juntos, sem nenhuma ideia do que o futuro lhes reserva. Fazendo amizades com várias pessoas ao longo do caminho, incluindo Wu Xin, Sikong Qian Luo, Tang Lian e Ye Ruo Yi, Xiao Se e Wu Jei logo se veem envolvidos em uma aventura muito maior do que poderiam imaginar. Ao enfrentar inúmeros perigos, o intrépido grupo esbarra em uma série de pistas que liga um deles a uma batalha pelo trono ocorrida há mais de uma década. A questão é, quem entre eles guarda tal obscuro segredo? (Fonte: Viki) ~~ Adaptado do romance "Canções Juvenis" por Zhou Mu Nan. Editar Tradução

  • Português (Brasil)
  • 한국어
  • ภาษาไทย
  • Українська
  • País: China
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 40
  • Exibido: Dez 26, 2022 - Jan 19, 2023
  • Exibido em: Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta
  • Original Network: Youku
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Pontuação: 8.9 (scored by 7,081 usuários)
  • Classificado: #116
  • Popularidade: #1086
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: Not Yet Rated

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 19, 2024
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

O Destino Além de Beili: Aventuras e Mistérios que Persistem

Confesso que comecei a assistir a este drama por acidente. Explico: estava à procura de um drama chinês com um nome parecido e, pensando que era esse, comecei a assistir. E bem, aqui estou após quarenta episódios vistos. Primeiramente, preciso elogiar o ritmo aventureiro da série, onde o romance fútil e fugaz é quase inexistente, talvez até imperceptível. Em segundo lugar, é impressionante como a trama conseguiu sustentar sua qualidade por 40 episódios sem perder o rumo ou se arrastar, tudo foi cuidadosamente conduzido até o ponto em que chegamos.

O final é fechado, mas deixa uma sensação de que a história poderia ter desdobramentos futuros. Afinal, além de Beili, há outros reinos, outros príncipes, e dilemas típicos desse tipo de drama. Como Chong conseguirá se manter como imperador, tendo um irmão mais poderoso e querido do que ele? Esse é apenas um dos conflitos intrigantes. E, claro, todos sabem que Xiao Se possui a lendária espada do imperador. Estou ansioso pela segunda temporada, que já foi confirmada.

Também quero destacar a excelência técnica da produção. A equipe de maquiagem, figurino e cabelo merece todos os elogios, algo que frequentemente me incomoda em dramas coreanos e japoneses, mas aqui foi tratado com excepcional cuidado.

Assisti ao episódio extra e lá há uma surpresa que eu esperava ver apenas na segunda temporada, mas que acabou sendo revelada. Sobre as atuações, destaco o ator que interpretou Lei Wu Jie. Senti falta dele em determinados momentos, não apenas por ser um bom ator, mas também por seu carisma. Quanto ao protagonista, confesso estar dividido. Tenho sentimentos mistos, com críticas e elogios ao seu desempenho, mas isso só aumenta minha curiosidade para a próxima fase da história.

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103 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 6
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Spectacular Wuxia Brotherhood

Didn't think I'd see this day happen when another costume drama got a perfect score from me. I'm notoriously picky so this is only the second one. I think what made me pick it up was that I heard the IP was great from trusted sources and that it was a wuxia. I have never seen any of the cast (save Cao Yu Chen who appeared in maybe 3 episodes as the deity that never left the mountain & when he did, he died) so it would be a totally new experience. A fully worthwhile experience that made me cave and purchase both the VIP & express on the rather crappy Youku international app. This series really was a spectacular Wuxia brotherhood I've always wanted to see fully realized. Let's get into it, shall we?

Pros: The martial arts, special effects especially the explosions were a perfect representation of each character. Each had their very own blend of it. The way they grew and evolved within their styles was worth it in every episode even when there were less fighting scenes. That was by far my favorite part. Favorite character was Xiao Se as even before he regained his quite formidable power, he was a man who thought 17 steps ahead of everyone else and had a contingency plan for his contingency plans most of the time. This character had an aura about him that just screamed leader even when all he did was mumble grumpily under his breath about his best friends being shameless or boring. The actor who played him did so to perfection.

Every character was flawed in one way or another which was wonderful because it made them realistic. Both Wuxin with his comedic smirking and LWJ, the pure-hearted doofus with the open mouth, insert foot syndrome and little tact really combined into a great and complex trio alongside Xiao Se. Add Tang Lian, an intelligent hero except when it came to matters of the heart who acted as big brother to them all, they were a formidable bunch. The two women completed the initial group not to mention every other friend (and LWJ reuniting with his sister) they made along the way.

Usually I can't stand palace politics when introduced into a wuxia or any costume drama but here it was just the right amount without completely overshadowing everything else. The story couldn't really move forward without it. Another usual con that didn't strain this story was the introduction of a plethora of characters simultaneously and you had no idea who was whom and why they were needed. In this series, though the same happened, the characters stayed for as long as they needed to and then left properly. They didn't just vanish, they all had proper exits. This series never once dragged for me, I didn't have to fast forward anything at any time. I wanted to watch everything; in fact I would often rewind to watch a certain scene again and again.

Production was stunning especially the locations and costumes. I mentioned in the comments that Xiao Se's blue with gold or white were my favorite. But just about everyone had costumes that fit their character or personalities and the colors were rich and beautiful. OSTs were perfect everywhere they were placed; especially with Xiao Se's powerful lines, entrances, and exits. It was like "Elvis has left the building."

All of the antagonists were done very well and also were there for as long as they were needed until they got their just comeuppance. My favorite had to be Director eunuch dude that was setup by Chong with dad's help though I wish it was Xiao Se who killed him and destroyed not only his meridians but made every organ explode; he deserved nothing less. Still though, he definitely didn't see that coming from Chong and his back up crew. Even though the emperor was not necessarily a good person all the way around trusting the wrong people and letting 2 out of I don't remember the number of sons he ultimately had, get so badly injured plus killing his own brother essentially, I wouldn't place him in the antagonist pool. He was a power hungry fool but essentially a good emperor for his people.

Losing Tang Lian was really a blow and though I understand why they did that, I really do wish they had brought him back at the end of 40 though he did return in a special episode cut together by the producers though still waiting for it on the international app. Will be completely honest, when I saw him again reuniting with his friends, brought tears to my eyes!

All of the esthetics were beautiful, the comedy was great, this drama made you laugh, it made you tear up, it made you sympathize with many characters. It had many, many positives and wonderful moments. But it also had cons though not many.

Cons: The only character that didn't get the right costume nor hairdo for the majority of the time was Qian Luo; she looked like a child among adults especially with her giant spear. When looking at her doing interviews, didn't even look like the same person; they could have simplified things so much instead of just draping 7 feet of fabric in-cohesively on her. I also had a hard time with her character in general because though it was understandable that she was young; the whining, know-it-all 'tude, foot stamping tantrums were extremely unnecessary. There was zilch chemistry between her and Xiao Se throughout the entire series as all she did was follow him around like a disgruntled puppy. It was a huge turn off but thankfully they evolved her especially when she met Rou Yi and lost her martial brother. So though I wasn't per se a fan of hers throughout the show, she did show her strength when it counted, her fighting scenes were great but she didn't have much screen time, thankfully.

Secondly, wish they released the Tang Lian reunion on all apps simultaneously which if some viewers didn’t know and spread the word, international viewers would have assumed he was dead; unfair. Thirdly, Wuxin for being SML spent very little time on screen after he left in episode 7 and then only briefly returned during the Lei Fortress and Tianqi City arcs before becoming a drugged puppet. And just as he's rescued in episode 39, he leaves again in the beginning of 40. His character was so strong and needed especially in the establishment of the brotherhood of him, Xiao Se, and LWJ. There was a real gap of how he and Xiao Se became best friends other than their banter. It would have been more solid had he had more screen time. The entire comment section is filled with people saying how much they miss him and to bring him back.

Lastly, the main antagonist aka Xiao Yu or Prince asswipe as I called him, had the most copout ending ever! After everything he did himself and orchestrated, the amount of people he harmed, killed, etc, they opted for him to kill himself with a knife to the chest? It was a pussy move for such a strong and angry person with a chip the size of the entire world on his shoulder that he himself created but blamed on others. He was a great antagonist and deserved karma on a much larger scale. Perhaps production ran out of time. So that's it.

Would I recommend it? With a perfect score, what do you think lol? This show will go into my permanent watchlist and I will definitely rewatch it over time. This was really a fantastic wuxia and if that's your thing, then you'll love this!

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  • Drama: O Sangue da Juventude
  • País: China
  • Episódios: 40
  • Exibido: Dez 26, 2022 - Jan 19, 2023
  • Exibido On: Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta
  • Original Network: Youku
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: Ainda Não Classificado


  • Pontuação: 8.9 (avaliado por 7,081 usuários)
  • Classificado: #116
  • Popularidade: #1086
  • Fãs: 17,117

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