Miss Purple
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 25, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
O drama tem um bom ritmo, a história é interessante e dificilmente você encontrará algum drama Coreano abordando o tema de inseminação artificial.

Gosto muito das interpretações da Jang Na Ra, ela nunca decepciona na interpretação, como ela ama escolher personagens "coitadinhas" rsrsrs. Drama com ela é sempre garantia de que terão situações embaraçosas, extremamente vergonhosas mas que te farão sorrir de tão sem noção.

Simpatizei com a protagonista e o protagonista que a princípio parece um cara frio e distante se torna um personagem muito fofo ao longo da trama. Até o episódio 11, estava legal e fácil de acompanhar mas novamente aqui encontramos aquele lenga-lenga de situações que poderiam ser facilmente resolvidas mas que se prolongam para render episódios, a protagonista também muda de ideia na reta final da trama, isto me decepcionou muito. Estava preparada para dar um 8, acabo dando um 5 pelo final mesmo, é uma pena que o feminismo começa a aparecer cada vez mais frequentemente nos K-dramas. Sou totalmente a favor da mulher ter seu lugar de destaque no trabalho, receber um salário justo compatível ao seu cargo, mas o pensamento de que a mulher é melhor do que homem é errado, ninguém é melhor do que ninguém e também ninguém é feliz sozinho, nós vivemos em sociedade, todos precisamos dos outros, as pessoas precisam de família, a família é a base da sociedade.

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Srta Jane
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 5, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Resenha Oh My Baby


Vou confessar que quando li a sinopse desse drama não achei nada interessante. Me lembrou muito um filme brega com a Jeniffer Lopez chamado: Plano B. Como se não bastasse, isso ainda me remeteu a outro filme que assisti uns tempos atrás que igualmente não gostei.

Enquanto Oh My Baby estava lançando, nenhum comentário a repeito da historia me estimulou a ver. Sequer coloquei na minha lista de pretensões futuras porque mesmo depois de um tempo não mudei de ideia sobre ele.

Dai você já pode imaginar que eu não tinha qualquer expectativa sobre ele. Mas eu estava na vibe de assistir uma comedia romântica e depois de rodar o catalogo do viki por um bom tempo sem não encontrar nada do meu interesse, acabei dando um tiro no escuro dizendo "vai você mesmo, pelo menos tem uma atriz que gosto no elenco, então vou ignorar a sinopse e partir nessa jornada".

E olha eu até me surpreendi quando comecei a ver, porque percebi que o drama era melhor do que a péssima imagem que eu tinha sobre ele. Sim, em alguns momentos tenho essas percepções ruins sobre alguns dramas, e por incrível que pareça raramente fui surpreendida positivamente quando senti isso.


Os primeiros episódios foram divertidos e me deixaram animada para maratonar sem dificuldades até o episódio 11. Depois disso vieram aquelas velhas enrolações no relacionamento do casal para cumprir tabela. O que fez o ritmo diminuir bastante e o meu interesse começou a diminuir na mesma proporção.

Achei a protagonista bem azarada e sofrida no primeiro momento, suas atitudes e sua indecisão sobre o que queria da vida a medida que o tempo passava foi me irritando mais e mais.

Tenho que dizer que essa foi uma das poucas vezes em que simpatizei mais com o homem do que com a mulher. Gostei muito mais do protagonista do que da protagonista. Só tive olhos pra ele. Torci muito para que ele conseguisse ser feliz quando se apaixonou por ela. E me senti indignada quando ela começa a repensar o casamento depois de já ter aceitado o pedido.

O personagem Choi Kang EuTteum começou como um jovem irritante, mas terminou como um homem super fofo, o que foi uma boa mudança.


E o que foi aquele amigo de infância insuportável?

Fiquei indignada com esse personagem, ele era tão espaçoso, folgado, inconveniente, mesquinho e irritante que merece ganhar o título de cara mais chato da dramaland.

Em vários momentos esse sujeito inconveniente me fez querer invadir a cena só pra lhe bater. Seu egoismo me tirava do sério. Ele agia como se ela fosse sua propriedade, como se tivesse algum tipo de "direito de preferência" como par romântico só porque lhe conhecia há muito tempo.

Me diz uma coisa sujeito, se você gostava tanto assim dela porque se casou com outra no passado? Por que chegou ao ponto de cortar a amizade com ela só porque sua companheira pediu? Depois de tanto tempo você magicamente resolve dizer que a vê romanticamente e que ela precisa namorar com você só porque ela esta desesperada para realizar o sonho de ser mãe antes que fosse tarde demais?


Mais uma vez me entregaram justamente o tipo de final que me desagrada. Não consigo ver com bons olhos certas atitudes de alguns personagens e naquela altura do campeonato ver uma mulher de 40 anos agindo como uma menininha de indecisa e insegura de 18 anos me tirou do sério. Francamente quando os dois finalmente superam os obstáculos invisíveis para que ficassem juntos no último episódio, ela me vem com uma história de que não queria se casar com ele, como assim? Por quê aceitou o pedido dele então? Outra coisa, um pouco antes disso, porque raios ela começou a fugir dele quando soube que seria pedida em casamento?

Não tenho como descrever seu comportamento com outra palavra que não seja: patético. Cheguei ao ponto de torcer para que o protagonista jogasse tudo pro ar. Ele sempre demonstrava tanta preocupação em atender as expectativas dela de ter um filho e eu não via uma contrapartida a altura da parte dela.

No final das contas não vi a mesma garra que ela demonstrou no incio da história, ela sonhava em ser mãe, tinha coragem suficiente para cogitar a ideia de realizar uma inseminação artificial e enfrentar todo o preconceito que sofreria ao se tornar uma mãe solteira, mas no meio do caminho é como se ela tivesse se perdido. Se apaixonou por um homem infértil e sequer tinha forças para tentar superar essa barreira com ele.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 16, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

amor e maternidade depois dos 30

É preciso entender que a sociedade sul-coreana, apesar de ser evoluída em vários aspectos, ainda traz conceitos tradicionais e rígidos, ainda mais para as mulheres. Então, é comum pensar em soluções (que seriam óbvias no ocidente, como: por que ela não adota? por que ela sofreu tanto por tanto tempo se ela poderia ter um filho sozinha?), mas é necessário levar em consideração a sociedade onde o drama está presentes. Julgamentos e imposições são feitos de modos diferentes (apesar de enxergar algumas semelhanças) no ocidente e no oriente.

A vida da mulher é resumida a ter uma carreira, casar e ter filhos, tudo antes dos 30. Ha Ri não conseguiu nada disso e já tem 39 anos, com problemas de autoestima e totalmente pressionada, ela se coloca em várias situações absurdas, em que começamos a cena rindo e acabamos chorando, pois o sofrimento dela é tão real, não há coração que não se compadeça com Ha Ri. A interpretação de Jang Na Ra, como sempre, foi maravilhosa, conseguiu dar o tom certo para a personagem, sem cair no dramalhão.

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Jul 12, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Incrível tanta sensibilidade na escrita mesmo sendo um homem, não que fosse um problema, mas o contexto machista que ainda existe na Coreia e no mundo e pesa muito para mim nesse sentido e confesso que criei muitas expectativas sobre esse dorama, por ser mesmo autor de Mirror of the Witch.

Várias opiniões sobre o assunto são mostradas das mais machistas a mais modernas, pensei que finalmente teríamos o foco em uma mulher que quer ser mãe solo e está bem com isso.

Toda vez que alguém metia o assunto casamento quando ela falava de ter um filho, eu tinha vontade de os socar, sério, é como se uma mulher não pudesse ser mãe solo. Por que isso é motivo para reclamações? Não são a vida deles e achei ridículo uma mulher solteira não poder fazer fertilização em vitro na Coreia. Ela tem que ser casada e pedir autorização ao parceiro.

Sobre romance, não está em primeiro lugar em minhas preferências por dorama, então o enredo é grande responsável para dar uma chance, mas sempre que posso tento ver romances maduros. Realmente não suporto essa mania de forçar uma inocência em uma mulher adulta, quando Na Ri e Yi Sang finalmente ficam juntos, fiquei um pouco decepcionada por seu relacionamento se parecido com de adolescente, pela idade esperei algo mais maduro.

A insistência do Jae Young foi muito irritante, estragaram um personagem que tinha um plot muito legal de pai solteiro para virar um simples chato que não entende que perdeu a vez, bom que isso foi redimido, mas mesmo assim foi um desperdício de personagem. Acabei sentindo falta de vontade de ver a partir do episódio doze e senti o treze arrastado, sem contar com os famoso clichês que foram usados.

Então me senti decepcionada pois o foco da Na Ri nunca era só ter um filho, não me convenci o essa desculpa de não está pronta para adotar, parecia uma forma de esconde um preconceito, na verdade o rumo todo foi modificando e perdendo foco.

Não posso dizer que o final foi cem por cento como queria, mas isso não apaga as maravilhosas atuações e os momentos que me emocionei, os bebês fofos, porém ainda sim, esperava mais.

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100 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 23, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 7
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

A mature, no-nonsense love story, where the leads are real adults.

I had avoided this show for a while, because from the posters and synopsis I felt it would be a cheesy rom-com involving three guys and a woman wanting a baby. I was not interested to see a love square with 3 guys and a girl, even if it boasted the casting of Jang Nara, no thank you.

Yet, I was curious nevertheless and decided to just give two episodes a try (you'all know how this usually ends)

You will love Oh My Baby, if you can relate to any of the following elements in a show:-

1. Adults (leads, second leads) actually having proper conversations. They talk things out, having meaningful conversations.

2. If you love FL with a no-nonsense approach but not crass and rude, bravely taking a lead in love but pulling back too, feeling hurt but recovering, a FL that does not resort to whining, screaming or shouting, not being pitiful even in a worst scenario.

3. If you had bad trauma from the mother in Something in the Rain, then Oh My Baby will restore faith in good mothers. She is similar to, but much better than the cool mom in Witch's Romance. This mom gets angry yes, but tells her daughter immediately that she should not lose her sense of self or feel guilty just because her mom is being angry with her. She stands by her daughter through all decisions, even those involving public ridicule. She doesn't care two hoots about societal response and family comments. This is a mom that does mountaineering and dancing, while also constantly looking for a match for her daughter. This is a mom that made friends with ML even even before she knew of her daughters interest in him and vice versa. Not just acquaintances in friendly terms, I mean real buddies.
I usually skip mom scenes in kdramas, and if you are like me, don't skip this mom's dialogues. She is sassy and open minded, and her scenes are worth listening to. This is a mom to end all kdrama moms.

4. There are no jealous female second leads, (but jealous male lead yes ) not everyone around the male lead is pining for his love, and they are all actually shipping them together, yes even the gals. No one bitchy and manipulative. Second male lead gets angsty a bit but that doesn't last more than a couple of episodes. He never stood a chance, it was clear from the beginning.

5. A romance that is gentle, but cracking with chemistry all the same.

6. Its not fluffy, silly rom-com but at the same time retains elements of fun throughout. The topics they deal with are emotional but handled with directness and spirit.

7. This is even better than Search WWW in terms of female portrayal because this is more realistic and honest. The women are not out-of-the-world sassy and bold, but rather as much real as anyone in that society would be. The only unreal element is that the FL is too pretty to be actually someone who never had proper romance for her age, but they also show why this is so,. its convincing.

If you liked Because this is my First Life, then you will definitely love this. I guarantee. Come back and trash me here if I am wrong.

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30 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 4, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A story with great potential, that lost its spark along the way

I was really looking forward to this drama, it seemed like it would be fun and refreshing, and I have to say it was. I loved this drama so much during the first half. It was funny, the characters were all so real, and the drama was also able to deliver meaningful messages. The ost was cute, and I loved Eu Ddeum, he was such an adorable character. Hari and Yisang continuously made my heart flutter, and I would always look forward to their scenes. There was cute bromance as well. Oh My Baby was everything I had been looking for.
However, the drama lost its spark for me at around episode 10. The characters suddenly became so immature. The angst really didn't suit this drama. Hari and Yisnag suddenly began acting like children, breaking up and getting back together again, not trying to face the problem. The episodes felt boring, and I started to watch them in 2x. I was expecting actual third lead syndrome from this, something new, but Jaeyoung and Eu Ddeum were practically useless. Jaeyoung was so frustrating. His character had such a unique setup: a man who had it all, a beautiful family and well paying job, who was now at the lowest point of his life, with a daughter to take care of. But we barley got to see his growth and he was just there to frustrate viewers. I was also disappointed with the use of Eu Ddeum's character, he was just there to add humor. For a drama that focused on an infertile couple, we hardly got to see their struggles. Instead we got unnecessary break up scenes. In the last episode, everything that had been empathized on, was suddenly no longer a problem.
The ending was cute, a little predictable but I still enjoyed it. Overall, it was an okay drama. I really wish it didn't lose its spark for me, because it could've become one of my top dramas.

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18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 15, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

it could've been more

i'm honestly quite disappointed. this had a pretty good start and i was thinking this was going to be an entirely different drama and won't have the usual kdrama tropes.

i really don't understand why there always have to be that breakup scene whenever a drama is ending. aLSO SOMEONE ALWAYS HAVE TO VANISH FOR A BIT like bruh where do you teleport to? in here, the fact that they did that just made it feel like they were dragging the story instead of putting a bit more focus on the important topics that this drama revolves around.

why not make the final episodes focusing on jang ha ri's struggle with pregnancy? what was the point of the scene of yi sang crying a river??? legit it was just him crying... no purpose given as to why he was crying lol i didn't come here to watch a melodrama

i could care less about the side couple.... fr why? so much more could've been brought into the plate. i get they did mention adoption once. it would've been nice if that was explored a bit more?

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Abandonados 12/16
19 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 3, 2020
12 of 16 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 4.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 4.5

It was disappointing

It was disappointing.

The synopsis was different - a single woman trying to have a baby on her own in such a conservative society. I was enraptured and I thought this show would break barriers and challenge norms. Throw in Jang Na Ra and what more can one ask for. I was all in and committed. And so it was for the first four episodes and I was standing with Ha Ri's convictions.

Then the biggest catastrophe happened. The show did a complete 360 and dropped every cliche imaginable becoming a regular played out trope. It was as if they had felt they had pushed the limit too far and feared the repercussions. So what did they do? They went back to the original formula. Girl meets boy, they both fall in love, add a love triangle, drunken scenes, away trip, forced break up, get back together and happily ever after.

Sounds familiar right?

Maybe because you've seen it in a dozen other shows.

I felt like I was catfished.

After the show fell into this trap I must admit I sped through, skipped some episodes and landed straight to the end. The forced ever after just cemented my disappointment. They took this wonderful idea that could have represented real life struggles for some women and made it a cliche. I wished they had committed to the original idea and made this a worthwhile drama.

New watchers are welcome to view this show as you will see all these scenes with fresh eyes. As for the veterans - it's the same old with nothing new.

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Liccy Blue
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 5, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
There were several things I liked about this drama and some things I didn't.

I don't know why, but it seems like infertility isn't discussed enough in media, so I was eager to give this story a chance. However, I put off watching it for a while because I thought it was going to be one of those useless "love square" stories, but surprisingly it wasn't what I expected.

So, starting with the things I liked about this show:

1) During modern times, I feel like people (particularly women) are somewhat shamed if they even think about wanting children. There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids but there's nothing wrong with wanting them, either. I think both sides of that coin should be respected. I liked how the main story presented this in a non-controversial way.

2) I liked how the drama showed that infertility affects men as well (and just as strongly). Honestly, this is probably my favorite part of the show.

3) There are characters at all stages of the themes explored (family, parenting, and in/fertility). Let me explain what I mean: the subfertile couple's journey, the main couple's struggles, a single mom AND a single dad, post-partum depression, abandonment. It touched on all of these without being unfair - it acknowledged that wrongdoing/desertion can be done by either parent, which is something I think society often forgets.

4) This is an extension of #3 that I wanted to talk about a little more: single parenthood. I find the relationship between Ha Ri and her mother (and the situation with Ha Ri's father) SUPER relatable and I thought it added extra depth to the story overall. At the same time, it's great to see some love and awareness shared for the struggles of a single father, too (I just really loved this, okay!).

Now for the things I didn't like very much about this show:

1) The story maintained a nice balance for a while - but around the midway mark, unnecessary conflict seeped through. It felt like it was there just for the sake of cliche. I'm talking about the change in Jae Young. At first I could understand why he was acting like that, and it would have been fine, but I think the writer dragged that conflict out too long and it became too annoyingly cliche. However, I didn't dock points off for this because I liked how his character arc ended.

2) The story between Kang Eu Tteum and Hyo Joo wasn't needed. It's like the writer didn't know what to do with Kang Eu Tteum's character after a while and made something up. It didn't add anything to the story and served as filler. Blah.

3) Yi Sang's decision close to the end (I don't want to put a major spoiler here). I don't think I need to explain why I hate this. This cliche is getting old...just like all the others, I suppose.


It's a great drama! I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already!

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5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 15, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 1.0


Based on the ratings I was expecting a spectacular show although a few of the reviews were not that great. First of all I love the female lead in most of the shows that she is in. She is an amazing actress. The second male lead is a great actor as well, well I can’t remember any particular shows that I’ve seen a man I’ve seen him in quite a few and I still think he’s great. Overall the acting for this series was good. I think the plot was good. There were definitely a few funny moments in here and a significant amount of heartfelt moments that will really tug at your heart strings. While I enjoy the acting and the cast, I honestly feel like the show was lacking.

I love the fact that they touched on the infertility topics for men. Most of the time you see the focus on women but this one brought awareness to infertility in men and how it impacts their lives in relationships. I felt that that was just an amazing portrayal of the emotions that men go through. Although the focus is usually on women this one seem to bring attention to how it affects both in their present and how they plan for the future. What I did not like about this series was that by episode five I can already tail who are female lead would end up with and at that point it was just blah. I know that some believe that actually did an amazing chemistry but I just didn’t feel it. I don’t know if it was the lack of character development, editing or the lack of chemistry. It just didn’t seem fulfilling at all. In truth after episode five I found myself skipping so many scenes. I did develop a keen interest in our second male lead because he seem to have a more connection with the female lead.

Is the show awful, no.
Is it Romantic, not really
is it funny, yeah a bit
Would I rewatch, no

It really was a stimulating enough to make you find any one character other than supporting me leave with the kids. But of course because he’s a second mail lady we all know how that how that ended.

My hopes weren’t high but they were definitely higher than this.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 3, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Good Enough

" Oh My Baby " had a really strong start, though the love square was a bit boring.

The drama has a lot of angst when it came to the leading lady's dream of becoming a mother. And, a lot of babies!! The romance was also nice, although the love square was boring. The one guy was quickly eliminated and the second lead was too annoying in the end. The whole drama, in those ending episodes, was about the male lead going back and worth about what he wanted, what he felt, and what he ought to do. Which is a bit off, as they had options (if they've got married they could apply for adoption, for example. He is a rich photographer, she seems to love babies and kids, and, for what I've seen in other Korean dramas, adoption isn't really a big no-no in Korean society, unless I'm wrong.) So, yes, that whole drama could have been lessened.

But, overall, Oh My Baby was quite enjoyable. The leading lady did an amazing job with her character and she was both tragic and entertaining. The whole romance was nicely paced as well, and the vibes of the drama were just perfect.

So, seven and a half out of ten.

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4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 8, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Family Oriented Drama with real issues

I think this drama does a great job at highlighting the painful problems that occur in our lives.
From the main character's you can see that the FL deals with her age and how society puts a label on how she should live her life. They often showed others rushing her into marriage in order to have a child that she dreamed of however, she had other barriers that constantly slowed her down. She had problem's with her mother/father (showing how childhood can affect your adult life), problem's with her health/age (lowering her chances of having a baby), problem's with her work, problem's with a long term friendship, problem's with the man she loved and many more. It is very realistic and sometimes it can be heartbreaking to hear their deep conversations.
Moving on to the ML, at first I thought he would be a jerk however, it turned out that he was a very soft hearted man carrying complicated feelings. His past love had scarred him and the reason was big enough for me as the viewer to understand why he was so hesitant. As a man infertility is not spoken much so I'm glad this drama decided to talk about it. The main couple's romance is indeed slow and reserved however, I think they are still pretty sweet. They can be immature at times despite them being in their late 30s and early 40s.
If you are hesitant to watch this drama because of the annoying second ML, I hope you can push that aside. I admit he is very annoying and irritating but I think the rest of the drama deserves a chance!

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Oh My Baby (2020) poster



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