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Jun 28, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Funny with Great Chemistry

I loved this drama a lot! It has a great plot that works to twist a lot of common tropes by causally breaking the 4th wall while also creating a story that doesn't depend on that to make it interesting. I loved every character especially the main couple who I felt had motivations that made sense to who they are not just what the plot needed. It also has good rewatch value since they didn't make it too long, which I appreciate. This reminds me a lot of my favorite drama, Scarlet Heart but a version that is simpler and a comedy more than a realistic drama.
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Jul 15, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Refreshing comedy with original plot and first class actors

I wasn't expecting much from this drama based on the trailers I watched, that's the reason why I've started to watch it lately. Surprisingly I enjoyed the whole drama, the plot, the actors, the music and settings.
Over all, main lead actors did a very good job, I really fall in love with the couple Chen Qian Qian / Han Shuo. Not only the actors chemistry was good, but they also managed to make us share the love and feelings the characters had for each other. Yes you definitly want to know how all the story will end and won't skip any episode !
Beside main actors Zhao Lusi and Ding Yuxi I'd like to underline the fact that all the actors in here were really good and those who played the lead characters servants were really brilliant bringing fun with hilarious sentences and acting !
Interesting plot, fun, good acting and love story, what else do we need to be entertained ? Nothing.

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Abr 15, 2024
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0


Après avoir finalement vendu le scénario de sa série télévisée, la scénariste en herbe Chen Xiao Qian tombe bientôt sous le contrôle du protagoniste masculin, qui refuse de jouer le rôle. Jurant de réussir son scénario, elle commence à le réécrire. Pendant la sieste, elle est transportée dans sa propre histoire, devenant la troisième princesse Chen Qian Qian, un personnage secondaire. Forte de la connaissance de son propre scénario dans lequel son personnage va bientôt être tué dans le troisième épisode par le prince Han Shuo, le protagoniste masculin, Xiao Qian est déterminée à rester en vie et à retrouver le chemin du retour. (Source : MyDramaList) Modifier la traduction

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 24, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0


I loved this drama so much! It was creative, hilarious yet romantic, and it was just perfect in every way possible! The actors/actresses were well picked, and the chemistry between the main leads was just chef’s kiss. Because I had just finished watching The Long Ballad and thought that Zhao Luis was a very great actress, I decided to give this drama a try. She never disappoints me, and her coordination with her co-actors deserves a standing ovation! I wasn’t wrong to tune in on this journey because throughout this drama, I laughed and cried along with the characters- and there are very few dramas that pull me in like so. I don’t ever regret watching this drama, and I promise that it will be the same for you too. Watch The Romance of Tiger and Rose now!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 22, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

Fun, entertaining watch!

This was such a fun show to watch. It was funny and interesting. Don't expect too much serious stuff in this show. If you're just looking to be entertained, then this is a great show to watch.

Although it has an interesting premise, the story isn't really original since there are already a lot of isekai or author going into his/her work stories. But it was still fun figuring out how the main character, Qian Qian will solve her problem. There are a lot of questionable logic in the story though, but as I said, if you don't take these things too seriously, you'll enjoy the show. The ending was a bit cliche and rushed. I feel that they could've fleshed the ending out a bit more.

I liked the first costume of Qian Qian, the bright red one when she was still portrayed as the "villain" but then it immediately shifted to pastel colors when Xiao Qian got transported to the story. I thought it would've been more interesting to keep the red color or style of costume until she gradually becomes the "main character" in the story.

This is the first drama I've watched of Zhao Lusi and she's already becoming one of my favorites. Her expressions, mischievousness, her smile, etc. She just lights up the screen and is so enjoyable to watch. Qian Qian can be annoying sometimes but Zhao Lusi is too likable for me to really be annoyed by the character.
Ryan Ding, I wasn't really a big fan before but I really like him in this drama. He can shift from being cold, calculative and intense to being like a love sick puppy. They're both so fun to watch on screen.
Aside from the leads the standout to me were really the actors who played Zi Rui and Bai Ji. I even want to watch them if they have their own comedy show.

There's no boring part in this drama. It was very entertaining and an interesting insight in how authors don't really control every aspect of their characters. Once they make them, sometimes they come alive on their own. It's also fun to see how Qian Qian will untangle herself from the mess she keeps on making. The main leads are sooo cute, I want to watch them again and again!

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Forhad Ahmed Niloy
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 28, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

Best Chinese drama ever made!

২০১৬ সাল থেকে ড্রামা দেখা শুরু করলেও ২০২০ সালের মধ্যভাগ পর্যন্ত আমার দেখা চাইনিজ ড্রামার সংখ্যা ছিল নিতান্তই হাতেগোনা। প্রায় ২২০+ কোরিয়ান ড্রামার বিপরীতে চাইনিজ ড্রামার সংখ্যা ছিল মাত্র আড়াইটা!! My Amazing Boyfriend, Love O2O আর Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me ছাড়া ২০২০ এর মাঝামাঝি পর্যন্ত আর কিছুই ধরা হয়নি। এর মাঝে আবার মাস্টার ডেভিল প্রথম সিজনের অর্ধেক দেখার আগেই ড্রপ দিয়েছিলাম ভালো লাগতেছিল না দেখে।
চাইনিজ দেখতাম না তার প্রধান কারণ ছিল ভাষাটা সহ্য হতো না, কানে লাগতো খুব। আর দ্বিতীয় কারণ ছিল ওদের কাঠখোট্টা রোমান্স। রোমান্টিক সিন গুলো দেখলে মনে হতো ইচ্ছার বিরুদ্ধে জোর করে অভিনয় করতেছে!!
এরপর এই বছরের মাঝামাঝিতে একদিন ইউটিউবে ছোট্ট একটা ক্লিপস দেখে বাঘ আর হনুলুলুর প্রেম ড্রামা টা দেখতে বসি। তারপর বাকিটা ইতিহাস!! আমার চাইনিজ ড্রামা ভালোবাসার কারণ, গত কয়েক মাসে প্রায় ৪৫+ চাইনিজ ড্রামা শেষ করার কারণ, কাঠখোট্টা চায়না ভাষা কেও সুমধুর লাগার কারণ, জোর করে করা রোমান্টিক সিন গুলো কেও অসম্ভব মিষ্টি লাগার কারণ, আর কিছুই না.... এই লাল ড্রেস পরা নাদুসনুদুস মেয়েটাই সব অসম্ভবকে সম্ভব করার মূল কারণ!!

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Em andamento 24/24
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 12, 2024
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
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Actors are awesome, story is busted

I love the male and female leads. They are hilarious with amazing screen chemistry. However the story is repetitive and mediocre at best. They're too many side stories that are unnecessary and kinda take away from the main plot. Which is sad because the main plot idea is what drew me in. I love Ding Yuxi and Zhao Lu Si, they are easily two of my favorite actors and they executed these roles well. But how many times did the sister suspect the husband? She was constantly accusing but then bam fell in love with him ?and the sisters right hand man being a snake. The main characters whole personality changed and no one questioned it. I wanted so much to love this drama but it just wasn't for me ?

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Jaymie Blutus
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

My Fav drama of the Year 2020

I have never interested to watch C-Drama before. But because of this very specific drama that popup in my FB video search, i tried watching C-Drama and completely head over heel to C-drama since then (2020). This is a MUST MUST MUST WATCH C-DRAMA!! Love Zhao Lusi and Ryan Ding so much.. 10/10. Been watching this 3x already...

I have never interested to watch C-Drama before. But because of this very specific drama that popup in my FB video search, i tried watching C-Drama and completely head over heel to C-drama since then (2020). This is a MUST MUST MUST WATCH C-DRAMA!! Love Zhao Lusi and Ryan Ding so much.. 10/10. Been watching this 3x already...

I have never interested to watch C-Drama before. But because of this very specific drama that popup in my FB video search, i tried watching C-Drama and completely head over heel to C-drama since then (2020). This is a MUST MUST MUST WATCH C-DRAMA!! Love Zhao Lusi and Ryan Ding so much.. 10/10. Been watching this 3x already...

I have never interested to watch C-Drama before. But because of this very specific drama that popup in my FB video search, i tried watching C-Drama and completely head over heel to C-drama since then (2020). This is a MUST MUST MUST WATCH C-DRAMA!! Love Zhao Lusi and Ryan Ding so much.. 10/10. Been watching this 3x already...

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 11, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

Divertentissimo ma non senza sugo

Un drama solo apparentemente peso piuma, che affronta con la comicità e la farsa l’eterna guerra dei sessi e la disparità di trattamento fra i generi. Ambientato per lo più in un mondo pseudo cinese antico, vede due città diametralmente opposte farsi la guerra.
In una comandano gli uomini, e le donne sono completamente sottomesse, e fin qui nulla di nuovo. Nell’altra città sono invece le donne a farla da padrone, e gli uomini non hanno alcun diritto. Le governanti e le ufficiali sono tutte donne, ed è veramente sconcertante vedere le case di piacere popolate di ‘musicisti’ maschi (piuttosto effeminati, in verità, e nemmeno troppo carini). L’applicazione agli uomini di tutte le violenze, limitazioni e pregiudizi che di solito sono riservati alle femmine genera una serie infinita di situazioni in cui non si può fare a meno di ridere, anche se a volte è riso amaro.
Ma, davanti a questo rovesciamento dei ruoli, non si può neanche evitare di vedere quanto sia assurda l’oppressione verso un sesso da parte dell’altro. Se è così fuori dalle righe applicato a un uomo, perché dovrebbe essere giusto se a subirlo è una donna?
In questo scenario, lo spietato erede del Signore della sconfitta città degli uomini viene a sposarsi nella città delle donne, con lo scopo non troppo nascosto di curare la sua malattia congenita al cuore e conquistare la città e le sue miniere. Dovrebbe sposare la seconda erede della Signora, ma la terza erede, viziosa e capricciosa, lo rapisce e se lo sposa.
Senonché la ragazza in realtà viene ‘sostituita’ dalla sceneggiatrice che ha inventato tutta la storia, e che si ritrova a vivere un personaggio secondario della sua sceneggiatura, da lei stessa destinato a morire per avvelenamento la notte delle nozze forzate! Ovvio che cercherà in tutti i modi di salvarsi la pelle e, nel contempo, di riportare in carreggiata la sua storia, che è stata deragliata dalla sua continua presenza in una trama che non la prevedeva.
Inutile dire che ciò genererà problemi, risate (e lacrime) a non finire. Risate? Addirittura sghignazzate sbattendo i pugni sul tavolo, direi. Questa almeno è stata la mia reazione. La sceneggiatrice vede ovviamente tutti solo come personaggi di carta, ma comincerà ben presto a cambiare idea.
Nel contempo, bisogna sottolineare come la storia, che nella prima metà si mantiene sul registro della più completa comicità, nella seconda parte viri verso situazioni più tese, a tratti anche tragiche, pur senza eccedere. E non credo di fare spoiler se dico che la storia ha un lieto fine.
Gli attori hanno fatto tutti un lavoro egregio. La coppia principale ha una chimica tale che si potrebbe credere lo sia anche nella vita reale. Gli occhi da cucciolo del protagonista sanno diventare all’occorrenza due schegge taglienti, il sorriso accattivante può tranquillamente divenire diabolico o stringersi in una maschera credibilissima di dolore o furore. Un’interpretazione, da parte di tutti gli attori principali, misurata ma espressiva. Fanno eccezione i loro servitori, cui è affidato un ruolo più comico e che per questo esagerano con la mimica facciale, e l'interprete di Pei Heng, che è sinceramente non pervenuto.
Non si può dire ci siano voli di fantasia sia nelle musiche, che nelle ambientazioni e costumi ma, in realtà, non si sente la mancanza di nulla. Il numero limitato di episodi assicura uno svolgimento delle vicende alla giusta velocità, senza inutili trascinamenti e senza l’introduzione di infiniti personaggi secondari che affosserebbero il ritmo con le loro inutili traversie. Non capita mai di sbottare: sì, va bene, ma i protagonisti? La trama? Tutto funziona col ritmo giusto e si giunge alla fine col desiderio di una seconda stagione, purché con gli stessi attori.
E’ un drama ‘apparentemente’ peso piuma, come detto in principio. Le situazioni che descrive spesso non sono logiche, bisogna ammetterlo. A volte tende alla farsa, non è esente da forzature e sicuramente il conflitto fra i due opposti stili di vita viene risolto in maniera troppo veloce e in modo non plausibile. Ma non è un drama storico, e il suo scopo non è descrivere una storia vera o plausibile. Non deve essere preso troppo sul serio, cercandovi chissà quali voli pindarici. Ci fa ridere, emozionare, e pensare. Direi che basta. Per quel che è il suo target e il suo scopo, è fatto egregiamente. Ce ne fossero! Edit: l'ho già riguardato, e continuo a ritornare sulle scene che mi sono piaciute di più. Decisamente un'impressione duratura: ha toccato tutte le mie corde.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 25, 2021
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10
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Great drama

I finished the series in just 2 days!
I personally enjoyed watching shows that have good storyline from the start to the end, with equivalent amount of exciting, funny and emotional scenes in between :)
Well.... but the sad part wasn't that sad, it just turns out to become funny, so probably you should not be expecting this drama to make you cry haha~
I loved the main leads chemistry and Han Shuo's devoted character! Just made your heart flutters!!!!
It might not have massive production like big war or hidden conspiracy but as a small web drama piece, it is just PERFECT!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 3, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

Love sacrifice between in real world and in dream.

What I like most about the story is that Chen Qianqian has to weigh her love between Han Shuo, Huayuan City and her real world.
The most tearful scene for me is that Chen Qianqian betrayed Han Shuo in order to save his life from death and both was going through devastation after being separated.
It makes me cry so much watching the scene also when Chen Qianqian doesn't want to leave Han Shuo but Han Shuo wants her to go back to her real world.
It's too painful when you realize what love is and how much you love someone, everything seems real and then you wake up from a long dream only to find out that it's not real and that the person you love doesn't exist.

I'm really looking forward for the part2 of this tv series. I love them so much , they are so cute and so lovely together. Their chemistry is so high and intense. I just can't help but falling in love with Ding Yu Xi and Zhao Lu Si.
I look forward for their upcoming movies and tv series together please more more projects for the two. Have them work again I'll definitely watch all of their movies and tv series.

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Crazy about Asian dramas
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 15, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Story is fine

Same theme movie i have watched many times , time span like that ,resembled stories enter into the game so basically the theme was same .
Starting episodes were good then middle of the episodes were little borring and then ending was good .
The differrent in the story was it had shown that one city was woman dominant and other city was man dominant city . so how these dominant power entangled with each other and how end went and how they came back to present life .so this was in the story .
I think the drama should have one more episodes of their present life where they first realised that was not a dream actually that was real and he search her not she . something like this should be there or may be the drama should have both the part historical one and the real one with 15 and 10 episodes respectively so something good may be come out.

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O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa (2020) poster



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