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Tinha muito potencial no início, mas depois se perdeu
Acho que esse foi o pior drama que assisti na minha vida de dorameira. Protagonistas sem química alguma, só fazem você passar raiva. Os primeiros episódios te fazem levantar expectativa e se prender na história, mas tudo isso desaba depois, ainda no começo. Você começa a odiar todo mundo e torcer para que o "vilão" mate geral.Deixando bem claro aqui: eu amo os atores que interpretaram os protas e o desempenho no papel deles foi ótimo, apenas os personagens e história que não simpatizei nem um pouco.
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Podia ser melhor
Felizmente ou infelismente o que se destacou neste drama foi o vilão, sim estranhamente o vilão roubou a cena e desepenhou muito bem seu papel, afinal eu assisti a isso tudo até o final por causa dele, pois o resto deixou grandemente a desejar.O casal de protagonistas eram tediantes não me convenceram, eu não vi quimica alguma entre eles , seria mais convicente se fossem apenas amigos, pois o ramance aqui não funcionou. Foi decepcionante ver os protagonistas sempre fazendo escolhas erradas e o vilão sempre um paço a frente, impossivel simpatizar por protagonistas stupidos, eles só agiam no calor da emoção não paravam para pensar e analizar os fatos nem um momento.
Foram episódios demais na minha opnião, a história ficou massante , arrastada e enrolada era tudo mais do mesmo episódio após episódio , absolutamente nada mudava. O fato de ter revelado o assassino muito cedo atrapalhou muito a história , você não cria mais expectativas apenas se deixa levar esperando anciosamente pelo final. Confesso que só me sentia interessada quando o vilão aparecia e por várias vezes tocia por ele, pois ele era unico que despertava algum interesse em mim, não me entendam mal entendo que ele fez várias escolhas erradas e não justifica os assassinatos que cometeu porem seu personagem eram bem complexo e isso me interessou.
Em fim não me arrependo de ter assistido porém não sei se recomendaria fortemente que você assistisse, veja apenas se não tiver mais nada interessante em sua lista.
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Quando criança, Kim Tae Pyung descobriu ter a habilidade de ver a morte de alguém quando olhava no fundo dos olhos de alguém. Após a morte dos pais é adotado por um homem cego que tinha a mesma habilidade que ele e se ajudam mutuamente. Já adulto, nada o impede de tirar vantagem dessa habilidade, passando assim, a ganhar dinheiro com os curiosos.
É assim que Tae Pyung conhece uma senhora que quer saber se o filho mafioso morrerá cedo ou não. E devido à essa premonição, a vida dele passa a estar em perigo causando sérias consequências, como a perseguição que o coloca no radar da detetive Joon Young, a única mulher que ele não consegue ver a hora da morte.
Um serial killer está á solta vitimando adolescentes do sexo feminino, as prendendo em um caixão ainda vivas e com um telefone desconhecido para que possam pedir socorro. Quase uma bomba-relógio até que fiquem sem ar e morra. Foi em casos fatais que Joon Young viu o pai trabalhar a maior parte da infância, um policial correto e justo que morre em serviço. O mesmo caso que matou o pai da jovem está retornando para abrir velhas feridas.
Quando Tae Pyung se interessa pelo motivo de não conseguir ver a morte da detetive Joon Young é o momento do telespectador ser atingido por outro plot tão bom quanto. Para alguns, talvez, a caracterização de "nos conhecemos na infância" esteja batida - eu não fiquei imune à esse pensamento. Porém, com uma narrativa que mescla presente e passado somos conduzidos por uma espiral de acontecimentos marcantes.
Uma morte terá o efeito dominó na vida de muitas pessoas, inclusive no motivo de Tae Pyung não conseguir ver a hora e nem o motivo da morte da Joon Young, que também está diretamente ligada a linha do tempo de Goo Do Kyung. Esse elenco principal até certo ponto não são personagens complexos, mas ao serem inseridos num contexto de tragédia, crime e investigação ganham uma nova ótica. Dolorosa e intensa.
Se eu pudesse usar uma frase para definir a estrutura desse dorama seria: jogar a merda no ventilador e respingar em todo mundo. Ninguém saí imune ao que acontece. Nem a imprensa, que em momentos críticos na vida de um ser humano, independente do crime cometido, não tenha sensibilidade ao transmitir notícias, lidar com as famílias envolvidas ou curiosidade em buscar a verdade.
Citação: "Antes de sair em busca de vingança: cave duas covas" - Confúcio
A descaracterização do mistério em relação a quem é o assassino foi memorável, já que em poucos episódios já sabemos sua identidade. E em momento nenhum isso tirou meu interesse ou fez a trama ser menos intrigante; muito pelo contrário, tanto a identidade como saber os próximos passos tornou o mistério melhor. Goo Do Kyung é um personagem complexo e cheios de nuances para reflexão, além de incutir no telespectador atitudes como compaixão e empatia. Adoro ver o ator Im Joo Hwan como vilão!
Apesar do romance ser o que move Tae Pyung a querer proteger a protagonista, sempre acho a dosagem proporcional ao tema da trama. É muito raro ver o Taec Yeon aceitar um papel que não tenha romance. Ele está sempre envolto em mundo fantástico com alguma pitada de romance. E funciona muito bem com ele, como em Who Are You, Bright It On, Ghost e Save Me (os dois últimos disponíveis na Netflix).
Citação: "Ele nunca violou a lei antes. Mas ele está agora, ficando obcecado pela sua segurança e sendo superprotetor porque você morrerá por causa dele"
Sem um histórico de bons efeitos especiais, a emissora MBC ficou deixando a desejar em várias cenas o que faria esse dorama ter outro nível se tivesse tido um pouco mais de investimento. Mas como já disse, o plot vale a pena! Já a trilha sonora foi muito bem planejada e adicionada em momentos certeiros, deixando visual e tensão combinados.
Mesmo sendo facilmente comprada pelo gênero fantástico em dramas coreanos, em apenas dois episódios o plot de The Game: Towards Zero já tinha me convencido por causa do seu enredo bem construído e difícil de largar.
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Aconteceu o que acho raro, tive empatia pelo assassino, mesmo sem concordar com suas atitudes. No começo fiquei preocupada pela revelação rápida da identidade do assassino, mas aqui foi essencial para se colocar em sua pele, uma coisa que também fez diferença foi mostrar que não havia prazer em todos os atos hediondos, por vezes me fez pensar que ele também é uma vítima, mesmo que seus atos sejam injustificados. Uma frase do episódio 24 me chamou atenção “Foi assassinato. Nós dois somos assassinos, mas um de nós fica cercado por pessoas, recebendo seus cuidados e apoio. A vida é terrivelmente injusta.”
Tirando alguns erros lógicos pequenos, eu gostei muito, por vezes me veio à mente a teoria da borboleta e a lei de Murphy, o final foi diferente do que esperei, mas foi feliz. De novo quero parabenizar a atuação Im Joo Hwan espero ele ganhe papéis como principal e claro Taecyeon também foi muito bem.
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A primeira parte do drama foi incrível, os personagens eram bons e a história parecia interessante. Para quem não esperava nada acabei me surpreendendo bastante. Os episódios iniciais eram tão fáceis de assistir que maratonei vários de uma vez.
No entanto, da metade para o final da história senti que as coisas começaram a desandar. O fator interessante que a fantasia proporcionaria logo foi ofuscado pelo jogo de gato e rato que se instaurou entre o mocinho e o vilão.
Sinto que seria muito melhor se tivessem focado na resolução de casos policiais com ajuda dos poderes de Kim Tae Pyung do que entregar o jogo tão cedo e ficar nessa briguinha de egos.
Sabíamos o tempo todo quem era o criminoso, mas a polícia não poderia fazer nada enquanto não encontrasse as provas para prendê-lo. A partir desse ponto mais parecia que o super poderoso era o bandido e não o próprio protagonista que efetivamente tinha o poder de ver o momento anterior a morte de qualquer pessoa.
Gostei bastante do inicio da história, mas sinto que em algum ponto dessa trama o autor se perdeu completamente. A segunda e terceira parte do drama não transmitiu a mesma empolgação do inicio, o que é uma pena. Poderia ter dado uma nota bem maior se não fosse por isso.
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Os protagonistas fazem um bom trabalho, digo até que é a melhor coisa, depois da OST, de todo o drama kkk..
Se você está atrás de um drama com vários casos com um poder em volta disso não assista The Game: Towards Zero.
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It started with very strong plot possibilities and excitement, which made me wonder what would be the best possible route
I would like the plot to take. But after a few episodes drama works its magic and you fall into its flow of tone and instead of imagining all the scenarios, you just look forward to the drama.
The acting was the stronger aspect to look for in the drama as Im Joo Hwan totally nailed it. There were times I was frustrated by his character's decisions to continue the revenge and all but well his character is a killer and t would be strange if I understood all his decisions :)) . Even until the ending his character was well expressed.
What catches you most is the editing and drama style with great use of slow-motion and subtle scenes with equally good music in the background. The drama followed this way throughout the episodes and it engages you in the story more emotionally.
As all dramas have some backfall it does have its own. Well, the scriptwriting was done good but I was tired of hearing the same sentences again and again. It would have been great if they had been a little more creative while delivering the same dialogues.
As a drama junkie, I felt the chemistry between leads developed a bit faster than in other dramas. but they wrapped around it well enough because of the continuous plot which slowed down and picked speed but never stopped for fillers.
This drama was satisfying in many ways and made me look forward to the next episode every time. With a well-written ending and the last couple of episodes, it wraps up with a smile on your face and contentment filling your heart.
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A good plot executed poorly!
A compelling synopsis. One more korean fantasy rom-com which I love a lot. A good casting. Handsome and wanna-know-him kind of serial killer. Still, it didn't make me fall in love with this drama. What went wrong?It has two interesting aspects - Fantasy and Romance. I would have loved it even if one was poor and the other was great.
First, Romance:
The leads fell in love very quickly as it seems like they were forced to love each other. Ok, I kind of accept the reason that ML had, but FL has no reason other than he can see the death of other persons. It was like - he sees death, I kind of feel pity for him, It seems he loves me, and the director asked me to like him, so from now on I'm going to love him. More or less I felt like this when they started to date. If some unknown person who can see the death follows me wherever I go and asks me to stay in his place, I would BLOCK that person forever from my life. But still she UNDERSTANDS him when she knew nothing about him and befriends him and little later fell in love with him.
And the story goes like they love each other to the end of the world and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the other but I couldn't find how they fell head over the heels for each other and why! Don't even start about the chemistry between the leads. They just started to date for all the sh**ty reasons they can find but there was no chemistry what-so-ever. I know, It was not THAT bad, still this is not the romance I would have expected to see after watching many romantic Kdramas.
Next, Fantasy:
I would have loved this drama if the fantasy plot was done correctly despite its romance. But there was full of potholes in the drama that there was no space in the plot without holes! lol If I started to explain, then I would end up by telling the whole story so let me just say that if you have any switch off mode in your brain, then watch this drama. Otherwise this drama is not at all good for your mental health. There's little to no help to the story with ML's ability - a non fantasy murder investigation drama would have moved much faster than this drama. The frustration that this drama gives you is no joke. Especially if you have any expectation. The drama did move much better and use the fantasy plot better at the end of the 15th episode. But isn't it too late?!
Third, Characters:
As I said earlier, not only the leads have no chemistry but the story was also designed like they had no brains too. The idea that ML had to stop the serial killer and the way FL went to CATCH the serial killer were dumbest moves that I have ever seen in dramaland.
The only character that seems interesting enough was the killer who was introduced pretty early. He seemed like he has so many layers that we will get to know about him slowly and Wow! that's a huge disappointment. With all the build-ups they give for him at the beginning and the wonderful acting of him with the face full of conflicts - he was a refreshing role in the drama but they made him nothing but a psycho as the drama progressed. And I seriously don't know the concept of the other characters pitying the serial killer and telling that they're trying to understand him. For God's sake, the writers should wake up from the dream. They are the ones who never explored his character and they wanted us to pity him for now. The only thing I can pity for him is that all those golden acting he gave, got wasted in this drama.
It has a nice setting for the supporting characters but not even one character was explored fully. Thus I felt no connection with them even when their lives were in danger.
It has it's own sweet and nail-biting moments, but that was very little that those scenes alone couldn't make this drama better.
If it was one of my first few Kdramas, I would have given a ten. But after watching many kdramas, I can surely say this is not worth that much. So many plot holes, no character exploration and the scenes which were repeating itself made this drama an uninteresting one for me.
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I think I should start with the lead Ok Taec Yeon as Tae Pyung. I do think he did a good job in his role but since his character carries the entire drama, I wanted to love him more. He plays Tae Pyung as cool, and clever well but when things became more melodramatic and intense I felt less connected to him. I also wished I knew much more about his backstory which was treated more like an afterthought. He is matched with the equally cool, confident, and clever Lee Yun Hee as Seo Joon Young... the only person who's death he can't foresee. I think they make a great team in the beginning, especially when they are initially feeling each other out. I do think they lacked strong romantic chemistry though, which doesn't help when romance drives the story. It's not that I didn't like them together, I did. They had many moments together that I liked. It's that they lacked excitement, and even in the most heightened and emotional moments they were just too casual and cool with each other. It seemed like the plot had more passion than they did, although it also rushed something that didn't have enough time to develop.
I thought the rest of the cast was pretty good too. The officers, reporters, Tae Pyung's support team, and assorted bad guys all played their part well, but Im Joo Hwan definitely stands out as the best of the cast. His character was so complicated, and I think he did a great job of playing out the range of emotions required without being too overdramatic or unrealistic. I also love seeing him in duplicitous roles, which I think he excels at. More than the female lead, he felt like Tae Pyung's true match. I think they worked well off of each other. I also felt the same way about Jung Dong Hwan as Teacher Baek in his more supportive role. Still, I didn't love anyone in the cast enough to give the acting a higher rating.
As I already mentioned, it's the story that drew me in. Tae Pyung's dilemma about whether to stay a loner, the murder mystery, ruthless reporters, and revenge aspects of the story are super exciting for most of this drama. As the story progressed towards the ending I felt like there was a shift and that's when things started to drag and unfold as expected. There were also a lot of flashbacks, or rather flashforwards that started to feel overdone. I almost wish this drama had fewer episodes, and then maybe they would have trimmed more of the fat. I felt like I was just waiting for things to end like I knew it would which was completely different from the unpredictable feeling I had when I first started watching. The end also felt cheesy and way more melodramatic than the beginning, which added to my disappointment. Stronger character development and performances definitely would have helped.
Would I watch this again? Probably not, but I am curious if I would catch things that I missed the first time if I did. Maybe if I loved the main couple more I would, but I can't see myself watching every episode again unless I completely forget the plot over time.
Overall, this drama is pretty good but not as amazing as I thought it would be. The ending was decent, so I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching, and I like the theme about making the most out of your life in the moment instead of fixating on the end, but the writing seemed to sometimes defy all logic just to get to the ending they wanted. If you like crime thrillers I think the originality of the story makes it worth watching. If you're looking for a great romance I would probably skip this one, or at least put this lower down in your watchlist queue. If I had a power like Tae Pyung to see how this drama ended ahead of time I still would have watched it, but I really wanted it to be so much better.
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Starring Ok Taec Yeon & Ok Taec Yeon's ears.
I wasn't terrible, LOTS of plot holes. The dude that plays the main bad guy is really good at playing bad guys...pretty much I hate him in everything he's in, but that's 100% because he's so good at being bad, and you're probably supposed to hate the bad guys right? The dude that plays the male lead I was ready to hate, because his character is SO TERRIBLY EVIL in Vincenzo, it took me a few episodes to get over that and I ended up liking him a lot. This dude's ears amaze the shit out of me every time, they're MASSIVE but he wears them so well. The entire premise of the romance in this story is incredibly shallow. Like others have said, I get why the ML is into her but I 100% can't figure out why she falls for him, other than his being relatively hot. The mystery/thriller arc of the story is ok, it's pretty shallow as well but the actors help elevate it beyond its flawed capabilities.Every side character is pretty shallowly written apart from the old dude in the wheelchair, and even him I had a difficult time believing his motivations were grounded in logical plot. Like ok, he's the typical closed lipped kdrama old dude who doesn't talk a lot about knowledge he has, I get that, but I struggle with how much he apparently did over the course of the lead's lives compared to how little he did in present day. It just didn't seem very realistic. The cop side characters are all excessively ineffective at doing anything. Like why weren't they guarding that girl's room better? Why weren't they guarding the ML's room when the bad guy was still on the loose? IDK, just a bunch of poorly developed and inconsistent characters. Like what was the point of the team leader cop's tiny romance was so out of place and poorly developed that I can't see what it even added to the story.
All 3 leads are great at acting and the 2 male leads had moderately developed storylines...the FL's storyline got sort of dropped along the way, so there's a lot of linkage with the MLs at the beginning but halfway through she just gets ignored. Even still, she did a great job working with what she had. There was chemistry between her and the ML, but it didn't seem like a "die for you" / "wait for you" type chemistry. They also switch pretty rapidly from portraying her as a badass to portraying her as a weakling damsel in distress. Her character was really poorly written with almost no personality, so any personality came from the FLs acting skills.
There is zero comedy in this show, and maybe that's the missing element here. If there had been more comedy and less baseless romance this might have been a really stellar show. The fantasy elements would have been better if they weren't so variable. Like sometimes they show you what the dude sees with people's deaths, sometimes they don't show you, and I can't figure out why. There's lots of people making random decisions with zero context.
Overall, I don't regret watching it, but it's not clever or funny enough to have such a shallow underdeveloped plot. With this sort of storyline you have to either get super intricate with the plot and character development, or you have to be funny. Otherwise you've just got people saying lines on the screen and it does nothing to draw you in. I wouldn't rewatch this, but it was good for a few hours of entertainment (though a true slog toward the end).
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The best Kdrama for me in 2020
You will never regret after watching this one.How scary is the love of a murderer that there's one line he said, "If we can be together after death, it is not bad." I guessed I will not forget it for a while. And I am loving Im Joo Hwan for this. He is the best in acting as a villain. He fits as a antagonist more than the other. More than other characters, he is the only one who remained in my head.
He turned himself in because he was afraid of killing someone he loves. But he ended up following the foretelling.
If only someone has trusted and supported him, he would have had a normal life and if possible, he could even be with the one he loves. The society and the foretelling has forced him to become what he had become.
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Cast was actually enjoyable, but just the nature of the plot development is so slow, all the realisation are so bad. Not sure if it's because I had high expectations, but yea truly dissatisfied with the execution.
Watch it if you don't have anything else to watch, otherwise don't waste your time.
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