Yoon Hee é uma mulher de seus quarenta anos, que se divorciou do marido há pouco tempo. Ela está deprimida, mas esconde sua tristeza da filha adolescente Sae Bom. Um dia, Sae Bom encontra uma carta enviada para sua mãe de uma cidadezinha do Japão. Ela acidentalmente lê a carta, e fica surpresa ao descobrir que ela inclui detalhes sobre o primeiro amor de sua mãe, um amor secreto sobre o qual ela nunca contou a ninguém. Determinada a tirar sua mãe da tristeza, Sae Bom cria um plano. Ela convence a mãe a viajar com ela para o Japão, sem revelar sua verdadeira intenção: procurar o primeiro amor da sua mãe. O que se segue é uma jornada de descoberta para mãe e filha. Embora Yoon Hee não ouse admitir, ela guarda uma esperança secreta (e uma certa ansiedade) a respeito do reencontro com seu primeiro amor. Mas será que a jornada também pode ajudá-la a fortalecer os laços com sua preciosa filha? (Fonte: Viki; editado por MyDramaList) Editar Tradução
- Português (Brasil)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Título original: 윤희에게
- Também conhecido como: Manwol , 滿月 , Lua Cheia , Moonlit Winter
- Roteirista e Diretor: Im Dae Hyung
- Gêneros: Romance, Vida, Melodrama
Elenco e Créditos
- Kim Hee AeYoon HeePapel Principal
- Nakamura YukoJunPapel Principal
- Kim So HyeSae BomPapel Principal
- Sung Yoo BinKyung SooPapel Principal
- Kino HanaMasako [Jun's aunt]Papel Secundário
- Yoo Jae MyungIn HoPapel Secundário

It is about Sisterhood - with a deep connection transcending age and nation. Yet in a man´s world.
When watching KMovies, one stumbles across productions that are surprisingly quiet and told with comparatively few words. "Moonlit Winter" is one of them. A quiet road movie of a mother an her daughter enriched with pictorial symbols and allegories. Like a long cold winter night.It's about the unhappy love between two young girls that wasn't allowed to be. (SIDE NOTE: To this day, homosexual love is socially outlawed in South Korea. Starting with the younger generation, a little more tolerance is creeping into society, but only at a snail's pace they are starting to find something like solid ground under their feet.)
It is about the (need for) reconciliation with the past. About shame, guilt and forgiveness. And about choosing yourself first. Self love. And then, strengthened in that, one can choose anything, including a relationship... even if it's a homosexual one that still is socially undesirable...
Intense! The list of awards is correspondingly long. However: The intensity could easily be missed, because the quiet, long winter nights are what they are: Long. Dark. Cold. If you don't discover the magic of the diffuse moonlight for yourself, then time can get pretty dreary and gloomy.
The cast fits the show. They are all radiating and keeping the intensity in minimalistic terms.
It is about women with a deep connection transcending age and nation. About Sisterhood!
Tender. True. Yet in a man´s world.

Even though Yoonhee was the focus of the movie, her daughter, Saebom, was a scene stealer. I found her interest for film photography is a nice element to this film! I love her attention to detail. Her mom knows everything she doesn't tell, and I think that Saebom is alike. The trip that she prepared for her mom was probably the best gift! It's a heart-warming movie. I personally love the ending, character development and the cinematography.