Sobre os personagens/atores
Promotor Jang: começando por ele que é um ahjussi do selo de dorama de qualidade, onde tem Kim Won Hae pode ter certeza que a história é altamente recomendada. Como a Coreia tem mania de rotular as pessoas, sugiro o nome "ahjussi da nação". Saindo do ator e indo ao personagem, dizer que o promotor é a peça chave não é spoiler e nem exagero, apesar de fazer algumas besteiras aqui e ali, ele foi o personagem de ações mais "humanas", onde acertava, errava, admitia o erro, tentava arrumar as coisas e foi decepcionado por pessoas em que acreditava. Apesar do drama não apresentar claramente, o promotor tinha tudo para se tornar um corrupto (como um dos chefes disse: "quem não tem 'conexões' fica para trás, enquanto que têm alcança os mais altos escalões) e não se tornou. Ele foi um personagem admirável.
Saindo da honestidade, vou falar do quarteto fantástico: os vigaristas.
Byung Min e Jin Woong: não tem muito que falar sobre eles, o primeiro é um gênio da informática e consegue encontrar com facilidade qualquer pessoa. Já o segundo é aquele cara bruto que mete medo, mas que é um doce de pessoa e que gosta de fazer suas cutículas. (rs)
Ah Ryung: a única menina do grupo foi largada em um orfanato e sempre foi muito sozinha e muito hábil na arte de roubar, até encontrar o trio ternura e melhorar ainda mais o quesito roubo.
Ha Ri: o ladrão mais cara de pau do mundo. Ele era tão sínico em algumas ocasiões, que me fez duvidar da minha sanidade mental por ficar apaixonada por ele. Claro que o charme do Seung Heon ajudou bastante (e como ajudou), mas o personagem em si é muito divertido, inteligente, safado e por incrível que pareça, leal. Esse foi um dos poucos personagens protagonistas que conseguiu me deixar com algumas dúvidas sobre o seu caráter e mesmo assim amá-lo.
Juntando essas quatro personalidades, temos o grupinho mais engraçado e produtivo de toda Coreia, porque os caras são bons demais!
Os vilões: não tenho muito o que dizer, teve vários, os atores eram bons, mas não teve um que brilhou muito. Claro que muitas das vezes queríamos matar "aquela pessoa", mas nada muito surpreendente. Dentre os vilões a que mais me chamou atenção foi a Hyun Ja, a mulher era do mal, mas ela exalava mais poder que o vilão principal.
Trilha sonora: não sou muito de prestar atenção nas músicas, mas teve umas 3 muito boas que pretendo baixar.
Romance (spolier): não teve. Se você, como eu, começar a shippar um certo casal e torcer MUITO por eles, vai se ferrar legal. Neste drama não tem romance (bem que eu queria), mas não tira o brilho da história.
Efeito especial/cenas de lutas: a Coreia sabe que é boa nesse quesito e investe legal nessa parte e nunca decepciona.
Plot: apesar do romance ser o maior sucesso dos k-dramas, a ação, sem dúvidas, é o gênero mais bem feito. Apesar da maioria das vezes ser bem clichê, o gênero consegue se sair melhor que o romance. De fato é o que acontece com Pan. O drama tem aquela parte vingança, mas não deixa de lado a comédia (bem leve) e a parte de investigação que te faz raciocinar, na metade do drama já tinha revelado grande parte dos mistérios, mas nem isso vai tirar a graça de assistir mais e mais episódios. O roteirista foi muito feliz nesta história, porque ele conseguiu deixar o telespectador com uma expectativa.
Final: sou uma pessoa extremamente chata com finais, na maioria das vezes que eu não curto o drama, o final é perfeito e quando amo de paixão, o final é uma bosta. A Coreia tem essa capacidade. Entretanto o final de Pan foi diferente, engraçado e bem completo, sem deixar muito para imaginação. Confesso que queria uma segunda temporada, não para fechar pontas, porque eles deixaram tudo fechadinho, mas eu queria ver esse quarteto roubando e desvendando novos mistérios.
Em resumo, se a Coreia for tudo isso que apresenta em Pan, menina(o), começo a pensar que os alguns políticos, policiais, servidores públicos e empresários do Brasil não são os mais corruptos do mundo, porque vou te contar, é corrupção para todo lado. Enfim, corrupção a parte, vale assistir esse drama maravilhoso.
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Todos os atores são incríveis e seus personagens igualmente. A Krystal me fez ficar ultra apaixonada tanto nela quanto em sua personagem, o mesmo para os três rapazes
O que dizer de tanta corrupção mostrados em 14 episódios? Sem palavras pro trabalho excelente do quarteto e do promotor Jang! Aliás, vamos falar um pouco sobre este ícone?
No começo duvidava dele e de tudo que ele tinha prometido, mas ele se mostrou um homem de palavras que estava prestes sofrer alho horrível do seu chefe, eu inclusive chorei muito quando isso ocorreu. Enfim ele é foda.
Resumindo tudo este dorama é sensacional tanto na história quanto nos seus atores e personagens. Assistam The Player
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The actors:
They gave their best in portraying their role in this drama. In fact, those actors are really great because the way they act is very convincing, as if the situation is real.
The plot:
Though, this kind of drama is not really new but atleast, the writers and the director made this one as an exceptional by making the scenario unique and thrilling in some way. It's a must-watch for me because this doesn't only depicts the issues roaming about prosecutions, criminals and politics it also shows the values (good friendship, loyalty, caring, justice) that we will get by watching it. It'll also makes you cry, laugh, thrilled, sad and angry most of the time.
The OST:
I really love the ost! I really can't say anything about it, but i really like it ??
To summarize everything, all i can say is, you SHOULD watch this drama! It's really great. I'm not exaggerating here, but you should especially if you like actions, friendship, investigation genre, this one is for you!
Oh, by the way, i wasn't able to read all the views regarding this drama, but hey, if there's negative review, please don't believe it for every people has their own preferences. Thank you ????
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If you are looking for a drama that has great acting, great chemistry between the characters and is a comedy...This is the drama for you!
If you want to be entertained and REALLY just enjoy a drama from episode 1 to the finale...This is the drama for you!
STORY: This drama sure has a roller coaster of a ride for a story. Every episode has a cliffhanger which makes you want to click next episode as fast as possible. It is just a fun and wild ride. Basically the story is a group of people with different backgrounds and skills come to together to fight against corruption. It is so much more than that but you know...spoilers. The only downside of how this story structure turns out is that at the beginning of the drama, the action and story is like a 2 episode story arc and then moves onto the next mini story arc. I loved that but the further along you get into the drama, the less and less the writers told the story that way. I completely understand why and it didn't become distracting or hurt the story in any way, I just liked that the story was episodic BUT I usually like my crime dramas episodic.
ACTING/CAST: I thought the acting and choice of cast was PERFECT for this drama. Everyone played their role beautifully. It was like they were made for the role they were given in this drama. Also the cast had such great chemistry together too. Also anytime I see Kim Won Hae in a drama...It goes to the top of my list.
MUSIC: I usually don't notice the music all that much but this drama's music stood out. The OSTs for this drama are fantastic! I have been listening to them on repeat. I think the music that is played during the intense parts and the themes played with each character really added to the ambiance of the drama.
REWATCH VALUE: I will 100% rewatch this drama again...I WANT A SECOND SEASON OF THIS DRAMA!
OVERALL: I just loved that I chose to watch this drama. I kind of picked it up on a whim but NOW I am sad that it is over. I will miss the hodge podge group of ruffians that I was used to watching every week. WATCH THIS DRAMA! You won't regret it. It is just a fun time with great characters that are well rounded and have depth and flaws and a drama that has a good storyline (granted could have stuck with the episodic structure for a little longer).
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Also, this drama has also proved that Korean dramas can be good without romance in it! (I shall not elaborate on this or I might end up giving spoilers)
This drama has become one of my favourites and honestly, I wouldn't say no to a season 2 :) (I can't find the words to express how much I love this drama AHHH <3)
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A New Favorite
it's currently 3 am and i just finished binge-watching all 14 episodes of this drama. it's definitely one of my favorite dramas now.the cast is absolutely stupendous. i have learned so much while watching (all the unspoken tension built by characters, the drive, and want, etc.) it's led me to see the buildup of characters in a new light and just how crucial it is to the structure of a story. the truth each actor lives as their character is eye-opening and entrancing. i was hooked from beginning to end.
the themes and overall topics the drama touches on is done in a way that is addictive and disturbingly realistic. i couldn't stop watching until the end and i still want more. however, it already is a compelling standalone story.
for, at its very core, 'Player' digs deep into the human psyche to examine just how far people will go to get what they want. and does so in both a raw and absolutely incredible manner.
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The story just flows smoothly, and it would be so great if they gave krystal more action. Lee si eon here sure stood out. He is funny, weird, genius, but not annoying. The strong guy, well, is very cute. The chemistry between the four is just so cute. There's a spark, there is a sibling relationship. I kind of wanted romance but, sadly, none. You should have add some even just a little, but if they did, hell, this'll be very great.
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The OST was great and all the music in the scenes was on point to set you in the mood for what was going on. The actors did a phenomenal job with everything. While we've definitely seen the revenge/defeat the bad guys story before, this was well executed. I cheered on the guys who were the outcasts of society (technically criminals, but the goodish guys in this case) and despised the real criminals who killed and manipulated to get what they wanted out of society. Definitely a roller-coaster of emotions, but fun to watch. All in all, a great drama.
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And I usually pay extra attention to the story cause I watched way too many American shows that were so incoherent and stupid.
This drama is fun, I got attached to the characters more than I thought I would even though the story is super classic.
The acting was okay, the plot was decent, but not fantastic. However , the bond between the leads is really endearing and has a very comic side.
So even if the way they developed the story, the relationships and the characters was not so interesting, it was still a fun drama to watch more for its comedy aspect.
So I recommend if you’re not looking for a thrilling plot and a subtle development, but just for a bit of action and bromance.
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It is a light show but also very shallow. In therms of characters and story. Especially the former lacked nuances for me (which is probably why I didn`t feel Song Seung Heon`s performance/character that much).
In terms of action/plot: It got really boring since they used almost the exact same routine for every event. It was/become very predictable and I wasn't a single time surprised by plot "twists".
The villain were also these comical cartoons cliche villains that were only there to enjoy when they finally got kicked in the nuts.
And not much fight "choreo" to see either they went just style confusion camera wise and so you could mostly only see some disjointed stunts. But it was okay.
I really don`t agree with the sentiment "This drama is considered a must-watch in many ways". Can`t think of a single wey/thing. To be precise I think it's very overrated (at the moment 8.4) compared to others in the genre. But the same is true for me about "Come and Hug Me" and "Mad Dog" so... (Though this one is in the middle there).
My expectations are probably to high when I compare them to my favorites.
Though considering thriller is one of my favorite genres - frustrating.
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While our main actors may not be at their best acting abilities here, it really doesn't matter much for the roles they play. You have your charismatic con man, a typical hacker, a man hulk, and a thief/racer on a team that is out to take down corruption outside the legal limitations. I've quite enjoyed their chemistry and interaction with one another and very much appreciated that the only female lead is actually likeable. If you've read most of my reviews, I have pet peeves with female lead characters that don't add much value. Although they are supposed to be your super team, there are enough hiccups that get them down to earth a bit, unlike your 007s.
There is a bit of a drag during the middle with the hurdles they continuously encounter but it picks up again near the end. Some of the video shots, particularly during fight scenes, are a bit shaky. Not sure if this was intentional but it was distracting at times.
Overall, it's not a unique plot by all means and every so often you do wonder how either side went from being intelligently detailed to somewhat sloppy. But it is pretty well done and straight-forward with respect to how they laid it out and heart-warming when you see the team bonding. So just kick back and enjoy it the way you should with these types of genres.
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Really fun!
Well, that was honestly a fun ride!! The best part of this was undoubtedly the banter between everyone in the group, and they all really grew on me. We got to see really good character development and backstories from all of them — and I will say my favorite out of the bunch is the Hacker!I do honestly feel like the Big Mission was a little underwhelming, compared to how inventive their previous ones had to be — for this one they just broadcasted the meeting and that was it, even though everything WAS wrapped up nicely.
One thing I kind of wish they extended further were the subplots for each character; it felt like the side characters just sort of dropped off the face of the earth after their roles were finished.
As a whole, I still REALLY enjoyed this and it pretty much had everything I want in an action drama: action (duh), friendship (with banter!), and a thirst for revenge.
Final thing: the OST sounds hella badass. I’ll definitely be listening to it while imagining my own revenge plot.
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