Emocionante e Cativante
Drama emocionante e cativante! A fotografia e cenários são surpreendentes! Gostei muito de assistir, apesar de chorar muitas vezes! E voltaria a assistir novamente!O que me cativou na história foi o amor e cumplicidade entre os protagonistas Bai Su Zhen e Xu Xuan. Os dois sempre apoiando um ao outro. Mesmo que a Jin Ru Yi tente separá-los o amor e harmonia entre o casal é forte!
Outro ponto é que Bai Su Zhen e Xu Xuan sempre pensam no próximo e em ajudar da melhor forma a todos que necessitam. Realizando atendimentos médicos com preços acessíveis e até mesmo gratuitamente.
Os personagens apresentam muitas características bem humanas, mesmo buscando atender aos outros, em alguns momentos da trama apresentam momentos de raiva, fazendo-os agir e tomar atitudes extremas.
É uma série que traz muitas reflexões sobre cumplicidade, confiança, amor não egoísta, pré julgamentos, sentimentos de posse e obsessão.
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Eu não deveria ter lido a lenda original. Realmente, não deveria. Me arrependo muito por ter feito isso!!!!
Vamos lá, estou dividindo essa resenha em duas partes, na primeira falarei sobre o que achei dos personagens, depois um pouco da história em si, então sinta-se livre para pular qualquer coisa, pois terá um pouquinho de spoilers.
Bai Su Zhen "A cobra branca": Nunca vi nem trabalho da atriz Ju Jing Yi, antes desse drama então não posso realmente dizer se ela teve uma boa atuação, especialmente porquê Bai não é uma personagem muito carismática! Francamente, nunca me importe com ela, achei a personagem entediante. Para uma imortal de mil anos ela toma decisões bastante questionáveis sem falar na facilidade que é manipulada pelo roteiro, e olha que eu propositalmente ignorei a falta de química com o homem que ela supostamente se "apaixonou" ao ponto de trocar o cultivo e a vida apenas apara estar ao lado dele, nenhuma vez a personagem transmitiu estar de fato apaixonada.
Xu Xuan: Outro personagem sem sal. Mas, diferente da Bai ele tinha um pouco de carisma! A primeira vista ele parecia outro protagonista perfeito com virtudes demais para um ser humano real, mais ao decorrer da história podemos ver que Xu não é assim tão perfeito, ele pode ser orgulhoso e um pouco arrogante e tbm é muito assustador e vingativo quando algum idiota finalmente consegue fazê-lo perder a paciência. Sem falar, que diferente de sua parceira, ele sim passa a sensação de um homem apaixonado, que se esforça para ficar ao lado da mulher que ama. Foi só por causa dos esforços dele que consegui shippar o casal, e olha só, ele não é um babaca tóxico!!!
Xiao Qing "A cobra verde": Tenho uma relação de "amor & ódio" com a Qing, no começo ela era extremamente irritante e infantil, quase matou o Xu por um motivo idiota. Mas com o tempo ela se tornando menos egoísta e infantil, ajudou bastante ela ser uma personagem carismática e muitas vezes acabei rindo das suas bobagens, ela realmente era como uma irmãzinha irritante e imatura, mais dedicada e apaixonada. Foi fofo assistir a garotinha amadurecer e se apaixonar. E sim vou ignorar todas as decisões estúpidas da Qing nos últimos episódios porque aquilo foi claramente influência negativa de roteiro!!!
Fa Hai "O monge": Acho que Fa Hai foi o que mais me interessei entre o quarteto protagonista, já que na lenda original, o monge era aquele que era o maior responsável pelos problemas que ocorreram na história, felizmente o roteirista foi sensível o suficiente para redimi-lo. Admito, que no começo eu o shirppava um pouco com a Qing, já que havia muitas cenas fofas entre os dois, mais acho que o roteirista abandonou a ideia, pq do nada essas interações fofas acabaram.
Agora vou falar sobre o enredo.
Mais como: "choramingar sobre o roteiro vagabundo".
Primeiramente, da onde esse tradutor retirou essa sinopse em português maravilhosa? Porquê definitivamente não corresponde ao drama que eu assisti, não tem nada a ver de jeito nenhum! Se fosse essa fosse essa mesmo a história tenho certeza que o dorama poderia ter sido mil vezes melhor.
A lenda do Mestre Chinês ou "Legend of White Snake" não é um drama péssimo, mas tbm não pode ser considerado bom. Eu estou sendo muito dura? Definitivamente não estou! Muito pelo contrário fui muito favorável com as pontuações desse drama! Isso por quê, era um drama extremamente doce apesar do roteiro fraco.
Me diverti muito nos nove primeiros episódios, mais depois do episódio dez a história só foi decaindo ao ponto de se tornar cansativa e entediante!
Eu assisti os dois últimos episódios torcendo, para o meu menino Xu morrer permanentemente só pra deixar essa bagunça pelo menos emocionante/satisfatória, já não aconteceu absolutamente nada a história toda!!! A maioria dos problemas ali, eram facilmente resolvidos ou eram causados apenas por mal entendidos e falta de comunicação. Pelo amor de Deus, os personagens que deveriam ser inteligentes, se tornam ingênuos e estúpidos só pq o roteiro precisa que eles sejam assim.
Sem falar na quantidade de frases idiotas: " Como eu sou mulher tenho que ser assim", ou algo como "Eu sou um homem tenho que agir assim", respirando fundo três vez para não revirar os olhos. É um drama histórico, então tentei ignorar essas pérolas o máximo possível, mais a quantidade delas durante todo o drama era o suficiente para confeccionar um colar!!! Foi extremamente frustrante.
Depois de assistir o episódio dez, ficou claro pra mim que a roteirista estava apenas enchendo linguiça, pra piorar nem tentaram ser sutis sobre isso nos eps seguintes! Com a introdução de uma trama política do passado com o pai do Xu e outro figurão importante no império, mais foi tão forçado que o homem só aparecia pra fazer maldade quando, o roteiro precisava de uma pausa do misticismo e não conseguia pensar em nada criativo! E como eu esperava, o problema foi facilmente resolvido, facilmente até demais pro meu gosto! Quando o drama precisa entrar em sua conclusão.
E os vilões desse drama, tirando a raposa, a mulher centopeia e o demônio da mente? Sei-la qual era o nome da criatura, no começo da história são uma mais patético que o outro! Nem sei se vale apena mencioná-los.
O demônio esquilo era ridículo demais, pensei que ele viraria o vilão principal! Mais o rato desistiu da sua "amada" tão rapidamente que perdi meu respeito por ele, depois ele morreu de um jeito tão estúpido que eu nem percebi que o homem havia morrido, precisou a Bai falar que o homem esquilo morreu para que eu pudesse perceber! No final o bicho é ressuscitado só porque sim! E eu só tenho a obrigação de aceitar.
Então tem a Jin Ru Yi, que eu estava torcendo para ela não se transformar numa rival amorosa e depois numa vilão maluca de novela mexicana. E foi exatamente o que ela se tornou! Suspiro dramático e exasperado. Ok, fazer o que, né!? Eu simplesmente não consegui odiar essa personagem, ela é simplesmente muito patética. Não tem carisma nenhum como vilã, parecia apenas uma nice girl mimada que não conseguia receber um não como resposta!
E quando eu pensei que a mulher iria virar uma vilã fodona respeitável a roteirista resolveu redimir a personagem! Do nada! Porque sim!!! Eu realmente odeio esse tipo de coisa, sempre apoiei a ideia: Se for para "enfiar o pé na jaca", faça com toda a sua força, essa decisão porca de roteiro só serviu pra me decepcionar e frustrar ainda mais!!!
Bom, acredito que toquei nos pontos principais desse drama. E francamente fiquei meio decepcionada já que era um enredo com um bom potencial e infelizmente não foi tão bem aproveitado, no entanto os figurinos estavam muito bonitos e a ost era boa! Você deve querer saber o pq de eu ter falado que "não deveria ter lido a lenda original", certo?
Pq eu simplesmente não consegui levar a sério a cena supostamente dramática e séria do Xu morrer de susto ao dar de cara com a serpente branca. kkkkkkk, Essa parte simplesmente não faz sentido, no conto original soou muito ridículo pra mim! Como um médico erudito, cai morto de susto só por causa de uma cobrinha? Ele tem problema no coração? Tem fobia de serpente??? Simplesmente não faz sentido. Tudo bem que no drama eles tentaram dar uma explicaçãozinha deixar mais dramático, mais já era tarde demais pra mim que estava me cagando de tanto rir!!!
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Such a boring drama. Starting is good that snake after 1000 years of cultivation got the human form and having rat ,(who also get the human form ) as a friend .Then she went to city where she met the lead actor who play the role of physician and then their love story start .. but there is no spark in their love story ,so loose acting ,not emotionally connected with theirs love story ..Male lead character role is so loose ,his character except doing the work of physician did nothing in whole drama except sacrifice his life for the sake of white snake ..I still not understand how he came to know about that she is demon. Second lead cHaracter love story Is good ,it shows how much they connected to each other but still here also didn't get it that when she giving him water to drink to forget everything which happened with him in his past include her then how he came to know that she is snake and she make him drink something that make him forget her and then this character disappear in whole drama ,I thought they meet at last but nothing happen .....And ending part when they (first lead character) meet after so many hardship, they just smile to see each other and then drama over ,what is this no type of emotion they showed after meeting such a long time that should have tear of happiness in theirs eyes ,then they should hug each other and end with the reunite with the family ...So boring ... Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Review: The Legend of White Snake (2019)Wow! Just started this but want to say that the pictures have such perfect colour so attractive and pleasing to the eye.
Some incredible scenery and backdrops. Impeccable filming and photography. As time passes the technology improves and so does the quality of the cinematology. You just want pause and just look at the unimaginable beauty of the surroundings. These pictures are better than Disney. I just love the images.
So this mortal(human) and demon are in love. He has the love poison but she will give up immortality to save his life to live with him for decades. She will give him her thousand years of cultivation to be with him and suffer every hundred days. Wow! Powerful love. I will give up immortality to have these moments with you vows the White Snake. She has given him her life bead.
Throughout this drama this white snake sacrifices everything for that man(human) she loves so deeply. She brings him back from death. She risks everything for him so many times.
When the green snake meets the white snake for the first time she(the green snake) just totally falls in love with her. She pretending to be a boy and never wants to leave her but changes back to a woman when the white snake says she cannot follow her if she’s a man because its immoral for an unmarried man and woman to be together. From that moment forth they were more than sisters and were always inseparable.
I was thinking is this the monk that falls in love with the green snake? I think he likes her a lot.
The green snake meets the hunter and they hit it off so much first as drinking companions but he likes to collect snake products to sell as medicines. She can’t stand that. Gradually she falls in love with this man but their story becomes a tragedy.
The white snake was in her ideal world but:
2 Nephi 2:11
Book of Mormon
11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
I love these two women(white and green snake) warriors” Mo the whenua, mo nga wahine ko whawhai tonu tatou. For land and women we fight.”
E tino tapu te whenua mena e kore te whenua ko kore te tangata The ground is sacred if there is no ground there would be no people.
I find this awesomely fascinating and compelling watching. Why? Is it the magic? Is it the two snakes? Is it the mysterious story of fantasy? Is it the unusual phenomena? Is it the philosophy and quotable quotes? I can’t tell you. I just keep my eyes glued to the screen so much so that I haven’t written copious notes about the story people or actions like I usually do.
The ending though I wasn’t that happy with it. She just had a baby a chosen reincarnation(the wisdom star) that chose her to be his mother but she give imprisoned in the Leifeng Pagoda until the pagoda collapses or the West Lake dries up. So she must have been there over 25 years before her son whom she hadn’t seen since he was born petitioned the Emperor to inquire of Heaven for his mothers release.
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I was excited to watch it....
I enjoyed watching the drama series. The story was interesting, the acting of the actors was good, and the music was ok. I loved the sceneries in the story, the special effects, and the rythme of the story was nice.I did have some high expectations before watching this drama series , since, I have already watched The Destiny of White Snake. I think the lead actors in this story were too soft and gentle. They were both firm about their thoughts, their decisions and their care for each other; however, the romance between the white snake (Ju Jing Yi ) and the physician ( Allen Yu) was not felt well. The green snake romance in the other hand was more felt , but it was cut short too fast, and Zhang did not take him long to move on after he forgot Qing, and I don’t even know what happened to the guy after.
The Monk (Fa Hai) in the story his character felt too robotic, or too disciplined, and had hard time to leave a grey zone for certain thoughts or beliefs. His character kept developing slowly,
For me me the characters that stand out more are Jin Song and Qing. As far Su Zhen and Xu Xuan I enjoyed watching them together as a couple, but I did not feel the on-screen romance it felt more like friendly romance. Even though they both made sacrifices to protect each other, it did not show the spark of romance.
I liked the story overall, but I am not sure if I would re-watch it often.
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Great to begin with, sours quickly.
Although the idea of the spirit realm and a forbidden love do make a good story, the character arcs and development gets torn apart ranging from great to evil. I found myself hating the love interest and Qings love arc (was so pointless and fruitless). The main actress is good although very much a Mary Sue. I feel like the series went downhill considerably after the first centipede demon storyline. This is a show I'd warn people not to get attached to because of the poor character development in the end. Reminds me of the Game of thrones ending with Daenerys suddenly switching morals. Honestly the stories and characters all get a bit crazy and absolutely everything happens to all of the characters!!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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The intrinsic ambivalence of the venomous snake conferring the elixir of life has necessitated its split into the fair (white) human double standing in contrast to its dark (black) demonic original. Because the narrative structure revolves around the risky elevation of the serpent power to (sexually) unite with the individualized consciousness, Xiaoqing has been rendered as rebellious handmaiden to the lead female LWS protagonist, Bai Suzhen. This accounts for the former's prolonged but (barely) suppressed hostility towards Xu Xian, even while inevitably deferring to and even furthering her alter ego's consuming desire. From the (not too well) hidden esoteric perspective, however, the male aspirant owes his full enlightenment to the conversion of her demonic vitality into ultimate liberating principle. Whereas the temple-deity partakes only symbolically in the food offerings, the four immortals are shown dutifully gorging their ravenous "Chief" Xiaoqing in front of serpent-goddess Nüwa's divine image. When a woman devotee unexpectedly arrives to pray for the weal of her family, the impudent demon interposes herself, lantern-in-hand, as if they are being addressed to herself. Stealing the food offerings for her deprived family, the poor woman eats Xiaoqing's hastily 'leftover' (ucchiṣṭa) apple only to end up mortally poisoned upon reaching home. Bai subsequently shows up to demand the same as antidote that the unwitting green snake concedes, but only after being defeated in a vicious show of force. White snake is however obliged to alter the composition of her slippery sister's venom to effect the cure. When Xiaoqing is initially shown ensconced amidst the branches of a tree munching the apple, her servants are ridiculing her for consuming it grilled. This poisoned fruit, upon transmutation, is the elixir of life.
Whereas Bai strives to remain respectful of Fahai, her contemptuous sister is cheekily abusive of his character and motivations, even accusing the puritanical monk of intent to molest. Though his most violent confrontations throughout are with Xiaoqing, he intuits her to be a "demi-god" and attempts to reform the infuriated demon by imprisoning her in his shrine to learn the joy of copying the Buddhist sūtras. She is the orphaned daughter, unbeknownst to her bitter self, of the illicit secret union of the Dragon King of the East, divine guardian of the world's waters, with her serpent-mother, unjustly punished for transgressing the barrier that separates gods from demons. At the climax of this saga, it is loyal if unfilial Xiaoqing who steals her father's water-diversion token for Suzhen to flood the temple-city. That her white 'sister' has no known, let alone exalted, parentage would confirm there is only a single snake.
Long-lived Buddhist aspirant Bai Suzhen entered the entangling human world not to fall in love with a mortal but, at Guanyin's behest, to attain ultimate liberation. Yet, when all is said and done, the other now remorseful protagonists are mildly rebuked, forgiven, and restored their privileges. Despite the palpable justness of her cause, White Snake, on the contrary, is banished into the crypt beneath Leifeng Pagoda, humbly resigned to separation from not only beloved husband but also newborn son. The supreme Goddess of Mercy, who had repeatedly intervened to protect her favorite snake, even against the rulers of heaven indignant at her demonic violations of the divine order, seems inexplicably harsh and partial in her sentence. Instead of at least sharing Bai's guilt and punishment, unrepentant accomplice Xiaoqing, now reconciled with her father, is allowed to roam freely, cultivate her own spiritual powers and return, not as snake-demon but as fire-breathing green-dragon, to dry up West Lake and reduce pagoda to ashes, thus liberating her alter ego to reunite, if only briefly, with son and husband.
This poignant ending to a beautiful love-story—which accounts for its ancient and continuing hold on the collective imagination—is trying to tell us that the secret of enlightenment, of death-transcending freedom, the bedrock of all human virtue and the ultimate source of artistic creativity, is to be sought in the demonic instinctual energies that have been locked away with and in the serpent power.
[Above review is a single post in an ongoing blog (re-) interpreting the entire White Snake story narrative cycle by drawing on a variety of productions in different genres, ancient and modern.]
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Good to watch at the start, be warned that ML will get annoying and romance had not much spark
It started out great and I really love how the story was progressing. Honestly, I love this drama because the cast was great and despite the many ups and downs, you will slowly relate to the characters and come to love every single one of them (excluding the monk and the ML). Despite me saying that the monk, you may not like him but he is still not so bad as ML. I have no idea about the ML's actor, so this is an unbias opinion from me. Acting wise can say that he is good so I don't think it is the actor's fault, the problem lies with his character. His character is so blended and I get that there were many factors that may influence him to make those choices but if he had trusted FL more, this will help with the romance.You can literally see the FL's love for the ML but time and time again, there was so many time where even though they have overcome a lot of problems and destiny, yet he still doesn't trust FL until he loses her which is quite sad for the romance. This does not only apply to only that particular scene but countless moments. Honestly, I felt more hurt for FL and thinks that ML doesn't deserve her. So overall, the Romance started off well but because the ML's character problems aren't as well developed.
Story-wise, I felt that overall, it is a good drama to watch because it really shows how humans are and how a demon can be the same as humans and vice visa. The villains... the centipede story arc was super good but like I say the beginning is great. The villain after... makes me feel like it is all over the place and quite annoying to see the villain lady die because even though I hated her but she had many losses, I was hoping she had some character development before she died. So overall the t could have been better executed. The monk, I got to see the character development but like the ML, something is wrong but despite me saying that... he is better and more bearable. The ending is a bit weird because some things don't add up and it felt too scripted and felt that the writers did the white snake dirty.
Overall. I recommend you to watch it! The story is great, with many problems but it is fun to watch the white snake and green snake relationship and their journey.
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Maybe it's because this is the first version of Legend of the White Snake I saw, but I liked it. While it wasn't memorable and did not leave a lasting impression (what was up with that ending?!), felt that attempts were made with the cinematography, casting, and music.Casting
- Good chemistry between the leads! Ju Jingyi is really beautiful -- fits these kinds of roles really well. I liked how they attempted to make Xu Xian more independent. I just wished they pushed him a bit more. He was a bit ... flat. One thing I need my characters to have is the ability to grow and develop. They did a bit for this one, but not what I hoped them to.
- Beautiful. There were just a few scenes that looked really washed out (I had to adjust my tv to accommodate this) -_-
- Probably my favorite thing about the show. Beautifully positioned and composed. Give the music director a raise!!!
Overall a good version, 8/10!
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Love this drama ...... it's shows us that we r the only demons to make ourselves miserable......and every kind has both good nd bad people...we can't simply judge them by there way,power, appearance etc.....And the love b/w to lead charracter r really amazing....they hv a great understanding power which is called love❤️💗💕 ..in this drama they didn't get separated by there misunderstanding(like other dramas)..but due to circumstances...still they understand each other's feeling (reason behind there separation)..The lead charracters are amazing...😍😍😍Esta resenha foi útil para você?