Uma perversa organização está recrutando espers com as piores intenções. Mas o poderoso médium Mob só quer continuar tocando a vida. (Fonte: Netflix) Editar Tradução
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- Título original: モブサイコ100
- Também conhecido como: Mobu Saiko Hyaku , Mob Psycho
- Diretor: Sakamoto Koichi
- Roteirista: Kunii Kei
- Gêneros: Ação, Psicológico, Comédia, Sobrenatural
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Elenco e Créditos
- Hamada Tatsuomi Papel Principal
- Namioka KazukiArataka ReigenPapel Principal
- Mochizuki AyumuKageyama RitsuPapel Secundário
- Yoda YukiTakane TsubomiPapel Secundário
- Fukuyama KoheiShiratori KaitoPapel Secundário
- Yamaya KasumiKurata TomePapel Secundário

There are no significant conflicts with too many annoying characters made this show not suitable for people who can't enjoy Japanese comedy. lol
Even some characters seem very mature than the characters that they played, I feel like that Ritsu was the only perfect character to be a high school student, while others are like a new parents who have just had a toddler. 🫠
The opening and closing’s song of this series is the only thing that can help this netflix’s flick to boost its rating, honestly I have never skipped the intro or credits in each episode. lol
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Just highschool kids trying to fit in..
This one could have been great. It's entertaining and fun to watch, even the effects are good enough.What prevented it from being great is that there's nothing profound in the story, just a bunch of highschool kids w/ ESP trying to fit in.
ML was an introvert that only wanted to be cool. He also possesses great power but is scared shitless of what he can do.
His friends didn't have enough backstory for me love them or hate them. They're just there..
ML's love interest is nothing but a pretty face and just there as an aesthetic.
The story could've been more... There should be more to it..
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