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Entregou quase tudo que prometeu
Esse dorama já apareceu nas minhas recomendações diversas vezes, mas ele nunca me chamou atenção e eu sempre tive receio de começar a assistir por ser um dorama mais "antigo" (não me julgue, eu amo doramas antigos, mas a maioria costuma ser uma bomba), decidi assistir My Suspicious Partner no impulso quando minhas férias escolares começaram, logo no primeiro episódio o dorama me prendeu totalmente. Eu sou rendida a doramas que tem um plot interessante além do relacionamento dos protagonistas, principalmente sendo um caso criminal.Logo no início eu gostei muito da FL, ela tem um ótimo senso de humor, não abaixa a cabeça pra ninguém e sabe se posicionar. Eu já conhecia o ator do ML mas nunca tinha visto nenhum de seus trabalhos, e agora me encontro adicionando diversos doramas que ele participou apenas por ser ele atuando, ele tem um humor corporal que me faz acreditar que ele é pai do Rowoon, suas expressões faciais são únicas e eu amei o jeitinho desse personagem, eu amo os surtos dele no trabalho e principalmente o fato dele ser um pouco fechado e reservado mas sempre demonstrar afeto do jeito dele pra FL sem se importar com oque o resto das pessoas vão achar.
Esse dorama tem 20 ep e eu achei um número bom por causa de tudo que eles precisavam desenvolver no plot.
Os primeiros episódios foram perfeitos, tinham um ritmo bom e não ficavam enrolando muito, mas, como eu sempre sinto em todo dorama que eu assisto, os últimos ep diminuíram um pouco o nível. Eu sinto que eles focaram muito na história do assassinato e fizeram um trabalho impecável, mas, no romance do casal principal eu senti falta de um pouco de química e momentos só deles, além disso, achei desnecessário eles demorarem tanto pra desenrolar toda a questão do passado deles por causa da morte de seus pais, eles tiveram ótimos diálogos e uma ótima comunicação no dorama todo, e eu imaginei que eles fossem se resolver de forma mais rápida, mas entendo que é um típico clichê de todo dorama ter esse momento de conflito do casal e achei até justificável eles darem um tempo, mas não tão longo quanto foi.
Continuando no tópico romance, o casal secundário pra mim era totalmente descartável, a história deles foi confusa no começo e eles demoraram tempo demais pra fazer a grande revelação de que não teve traição nenhuma, e pra mim foi inútil eles falarem disso porque no final das contas eles não conversaram sobre isso com o Jiwook e não mudou em nada na história, eles agiam como se fossem adolescentes e como se o relacionamento deles fosse totalmente proibido, sendo que o Jiwook já tinha superado e estava em outro relacionamento.
Voltando ao tópico crime, uma das histórias mais bem escritas que eu já vi em dorama foi a do Hyun-soo, ele foi muito bem interpretado por um grande ator que merecia mais reconhecimento, porque ele entregou muito bem em todas as cenas em que ele aparecia, nas suas expressões faciais, corporais e até mesmo o tom da sua voz. Mesmo sendo o vilão de toda a história eu não conseguia odiá-lo pelo fato dele ser tão complexo. Eu assistiria o dorama todo apenas pelas cenas dele. Oque me decepcionou foi o seu final, eles esqueceram dele em alguns episódios finais e finalizaram a história dele muito depressa, eu queria mais desse personagem tão bem feito, acho que faltou uma cena de impacto dele sendo preso e aceitando seu destino, ou algo assim.
No geral, acho que esse dorama vale muito a pena, e fiquei chocada com as reviews e notas tão baixas, mas entendo as críticas e gosto é gosto.
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Plot bem conveniente, a história de todos os personagens estar conectada no final, o drama é bem enrolado e com momentos desnecessários, um vilão nada vilão é totalmente previsível, logo no primeiro ato dele, vc já sabia q ele era o culpado tudo, aquele sorriso dele só enganava trouxa, não curti tanto a moçinha, alguns personagens só estavam ali por conveniência de roteiro, serviram em um determinado momento ou para fazer peso na trama, de resto não eram nescessários, enfim, o drama poderia ter sido mais objetivo, assim sendo mais curto e teria sido bem melhor, mas geral foi um pouco acima de mediano. Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Nem todo julgamento é justo
Amo série que seja policial / tribunalPena que na Ásia são raras e o foco tem q ser sempre o romance
A ideia desse kdrama foi muito boa. Ficamos com ódio de quem deveria nos defender e ainda tentamos justificar o vilão ser vilão
O romance em si, não curti muito. Um vai e volta chaaaato
Fora a enrolação
Caberia tudo em 12 episódios tranquilamente
Senti pq queria que eles adotassem o garotinho, q por fim, desapareceu
Tb não entendi o prota não saber q nunca houve traição
Mas as história estarem interligadas foi muito bem feito
Achei uma delicia tanta comédia. Pois o q era pra ser um dorama pesado, pelo tema, ficou equilibrado e muito gostoso de assistir
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Podia ser menor
Creio que se o drama tivesse 32/16 eps invés de 40/20 eu teria curtido mais, os primeiros eps me prenderam muito, mas ali pelo meio a historia começa a ficar maçante e puxada, sem falar nas inconveniências do roteiro. O maior motivo de eu ter assistido foi o Ji Chang Wook, as atuações dele são sempre fantásticas.Deixo aqui meu profundo Ódio pelo SML e SFL, seres humanos podres, só do SML ter pensando em trair a poha do seu melhor amigo com a namorada dele já é algo bizarro, pior ainda a SFL que queria trair e tem a audácia de ir atras do ML dele kkkkkk
Enfim, amei o ML e FML(mesmo que alguns tenham achado ela irritante, sou mais essa personalidade que as padrões dos doramas).
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Parceira idiota. Perda de tempo.
Gostei muito do primeiro episódio, por isso fiquei interessado em assistir o restante. No início, primeiros episódios, o drama conseguiu me prender no sofá, mas depois começou a ficar chato e irritante, principalmente a FL.A questão do romance entre os personagens principais (ML e FL) deixou a desejar, sendo muito irritante e frustrante, pois a toda hora aparecia um conflito pessoal, estúpido ou desnecessário, que atrapalhava o romance. A maioria dos conflitos foi por parte da FL e diga-se de passagem que ela arrumou cada motivo estúpido que me irritou muito. Quando eu já estava muito irritado com isso, no último episódio, a FL aparece com mais um motivo totalmente irracional para não continuar com o ML... essa parte não faz sentido e não acrescentou em nada ao drama.
Resumindo: essa questão de vai-não-vai e separações estúpidas entre o casal principal MATOU o romance entre eles, sem contar que foi, novamente, irritante e frustrante, para não dizer idiota e estúpido.
Não sei por que motivo os autores coreanos ainda insistem nesta fórmula de romance, onde na metade do drama o casal principal deve terminar ou se separar. Os motivos para o término ou separação são os mais irreais possível e fico cansado com isso. Por isso, tenho me dedicado a dramas chineses que focam mais no relacionamento maduro e com romance forte, onde o casal está sempre junto e buscando vencer os obstáculos e problemas conjuntamente. Se você quiser assistir um drama assim, indico o drama: amor oculto. Muito bom.
Por fim, acho que o drama teria sido melhor se o casal principal enfrentasse as dificuldades juntos e vencessem juntos.
Eu não assistiria novamente, pois me irritou muito a questão do romance cheio de problemas idiotas e um FL estúpida, idiota e irritante.
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Atuação otima
Divertida, muita química entre os atores, história boa!Fiquei presa neste série! Amei o casal!
Tudo que Ji Chang Wook faz é otimo
Cenas engraçadas, e a trama te prende, tem uma pitada policial e de suspense .
Fica difícil de saber como tudo vai acabar
É uma delícia acompanhar o desenrolar do casal principal , apesar de algumas cenas da protagonista ser um pouco exagerada… achei esse o único defeito desta serie
Maratonei rapidinho e queria que continuasse mais.
Acho que essa serie deveria ser mais divulgada, duvido que alguém se arrependerá de assistir
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I think this drama started off strong, but lost steam as it went along. The ending episode was meandering and pointless, honestly. It had a happy ending, but was lackluster and bland. I think that if they had cut this show to 16/32 episodes instead of 20/40, they could have written a tighter story. There were some things that got lost in the story, some things that were never explained, and some things that dragged on way too long. The romance sizzled in the beginning and then flickered and died, and then when it rekindled, it was barely an ember. One thing that some people liked, but kind of annoyed me was the lighting in the show. Every time the main characters were about to have a real kiss - there was always this bright light shining between them. I guess it was supposed to be artistic? Once would have been plenty for that and it might have been ok, but it happened at least 3 or 4 times. Most of the actors did a good job. Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun are both fantastic actors and I love to watch the play of emotions on JCW's face. NJH is so earnest and sincere in her acting. Choi Tae Joon as Eun Hyuk was such a cutie pie and his awkwardness and his boyish charm and enthusiasm were fun to watch (this was my first show with him.) I wasn't really impressed with Nara or her character. She was bland and we didn't learn much about her. I thought Kim Ye Won was a scene stealer though! KYW as Ji Hye started off as an unlikable bully and a cheater, but she quickly became one of my favorite supporting actors in this show, and I kind of wished she had been the second female lead instead. I loved her snarky comebacks to Yoo Jung - she made me laugh a lot. And Dong Ha, as the villain Hyun Soo, did an amazing job. It's the first time I've seen him in anything that I recall, but he nailed his role.
The music was decent, nothing stand out, but appropriate.
I won't re-watch this. It was ok, but not one of the best I've seen. I think the longer run time severely hurt the pacing.
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Reason 1. Jong Hyun Soo/ Dong Ha . The villian in this drama did outstanding job, this is the first time I followed specific character, witch is not the lead with such intencity!He actually was the one who kept my interest to this drama, and the only one who I really wanted to know more about! I just have no words. If he doesn't get an award, it will be final disapointment in SBS after they missed Lee Joon Gi last year!
Reason 2 The office team scenes. I truly enjoyed every single moment of them, they were hilarious and pleasure to watch! Great interaction and chemistry between all cast!
Reason 3 Ji Chang Wook and Choi Tae Joon - and I don't mean just looks, but acting :)
The rest.. I'll just say, starting from the middle of drama there were more and more moments, were I felt bored, except scenes with Jong Hyun Soo... And the worst for me was the last episode.. After great ep 37 and 38, two last ones were just.. well, I would't miss anything if I wouldn't watch them.. And it's a pity, because last episode is the one that leaves final impact from drama, and unfortunatly I felt nothing... But overall there were a lot of moments that I enjoyed, laughed and cared. And all the actors dida great job! It wasn't a bad drama, but it didn't left strong feelings in me...
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This drama has such a good start. The chemistry between the leads was perfection. Watching Noh Ji Wook get drawn into always aiding the helpless Eun Bong Hee was so endearing. As this couple is forced to live and work together, their relationship drives the drama forward.
So it shouldn't be surprising that when the relationship between Ji Wook and Bong Hee hit the breaks so does the momentum of the show. During the last third of the show, the noble idiocy runs rampant. As always this is supposed to show depth and character development, but it just kinda falls flat. I just wanted to see my OTP back together again.
The suspense portion of the story could have offered more. Throughout the drama, there is a main murder mystery that weaves its way in and out of the story. Dong Ha does a very good job as the main antagonist. His interaction with Ji Chang Wook is very compelling. It seemed like whenever the tensions were high between these two, viewer ratings saw a spike. This arc is supplemented by short one to two episode vignettes that do little for the overall story. Personally, I think these one off cases, distract from the main story and delude the tightness of the plot. The time taken to spend of these little cases took time away from answering questions about the main story.
This drama's best selling point is its cast. Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun do amazing jobs portraying the main leads. In addition, the dynamic of the supporting characters was so entertaining and funny. Noh Ji Wook's firm consisting of Bong Hee, Eun Hyuk, Chief Bang and CEO Byun kept me in stitches. Their regular office banter was a highlight of the show.
Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. I do feel that there is a lot of untapped potential, but the characters are too endearing to pass up. This show is a pretty light and breezy watch. I did enjoy the 30 minute episode framework. It made this show very watchable. If you do hit a bit of snag in the last third, I recommend you stick with it, since the ending is very cute.
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Really, you should watch me watch him.
I have a huge school-girl crush-y grin on my face, my heart starts palpitating and all the Aaahs and Ooohs on the spectrum emit from my mouth.
However, my personal bias aside, there is no denying that he is an excellent actor. No matter what role he's given, he puts in his 11O% and owns it. Unsurprisingly, he does the same in Suspicious Partner. I spent all my time swooning at his adorable actions, fawning at his beautiful face and admiring the way he is able to smoothly deliver so many expressions all at once.
My obsession with him is exactly the reason why I hate giving any drama JCW stars in, a rating less than 8. It makes me feel all sorts of 'disloyal', but unfortunately sometimes you just gotta tell it how it is.
And the 'it' here is the fact that aside from Ji Chang Wook, this show has little to nothing going on for it.
Suspicious Partner starts as a strong, romantic suspense drama but somewhere in between it loses its identity. So much so, that when we're done with it, it fails to properly execute either of the genres.
I want to give credit to the female lead, for she does try and do her best to be quirky but unfortunately, I don't feel much for her. She feels like a support role, at best. There's also the fact that I had to put a lot of effort in getting over her role as the annoying kid Queen Seon Duk, which was a feat in it self 'cause ten years later, her mannerisms are exactly the same as before.
While there is a good dynamic between Ji Wook's Law Team and some hilarious moments between them, nothing really stands out. The sisterhood and bromance has so much potential to be a golden point of the show but unfortunately, it is left untapped.
There is some majorly good acting put out by the antagonist but the show does not develop his character as much as it deserves to be.
The whole crime mystery is dead and very predictable. The second lead romance falls flat and more often than not, the drama stumbles into the realm of utter boredom.
There are some good OST songs here and there but again, there's nothing I would lose sleep over. A lot of questions are given unsatisfactory answers, plot-holes are abundant and so are convenient plot-devices.
The story-line is mediocre, if we're being kind. They use so many ideas from Ji Chang Wook's other shows. Some scenes are copy pasted from The K2, a whole plot-line regarding the heroine's father is taken from Healer and it is all just more of the same ol' same ol' bs.
If it wasn't for JCW, I'm sure I'd rate it even less. And even though I am an eternal fangirl; I love him to the moon and back and I think he is as perfect as always in this show, I will still say that I didn't see him go the extra mile here. This role couldn't have been a challenge for him and because I know that he's an incredibly versatile actor; I'm so ready for him to bring us something phenomenal and better than this.
So over-all I guess it's a good time-pass.
Not too bad, not too good but extremely forgettable.
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Also, that element in the past of both main characters that brings them together, I had the feeling I've seen this many other times in other dramas.
It's not that I think it wasn't well made or that it was bad, but it wasn't that extraordinary to me, at least compared to other dramas that have been airing this season.
Things I liked, though? Dong Ha. He was great as the psycho. I usually don't like that cliché-ish super-evil portrayal of most villains in dramas. I know it's the melo factor, but I hate it. However, he did a great job and I hope it didn't go unnoticed and he can be featured in more dramas in the future.
Also, I liked the second OTP and I think Hello Venus's Nara did a pretty decent job. And the resolution of this couple's story was satisfying enough for me.
They also managed to at least create a different and kind of endearing ex-girlfriend character. It ended up being the source of comedy because of its pitifulness.
All in all, this was a good drama, but I recommend not having too much expectations before watching it and maybe you'll end up enjoying it much more than I did.
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Dirty But Pretty(Pretty Actors but no gripping story)
There were countless times when I just wanted to drop this drama in between, that is how bad I felt this drama is. I felt this drama could have been 30 episodes instead of 40, It was way too stretched! The first 3/4 episodes were bang on and fast paced but after that the drama loses its lustre and goes completely downhill. It never regains its pace and is barely watchable after the 20th episode. You already know who the antagonist (an amazing Dong Ha) is by then and there is no suspense left.I am a huge fan of Ji Chang Wook, He looks amazing and puts a lot of effort into all the characters that he plays. In this drama all his antics and mannerisms as the frustrated attorney No Ji Wook will make you swoon over him. He looks hot even when he shouts and screams out of frustration.
But Besides Ji Chang Wook's amazing screen presence and there is nothing more in this drama.
The FL in this drama is annoying and stretches the story even more by trying to resolve things on her own / getting into difficult situations on purpose. She is an attorney but tries to act cute / clueless in more than half the drama. Plus are scenes of her in yellow and pink coloured business suits in the drama to add to the cringe.
I actually liked the second lead - Prosecutor Cha more than her, She atleast looks elegant, intelligent, shrewd and impressive, just how a prosecutor should look.
Even though the drama has a decent ensemble cast, there are not many moments that shine and the supporting cast feels like props. The story is all over the place and the sub plots are neither logical nor gripping enough for a legal suspense drama, take for example a murder sub plot of a man who is assumed to be murdered by his wife / his son when neither of them are the real murderers but are just presumed to be! The many such pointless legal cases / sub plots which are supposed to add to a story, stretch this pointlessly lengthy drama even more...Talk about beating a dead horse!!
Watched it only for Ji Chang Wook
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