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Mar 16, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 4.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

O final não tem sentido nenhum

Eu tava muito animada pra ver esse filme, uma vez que gosto muito dos papéis do Chimon em Blacklist e The Gifted e ele não costuma fazer muito boys love, então essa era, pra mim, uma oportunidade de ver um ator que eu gosto tanto atuando num gênero que eu gosto tanto.

Mas confeço que me decepcionei um pouco. Durante todo o filme, eu fiquei ansiosa para saber quem seria o par do Chimon e, mesmo depois da história dar a entender três pessoas diferentes (o primeiro foi só um chute meu, mas seria compreensível se ele se apaixonasse pelo menino do bainheiro da primeira cena), a conclusão de tudo foi simplesmente triste. Depois de fugir do namorado toxico e ver as consequências do que poderia ter acontecido se ele tivesse se relacionado com ele, eu imaginei que o final seria feliz? E eu até tinha esperança disso, até a mãe do protagonista aparecer.

Não vou entrar em detalhes, mas o fim do filme me deu a sensação de que eu assisti sem motivo nenhum. Tudo que aconteceu não chegou a lugar algum, pareceu apenas uma história mal contada e sem fim. Pareceu uma história contada para agradar a mãe do protagonista. Pareceu uma produção feita por pessoas que são contra os LGBT e querem passar a mensagem "olha, se você for gay isso pode acontecer de ruim, você vai mal no colégio e vai decepcionar sua família". Foi só bem ruim mesmo.

Eu não reassistiria e não recomendaria. Prefiro o Chimon "hétero" do que esse garoto perdido que não sabe o que quer da vida e faz tudo que dizem pra ele.

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Fev 29, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 4.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 4.5

final ruim

olha eu esperava um final com o nack isolando aquele que dizia ser seu amigo de lado e ele vivesse a vida dele numa boa, mas não do começo meio e fim a historia e muito dramatica ao extremo sem aquela pitada de romance , ao assistir o começo achei que ia ser um amor, ao ver as criticas eu preferi ver para crer, isso que dar quando nos só acredita vendo, mas sinceramente se eu tivesse assistido na época que lançou eu teria dito quero uma continuação e fazendo o toy ficar sozinho sem ninguém nossa eu ia amar se tivesse tido uma continuação assim , mas infelizmente né ate então não temos noticias, sinceramente não seria um filme que eu assistiria denovo

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20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 3, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Sweet Boy is a drama that I have been waiting to see since the trailer was released. The cast looked pretty good and the trailer had enough tight swimsuits and crotch rubbing to keep me wanting more! It took almost a year for a subtitled version to finally surface and even though this movie started out strong, the end of this film just fell flat.

The Good:
This film actually started really strong with a great steamy opening that slightly gave us what was promised in the trailer. The story follows the main character, Nack, who is in his last year of High School and on a  journey of sexual self-discovery after an eye-opening event at the start of the film. I actually really enjoyed the first half of the film and I must give praise to the director for his artistic approach. Shots where there was not much communication between characters used a lot of symbolism which gave each scene a bit more depth. It's nothing groundbreaking or thought provoking, but it does add weight to the very simple dialog. For example, Nack's character's religion is christian and so Toy (his love interest) gifts him a religious pendant to wear as a gift. It's these little things and the reasoning behind them that give the story layers. A lot of the films strength is used in the films imagery and the deeper meanings behind the characters actions (ie. a hug, a stare, giving a git). It reminds us how even in real life, the little things can mean so much more when you think about the intention behind them. The interactions between Nack and Toy are also adorable and sincere as you see them get to know each other and go on cute dates.

The Bad:
The second half of this film really falls flat as it feels like a plot that's been done many times before. It makes this film feel like a remake of another Thai BL movie called 'The Love Of Siam', and even though I loved that movie, this just seems like a rehash of that plot to a tee. I also find that this movie spoils itself when trying to be too symbolic with it's dialog and making setups for predictable endings. The weak and predictable conflict of the film comes off as lazy writing to me and really overshadows the beauty and depth of the first half of the film. It also left me confused as to the motivations of Toy's character and whether his character was trying to be friendly or romantic. It's this confusion that creates a conflict of it's own between the two main characters and it just doesn't make much sense.  There was also a huge lack of kissing scenes. I was just really confused at how the actors could rub crotches against each other and cuddle half-naked but not even give us a single smooch!

I actually thought the cast did an amazing Job with the script they were given and at giving these characters a great deal of personality with the minimal dialog they had to work with. Overall they were very convincing. My only complaint was the last scene between Nack and Toy by the pool. It just felt so dry and I wasn't feeling the emotions that the scene was supposed to convey. But I think that's mostly the script and directors fault more than the actors.

The music was very nice and it fit the tone of the overall movie. I especially enjoyed the ending theme when the credits rolled up.

Honestly I don't think this is an easy rewatch for me, unfortunately. The ending really put a damper on the whole movie and just negated all of the great things this film had to offer at the beginning. It was somewhat a disappointment

This film had a great start with a lackluster ending. The cast did a great job in creating a believable, enthralling atmosphere and environment. The intimate scenes where nice, despite the lack of kissing scenes. I'd say this movie makes a good one time watch to fill the gap between seasons of other dramas. Other than that, I don't think this is a movie I will remember from years to come.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 29, 2019
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I'm sick and tired of most Asian LGBT series or movie ending like sh*t.
First, there is not such thing as liking someone that identifies with your same sex and not being gay.
Second, most certainly not every gay has a girlfriend/boyfriend, and most definitely not every one in the exact same period of time that they realize they like their best friend, coworker or else.
Third, you can choose to be with the person you love and have a happy ending (I know there are a few dramas that end well but it's the minority).
Fourth, you can break up with the person you are dating before you act on your desires.
Fifth, if you don't want to be with someone, or you start having feelings for someone else while in a relationship you should break up with the person you are with, you don't have to wait till that person cheats, or gives you a reason, not wanting to be in a relationship is reason enough.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 10, 2018
Completados 1
No geral 3.5
História 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 2.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
This film seemed promising at the start, but ended up being incredibly slow moving and, in the end, disappointing.

The actor who played Toy was probably the strongest but, as the story continued, I felt less and less interested in Toy and Nack as a couple to root for. As a rule, I'm not a fan of the "I'm only gay for you" bullshit that BLs often perpetuate, but that's not why I'm not a fan of the film. For me, it was just boring and without a compelling plot/resolution.

I did enjoy the pool and swimming scenes. Thailand looks so gorgeous I will have to make it a priority to visit soon!

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 7, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
It is such an pleasure to watch another NACK series. He is so talented.
A storyline:
Its really beat around bush sometimes to straight into a point. At first i feel kind of boring but after a few minutes later it such an enjoyable to watch when they try to context with each other.
A plot:
I was about to finish one of a fantastic book it called Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. I am looking forward to find some of a bromance movie that is similar to this one. I Found It. A Sweet boy movie is kindly the same as the book i used to read and it is coincident that i am expected.
An opinion:
I actually like to watch this movie and i hope there gonna be season2.
Anyway there is no way to have kind of guy who try to contact with you and do such an certain things . Seriously ????

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 19, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

This literally had no point...

Romance? Where?
Coming of age? Where?

See the cast and acting wasn't bad. The issue is this had no direction or point whatsoever.

1. This is advertised as a BL. It is not. They try to rope you in with some "steamy" scenes, but thankfully this is not very steamy. Chimon, who I did not even recognize until looking this movie up on MDL, was 16 when this came out (younger if they filmed any year beforehand). The sexualizing they did was bad enough so thank goodness they didn't have him in actual NC scenes. Yuck.

2. The main character's sexuality was not determined or pursued. So how is this a coming of age? He watched a guy get a blowie and was like hmmm that's hot. But he rejected the guy interested in him. He ended up befriending another guy, Toy, and falling for him, who rejected him. Toy's sexuality is presumed straight, despite everyone insisting he was in the closet, there is not enough context to confirm this. The two guys the lead encounters were blips on the radar. His mom also rejected the possibility of him being gay too. So it immediately got swept under the rug all together. Like they really said nevermind this is actually about him going to college. 🤦🏼‍♀️

3. He tried to unalive himself and his friends just popped up out of nowhere. The ending was so rushed and stupid. Then it just focused on him getting into college through a couple time jumps and then he and Toy become friends again.

Literally what was the point of this movie? Speedos. Underdeveloped plot masquerading as a romance as an excuse to get a bunch of speedos on screen. So unless I saw a different version than everyone else, that was it.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 11, 2019
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 6.5
I really enjoyed this movie. The description and poster makes it seem way more sexually suggestive then it actually is. Which is a relief since the main actor is only 16, and im glad they didnt over sexual his character (though there is one scene). The story is actually handled pretty well and while I personally think the bittersweet/sad ending didnt really have to happen (they couldve committed to the gay), im not mad that it did. The side characters where barely involved unless they were needed for plot. The ending was... something. Definitely wouldve loved a sequel with the two main characters (Toy and Nack). Theyre potential relationship was one of the best developed in any BL ive seen.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 2, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
I don't even know where to start.
I watched the trailer and I was so excited to watch the film. I honestly thought I would enjoy it. But it really disappointed me. The storyline is empty and meaningless, the characters don't seem to learn anything throughout the movie, the dialogue is poor... everything is just disappointing. The actors did a good job, given the circumstances. It started off pretty well but the two last thirds of the film did nothing for me. And I felt quite offended with the message of this film. I felt as if they were saying being gay is a phase, and that it's wrong. I wasted my time watching it. I gave it 4 stars because I felt bad for the actors but after writing this review I'm thinking of giving it 1 star lol.

update: I changed it to 1 star.

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Kash Arya
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 6, 2020
Completados 1
No geral 4.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
I was expecting a lot from this film, especially in the beginning. But it just did not deliver. There was absolutely no character development what so ever. The directors really went lazy on the script. Music was decent not very impressive. A very very small cast. Literally only 4 important characters. It was more of a bromance than a real love-relationship. The film felt empty in many areas. If this was made into a series with 20 episodes, I can see it be a success as a series format and include delicate aspects to the story.
Will never watch it again.
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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 19, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Time doesn't heal everything.

To be fair, I didn't have high expectations so wasn't terribly disappointed when everything went the way it did. Really not a fan of gay-shaming or the assertion that time heals everything though. Or the whole 'religious morals' thing.

There were a few sweet moments which were - imo - sadly overshadowed by the more unpleasant ones. Also, the attention paid to crotch shots was more than a bit disturbing. And not just because they didn't actually add to the movie in any discernable way...

Overall I think the actors did well despite the lacklustre story but yeah, wouldn't watch again.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 7, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Very poor script. It is a fortune that Chimon got a good role in My Dear Loser that has a more professional making. Many irresolute situations: The homophobic behavior of the mother got not a divine punishment. After that declaration "God does not like gay... either I don't," she should get a lesson, since she almost sends her son to suicide. Another unpunished lady is the teacher stating that artists (or painters) are dumb to poverty - wow... saying it on a movie :(  The conflict with Petch was left behind. It could get more action, even to put the character as a real competitor to Toy. The character of Pong is also a blank. You don't know if it is just a clown or an antagonist. As a clown is a real disaster. As an antagonist, he does not posses any real situation. Pong could be a handsome but openly gay student who could make the story more interesting, trying to conquer Petch and Toy :) An alternative ending would be: Nack almost consummates suicide and he is found unconscious by his friends (three beautiful characters that are not well profited too.) The mother realizes how wrong she is and why she comes late in the night (doing things God does not like?) She asks pardon. Toy left to study and Nack, after months of recovery, goes to look for him to start the second part... The disparate call of Nack to Toy is the best part: great actor. Congratulations to Chimon.

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Sweet Boy (2016) poster



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