- Português (Brasil)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Título original: セレブと貧乏太郎
- Também conhecido como: Celeb & Poor
- Roteirista: Muto Shogo, Tokunaga Yuichi, Furuya Kazunao
- Diretor: Matsuda Hidetomo, Ishikawa Junichi, Sato Genta, Kitagawa Gaku
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance
Elenco e Créditos
- Ueto Aya Papel Principal
- Kamiji Yusuke Papel Principal
- Kuninaka RyokoYasuda SachikoPapel Secundário
- Kashiwabara TakashiGotoda TsukasaPapel Secundário
- Kazama MorioGunji YasuoPapel Secundário
- Miura RiekoOhno MidoriPapel Secundário

I watched this drama during a time that I wanted something that would make me laugh and it did. I watched celeb to bimbo taro in one go and rewatched it again 2 times already. This drama has something to teach you and it is a rather inspiring one for those who are interested in fashion.
The acting of aya was once again great, I could not find anything annoying to it. Thoughin the beginning alice was an annoying person. Unfortunately everyone's acting was great but the guy's who played Taro. Even the kids did a better job, which is why i gave a 9/10 to it.
The music was light, definitely went well with the theme of each episode. It is an easy watch in my opinion and I did not mind the slow pace it had when it came to the development of feelings. I like seeing and noticing how people fall in love rather than watch something where the leads fall in love out of nowhere.
I think this drama is very good however you must look past the romance in order to see the meanings behind it which do not have to do with "money won't bring happiness" . I think this drama wanted to show that by not being dependent solemnly on money you will have happiness. In my book, this is a "feel good" drama. I do not think that money will bring me happiness but I won't be an idiot who will not try to make money. Money are needed in order to not fall pray to those who have money. This is how i feel. Before this drama, I used to think that money were not important and that even without them I would be happy. However this is not the case. In order to live, money is a necessary evil. However waiting for others to make money for you , is wrong. You have to believe in yourself and work to earn them. This is when you will come to appreciate who you are and what you do even more. Definitely an inspirational drama which is why i give it a 9 overall value.
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First of all Ueto Aya is awesome, a truly great actress because she played this part. If you have never seen her in anything else you would think that she was playing herself. She was that good. Kuninaka Ryoko was a really good Sachiko and really acted that well. Not sure who played the male lead of Sato Taro, but I couldn't stand seeing his bad wig, overacting, he was really annoying. (Maybe they wrote the character that way) There was a lot of fabulousness going on in wardrobe and locations. They attempted a lot of name dropping and they did a really bad impression of president Obama and the American TV show 24hours.
It took me a long time to start watching this one and once I did, I really had to grit my teeth and try not to fast forward too much. I already knew the Princess was going to be a binbo, but I didn't expect the poor man to be stupid too. The situations and dialogue were so highly unlikely even for a drama, and the comedy wasn't funny. And it wasn't lost in translation, but just not funny. As far as the story goes, I think it's really a poor story line when you can skip an episode and a half and not miss anything.
Maybe I was looking for too much in a drama, but this wasn't a lighthearted romp that you could watch anytime, but a slow underdeveloped attempt to teach some lessons. Lesson 1- don't judge a book by its cover, lesson 2- be true to yourself, lesson 3- don't underestimate people, lesson 4- listen to your heart , love happens everywhere. Still a Ueto fan but not a Celeb to binbo fan.
p.s. this ends exactly how you think it will.
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