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Onde assistir O Escândalo do Quiz Show
Grátis (sub)
Elenco e Créditos
- Kim Soo Ro Papel Principal
- Han Jae Suk Papel Principal
- Song Young ChangDo Ho ManPapel Principal
- Ryu Seung RyongKim Sang DoPapel Principal
- Jang Young NamJang Pal NyeoPapel Principal
- Lee Ji YongDo Ji YongPapel Principal

This was remarcable! Sincerely! The story was original(from my point of view,you don't have the chance to see this type of movie in korean culture too often).I liked the comedy,it made me laugh really hard.There were also a few sensible,toutching moments,but there was no melodrama or something that will make you cry(well,unless you are a very,VERY,very sensible person).
For those of you who haven't read the synopsis and don't want to know detailes,don't read the next paragraph.The movie is based on a person's death and on the accident that occurs,in whitch 4 cars are implicated.What results is a very funny situation at the police station and the finding of the 30th question(most complicated one) of a tv show with a huge ammount of money as it's prize.Of course them all want to take the money,so thei will compete for it.I personnaly find the ending confusing,because I don't know what happens afterwards,but this shouldn't be a turn off for watching this,because it's not really annoying.
The actors portrayed their characters almoust to perfection.Some of them better and few of them not so good.But overall it was satisfying.
I didn't quite noticed the music,or when I did I found it annoying,so I gave it a lower score.
I would definetly watch this again.Sometimes ~_~
I'm sorry if I offended anyone,but this is what I think.Also,I know I made mistakes in my writing and maybe axprimation,but I'm not a native english speaker and I don't take classes.Hope you enjoy this show and that tis hepled.
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The storyline was different, but very interesting. It's a comedy, in a way, but it has a serious kind of tone to it, mingled with the humor, which is unique. The entire premise of the story was very interesting, and I liked all of the characters as well.
I had originally thought that with so many characters, I would be lost, but this movie made sure that none of them would get mixed up. The separate backstories were what distinguished the characters from each other the most, and it was very clever. Almost no names were mentioned--at least, that I can remember--yet it was easy to tell them. Of course, their faces are different, but something about it was very odd in the way they distinguished the characters.
I think the actors did a great job as well, and I liked all of the characters they played.
Music was unnoticable, but I think that's good--at least it blended in.
Personally, I would definitely rewatch this. As the very ending was something I didn't understand, yet vaguely understood, I'd like to watch it again after some time passes. The vague ending was still great though.
If you have two hours on your hands, and you don't want the drama of a romance, definitely DEFINITELY check this movie out. It was great.
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