Much of the appeal can be attributed to Shin Ha Kyun himself; his "Killer" is a mute who only communicates physically with other characters and through internal monologue with the audience. It's amazing how much he's able to convey with just body language and facial expressions! In particular, there's a scene with the female lead where you could tell exactly what he was thinking...just by a few subtle physical cues. His narration is also incredibly charming and often hilarious. Another interesting character is played by Kim Min Joon: an ex-ballet dancer with a philosophical heart...and wicked knife skills. "Ballet" had the best action sequences in the film as well, since he incorporated his dancing into his battle style. It's too bad there weren't more of them; while Shin Ha Kyun did a great job on his own fight sequences, they weren't nearly as compelling.
On the story front, all is generally solid. It's unremarkable aside from the characters, quirks, and instances of strangeness... but these are enough to keep it all afloat. The comedy even works well and generates genuine laughs. A specific grace this film has is its ending, however; it is a satisfying, though bittersweet, conclusion that works great with the rest of the story.
Honestly if you can find it, give it a try. No Mercy For The Rude should keep you entertained for a few hours at least. Just be careful if you're weak with blood, because there's a decent amount!
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