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43 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 24, 2015
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
I'm still amazed I don't know what is this black magic because I came to watch this movie by chance and the plot wasn't something amazing to catch my attention but here it goes my review:
Like I said before the plot is very typical for japanese dramas and the yankee or problematic kids it's a theme that's very present in japanese dramas or movies but this movie wasn't about a problematic child it was something more.
Seriously the main actress Arimura Kasumi really impressed me because I watched strobe edege (movie that I hated...yeah I'm weird and don't kill me thanks) but this movie really proved me wrong and showed me that she's a great actress and that I should be checking more of her works.
Yoshida You was incredible as Sayaka's mom she made me cry at least 2 times, well actually I was a sea of tears maybe because I'm very sensitive lol she really stood out for me in this movie and I'll make sure to check out more of her movies or dramas.
Of course we can't forget Ito Atsushi as that positive teacher that more of one we would have liked to have when we were in high school, he did a great job being this optimistic, kind and inspirational teacher, great job.
Actually I like some of the music here and there was a song by Masquerade that I really liked (and I know that because I searched it with shazam lol) the music fits pretty well with the movie and you may discover some good music
10/10 nothing more to say about it for me at least.
A great movie that you need to watch, it was a story that can happen in real life and shows you the importance of a good role model or you don't even need that just with someone that believes in you like Sayaka's mom, it really touched me. If you're sensitive like me maybe you'll cry but I cried and laughed with this amazing movie so after this long review YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS!

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Set 29, 2016
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
Just as a note, I never write reviews, but this movie touched my feelings so much that I feel like I should share why I think everyone should watch this film.

I don't think I disliked anything about this movie. It made me realise certain things, that you don't get anywhere if you don't try your hardest. I've always been someone who doesn't try their best, and I've always done the minimum possible when it comes to studying, that's why whilst watching this I could picture myself in a similar situation.

The story is in itself like a lesson everyone should learn, and I thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of this movie. I don't know how much I can say without spoiling anything. Basically if you think this movie is all about laughs and a straight road to success, you've got it so wrong. It's so much more than that on many levels, it shows you the life of a student which never tried at school. It shows you the hardships of studying, hardships of life itself. Everything from the brothers story to the family problems was what made the story even more worth watching. Don't expect to watch this without shedding a tear or two, because I did, and I never cry with movies to be honest. It might have been because I'm probably too emotional at the moment since I'm going through a hard patch myself.

The acting was on point. I literally felt everything from all characters, I felt like I was being sucked into their world and right on the spot, all the tears whether of sadness or joy were there. I related to some at times with hard choices to make concerning friendships and school.

If I were to summarise this into three words I would probably just say: Watch this movie
You won't regret it, you'll probably think about it for a while after its finished, you might find some motivation in it to do something you've always wanted to do because that's what this movie has done to me, taught me to never give up.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 29, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
This is a feel good movie if I've ever seen one.

You'll quickly become attached to both Sayaka and Ito-sensei. They are both such vibrant characters that suit each other perfectly. Not even in a romantic way, of course! But with something more important - mutual respect. To add on that, it's refreshing to watch a movie NOT about romance, there is barely even a hint of it in this movie, instead it definitely focuses on respect and believing in yourself - which I think we could all do a little bit more of.

If you don't come out of this movie wanting to try harder, I'd be shocked.

The story itself is somewhat typical of Japanese dramas, I'll admit. But the way it's executed is what's key in this movie.


I fell in love with Sayaka almost straight away. There was just something about her that drew me in and kept me there for the remainder of the film. The way she tried her best and didn't let being ridiculed stop her really resonated with me. She was such a strong character and honestly I don't think I'll ever forget her.

Ito-sensei was the teacher we all wish we had in school. Unwavering acceptance and belief in all his students. Even the memory tugs at the heart strings. Too many teachers get disenchanted with the job of teaching others, but Ito-sensei had that fire in him that would never go out. How I seriously wish I had a teacher like him in school - then maybe I wouldn't have thought I was only set up for failure. Ito-sensei should be the inspiration for all teachers. Get to know your students and find out what way of learning suits them best.

Akari - aka Mama Kudo. Sayaka's mum. This precious, precious mum. My heart broke for her so many times. She was so devoted and loving I just wanted to give her a huge hug and tell her to get rid of some of that weight on her shoulders. But I guess that's part of what being a mum is about, taking on the worries and fears of your children as your own and working hard to eliminate them.

Reiji was such a sweet character. A man left with the burden of becoming yet another lawyer in a line of lawyers - a burden that he doesn't want at all. I would have liked to have seen more of his character, because he felt a little insignificant in the grand scheme of things? Like he was brought in for a reason, but they decided against it. Still, you saw enough of his character to like him.

I would talk about other characters, but I feel like I can't without putting in spoilers. So instead I'll talk about the acting. I had absolutely 0 problems with any of them. Sayaka's character type is hard to pull off sometimes, it can either be too little enthusiasm or too much, like there's no in between, but Arimura Kasumi made it seem effortless. Through the ups and downs, you'll feel what the characters are feeling and this is largely thanks to the acting.


Honestly, this will be a super short section because I barely noticed the music if I'm honest, and I'll assume this part in particular will be anyone's reason to lower the score. The highlight for me was the song at the end credits. And honestly, I liked the movie so much maybe I just missed the soundtrack entirely because I was too engrossed in watching.


I would 100% watch this movie again.


I loved this movie. If you need a feel good movie, this is the one for you. If you need a kick in the butt to work harder, this is the movie for you. If you need reminding that you can try your best and succeed because you're worth it, watch this movie! No matter what anyone else calls you, you know who you are and you're the only one who can determine your own worth.

Also watch the credits!

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Honestly, I don't know what I could say about this movie that would be bad, because who doesn't love a well-done story about growing up and learning to stop counting yourself out in life? The message is a solid one of not looking at your past and using it as an excuse to quit on your future. You can literally come from anywhere and have done anything, and you Still have it in you to make something of yourself. What you look like, who your family is, who your friends are, your grades in school, it doesn't matter. That doesn't define you and what you are capable of.

I came for the Gyaru, but I stayed for the heart.

(Just a little caveat for anyone thinking of watching this because it has a character who wears Alternative Japanese Fashion. Her fashion is a very minor part of the story and eventually disappears, so don't expect any really cute outfits or anything. That's not what this movie is about.)

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Jun 14, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.5
A movie that the title (and description for that matter) doesn't do it justice. Truthfully, they both make it sound like a comedy that would quickly get boring. But, it is actually quite an enjoyable film, with the leading lady rocking it with her performance. The movie had a light feeling, but explored the family dynamics very effectively, giving it a little depth. The fact that the film makers didn't focus, or added, a romantic element into it, to overshadow the whole main story, helped a lot to turn the film into a more unique movie than the rest manga like movies. However, the romance "danger" was there, with an other outcast dropped there, dangerously approaching the girl. But the film just kept focused on the main plot, having the girl outsmart herself and aim for the miracle. So, 8 out of 10.

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Jan 9, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
I will open my heart to you, this is the kind of film I needed to watch before I applied to my dream course, as I was watching it I felt really motivated following the underdog improve despite a lot of naysayers. And that's where I was then, unfortunately I didn't have an Akari or a Tsubota to believe in me and I think they were the pillars that made Sayaka's dream possible, sure her hard work is praisable, but she was stuck and those two were fundamental for her to start moving and I guess this is one of the largest issues in today's education, parents don't put enough effort to help their children, even Akari's reason to help Sayaka - even more than being her mum - was that her mother didn't help her, so she didn't want her children to feel the same. Nevertheless, Sayaka's tenacity, as the ending song, spark a flame in me towards a project I was postponing, I will put my efforts to my Masters program in Japan goal.

Now for the film, I believe that this motivational film is able to pinpoint several aspects of a student's life when they are applying to college in most places of the world, sleepless nights, stress and even the words of comfort that our protagonist hears are great, I was even impressed how well-written Akari was and how lucky Sayaka is to have a mum like that, however a lacking point which should be placed here is how to deal with the stress, sometimes we can overstudy and this start to consume us and if we don't have an outlet we might end up burning out, each person have their own way to release the steam, but I guess this specific moment deserved a scene when Sayaka reached that point.

Acting wise there are three characters that are great: Sayaka (Arimura Kasumi), Tsubota (Ito Atsushi) and Akari (Yoshida You). Sayaka and Akari couldn't be any better, Tsubota felt lacking in some parts, but not as acting, his story involved other students and I would like to know at least if they were able to achieve their dreams, for such a caring teacher, that is an out.

I hope that this film is able to spark a fire in other people's hearts and that you are able to achieve your dreams through hard work, don't be afraid to ask your parents for help to reach your dreams and work really hard to make them come true.

I just want to point out that Keio's motto means "a human is created neither above nor beneath any other", so your dream is reachable if you are willing and working hard enough!

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Set 12, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

A movie that inspires you to follow your dreams!

I didn't have many expectations when I was going to watch this movie, but I was wrong!

It was very inspiring and touching, the fact that no matter how hard it was for the girl to get into the university she would never stop studying and she would ignore everyone around her who didn't believe in her.
It also shows the reality of some families where some kids are treated better and the other are forgotten.

I liked the cast since they made me laugh but also feel the emotions of the story. The music was pretty,

A negative point about this movie was the fact that I found it too confusing, I couldn't quite understand what she and her teacher were talking about and because of that i would get lost in the whole story.

I think the ending was good and inspiring and I loved the fact that it wasn't that unrealistic ending where she gets everything she want easily, I think that was cool!

I recommend this movie to inspire someone who is concerned about their future and following their dreams, but I warn that the movie can be confusing.

I don't think this would be worth to rewatch because it wouldn't be that interesting.

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Nov 27, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10


J'ai ADORÉ rien à dire vraiment. Les scènes étaient très bien faites les personnages étaient le point fort de ce film. Les relations entre les personnages étaient très bien réalisées. Ce que j'ai aimé le plus c'est l'évolution du personnage principal donc Sayaka qui a été progressive et réaliste j'ai aimé le perso du début à la fin et elle m'a donné envie de revoir l'actrice dans d'autres dramas. J'ai aussi beaucoup les moments entre Sayaka et sa mère qui m'ont fait pleuré à plusieurs reprises.
Je ne me suis ennuyée à aucun moment vraiment un 10/10. J'aurais aimé qu'il soit plus long tellement j'ai aimé et je sais déjà que je vais le regarder une 2nde fois ce qui ne m'arrive jamais.

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Jul 21, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I cried this during my Japanese class

My classmates and I watched it during our break. It was so inspiring for the protagonist to study at the most prestigious university in Japan. I tell you all, the entrance exam in universities fcking sucks. Her friends were supportive and her cram school teacher are literally the best people. I also loved the male lead, he was fucking hot. I hated her parents and I find her older brother to be the most pitiful guy in the movie, LOL. This shit made me cry like a toddler because I was very inspired by her. Rewatching is definitely worth it!
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Mar 18, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
Okay, as always, my motivation to notice this drama was Arimura Kasumi is the main role. She is cute, my favorite. Lol. Enough, let's move on to the main topic. The story, first I thought the plot was going too fast. But, then I know... Sayaka's lifestyle and how she became a biri girl weren't the main story and conflict of the plots. This movie is about a hard work, struggling, crying in a despair, and catch the dream. I want to say, watch this movie and we will get the motivation, especially if we are still a student. Thanks to this movie, now I've got my motivation back. Love Arimura Kasumi <3

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Mai 29, 2017
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Firstly, this is my very first time writing a review. So basically, this movie is really worth to watch and I really love this movies and the storyline. I was motivated to study hard by watching this movie and by the way the teacher had changed his problematic students. It encourages me that it is possible to catch my dream. Love it!
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Ago 16, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

Inspiring story

I've never heard of this movie till someone shared it on the feeds and I've decided to give it a try because why not!

I must say, I quite enjoyed it, I always have a soft spot with this kind of coming of age story and this movie delivered well on its own. It was so simple yet I can somehow relate to it and can't help but to root for her till the end. She was not, in my surprise, a dislikeable character at all like I thought.

I quite appreciate the development of the story throughout the whole movie, it was really well done and I was glad to understand a bit more of her character and her surrounding.

I would say I liked all the characters except her teacher in high school but what scared me it's that some people are like him in real life and didn't think of the psychological aspect of the student and also, they only have one way to think about it.
I also didn't like her father although I understand his behavior, it's even scarely relatable but it didn't excuse for it, it's still wrong.

So overall, it has this heartfelt, encouraging / inspiring and kind of life lesson story that I found it somehow appealing.
However, if we think rationally, this movie is too positive for that BUT I won't bring this up and stay to my thought that it was a great movie after all.

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Biri Gyaru - Flying Colors (2015) poster



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