A fascinating and wonderful story
I have finished watching the series and I was fascinated by the delay in seeing it because they said it was confusing but it is not so well explained at all that I did not get lost at all.
I loved the way they developed the characters, the beautiful scenery, the great ost.
I love FLUKE from MY BROMANCE but I take this character to a very high level. Ohm a real surprise they should give him more roles like this to develop his potential.
OHMFLUKE never disappoints that chemistry is there since UWMA and I would say it has also reached a new level.
I prefer the happy ending. Although according to what I read in the comments, the novel has 3 endings: 2 happy and one sad, apart from several special chapters. DeepPublishing translated it into English and you can find it on wattpad up to chapter 4.
I understand that many found it confusing, but for lovers of mystery and parallel worlds like me this series is great
I know that many say that OHMFLUKE is stagnant but I think it is the opposite, they have already revealed their potential and from now on, even if they do series with other co-stars, OHMFLUKE has many more years to come.
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wow, there really was great planning for this series, both the director and the producer and the actors committed themselves to the maximum in order to get the most out of their characters.I love the plot of the story, so different from the usual ones, very well told and with great scenery.
It was worth watching and I would watch it again and again.
great job.
This story makes us reflect on the consequences of our actions and that influences not only us but also those around us.
how much we put aside to adapt to the society in which we live and to please the rest due to their expectations of us and how much it is worth losing our identity just to be accepted
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I had for more
I love plots that contain fantasy, mystery, so I expected a lot from this series. The performance of the main couple was excellent, but it didn't help much in the show due to the plot that was given.Seriously, after they killed the being that I love, poisoned, the other comes and with a simple I'm sorry, everything is solved, I hit him at least until I couldn't. I think the actor's name is YUDO, I couldn't convey the feeling of the character who, like a thorn in my shoe, couldn't make the plot better.
Anyway, despite that, it was nice to see
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nice to see
I just saw this series due to all the negative comments I saw but I found something different from what everyone says.It is a nice series to watch, beautiful scenery and the performances of the main couple more than splendid.
I understand that many do not like it since they are used to the typical script that in the second or third episode the main actors are having sex.
but for me it was the opposite, I loved that this occurred in the last episode where they expressed their love to the fullest and I wish that OHMFLUKE knew how to express it very well, that it could even be said that they are a couple in real life,In conclusion it was very nice to see. not disappointed, pleasantly surprised.
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nothing interesting
To be a work done by a doctor, it is quite mediocre for my taste.there was no chemistry or coupling, the only thing that saves it is the medical part and even that has deficiencies, I say it as the medical staff that I am. disappointing.
They did not know how to specify the returns in time well and the ending was very bland, I really wanted to read the novel but seeing it I don't think the novel is much better than the series.
the main actors did not know how to carry the characters. I don't understand how they say it was fantastic, the secondary couple had much more chemistry than the main one
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Definitely, this ending clearly shows us that by meeting the expectations of others, leaving our own identity aside, in the end it will only cause us suffering, guilt, remorse.and this becomes an endless cycle whatever the universe may be.
In the end DEW realized his mistake but he had already hurt everyone including himself for not daring to express his desires, in the same way MUM if he had dared to speak none of this would have happened.
DEW MUM confrontation was spectacular, they introduced us to the plot that I lived with them at that time. How great are these actors to be so young, they have a promising future.
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Até nos Encontrarmos Novamente: A Série
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me encanto
la he visto infinidad de veces y no me canso de eso. la trama esta tan bien explicada. maravilloso el dean pharm es tal cual al libro. yo lei primero el libro y despues rfecien vi la serie y no tiene nada que envidiar a la novela.korn e in son tal cual al igual que team win. es una maravillosa y fascinante historia me enamore de cada uno de los personajes, tanto que los he seguido en todas sus demas series y ninguno me ha decepcionado. ellos han logrado que tenga un concepto distinto al que tenia de los dramas bl.
siempre crei que los dramas bl solo mostraban sexo y nada mas pero ahora tengo una perspectiva distinta de ellos al punto que ya me he visto varios algunos me encantaron otros no. pero todo es a esta gran serie que me hizo ver de forma distinta al mundo bl. UWMA los amo
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It's good to see that BL have dramas other than the classics.
to start very well let's see how it develops.
So far it has captured my interest.
and adding guest characters makes it very peculiar.
which reminds me even more of DREAM HIGH.
I still can't give a score to the actors. I'll wait for the other episodes and I'll write my review again.
but it is already a series that captures my interest since it has another dynamic and explores new options in performances.
waiting to see the development.
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