
  • Última vez online: 9 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Wonderland
  • Contribution Points: 6 LV1
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  • Data de Admissão: maio 31, 2016

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4 people 1 love
Favorite Dramas
14 titles 3 loves
Last updated: September 24th, 2021
Hello ♡ I watch movies/dramas sometimes!

"You must think the world is full of women dying to ride on your white horse but Cinderella stories aren’t popular anymore. 

The real world it is filled with moronic women who work hard and succeed on their own."

- Choi Ae Ra ♡ Fight For My Way

How I Rate:

10: Excellent! Feels PERFECT. Obviously no drama/movie is perfect but a 10 means it left an impact on me; I had feels for days after finishing the drama. I thoroughly loved the episodes, characters, and storyline.

9 - 9.5: Usually I'm loving it, but then either the ending or some small part ruins it for me. Since I loved the majority of it, I still feel attached enough to rate it high. It could also be a very good watch that I can't pinpoint any particular flaws in, but is missing that overall spark for perfection.

8 - 8.5: I genuinely enjoyed watching, but maybe something about it didn't strike me as anything too amazing or there were large parts that I found boring/uninteresting. An average or good watch. Usually there are specific things I loved about it that kept me from giving it lower.

7 - 7.5: Usually for something I had higher expectations for, but ends up making me cringe or dislike large parts of it. Decent enough to watch until the end (or skip through a lot/read recaps).

Below 7: I haven't given many shows below 7 and that's because if I don't like a show, it's pretty unbearable for me to continue watching it to rate it. The ones I have completed may be because I liked a certain actor/actress or I had hope that the show would become better and it didn't. Sometimes the show keeps my interest--the impatient bad kind--all the way to the end until I come to the realization it was a waste of time. 

Some FAVE On-Screen Couplestumblr_niszvrc7gW1u98dbho1_500.gif


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 Kang Yeon Do                                                                Kim Bok Joo


 Eun Dan Oh                                                                Choi Ae Ra

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    Cheon Song Yi                                                    Oh Yoon Seo  

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Kang Hana                                                        Tae Gong Shil    

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               Chae Young Shin                                                   Kim Yi Na                                                


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Jung Joon Hyung                                              Kim Yeol

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Je Su Ho                                                                    Seo Jung Hoo                         

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Lee Chae Rok                                                                     Haru

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Kwon Jung Rok                                                          Park Soo Ha

You can probably tell I have a favorite type of female  and male lead haha. I love lots of favorite types, but my favorite is definitely the overdramatic, outspoken, cute, girly female leads and I love puppy male leads. Down with the jerk male leads; we're in a new era now. Check out my lists and feel free to message me.    

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