I don't even have words! My heart is still racing! I don't even know where to start! Okay. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I CAN'T THOUGH! SO MANY FEELS!!!!!
The Story: I think it is fantastic. I love the story, except I was disappointed with the ending. I don't know how to say this without spoiling it... SO I'll just move on to the next thing... LEE SEUNG GI YOUR HAIR CUT IS THE SEXIEST THING ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind about being disappointed. Lee Seung Gi's hair was enough to make me smile my face off at the end. :D But seriously DO NOT watch this drama unless you are prepared to cry. It's soooo good.
A message to people who are afraid this will end bad:
I FEEL FOR YOU!!! This drama is so good and it's the first all through historical drama I've seen. This drama doesn't have that amazing of an ending. It was actually quite sad for me.. but the drama throughout is SO AMAZING!
The Cast:
Are you an idiot? Do you really think I need to say anything about the cast? DUH IT'S AMAZING IT HAS FLIPPING LEE SEUNG GI IN IT!!!!!! :P
To those who dislike Suzy... Shut up. Suzy is so flipping amazing in this drama I love her to pieces. This is the first drama I've seen with her but I have been watching Dream High along with it. But seriously people HER ACTING IS AMAZING!!!
The Music:
I died. It's just so beautiful! My eden is so pretty! I absolutely love Choi Jin Hyuk's song also! Don't Forget me is my new favourite song sung my a female lead. So precious! And obviously Last Words. Man that song kills me! Just Kills me with it's epic and love and I think I broke my MP3player by pushing repeat so many times!
Rewatch Value:
I am not one for rewatching dramas. I always feel like it but I can NEVER get around to rewatching them. I say I'll rewatch them... But I never actually end up rewatching the whole drama. This one I think I will rewatch almost as many times as I've rewatched Queen In Hyun's Man and You're Beautiful. Honestly I have no idea how many times that is sooo.... I can't really tell you how many times I'll rewatch Gu Family Book. OMO I SERIOUSLY CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT SEUNG GI'S HAIR CUT AT THE END!!! SO FLIPPING HOT!!!
I love this drama. I love this drama. I want to just hug this drama till it's so squished that I can't possibly love it anymore. Not sure that makes since in the real world but if you've seen this drama you probably know what I mean. ! ^.^
One more thing... LEE SEUNG GI YOUR HAIR CUT IS SEXY!!!!!
Esta resenha foi útil para você?

Cast: is amazing! I'm a huge fan of Yoo Inna and she and Ji Hyun woo look fabulous together.
Music: It's enchanting! I could listen to evey single song on repeat for months and not get tired of anyone of them.
Rewatch Value: YES YES YES 10 10 10!!! I will watch this drama so many times before the years over. As soon as this drama ended I wanted to start right back over! It's so good. If I was in prison and they just so happened to have a TV set up in jail.. I would have no problem being in jail. Yeah probably the strangest way of putting it but seriously. REWATCH REWATCH REWATCH!!! :D
Overall: Usually I start dramas and 15 minutes into it I'll decide if I'll finish. This one I started and I was thrilled at the very biggining. I used to dislike historical dramas because I wasn't very familiar with Korean History. This one had me thrilled. I was up all night studying The Joseon Dynasty. By the end of the fourth episode I knew this would be on my Top drama list. By the end of the eighth episode I knew it was my absolute favourite, and it still is. All dramas make you feel different things. Such as: Laughing your head off, Jumping up and down out of excitement (usually because the main couple is being cute), Crying your heart out, And then you have those moments where you don't know what to think because it's an epic battle seen. This drama had the perfect amount of everything. Every moment in this drama was one or the other. No boring parts what so ever. I have absolutely nothing bad or negative to say about this drama. It's made of awesome.
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Cast: I love Sooyoung! She was the reason I started this! :) I am really happy with her acting! I hope she will be in a lot more dramas in the future! Lee Jong Hyuk did wonderful! And OMO Hong Jong Hyun!!! First time ever seeing him in a drama. I think he's amazing! I loved his character so much!!! I hope he is a lead sometime! I would watch his drama!!!
Also I think there should be a rating for Characters.
The characters in this were amazing!!!! Another + for the writers!! They made every character in this understandable!
Gong Min Young: She is one of my favourite female leads now! I love how she didn't take any of Seo Byung's crap when he was like "I'm not a good man for you"
I LOVE HER!! Her character didn't disappoint me even once!
Seo Byung Hoon/Seo Il Rok:
I liked him! He wasn't that much of a jerk and I think he was really cool and... I don't know.. Like even near the end when he was refusing to just recognize his feelings... Yeah I wasn't happy and I think he should've just down something earlier... But I really liked his character.
Master: He's sooo... I don't know... Just.. :'( I love him! I love how it didn't end with him being depressed. If he did I might have died of sadness. But YES! I love Gong Stone/SeoByung couple! I shipped them to the max... But Master was just so cool and lovely... :'( Why dramas do this to me???
Do Ah Rang:
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