
  • Última vez online: 2 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: France
  • Contribution Points: 7 LV1
  • Aniversário: April 13
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  • Data de Admissão: fevereiro 11, 2015

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Hello! I'm Sandy ^_^

I am a Red hair Gumiho 

Earthly time I am 28 but I've been watching dramas for so long so that I definitively must be from another realm ;)

My AsianLove Journey started with Japan falling for Mangas and Anime and naturally flowed to DramaLand by live adaptation. Anime OST made me discover J-Pop but as a rebellious teen my heart was swoon by J-rock with my first stan One Ok Rock <3

But slowly japan drama came short and my addiction swift to Korea I discovered and fell for K-Pop with my queens GG Since then we can say I fell in the rabbit whole and subscribed to MDL.

Lastly thanks to covid lockdown and shortage of shows to binge watch I gave a chance to C-Drama and fell deeper into addiction XP

As last words as there is no better introduction in DramaLand than your watch list here is my all round top 10 

K-Drama                                           C-Drama

(they are not in order as I cannot grade them XD)

Road Home 


332d 18h 27m
9,494 episódios, 979 programas
6d 21h 9m
90 filmes

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