Top notch narrative! Marred, if only by a little, by the infamous ending...
Black had an intricately woven plot with each plot point slowly unraveling the mystery in a manner possible only if the story was based upon the supernatural. The way the show was presented was some of the best tv I have watched among kdramas until now. Anyone contemplating about giving it a watch should go ahead and do so. Performances were top notch, especially Song Seung Hoon (ML) and Kim Won Hae (Crazy dog!). Music was apt for the atmosphere of the drama, but nothing game-changing (except maybe for the opening score). Special hats-off to the writer Ms. Choi Ran for thinking of such a uniquely entertaining concept! But my score of 9.5 stands because of the ending, and that too, the last 10 minutes or so (which I am choosing to ignore and consider my own personal ending as head-canon). In spite of that, the story stands strong and is definitely worth a watch.
P.S.: I watched the drama Mouse before Black, and I loved watching the scenes in Black where Mouse was referenced (fore-shadowed?) Can't believe the writer sat on that gem of a script for 3 long years! (Mouse is a hot favorite of mine!)
P.S.: I watched the drama Mouse before Black, and I loved watching the scenes in Black where Mouse was referenced (fore-shadowed?) Can't believe the writer sat on that gem of a script for 3 long years! (Mouse is a hot favorite of mine!)
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