If not for Folk (Bar)
I would not watch this if not because of Folk (Bar) for the reason that I found him handsome and cute. Review: First, the story was very shallow. Second, the casts apparently need more acting workshops. We can't justify their performance with the "newbie" reason because we have seen several BL shows with most main casts are newbies that performed EXCELLENTLY. To mention a few there are Win Metawin (Tine in 2gether), Ohm Thitiwat and Nine Noppakao (Dean and Korn, respectively, in UWMA), Mario Maurer (acting debut in The Love of Siam), Gulf Kanawut (Type in TharnType) and most main actors in 2Moons and 2Moons2. I hope these actors in En of Love: TOSSARA will attend more acting workshops so that their exposures will not go to waste, and I believe they are all potential good actors in the future. Third, the chemistry between Win (Gun) and Folk (Bar) is 3/10; I can feel the awkwardness between them or maybe because it is overshadowed by their low acting skills. Lastly, the direction and production are 4.5/10.Esta resenha foi útil para você?

*The actors are (*GOSH*) the BEST! I can feel the emotions: anger, frustrations, jealousy, worries, happiness, curiosities, emptiness etc. The direction and production is also PERFECT. I commend the director and producers for a job well done. THANK YOU!
*Musical scores are perfect and fits every scene that add more in portraying emotions to the viewers.
*No exaggeration. I can no longer count how many times I watched the entire series. ^o^ Hahahaha And tell you I still have plan to rewatch. Hehehehe
OVERALL: I LOVE THIS SERIES so please make your viewers happy again by announcing that you are gonna make part 3 of this wonderful TV series. Make us hopeful and in love again, please. ^_^ <3 <3 <3 WE LOVE YOU Together With Me TEAM. <3 <3 <3
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One of My First Favorite Pinoy BLs released in 2020
This is one of the FIRST Pinoy BLs aired in 2020 that I loved. Glad I watched it on its very first day of the release and fell in love right away. You can see my comments in every segment in every episode.I love how they made everything as natural as ever. The script and the acting are very natural. Yes, I won't deny that I noticed their actings from the first few episodes a little different. I won't say that they can't act but it was not the usual performance. But there were no awkward acts or moments between the actors. Their acts are natural like friends interacting with friends, and that what made this series unique!
The cinematography was also awesome.
Honestly, I have rewatched every episode the nth time. I'm not kidding. There was no heavy drama but I shed tears every time I rewatch the sad scenes.
I just watched the season finale but I already missed them. This series became very close to my heart. I'm emotional right now.
But there was a good news... Glad to hear that there will be a season two.
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*The actors are REALLY GOOD. Their acts are magnificent. Perfect in every scene. It only showed that the director is excellent. I commend the director for a job well done.
*The theme song is perfect for the story. The musical scores are dragging. The best.
*I personally watched the entire series many many many times, like 8-10 x? Is it not enough to justify why I rate "rewatch value" 10/10?
I love that you decided to make a part 2. Gosh. Thanks a lot. You made your viewers really happy. LOVE YOU ALL CASTS AND STAFFS of SOTUS and SOTUS S.
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The actors were really amazing. Their acting was great. There were no cringy awkward moments between the all the pairs.
The musics were perfect! I love all the songs themed for each main pairs. I added them in my playlist. Worth listening to, thus highly recommended.
I will definitely rewatch this series.
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