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My Precious thai drama review
My Precious
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Axelle
Abr 25, 2023
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Basic story, but memorable scenes

I'm writing this straight from the premiere. I didn't have many expectations for this movie, as the plot seemed (and really was) very basic and simple, but I really enjoyed it!

it's very well executed, with a beautiful cinematography, great writing & very impactful scenes that make the movie stand out a lot more despite its simplicity. there is a lot of soul behind this movie, which is something that is not always present & changes everything.

the acting was very good, and the chemistry between nanon & film truly beautiful. nanon especially really shined in this role that got him to embody a bunch of different emotions & expressions. the scene where they share a bed & nanon is all shy is truly THE CUTEST EVER, I was smiling the whole time bc it truly put an adorable twist to an otherwise basic scene we've seen many times before.

the characters were all great, and even the side characters who didn't get much character development stood out with their unique descriptions (ohm with his constant boner, neo the scratcher of balls & ass, chimon the annoying one, & euro with his ridiculous bike compared to the other guy's motorbikes.) it all created a very believable friend group, and the friendship was definitely one of my favorite aspects of the movie.

this movie is so fun, and I laughed a whole lot. obviously the two most notable scenes that I have no doubt will be all over twitter once the movie leaks online, is first nanon's whole ass appearing in the movie (ballsy!), and nanon full on making out with fluke pusit, throwing him on a table and straddling him, before neo does the same after him. I don't think I'm ever getting over that scene, and the whole audience lost their shit in that moment, how fucking random, and if you're a gmmtv fan it just makes this moment even funnier.

now for what I didn't love... the ending kinda disappointed me. I was not adverse to a sad ending, but for me it felt way too forced & didn't make much sense with the personalities of the characters, who have been very obvious they like each other since pretty much the beginning & have put a lot of effort into their relationship. for them to give up after one dumb fight felt too forced, even though I know with the showing of an alternate universe where they get back together, that was the point, I guess I just don't agree lol.

moreover, it's still a very basic story, so even without the last 30 minutes of the movie losing me a little bit, this could've never been my all time favorite thai movie for this reason. but the level of great execution from gmmtv on this is giving me hope that if they adapt original scripts, they'll do great. it's an exciting start for the movie-making side of their business!
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