
  • Última vez online: 2 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
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  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
  • Aniversário: July 01
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: janeiro 13, 2018

Listas Recentes

172 titles 2 loves
all time faves <333
47 titles 1 love


she/her. 21 ☆
infp-t 6w9
cancer leo scorpio
my kpop playlist

hello! สวัสดีค่ะ! 안녕! 你好!こんにちは!

welcome to my profile, feel free to send me a friend request or message me any time! I'm always up for a good convo and i <3 making new friends! 

likes                                                     dislikes 

romance, thrillers, psychological        love triangles, toxic

horrors, gore, lgbtq+, kento                   masculinity, huge

yamazaki♡, all things kpop,                   age gaps, 

enemies to lovers,                                        unnecessary

 happy endings ,                                             misunderstanding & 

unhinged women                                         lack of 


I watch dramas from every country in the mdl database. I don’t have a preference, but I tend to typically focus on j-dramas, k-dramas and lakorns. If there’s a drama or movie from an actor I like, I will watch it (and probably enjoy it) no matter how objectively bad it is. My favorite j-drama is imawa no kuni no alice, my favorite k-drama would probably be Strangers From Hell, and for lakorns it’s Not Me. However, my favorite show of all time would have to be a c-drama, the untamed.

I’m also a big fan of kpop, mainly txt, tvxq, woodz and shinee, as well as j-rock/ visual kei. I regularly keep up with a lot of korean idol group’s variety shows, such as txt’s to do and going seventeen.

! rest of profile under construction !

thanks for reading xx 



107d 18h 32m
3,460 episódios, 369 programas
10d 19h 7m
144 filmes

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