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Attack on the Pin-Up Boys korean movie review
Attack on the Pin-Up Boys
34 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by nyzgal23
Jan 6, 2012
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
For a normal viewer (one who is not familiar with K-pop/Super Junior), Attack of the Pin-Up Boys will make absolutely no sense. The story is about a bunch of boys who become popular after being hit by a bag of crap (?), I mean come on! BUT, for Suju fans, this movie is a must see. It is comprised of the boys we love most, acting as various stereotypes of male high school students. Basically, an ELF's dream come true. This movie is light and fluffy with several hilarious moments between the members. I also just wanna say, character wise, do not underestimate any of them-each of them have their own little.. quirk (some of which may actually be true in real life XDD) So, my advice for those who want to watch this: sit back, relax (DO NOT EAT WHILE WATCHING THIS-) and enjoy. Emphasis on enjoy: do not attempt to use your brain.
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