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  • Aniversário: July 22
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 18, 2022

Listas Recentes

8 titles 1 love

(work in progress)

18. Currently watches K-Dramas, Cdramas and Jdramas. Seen a few Thai dramas too.  Also into K-variety and C-variety. 

Likes: Romance

Coming-of age

 Supernatural(I am sold here!)


Dislikes: (I don't like hate them! I just watch them less often)

Musicals(It's just not realistic enough when people start singing out of nowhere)

Medical(The stress is just too much)

Slice-of-life(I don't like it when it gets too realistic, because then what's the point of watching it, if not to escape from reality, but sometimes when I am feeling down and need some motivation, I am all down for it!)

Sports(Exceptions can be made!)


First K-drama: Goblin  (It was Covid and I was bored) 

All-time favourites:

Extraordinary you 

Extraordinary you 2521
This drama had everything I could ask for.

Supernatural elements.Romance.Chemi
stry. Happy ending. A period piece. Beautiful cinematography. Killer OST.
Started watching for the aesthetics and cinematography but stayed for the story. <3
 The OST<3
My roommate is a gumiho
I remember my friend asking me to watch it when it was airing, but back then I didn't know what a gumiho was(I had just gotten into kdramas then) and thought the title did not look aesthetic enough and completely ignored. A year later,I was binge-watching it a day before my math exam, because of how good it was!
Strong Woman Dobongsoon 

Just the two of them should be a reason enough to watch it. It's just so perfect! The acting, the comedic timing, the suspense, the plot-twists!!

I literally watched the second season just for their cameo. 


Welcome To Waikiki 

Still 17

Summer strike 

Lovely Runner 

Favorite k-actors: Shin Sehyun, Ji Chang-Wook, Im Siwan, Byeon Wooseok, Nam Jihyun, Na inwoo, 

Lee yikyung.


First C-drama: Meteor garden 

Favorite Cdramas

My Journey To You

Till the end of the moon 

Favorite C-actors: Luo Yunxi, BaiLu, Neo Hou, Ryan Cheng 


41d 2h 27m
1,030 episódios, 97 programas
21h 49m
11 filmes

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