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58 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 16, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
I don't have words to explain how many emotions I was able to feel while watching this drama, this is now my favorite drama. This drama is heart touching, it's so warm, it's so truth it hurts, it's about motherhood, how hard but beautiful it is. It makes you realize things, learn things about life, this drama is completely a masterpiece. The story is so heart touching, it's so deep, beautiful and sad at the same time. The acting is just amazing by all the chracters. The music is perfect, beautiful. It's a drama that is well produced, its well writtten , I definitely watch it again in a few years, overall is 10. This drama is MASTERPIECE.

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No Ar
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 25, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0
This drama was really good. It's well written and it has a lot of chracters with different stories in their hard lives. This drama is very mature. It shows the life of the protagonist and her broken marriage. She only cared about success and anything else until she met the pain, her world was falling apart. I don't want to be one of those persons who review a drama and write a book, I will be short. The acting is amazing, the story is well written, until the end you will be wondering things. The series finale, I didn't like it. If I recommend this drama? Yes. It must be the second best drama of 2018 so far. The music was amazing too, beautiful and sad just fits the show. The rewatch value is 7 for me, I don't like re watching shows never again but maybe in a few years, it depends on each person. Overall I will give it a 9.5 just because I didn't like the series finales, I think there's a lot of things missing still. But overall it was a great drama, it never gets boring, it's always amazing. You should give it a try, but you should be mature enough to watch it to be honest.

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7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 11, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
What a beautiful drama. Acting is great, Lee Jong Suk is beautiful and fresh. I like this drama, it's different and beautiful. FINALLY, there's a male main lead who is not arrogant like most of the kdramas, this is one of the reasons I loved this drama. It was different from other dramas. This drama has a lot of fantasy, thriller and romance, so If you are not the fantasy-romantic type of person, you may not like it. But in my case it was an amazing show since the first episode to the end, there was no episode that I find boring, all episodes were great made , always left you wondering whats next . When I first started, I didn't have a lot of hope about this drama but it surprised me A LOT. This is such a beautiful drama, overal I give a 10.

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Um Poema Por Dia
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 25, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This was a beautiful drama. Creative souls out there, this is for you (writers and artists). Someone who is not creative may find this boring but If you are an artist or writer you will definitely love this to heart. It's beautiful, all the characters are really beautiful and well made. All of them have their own story. Something I disliked about this drama is the lack of going deeper into every character's story. The end was inconclusive and there's a lot of things we wanted to know. The story is great and I loved it, but theres certain points that were not made the right way because this show had more potential than that. The main couple has really good chemistry and is a lovely couple. The love triangle in here is good too. Even though the second lead was that type of main lead (rich, stupid and childish), he was able to grow up and thats something I really appreciated, I did love them both for her though. But Doctor ye was always the first one to stole my heart, you may be wondering why? He was a different kind of main guy, he was mature, beautiful, respectful and handsome. He was not that kind of main lead we always see in korean dramas (rich and childish, mistreating the girl). He never mistreated her and he always treated her with respect , thats one of the things I love about this drama. Finally, a mature main lead who is not childish. This drama is perfect for me, great poems about life and situations, deep. I just wanted them to go more into detail with every person in this drama but it didnt happen and thats okay . Overall is worth watching and beautiful, Lee Yoo BI is far good and more talented than other over rated korean females actress out there, not gonna mention names. SHE WAS JUST GREAT.

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Chuva de Amor
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 2, 2018
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 4.0
I did love the beginning of this drama. It was full of love, memories and beautiful music. The parent's love was deep and it was beautiful. The bad part started when the son and the daughter fell in love. They were really selfish because their love was not even good, no beautiful scenes, he mistreated her a lot of times. This could have been an amazing drama without the daughter and the son. What a waste of a great drama to be honest. I give it a 7 because the first episodes were really touching and beautiful but then it was the same each episode and I got tired of the young daughter and son relationship

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Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 29, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.5
Amazing drama, so entertaining and beautful with a lot of empowerment, it demostrates women can be just as good as men, the leads are just amazing, the bromance is lovely and the main female is just too cute... not to mention but this series is so so funny you won't ever be bored. I would re watch this but in a few years only.:) the main lead is just too cute and you will love it if you're a romantic like me :)
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A Médica Imperial
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 24, 2018
50 of 50 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
This is a beautiful drama. It is very warming and it will make you feel a lot of things. I really liked and enjoyed every character in this series, every single one of them had a purpose. I really enjoyed Empress Dowager chracter even though she was a villian, but she was a great one, she was a really female empowering Empress. Yun Xian is a really amazing lead she is just very cute and warming she is innocent but she doesnt let anyone to mistreat her which makes the perfect combination, she is really empowering and beautiful character I think Ive never loved a female lead this much. Qizhen is just amazing he is a gentlemen and he always protected her no matter what, I would die for him. I really enjoyed episodes from 1-40. Last 10 were awful. Qi Yu character seemed warm and cute at the beginning but I started to dislike him a lot after. The war scenes were great, the romance is this drama is crazy. Theres 6 people involved. 3 men who loved her deeply at their own ways, of course her (yunxian) and the Empress. The empress was my favorite chracter after YunXian. The empress is the definition of a good woman, really humble, sensitive with a lot of empathy and lot of patience and love. QiZhen and YinXuan (leads) had a really nice and great chemistry. I love them and you will too. I really enjoyed this drama until ep 40. The medicine techniques are actually nasty (don't watch when eating pls) but they are really interesting too. Theres a lot of chracters along the way, some you will love and some, I would not say hate but maybe dislike. When it comes to Mei Lin, I think the actress did a great job. Overall, I would give this drama a 9.5. The series finale is so satisfying for me. I would watch it again in a few years since this drama changed me some way, it made me feel a lot of things and theres not boredom until almost the end. The music (ost) is great and it goes along well with the drama. I will never forget this drama because it really touched me someway special.

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Somehow 18
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 13, 2018
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
what a beautiful and touching drama , its about suicide , and about how traumtic events can change your life forever and make your life miserable, it shows how hard life it is but you gotta keep trying and moving on because despite that theres beautiful things. the romance is just beautiful I dont have words to describe it , the way he cares and takes care of her is just beautiful, highly recommend , so sad its only 2 episodes long because this is an amazing story and I am in love with all the characters
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Em andamento 13/13
Meu Romance Secreto
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 5, 2018
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.5
The story of this drama is pretty cliche. I will resume it in my own words. This story is about a couple who meet and they had "something" that last just one night. They never see each other again until she starts working for him. The main girl has a lot of traumas and it's really immature for her age (28). She doesn't know how to forgive people. She is inmature because she is unable to address her problems and fix them, more than a mature character, for me she is just like a teenager. This is the same story as a lot of dramas, the rich guy, and the father who tries to control him all the time. This story is really really cliche. The only good thing about this drama is the CHEMISTRY AND THE MAIN LEAD ROMANCE. It's pretty good. There are kisses and a lot of chemistry, sexy scenes. But nothing more than that.
The acting was just fine, it wasnt bad but she could have done a better job.
The music is just fine. Overall, I do like this drama and I think its beautiful but they miss a lot of things, this drama could have been a masterpiece with those two main leads, but they just ruined it. Because the story has nothing special, it's repetitive EVERY single episode.

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A Noiva de Habaek
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 23, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
It has a good lead, they do have chemistry but the storyline is boring and it could have been better. It was low pacing, they took like 13 episodes to finally reveal something, every episode was the same thing, the acting is pretty god, the characters I really didn't understand them, the writer had to make it a little bit clear , just better... some things don't even make any sense, I forced myself to watch until the end but it was really hard task. I love both actors(in real life) It's not their fault, it's just their job... I wouldn't recommend it to ANYONE. :)
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Bem-vindos a Waikiki
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 18, 2018
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
To begin with, I have to say I am really sad about this drama ending. This drama was really funny, like really. This show helped me with my depression, it made me smile for real. I fell in love with every single one of the chracters. this is one of those dramas that make you really happy while seeing it. Theres always something to smile about, but not just that, theres a lot of emotions, problems, hard work, failures, mistakes... all those things we face in a daily basis but this show is about a bunch of normal people who are just like us and face diffucult times but even if theres a storm, theres always space to give someone a smile. I loved this show. The chracters are so beautiful and funny, with their own stories. The ending was a little bit rushed but overall this drama was amazing, the acting is great and I hope every single one of this actors have their opportunity in more dramas because they are really talented.

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Mai 1, 2020
56 of 56 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Wow, I started this drama without much expectation. Usually, fantasy dramas are not my type. However, after the first two episodes I just felt in love. It’s a drama that it’s better than expected and better than any other (of the same genre) that I have seen before. The little fox, Bai... she is a wonderful woman. She seems sentimental and weak at the beginning but she demonstrates how strong and powerful she is. She is a woman who loves herself and tries to always take the best decisions. She has a strong personality. The actress (Dilralba) was born to portrait her. She’s like an angel. Vengo Gao, he was also born to portrait him. They are so beautiful together, they have a lot of chemistry. This story is good written, always interesting and looking forward the next episode. It never stayed the same way, there was a lot of plot twists and more that always left me impressed. This drama shows the little fox’s growth into a mature and wonderful woman and more than that ( I won’t say it because you have to see it). This drama made me emotional, make me cry and make me smile countless of times. I will never forget this drama because I learned so many things about life, pain, about moving on and about different things in general. I think this drama is unique and forever be stored in my heart. Lastly, acting and ost are amazingly beautiful. The effects too and the cinematography is out of this world (simply beautiful, perfection). I loved the colors, the locations, the camera shots and everything actually made the drama better. They all did a great job at creating this masterpiece. You won’t regret watching it.

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49 Dias
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 29, 2018
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10
Very strong message about life and death. Really beautiful characters, shows how difficult life is, how people can change, theres betrayal, forgiveness, sadness, happiness and life lessons. Both female leads did an amazing job, acting skills are great. Both male leads are great actors and really handsome. Really strong plot, I never got bored not even one moment. This drama made me laugj, cry and wonder about things in life that maybe we dont appreciate until its too late, seeing the two sides of living, wanting to die and others wishing to live one more day is just really interesting and heartbreaking. Theres no good or bad, its just life. Everyone in this drama have their own versions of why. The finale is sad and I didnt like it at all but still I feel at peace to see that some people were able to find peace with their souls

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Minha Nossa, Fantasma
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 5, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.5
This drama is beautiful. At the beginning its really bad, there is a lot of ANNOYING characters in this drama, to be specific (bong suns coworkers) . despite that this was a great drama with a lot of suspense, crime and horror too. The romance is beautiful. This is a really dramatic drama too it will make you cry a lot. If you are like me you will ask yourself if you should drop this drama because its so stupid at the beginning but give it a try because it improves a lot after a few episodes and its worth watching, by the way it has a great villiain, it will make you scared believe me. For the finales series it was sad but it was also amazing, beautiful and so romantic. One of the best couples, if not the best in a kdrama. I love how the main was able to grow and be a more confident woman.

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Música do Coração
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 8, 2018
15 of 15 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
This kdrama is totally beautiful and heart touching. The story goes around college students who are studying music, the main protagonist's major is focused in traditional music and the male is in occidental music. All the characters in this drama are special and have their own dreams and flaws. This drama teaches you about friendship, about fighting for the things your love and yours dreams. Whoever, it could have been better since almost all the drama was mainly focused on one side loves and performances. The story lack in making the story more genuine by adding more details and not just all the same all the time. But don't worry, this is nothing to have concern about since in my opinion, this drama is never boring. It's always beautiful and well made, the friendships here are just beautiful and amazing, and it's so funny too! The acting was pretty good, pretty decent. I won't say it was bad, but it's not the best either.  The music is totally amazing, all the ost's are beautiful and touching, you will have them in your head all the time while watching this.  I would really like to rewatch this kdrama one day but not in the future, it depends on the person. I'm not a person that likes to repeat things, I usually wait a few years until I rewatch something again. The overal I'm giving this drama is 8.5 because its a beautiful drama despite the lack of story it had. It had a lot to offer, they could have give more (I mean, the writers) but it's okay. It's beautiful and it's worth watching. :)

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