
  • Última vez online: 7 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: mostly void, partially stars
  • Contribution Points: 1,104 LV6
  • Aniversário: January 26
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: janeiro 19, 2019


mostly void, partially stars


mostly void, partially stars
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
Both films incorporate their own unique variations of the classic Holmes-and-Watson dynamic, with two seemingly incompatible but nevertheless well-matched characters that team up to solve a murder case. Highly recommended if you're a fan of period pieces that feature capable characters and unlikely partnerships, along with a dash of action, mystery, and bromance.
Recomendado por chronoclast - Fev 26, 2021
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
Both are fantasy films that explore the life of a female lead whose time is inverted -- (either naturally or through some incident) -- and how their lives intersect with the male lead backwards throughout time.
Recomendado por chronoclast - Fev 18, 2021
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
Both are action thrillers that feature a begrudging partnership between a South Korean cop and a North Korean officer. The two gradually become a part of each other's lives in order to fulfill mutual goals while slowly building up a fragile trust, oftentimes to comedic effect.
Recomendado por chronoclast - Mar 18, 2020
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
Both films have a charmingly awkward female lead reminiscing on her high school days and a romance that blossoms after a run-in with the male lead. The stories are similarly framed, with several plot points overlapping, but unique enough that you can enjoy both without feeling like you're watching the exact same film.
Recomendado por chronoclast - Fev 14, 2020