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  • Aniversário: May 25
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  • Data de Admissão: novembro 22, 2021
  • Awards Received: Coin Gift Award1
Melodia do Café
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 20, 2022
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 2.5

Very sweet, but too slow.

So, I loved the fact that couples were not messed with or manipulated by jealous, bitchy females. I hate that trope and it's far too common these days.

This show is cute, sweet and fluffy but excessively slow. There are issues, but they resolve quickly. Most of the issues wouldn't even be blips on the radar of other characters in other shows, which just proves how desperate they were to keep this very soft.

There is minimal character development, growth or change but at least they are good at sharing emotions and hopefully the audience looks at their own lives to find happiness like the characters did.

I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. I did really enjoy certain parts and then was quite bored with others. It was a give and take in that regard. However, if you're looking for a fast, easy watch with little investment then this is perfect.

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Magic of Zero
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 27, 2022
3 of 3 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

A very cute way to advertise.

If we could get rid of many commercials and have adorable video ads like this more often, then I wouldn't be skipping ads all the time. lol

Episode 1: Zero Photography
This was really cute and it was nice to see Milk and Love play Ink and Pa from Bad Buddy again. The story makes you think that taking photos and preserving history should be important in our lives. It was really sweet.

Episode 2: Zero in the Moonlight
I always thought Tu had more chemistry with Dew than with Bright in F4 Thailand, and this episode shows that. It was cute, a bit odd, but cute. They acted well together though.

Episode 3: Zero Supporter
This is another opportunity to see Earth & Mix play as Korn & Win from Cupid's Last Wish. It was sweet and considering the plot of Cupid's Last Wish it had some ironic humor. They are just good actors, so they can pull off most roles.

All in all it's worth watching. Don't expect anything groundbreaking or stories that are too deep, because they only have roughly 50 minutes to tell each story and ultimately they are still advertisements for Oishi honey lemon green tea.

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Check Out: The Movie
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 6.0

If you didn't like the series, you'll probably like the movie!

So, basically, this movie took the original Episode 0, the 12 episode series and the final special episode and turned them all into a 2 hour movie.

For people who didn't like the series because Nine & Daonuea took too long to get back together, there was too much drama, it was too chaotic, there was too much back story without enough forward progress, Ep.0 promised spiciness and there was almost none in the original series, the side stories took up too much screen time ... whatever the reason... chances are good that it was either removed or altered slightly in the movie and it is now less messy, better paced and just tells the core story without an excess of drama or side story.

Now, for those who really enjoyed the original series and liked seeing all the back story, the history and super messy drama they most likely will not favor the movie because most of that was removed.

Personally, I really enjoyed both. I liked the series, but I still had a few issues with it, but overall I enjoyed that there was so much going on. I liked how Nine & Daonuea should have met during university and Tee messed it up, but fate chose for them to still come together. I didn't like how long Praew stayed in the picture, she was a great character and I'm glad she had a part, but I think her part should've ended sooner. So, I was happy they did that with the movie. Sure, we don't get the full story behind Tee & Ice before the after credits scene -- but isn't it good enough just to know how things ended for Tee after what he went through with Daonuea? We don't *really* need more than that, but for those who want more then there's the series to watch.

So, overall, I think the movie was a great addition to the Check Out line up. I recommend it to both those who liked the series and those who wanted to like the series and didn't.

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Male Entertainer
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 30, 2022
2 of 2 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

More Than I expected.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this, but it wasn't what I watched. Overall I really enjoyed this. I felt like they spoke to someone in the industry and just told their story. It was touching and hopefully gives people a new way to look at this industry.
(also, I encourage people to keep in mind that not all hosts who work at bars are escorts and hosts don't usually sleep with their clients.)

Part 1 was informative and gave a lot of baseline information about the people involved. I finished it and was thankful that I waited to watch it until Part 2 was already released so that I could watch straight through.

Part 2 was more emotional and delved deeper into feelings. The ending left me stunned, but at the same time unsurprised. What other choice did he have?

I definitely recommend this, but it's not going to be for everyone. Not everyone enjoys the documentary / mockumentary style or pacing.

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The Hidden Character
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 22, 2023
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Very Simply -- I Don't Recommend.

So, I was put off from the very beginning when I learned that part of the goal of this show was going to be exposing the dark mistakes that some of these VERY young actors have made. (and yes, to me 17-25 is very young)

I thought this was supposed to be a reality show to find the next great BL couple for a new show that Be On Cloud was planning on making. Instead, I think it was an excuse to find an actor that Ta liked enough to want to act with him in said future show.

Furthermore, I don't understand what playing stupid popularity games for other BOC actors & staff has to do with testing their acting skills. Two thirds of the show was pointless and had nothing to do with acting or the entertainment industry. Occasionally it had moments that were decent, because you got to see into the feelings and emotions of the guys, but that was just a novelty.

As for the final episode -- I did finally watch it, but it's difficult to find if you couldn't watch it live!!
It's absolutely unforgivable that iQIYI, the only legitimate streaming site involved, carries the entire series but then has no plans to ever share the final episode except for that one chance to see it live. So, if you find this series late -- don't plan on watching the final episode unless you're okay using illegal sites.

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The Miracle of Teddy Bear
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 8, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Beautiful - and so disappointing

The Miracle of Teddy Bear:
I enjoyed most of it, but I wasn't expecting something so intricate and in-depth. I was expecting, and hoping for, something more "fluffy" and cute. I enjoyed the deep story, the family drama, the mystery, etc - but it wasn't what the trailers led me to think I was getting into.

First of all, the story of Nut & Tofu was lovely. It was beautifully done and the ways that Tofu loved Nut and Na were heartwarming. The way he brought out the truth of their feelings and mended their hearts was just so wonderful. That was my favorite part of the show.

The intricately woven story about the families, their struggles, their sacrifices and how incredibly deep this story went was remarkable. They told this story in a way that was truly engaging, and got your emotions involved as well. You really felt for the characters and what they've been through as you learned, piece by piece, about the trauma, the drama, the mystery and how everything and everyone tied together. It was so well done!!

However, I felt like once we learned all about Neung at school and met Tatarn as his best friend, and the way Tatarn looked at Nut, that as of episode 3 or 4 ish (?) I felt like the story was being railroaded and directed into getting Nut & Tatarn back together. It made it very difficult for me to really enjoy the relationship between Tofu and Nut because every time they made progress it hurt my heart because I just felt that there was no way for them to be happy together. And Tofu kept making comments about how he didn't know how long he'd have and then they showed the household items falling asleep and all I felt was an internal dread that I just KNEW where things were headed for Tofu, and it broke my heart for like 10-12 episodes straight.

I loved Tatarn's impact on Nut's past and how he helped him to survive and grow, and I think everyone needs someone like that in their life at one point. However, I think the decision to tie Tofu's existence as human directly to Tatarn's coma was a very bad one. It was something we learned VERY early on, when Tofu passed out watching the washing machine spin, and from that point onwards the writing was on the wall. At that moment we already knew that for Tatarn to wake up Tofu had to go away, or die, or become a teddy bear again.... but ultimately they couldn't co-exist. And that knowledge just ruined so much of the show for me.

So, as I was saying, I liked Tatarn's role in Nut's past and as a previous love I think it was beautiful. It was a great story and one worth telling and it was a crucial part of the story as a whole. That information needed to be told, shared and felt.

BUT -- I think Tofu should not be tied to Tatarn's ability to wake up, Nut & Tatarn should've just been friends as adults and Nut & Tofu should have been allowed to have their relationship without the shadow of Tatarn always looming over them. They should have been allowed to be happy together without the audience fearing for Tofu's existence. That fear in the back of the mind at all times just tainted the entire relationship with a darkness that doesn't need to be there. Since everything about Tofu was light, bright, cheerful, loving, caring, devoted and honest his existence never should have had that gloom hanging over him the entire show.

I know that Tofu was thankful to still be in Nut's life at the end and to still be an "awakened" teddy bear after he changed back from a human -- but I also feel like that is cruel and forcing him to watch Nut love Tatarn for the rest of their lives is absolutely heartless. Being the consolation prize was insulting to him as a character. Plus, we already knew that Tofu was jealous of Tatarn and hurt because he worried that Nut would leave him for Tatarn or that Nut could never love him as much as he loved Tatarn. Why force him to witness Nut & Tatarn live their "happily ever after" despite his feelings?? Yeah, he seems to have come to terms with it at the end and found a kind of peace in the choices he made -- but should he have needed to do that??

I wanted so, so, so badly to love this show -- but now that it's over I think I'll give it like an 8 through episode 14 and some of 15 and then a 2 for the ending. I hated that I could see what the ending would be *SO* early on just based off a few clues that they dropped, because predicting what was going to happen just ruined the whole experience for me.

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Tenderly Crunch
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 11, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

Weird, but cute!!

I really wasn't sure what to expect, but this wasn't it. However, I'm glad I watched it!

This turned out to be a very cute musical with decent music and a sweet story. The animations were a bit awkward, but everything else worked - for what it was. I would recommend it to anyone looking for something a bit different when you just need a break from all the usual "normal" BL stories and tropes, especially since it's so short!

The only thing that took me by surprise, and I probably just did not read the full synopsis, was that it was a musical. So, initially I was rather shocked when the candy was suddenly alive and singing. My first impression was, "Um, this is weird." I kept watching and it quickly grew on me as I got the feel for what they were doing, and by the time it was over I was very happy that I watched it.

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Beleza de Principiante
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de kajirae Coin Gift Award1
Abr 12, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 2.0

Better than My ID is Gangnam Beauty

I just finished watching this and I don't plan on giving spoilers, but I am going to make very direct commentary.

The story is so-so, but I thought they did better than My ID is Gangnam Beauty. I didn't like that one at all, it bored me to death and I had to fast forward through some of it.

Great sis such a good job playing Saint! His character was a bit selfish (and he knows that) but still so likable. He just did a wonderful job playing the part.

Aou as Jerry was just in the background and barely even a side character until the last 3 or 4 episodes when he finally started talking, but when his character had a moment to shine he was absolutely brilliant!! I was so impressed with his acting. I've seen him act in many things, but this time he won me over.

The two female leads played their parts pretty well. They at least had emotion and showed that they aren't bad actors. Their characters weren't exceptionally deep, but at least they had back story and showed some feeling.

Win was decent, but a little boring in this. He didn't have any moments that stood out as bad acting, but he didn't have any moments that stood out as good acting either. His performance was at least better than someone who just reads the lines and feels super flat, but only slightly better. At least he didn't come across as completely dull.

Overall, I had fun with this. It seemed to flow better, have more engaging drama than My ID is Gangnam Beauty. It has a very typical feel of what GMMTV usually puts out for the young adult audiences. It wasn't a favorite, I don't watch it again, but I did enjoy it and I am still glad I watched it.

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Eu Não
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 29, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.5

Worth Watching!

I'll state right up front that I see why other reviewers had issues with the way the politics came across and how some of the show was done. Could those areas be improved on? Yeah, probably. However, this is still a BL and they still had to focus on that aspect as a major plot point, and I think to completely nail everything story-wise it would've needed to be longer.

Now that we got that out of the way, I want to mention that the political and social issues that the show brought up are very important, especially to present day Thailand. The differences between upper, middle and lower classes, privilege, LGBTQ+ rights and activism, treatment of the disabled, etc. These are issues that were very bold and I applaud the show for addressing them, and in a BL no less.

The acting from everyone was on point. From the main characters right down to all of the minor support actors everyone delivered. Gun was absolutely phenomenal, and you could tell which character was on screen Black vs White just by looking at him. Off did a great job and has really improved! First & Fluke were so good you could forget about everyone else when they were on screen. Mond was heartwarming and so likeable. Honestly, every last one of them brought their A-game and knocked it out of the park. Also, I'm so thankful that there wasn't a single jealous, bitter, angry bitch female character dead set on ruining one of the guys or being spiteful. It was incredibly refreshing to have mature, reasonable female characters with self respect. Oh, and I can't forget Sing, goodness, I've seen him act since he was young and now suddenly he's grown up and played his adult role flawlessly!! I was very impressed with how well he took to this role.

I was kind of expecting a little something different based on trailers, I thought we'd see gang on gang action or something of the like, I did not know that it would be so political and socially charged. So I was a bit surprised that the antagonist was not even remotely what/who I was expecting, but in the end that didn't detract from the show, it just wasn't what I thought it would be. I still loved every episode and I'll probably watch it again.

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E se?
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 17, 2022
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 2.5

I wish there was a clear ending....

This story is very short, sweet and just breezes right through everything. There's virtually no character development or true story progression, and yet, I somehow still enjoyed the first 4 episodes. The characters were endearing and Smart was just adorable. I really enjoyed the song.

But there was no clear ending. It wasn't even really a cliffhanger, per se, it just ... stopped and credits rolled and I didn't know why it was over yet. It felt like it ended mid-conversation mid-scene with absolutely nothing to show for it. I had good feelings and good memories of the first 4 episodes, but that last one ... I can't even say it was a bad ending, it wasn't any kind of ending, except that it ended.

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Gen Y 2
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 26, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 2.5

Not good - Not horrible

I enjoyed season one for the most part, so I was looking forward to season 2. Sadly, this did not live up to my expectations. I think Wayu's storyline could've been resolved, even exacty the same way, a bit more quickly and it would've given time to focus on the side couples more which would've helped the entire season move more smoothly, feel less slow and give better content.

We deserved more time with Mark and Kit.
We deserved more time with Pok and Tong.
We deserved more time with Jack and Koh.
We deserved to find out if Sandee found a partner. (yes, I have someone very specific in mind, but I'm not giving spoilers)

If there was more content all around then the season wouldn't have felt so stagnant and I think most viewers would've been happier. There's my two cents. 😁😊

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 29, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Nothing Like The Trailers!!

I watched the trailers and thought we'd get an injured guy who required physical therapy and that he and his physical therapist would fall in love over the therapy sessions and through the healing process together.

Not even close!!

The first 10 episodes were incredibly slow and probably could have been done in 2-3 episodes maximum. Then episodes 11 and 12 were just questions upon questions upon questions that led to a whole lot of, "WTF did I just watch?"

Really, the downhill side starts at the end of episode 10 when no one explains what happened to Dr. Yang and what the photos were of and what was posted about him. I even tried using a translator to read the text given and it was a mess that made no sense. So, I have no idea what that whole bit was about.

Milk & Pun weren't even in a fully established relationship yet, but hey give them a baby and 30 seconds later fast forward 5 years later and they're a happy family of 3 in episode 11.

Toss in Pun's parents and the fact that they haven't seen him or talked to him in something like 4 years and they suddenly visit and want to have a good relationship with everyone... but we never learn why they were on bad terms to begin with.

Who is Jame and why did it feel like he was preying on both Pun and Milk when he met them separately in the last episode?

Suddenly the biological mother of their son decides she can be a good mother and she takes him back, and Milk doesn't seem to fully understand why Pun is heartbroken at losing the son he's raised for 5 years??

After all of this Pun suddenly proposed to Milk, who accepted, and everyone takes that as their wedding and yay, congrats for them!! By the way, the end!

If things had stayed slow, and mildly boring, but kept a steady theme/story through the whole thing then this would be a completely different review. However, they threw in so much WTF and the kitchen sink at the end that there's no way to redeem the last 2.5 episodes.

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Love on Lo
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 10, 2024
2 of 2 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Cute, too short and had some unnecessary characters.

Overall the story was cute. I thought the two male leads were good enough for these small roles.

The resort staff gal was annoying. I'm tired of lame fujoshi female characters in BL's.

Both the one guy's boss and the other guy's... whatever she was... were completely unnecessary characters. There was no reason for the phone calls with either of those gals.

If the resort staff gal was more normal and less of a goofy, obnoxious fujoshi and you cut out the phone calls with the other two females and gave the two male leads more time together then I could have scored this significantly higher. Maybe even do one more episode, because the sweet story between the leads was decent.

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Phantom School
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 25, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

A fun short watch

This show is definitely geared towards a younger audience, but it was still a fun watch. The characters were cute and had personality, and they really played well with each other. All of the actors played their parts well and none of them were bad or irritating in their roles.

The story was rather simple, nothing complex and you don't have to waste time trying to piece together bits of info -- just enjoy the ride. I wouldn't mind a second season, the ending left it open for they're to be more content, but all of the issues and challenges presented in season 1 were resolved, so it doesn't require a second season to answer any unanswered questions. Just, as I said, there's a bit of open-endedness to it with an obvious bridge to further content -- if they want to go for it.

I usually watch shows that require more thought and have more complex stories, so this was a really fun break for one evening. (anyone is welcome to scan my profile/watchlist/completed if you're curious about my usual kind of Kdramas)

All in all, I do recommend this show. Don't go into with really high or unrealistic expectations, just plan to have a light enjoyable time watching a supernatural/magic type show.

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The Director Who Buys me Dinner
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 16, 2023
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.5

I had high hopes for this!!

Unfortunately, I think this show was just too short to really give the story enough life. They're was such an interesting premise, but I wanted them to go deeper into the story. I'm also not completely sure why the artist has the issues that he does, that wasn't explained at all. I suspect he was the archer in the past, but that alone wouldn't explain his anxiety or why the employee can calm him down and seems to share his energy with him.

For the most part I enjoyed the series, it just felt like so much was missing and felt incomplete. I'm not sure if that's because the writer never fully fleshed it out, or because the series didn't the the budget to do more than a basic representation. I haven't read the source material to know.

I would still recommend it though, there's enough here to keep you entertained for the hour and a half run time for the entire series.

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