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Roommate thai drama review
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by jpny01
Ago 20, 2020
4 of 4 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Kind of bad.

Maybe I'll edit this after the special episode [I did below], but I'm not sure if that means the story continues or it will be a "making of".

I was enjoying the series, not passionately, but it was watchable. But then the 4th episode happened. It was almost all with the 2 silly girls and there was virtually no interaction between the leads, which is inexcusable in the final episode. I don't know if that was supposed to be a cliffhanger, but it was kind of silly. Everyone keeps saying James raped Sky, which is ridiculous. James fantasized about kissing Sky in his sleep but he didn't do it.

The acting was acceptable, the production was fine, the couple was cute. Nothing special, but I did appreciate the passion the makers put into the project. But the 4th episode was so bad it canceled all that out for me. I would watch the first three and stop - nothing is really added by th 4th episode, but plenty is subtracted.

EDIT: The Special Episode partially redeemed this series for me, but again way too much time for silly girl antics. A substantial female character would have been welcome and could have had a role in the plot. All 5 episodes together are about 100 minutes - you can save yourself half of that by fast-forwarding through all the scenes with only girls. You will miss absolutely nothing as none of it has anything to do with the story.

Anyway, there was at least an ending, and a nice one, but you never really got much of a sense of how Sky felt about James other than being into his body (can't blame him) since the only interest he showed was going bug-eyed and staring at him whenever he was naked. I'll up James to "good" from "acceptable".

I imagine the production was extremely low-budget and had to operate with the limitations of COVID, so I'll cut them some slack, because they accomplished a lot with limited resources - I will definitely watch any future productions from this company. IF they cut out the silly girl thing. Thai BLs can learn from the Philippines on this issue.
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