For me, the highlight of Entertainer was definitely the bromance between Seok Ho and the 4 boys of the Entertainer Band, especially with Ha Neul. I found it heartwarming to see all the obstacles they faced together in order to pursue their passion of music. The bond between Seok Ho and Ha Neul was very touching. By the end, it felt like the Entertainer Band was a family. I also enjoyed the different character arcs of the 4 members of the band, my favourite being Yeon Soo's (which was very heart-wrenching and emotional).
In general, I liked the realistic portrayal of the Entertainment industry that this drama showed, and the development of the characters throughout the drama- you could genuinely see the amount of growth all the characters went through.
What I disliked was the unnecessary love line between Seok Ho and Geu Rin. I felt little chemistry between their characters, but I blame the writing, not the actors or the age gap between them. Some of their scenes were quite cringey to watch, and I felt like their love line was forced and out of place. I don't really think that Geu Rin's character added anything to the storyline in general. The pacing of the drama was also a problem, but eventually it improved. I didn't mind the 2-episode extension much, and I think the storyline was wrapped up nicely.
The actors portrayed their roles very well, especially since there were a lot of emotional scenes in the drama (a looot of man tears). Ji Sung's acting never disappoints me, and I wasn't surprised when he completely embodied the character he played and brought it to life. I would like to see him in a more complex role in the future, though. I see a lot of acting potential in Kang Min Hyuk and he delivered the emotional scenes surprisingly well. Lee Tae Sun (Na Yeon Soo) is also an actor I will definitely be keeping an eye on. I can't believe this was his first drama role and he was one of my favourite characters.
I enjoyed the OST's in this drama, and the track I liked the most was A Love Before by Eunji. I wish we got to hear more tracks from the Entertainer Band, but I did like I See You and It's Okay To Cry.
I wouldn't say that I would watch this drama again, but I did enjoy watching Entertainer every week. It was a very emotional journey full of ups and downs. If you are looking for a drama that is full of heart and full of bromantic moments, this is the drama for you! You might want to bring tissues ;)
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For most of the drama, the story and plot lines had me hooked. It was engaging and it didn't drag much, plus, I was pleasantly surprised that there was no amnesia! Though I'm a little disappointed with how rushed and abrupt the drama wrapped up in the last 2 episodes or so, and how the last episode wasn't as satisfying as I would've liked, Cheese in the Trap was still an amazing, memorable drama-watching experience.
Usually in drama-land, you fall in love with the male lead instantly, or over a few episodes. However, with Yoo Jung, the male lead, he was extremely mysterious, and his menacing, confusing actions had me on my toes. I love how his personality and motives were slowly revealed throughout the drama, and I ended liking his character despite his flaws. Park Hae Jin played Yoo Jung's complex, mysterious character so, so well, and his acting was phenomenal.
For the female lead, Hong Seol, I found her very easy to relate to. She was awkward and shy, but slowly throughout the drama, she started to stand up for herself. I loved the scenes when she mustered up the courage to stand up for what as right. Towards the end of the drama, I felt that her character was a little passive, but nevertheless, I liked her a lot. Unlike some of the female leads I've seen, I didn't find her character annoying at all. Kim Go Eun was perfect as Hong Seol, and as this is her first drama, I thought she was great. Her acting really moved me (especially the crying scenes), and she has a very adorable smile!
The chemistry between the two main leads was great; they were a very cute couple. It was nice that they slowly opened up to each other and understood each other throughout the drama. Their relationship had many ups and downs, but it was realistic and believable.
I also really loved the second male leadBaek In Ho's character. He was very in tune with Seol and understood her very well. I was completely mesmerized when he played the piano!! I definitely suffered some second lead syndrome in this drama haha ^^ Seo Kang Joon was absolutely great. This is my first drama of his, and can't wait to see more. He's extremely cute!
As for side characters, all actors were fantastic. (e.g. Eun Taek, and props to Lee Sung Kyung who played the crazy, exaggerated Baek In Ha!) Antagonists came and went in this drama, but they were all very well played and easy to hate. (Oh Young Gon, Min Soo) Overall, all actors were great, and the characters as well.
The OST's in Cheese in the Trap were perfection. They had a very relaxed type of vibe to it, fiit the drama very well and enhanced many of the scenes. My favourite track has to be My Time With You by Vanilla Acoustic. I just couldn't get it out of my head when I first heard it.
I thoroughly enjoyed every episode of Cheese in the Trap and I'm very sad to let it go. If you want a relatable, slice-of life, romance-thriller drama with few cliches, this is the one for you! Don't get discouraged to watch this drama and just go for it! In general it was worth the watch and an enjoyable ride :)
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This drama has an extremely unique plot that dramaland hasn’t really seen much. We’ve seen a man who is “allergic to humans” before, but we’ve never exactly seen it portrayed this way, where the life of our main character, Kim Ming-yu, is literally at risk with the slightest bit of physical contact with another human being. Despite how ridiculous it sounds, I loved how Mingyu’s allergy was portrayed, and it was extremely believable. The robot, Aji-3 is also something that makes the drama really unique and separates it from other cyborg or AI dramas out there. I really grew to love Aji-3 as the drama went on, and I was surprised to have grown attached to her although she is a robot.
What I loved most about the story is that there were barely any stereotypical k-drama tropes (no truck of doom, and they also kept noble idiocy to a minimum!) and its focus was on the growth of the characters, how they learned from their past experiences and how they started to trust and open up to each other. I really appreciated how relatable, raw, and just honest the characters were, which made the drama so refreshing and easier to connect to on a personal level. There was also no annoying love triangle or home-wrecking second lead! My one complaint is the business or corporate part of the drama, which was a little confusing and dragged out, but luckily it didn’t take up too much time in each episode and helped Mingyu develop more as a character.
Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin are two of my favourite actors and they did not disappoint at all! Every moment on screen was not them acting, but them being Mingyu and Ji-A. The emotions that Yoo Seung Ho conveys with his eyes are so palpable, and he made Kim Ming-yu an unforgettable character that came to life. He brought so much charisma to his character and I don’t think anyone else could have done the role better. I’m praying he accepts more roles in the rom-com genre because he was just too cute in this and I have to see his fluffy smile more!! >//< Chae Soo Bin is so underrated, and I've heard people say she is “typecast” because she has been on so many dramas back-to-back lately. This drama really proved that her acting is on-par with some of the bigger actresses out there, although she is pretty new to the industry. Both as Ji-A and Aji-3, I was amazed at how she was able to become both of her characters and make them completely different from each other. Her acting as Aji-3 was so believable, she could seriously pull off being a robot. I really look forward to seeing more of her in the future :)
To say the least, Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin have mad chemistry together. I wouldn’t be surprised if dating news came out soon :^) I just wish we got more cute scenes of them together because they are too adorable beyond words *-*
I also really enjoyed the acting of the other characters such as Dr. Baekgyun, Pai, Ssanip, Sunhye, and Hoktal. Though I do wish Um Ki-Joon’s character could have played a bigger part in the plot since he seemed more like a supporting character.
My favourite OST’s are “The Words in My Heart” by Kim Yeonji and “I Love With All My Heart” by Damsonegongbang. I’ve had them stuck in my head for the longest time and they really give me the feels haha. I also really liked some of the instrumental OST’s and they helped enhance many scenes.
I usually don’t rewatch dramas very often unless they are absolute favourites of mine, but I’m pretty sure I will come back to this drama whenever I need a dose of cuteness and Yoo Seung Ho <3 This is definitely a drama I won’t get tired of watching more than once.
I’m Not a Robot is a drama that filled my Wednesday and Thursday nights with so much laughter and warmth and I can’t believe it’s over already. It’s going to be hard to find another drama like this one T-T It’s an understatement to say this drama deserved so much more love than it received, and I hope the actors and writers are not discouraged by the ratings, because this drama is absolutely amazing. If you are hesitant to watch this drama because of the plot, just go for it! You’ll be surprised by how hard you fall for all the characters and you’ll be wishing there were way more than 16 episodes, trust me! >o<
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The story-line was masterfully written- comedy, mystery, and extremely cute romance. Oh My Ghost was one of those dramas that could near-flawlessly tie all those things together. I loved the characters, how they interacted and how smoothly the story developed throughout the 16 episodes. I especially loved the growing relationship between Na Bong Sun and Shin Soon Ae.
The cast was perfect. Park Bo Young was amazing at playing the two characters. She was adorable and very convincing at both! Jo Jung Suk was fantastic as the arrogant Kang Sun Woo, and I found him growing on me by each episode. And of course, the chemistry between Park Bo Young and Jo Jung Suk was seriously unreal. :') Kim Seul-Gi really shone in this drama as well, and she did a great job as Shin Soon Ae. I loved her character! Im Ju Hwan was fantastic as the villain in this drama. His acting was extremely convincing and his character was really easy to hate. Last but not least, I really adored quite a few of the supporting characters like Cordon (he was so cute), the rest of the chefs at Sun Restaurant and Soon Ae's dad and Brother.
Overall, Oh My Ghost was absolutely fantastic and I really loved it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes FOOD, suspense/mystery, and really cute romance.
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