The couples were all cute, and I liked the secondary character friends, especially the guys who talk in unison. They are definitely beginning actors, just a tad stiff, but far from the worst I have seen. There did seem to be some chemistry between the couples though. It was also nice to see a different part of Thailand, and something more rural.
There are parts of the story that could have been explored deeper, and some parts are rushed or glossed over a little bit. That being said, the pace of the story, and story itself was fairly good overall. And for those of us that have watched lots of Thai BL, nobody gets hit by a car, no sad breakup ending, or any of that type stuff you see in many series. A happy ending is nice sometimes.
The only reason I marked it down was the short length, and maybe a half star of mark down for the stiff or uneven acting (maybe that is the directors fault?). These couple of improvements would have made this one of the higher rated series I have seen this year so far.
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The story starts out when the boys are all teenagers, probably when they are 17 years old or so. We get to see this portion of the story through flashbacks, but it makes sense to begin here. Per is new to the school, and he loves Ball at first sight. Trouble is that Focus also secretly loves Ball and they have been friends for a long time. Per pops onto the scene and is apparently attempting to steal Ball from Focus. Per demands and gives lots of attention of Ball, and Per also kind of guilts Ball into spending a lot of time with him. Ball claims it is all innocent, that he is just being friendly with the newcomer when Focus becomes jealous.
Flash forward, and Ball and Focus are getting married. All their school buddies are getting together for the wedding. Of course Per has been invited, and he shows up after being "missing" (supposedly overseas for school) for many years. Tensions ensue, and...
What we don't know is what comes next. This series is incomplete, and it appears they only released 3 of the unknown number of episodes. It sort of cuts off in the middle of both storylines.
This is beautifully filmed, and the music and scenery are terrific. The story is great, what there is of it. I would love to see how this ends. It has lots of potential, and I don't know why they didn't release the remaining part of this series. There are nearly 100,000 views for each episode on Youtube so it seems people are interested in this series, despite not being intact.
If you can stand that this isn't complete, it is worth watching. I gave everything high marks, but low overall only because of only having 3 episodes. I would love to come back and revise this if or when I get to see the remainder.
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Hopefully the second season will answer all the questions raised in this short movie. This is the next best thing since "Who shot JR Ewing" on the original Dallas, or the original Melrose Place craziness.
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This shouldn't have been a 2Moons series.
If this series would have been called something completely different, I think it would have been better received. Instead we have to relearn these actors that have the same names as characters in the other series. But they don't sound, look, or act like the old characters. So naturally people are going to compare all of the iterations of these series.And if you are going to compare this to the other 2Moons series, this is definitely the worst. The Moons series seems to get worse with every version. The first was good (with Kimmon, Copter, Tae, Tee, Bas), the second version was also decent (Earth, Ben, Pavel, Dome). With this version, the story was pretty lame, and there wasn't much substance to anything. The guys were cute, but didn't seem to have great chemistry like some series seem to get from their actors. And the chemistry here certainly not what we saw in either of the other 2Moons series.
In my mind, this was simply a filler between other better BL series. You could just watch bits and pieces of it and still get the gist of the story without being too involved in it. It certainly isn't the worst BL I have ever watched, but it will be totally forgotten by next week. I am not unhappy that I watched it, but it didn't provoke any positive feelings either. I don't always get why the ratings for a certain show are bad, but in this case I think the ratings on MDL are pretty generous. Stick a fork in this series, it is done.
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OK short filler series. Pretty basic.
To start out with, they aren't really brothers. They are brothers in the Thai Phi or P' meaning of the word. Said another way, they are friends. (P' Pun and P' Porsche) And there is plenty of bad to go around.Like everyone says in the comments, the English Subs are not the best. I don't think these were official subtitles though. So you will have to deal with that a bit. Some things are literally lost in translation I think. I do appreciate someone taking the time to sub this as some series never get them.
The story was pretty basic, but straightforward. It was acted OK for young and presumably amateur or first-time actors. This story was all about falling in love, and love triangles, and broken hearts and not much beyond that. No filler in this series, it was right to the point. I thought it was funny that the boys were basically fighting over who was NOT going to date Fah. Maybe that wasn't the intent of the story, that is an alternative way at looking at things. There are a couple unexpected twists and turns, especially in the ending episode.
I liked it, but was glad it was only 5 episodes long, I don't think it would have been as good if it was stretched any longer than this. I would call this just average at best when comparing to more current series, but back in 2017 this probably was probably OK for its time. It isn't SOTUS which also came out that same year, but that was a pretty groundbreaking show in my opinion.
Like many of these minor short or low budget series, it is worth watching as a filler, or when you just want a quick distraction. You don't have 13 episodes that last an hour here. This is only a bit over a couple hours long if you skip the intros, so you aren't losing much if you don't enjoy it.
Watch out for the black car of death (they couldn't afford a white truck apparently) to make an appearance!
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Good story, but a few baffling things later in the series.
Overall this was easy to watch, and not too serious nor too silly. I liked it, but it wasn't as good as other recent series like Tale of a Thousand Stars, Bad Buddy, or 55:15. It was closer to Golden Blood or Call it What You Want, and much better than What the Duck2 or Ghost Runner. The first few episodes are terrific, but later it is just good, not great. I think it is worth watching.The good:
No engineers or college students, nobody dies (no truck of death), and there aren't many of the usual tropes. The acting is great in general. Yacht does a good job and this is opposite most (all?) his previous roles. Tae's facial expressions are everything, and not something I am used to seeing in Thai dramas. And when did Tae get to be so hot? Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention to him in his other roles? The supporting cast was great, I liked seeing Gun Korawit, C'game, Mild and Bruce. Gun played a role quite different than in his (annoying but cute) 2gether role of Green.
The bad:
The story was great for the first 3/4 or more. And then the episode 9-10 curse hit. There was a misunderstanding about Nueng that ballooned out of control, and caused hurt feelings for both couples. And it is baffling because they established way back in an early episode that Nueng was Maze's stepbrother. Maybe I am assuming something here as I don't speak Thai, but maybe the way they use brother with ('P or Nong) with different meanings (sibling vs polite title for others your age) caused this confusion? In any case, this drug on for way too long, and took away from other content that could have been more positive and fluffy.
In a related item, why couldn't Nueng come clean with his feelings for Tharn instead of waiting for Tharn to confess first? Obviously Tharn wasn't ready to instigate, and Nueng didn't seem to be shy in general. That whole thing was a bit bizarre.
The neutral:
I have mixed feelings about Singto in this role. He is a great actor, and I love almost everything he has been in. I just am not sure he was the angry executive type. I could believe him to be fastidious or to be very rigid in his daily routines, maybe they should have played that aspect up more. But when he starts ordering people around and being nasty, it isn't quite as believable. Singto seems to do better with emotional roles, or more shy roles, and that is because it is probably closer to his real life personality. The pairing with Tae is good, I think Singto needs a strong personality to counteract his softer, quieter one which Tae provides.
They could have spent more time in the last couple episodes about the couple's relationships instead of some of the side plots and other filler material. Not sure if that is an editing decision, or just a shortcoming of the story?
The side plot of Kuea and Elle relationship was mostly filler in my opinion. It didn't add or detract from the story, and maybe that is the problem. Why have that romance if they didn't add anything to the outcome? The actors did a good job, but it didn't help advance the main plot much if at all.
They also could have left out or changed the Pookky getting beat up storyline. If they would have rewritten that to expose her greed and evil in a different way, I think it would have come across better. Like have all her clients fire her, and show how she was extorting everyone. Or let her "dig her own grave" so to speak, let karma take hold where she accidentally shows everyone how bad she really is.
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Like a Soap Opera
This reminds me of an 80s American nighttime Soap Opera like Dallas, Melrose Place, or 90210. It is so trashy, but in a good way. Everyone is sleeping with each other, there is backstabbing, lies, secret gay relationships, murder, and more. I thought it was great, even though I don't usually watch this genre. The story was good with lots of plot twists.The actors all did a terrific job, and I was surprised that some of these actors were cast in these roles. Chimon isn't known as the sexy and dangerous type, for example, but did a good job. Namtam was very evil, and she was completely believable. Kapook looked completely deranged and distraught throughout the series. I can't even begin to describe everyone and how great they did.
The ending was a tiny bit anticlimactic, and I would have loved to see beyond the arrest of Giwi, and how she and her Mother were charged and tried. Even a quick flash-forward at the end would have been enough to show she got what was coming to her. And it would be nice to have seen the other loose ends like Pitch parents tied up too.
Overall this is worth a watch. I think it was great series, probably in the top 10 of series I have watched in the past year.
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I think this is a nice little low-budget film and it is worth watching.
I am attempting to not spoil things here with the following, so forgive me for being a bit vague at times. There seems to be a lot of criticism here regarding the actors, and the story. I will try to address them one at a time.The actors are inexperienced, and you see it occasionally. But I thought they did a decent job considering they are young and this is their first or one of their first professional (or at least credited) performances. I am sure they (and the studio) don't have the resources that a large studio like GMM does for acting coaches, workshops, and all that. For me, it wasn't a big deal. I think they overall did a better job than Gun did in Golden Blood. Now THAT was some cheesy acting!
Going along with that, some complained the couples didn't have much chemistry. I wasn't bothered by that much either, they all had just met, they were just beginning their relationships, it was not much more than dating. I didn't expect them to be doing much more than holding hands or giving each other "the eyes" at this stage. To me, that felt pretty realistic, more so than how some other dramas have portrayed people who are in the first stages of a relationship.
The story was a little thin at times, and occasionally felt rushed or like parts were left out. I don't think this is a huge deal if you accept that this is not a large budget picture with tons of writers, producers, and all that. It really isn't fair to compare this to SOTUS, Tale of a Thousand Stars, or anything of that nature. The message is what is more important here, and that was very clear. And it is an important message to get out there, and admirable they tackled this topic in an LGBT+ drama. I think a good editor could have made this a lot more slick, and resolved a lot of peoples complaints about this series, but it would have lost the charm.
There were some things that were a bit silly. or didn't fit in quite right. The fight scene with the gangsters being one. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I think they were trying to avoid a violent show here, and these bits of comedy while they seem out of place, served a function. The ex-girlfriend and the other teacher is another that were sort of out of place and the story would have been fine without them for the most part. It would have left more time for other things if they were cut. The product placements were a necessary evil, but a bit annoying and disrupted the flow, although we did get some nice shirtless scenes out if the soap ad.
I would like to see a follow up of a few episodes or a 2 hour long movie to see if things improved in the village, and how the couples did after maybe a year (TV year, not a real year).
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I don't get all the hate and low ratings for this series..
It was fairly similar in quality to many other series made in a similar time (Examples: What the Duck, My Bromance series, Sotus S). I would go so far as to say it is better than some other popular series like Gen Y, Love by Chance2, and 2gether. Sure these weren't the most experienced or the best actors, but they tried, and did a decent job. I always cut new or inexperienced actors some slack, especially if it isn't a full-on Hollywood type production. It IS just a silly series after all.I liked the mystery and sci-fi aspects of this series. There was some mystery as to who Dream and Kafe/Elle are, and how they are related. I changed my mind multiple times whether these were good or evil characters. I still don't get whether they are real or imagined beings, or maybe even aliens. Or are they something else entirely? And what do the rings and dreamcatcher have to do with all this? And why does Dream show up with Elle in the last episode, and are they really even there?
Some complain about lack of chemistry in this series, but Runway and Tanai have a one-way relationship from what I see. Runway just isn't completely into Tanai, or it is more platonic than romantic for him than Tanai. And Runway isn't into Dream either, for lots of good reasons. I don't blame him, some weird dream happens, and you are just supposed to fall in love with this "ghost" that has known you since you were a baby? It might be a comforting presence, but probably not romantic.
And with Guide and Yim (unexpectedly?) turning Gay I am not surprised about the lack of chemistry in those relationships either. And in the case of almost all the main characters, they were all High School guys, they probably were like many of us that were not sure of the difference between a crush, or love, and how to act upon it. So I don't fault any of them for their indecision when confronted with multiple and confusing situations.
There was a little bit of filler here and there, and they could have paced it a little faster for some parts, but I thought it worked fine. Maybe because I binge watched it over the course of a couple days it worked better than if I had to wait a week between episodes? If they would have trimmed a few things out it would have allowed more time for the ending. A lot happened in just that last 10 minutes or so. And it really needed more than the 10 minutes. I think that is a general criticism of many of the Thai BL series I watch, they seem to want to cram a lot into the last episode and it leaves things messed up a bit.
The only thing that I am downgrading in my rating is for is the ending. They left too many loose ends with no way to wrap everything up. They announced a sequel series that did not and probably will not happen at this point. At the very least, they could (still should) have made a last "special episode" to at least finish what they started, and maybe show "one year from now" sort of thing.
In summary I think it was an OK series, neither excellent nor poor. It was a good distraction in early 2021 while I was waiting for other series to air. It left me wanting more, which I cannot say about other series I have watched.
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I highly recommend watching this. Great all around series.
I have watched this all the way through twice, and I have watched my favorite parts a couple times again. There are very few series that I will watch over and over again, and this is one of them.I am so glad they finally released this on Youtube. (With Eng Subs even!) It was so baffling why they waited so long to do so when this has got to be one of the best Thai BL series made in the last few years, if not of all time. I hope a wider audience sees this series, and that this sets the standard for what a good series looks like. (No more high-fives for couples please, I am looking at you 2gether).
It is such a touching story, and is is so very well written, acted, and produced that it just has that special "something" that many series lack. It is funny in the right places, and the right amount of seriousness, sadness, or suspense in other parts. There aren't any big fights, or lots of that manufactured misunderstandings like some series suffer from.
The actors are perfect for their parts, and there is good chemistry between the actors. Even the supporting roles are played for good effect and have a part in the story, they aren't just there for filler. And it doesn't hurt that Ohm is very easy on the eyes either!
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I really wanted to like this series...
The problem is that it is just dull, there isn't much of a plot and what is there doesn't make much sense. I don't mind a series that is all cute and full of fluff, but this isn't that type of series. This feels like a throwback to 2015 era Thai BL series in a way. It is just unpolished, and not well written or directed. The production values like sound, and at times even lighting and camera focus are lacking quality. I have seen low budget series and tiny production teams that do a much better job. This is something you watch but once it is done, it is highly forgettable.The actors did an OK job with the poor script and I hope to see them again in a better series. Or maybe I just have a soft spot for the cute boys? That said, there wasn't any apparent chemistry between the main couple which again leads back to poor production or a bad director.
I watched this to the end mostly to complete the En of Love and Love Mechanics series. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend starting this or watching as a standalone show.
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The acting was great. I can't fault it, or much else about the music, casting, or overall production. Part two was worth watching to see more of the characters and actors, but it wasn't as satisfying as the first one. I think it needs a part 3, but closer to the tone or plot of the first series.
The story was not as good as the first part as far as I am concerned. It seems like they had planned to do a longer season, but for some reason cut it short? It sure went in a dark direction a few times, I don't know why they had to go that way. There would have been different ways to accomplish the same thing. What was the point of the drugs? And the sexual assault stuff can't be permissible in Thailand any more than it would be in the USA? It is hard to believe that they intentionally wrote this second series as shown from the plot of the first series. Like someone else commented, it is like a whole new set of writers and a whole new storyline. Maybe it is poor editing decisions that got us here?
I liked the new couple that they introduced (both cute!), but they didn't even begin to tell that story. Wow, they could have done a whole series on that mess! I would have rather seen more of the main cast, and left out this side story, if it meant closing some of the loose ends of the main couples. I also would have rather seen more of the side characters from the first series and closed some of those loose ends. What about Beauty and that gang? Did that all blow over somehow? What about Man and that girl he was chasing?
As far as the ending, all I have to say is What the Duck was that? I kept thinking that Oat or Pop (or both) would back out at the last minute. What about the new couple? What did they have to say to each other? That would sure be an awkward conversation. What about Pree and Rambo and Pent? That whole story line seemed to just disappear. What about Rambo's forced marriage? What was the point of Pree and Rambo in either series, looking back it almost looks like the marriage plot was filler material.
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Not sure why all the hate.
I thought it was an OK series, nothing special, but not deserving of the outright hate I see on here. It was a bit messy, both in story and execution, it could have used a little bit better writing and/or editing. I do think there was excessive drinking, and the amount of slapping/hitting is over the top for this situation. So if you are sensitive to those, this might not be something you want to watch.I do think it is worth watching, but it isn't a light and fluffy series if that is what you are looking for. I don't think I would rewatch this, but I rarely rewatch a series, so for me that isn't a good indication of quality. It certainly isn't the worst thing I have watched, but not a top-tier series by any means.
The characters were deeply flawed, and that is the cause of the relationship issues in this story. Fahlan is a playboy who sleeps around and never keeps a boyfriend for more than a night. Sherbet isn't really any different than Fah, but he also has trust issues from how he was raised. The two together form a somewhat toxic relationship. Throw in a bit of jealousy on everyone's part, and the fireworks fly.
The side characters are cute, I wish we could get more of Tap and Ping, who were not sure they were gay for each other, and couldn't express their feelings. I have a feeling they would in real life stick together forever. Prince and Gear are a little better in that they are more open about their feelings for each other. However, Prince is a bit too touchy-feely with Sherbet, he should have toned that down way back when he started dating Gear. So Fah and Gear both think Prince is going too far, maybe that should have been the clue that Prince was Maybe these couples can get their own series, and have Fah and Sher play a more minor role.
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A very serious and somber look into the life of an escort, Max.
This series not be for everyone. It isn't fast paced, it is almost all talking and very little else other than some appropriate background music. It surely isn't a typical BL series, nor is it fluffy or cute in any way, so if that is what you are looking for you should just skip this.Instead this is a terrific docudrama with some great storytelling about a serious topic. This seems very different from most of Wayufilm's past projects. It is realistic enough feeling that it must be partially if not fully based upon a real story, or at least some inside knowledge.
How can Max have so much unhappiness' and tragedy in his life? He has a brother to support, apparently no education or training, and the only option he has is to be an escort. That brings strife to Max and his brother Min, who hates that Max is an escort. On top of everything Max has had to deal with, there is yet another tragedy in the ending of the series. The ending has a couple twists and turns, I would never have predicted Pan's confession or past. It was quite unexpected, and it explains a lot.
The acting, story. and the production was great. The message and moral of the story is priceless. Klong is going to be a great asset to Wayufilm, he did an outstanding job here. I hope to see him and Prince in some upcoming series.
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My overall thoughts are they just spent way too much time on nothing.
This contains some spoilers so look away now if you don't want to see them.I didn't exactly hate this series, but on the other hand there wasn't much to like or remember. In a couple weeks I probably won't remember anything about this series. The technical aspects of it were very good, picture, sound translations. The guys were all attractive, and are good actors in my opinion. That being said, this series has major plot/story issues.
Mark-Kit being apart because of Kit possibly moving away drags ON and ON for way too long. That is their whole storyline, the end. I could see them taking maybe a couple weeks to do that experiment (at most!) but even then it is sorta dumb to stay away from each other to prepare to be apart. Wouldn't you want to maximize the time together before you were separated for a year or two? This silly plot left almost no time for them to be a couple. So we get lots of texts, video chat, and so on. And to do this game even during their friend's funeral and after discovering that you miss each other is just odd.
Thanu and Wayu suck up most of the screen time. OK, so maybe this series was supposed to be about mostly them? I don't think I can even recall most of what happened between them, because very little did happen. If this series was supposed to focus on this couple, why not make them do couple things or act like a couple. These 20-something year old college students can't even hold hands until the end of the series. I get Wayu being shy (I was at his age too), but Thanu should have taken the lead a LONG time ago and moved things forward, or at least tried to. But it seems Thanu couldn't do much more than be in the background. Maybe they weren't ready for a full on sexual relationship, fine. But at least they could, I don't know, cuddle or kiss or something. Again way too much time is spent on trivial things and not on them being a couple.
Jack-Koh or Koh-Jack should have got more screen time, they actually seem to have chemistry unlike the other couples. They added a lot to this otherwise blah series. But again after at least one semester passes, and even at the end 3 years of time elapsed, they still can't even acknowledge they like each other. Maybe they weren't ready to go public with their relationship at the beginning, but they can't do more than a peck on the cheek after 3 years? Like who were they fooling by pretending to hate each other? Everyone in the series was mocking them for their fake hate relationship, so just come out already!
Pha's storyline is just weird. He didn't want to hurt Wayu, so he disappeared. I get not knowing how to deal with this death sentence. But he had to know that everyone would find out about his illness. It didn't seem like he moved away to make it harder to find him, like he was there in the city the whole time. Did anyone knock on his apartment door and see if he was around? Nobody bumped into him in the supermarket or wherever? And his death scene was a bit, umm, fake. Like cartoonish fake. And that Halloween store styrofoam gravestone was both sad, and hilarious at the same time. They would have been better off with just a simple wooden cross than that abomination of a grave marker.
Pok and Tong need to learn how to communicate. Like the other couples, they can't even hold hands or kiss at age 23. And the stupid misunderstandings abound here just so the writer can inject drama. Again, weeks of not talking and not advancing the plot. And suddenly at the end, everything is all good!
Sandee was all Mr. Evil in the beginning, but then all the sudden it was like "oh it didn't hurt my grades anyway, no big deal". So why was it a big vengeful thing all that time then if he really wasn't affected by any of the Tong-Pok drama. Like couldn't he have ignored the whole grade switch thing? I mean, I might have made fun of Tong for being dumb enough to switch grades that are identical. If he thought someone needed punishment for cheating why not report Tong? None of his storyline makes sense. And did or did he not like Phai, we will never know. This possible relationship is another missed opportunity for this series, instead of the endless Mark-Kit or Thanu-Wayu scenes that dragged on and on and on this couple could have added something to the series.
This writer seems to have a thing about couples not being intimate. This same pattern about no physical contact or action repeats for every single couple. Not every series needs to be a porno, but I suspect that college guys (at least most of them) might want to do more than talk and maybe have a peck on the cheek. Being a gay guy that was once young, I can tell you that if I was any of these couples, I would be doing a lot more than talking or sniffing someone's cheek.
Couple other random thoughts. First being is Beanpaste a common name??? Could that be translated better (does it mean something nice in Thai), or is that just a weird nickname? And Padbok with his "I must fulfill my studio contract so I will make an appearance for 2 minutes" is yet another WTF. And there were like what seems like 50 other characters that didn't add to the story or anything except occupy screen time.
My overall thoughts are they just spent way too much time on nothing. The sheer amount of time they spend staring at each other, or not communicating is astonishing. There were so many poor writing choices made here, nothing was special, outstanding, or unique. I don't blame the actors, they seemed to do what they could with this crappy story. This series should have been 6 episodes instead of dragging out. There was 2 weeks of real life action spread into over 3 years time. The plot was so weak it was like a middle school student wrote it rather than a professional writer. And the director and producer let this happen...
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