This film was so unlike anything I had expected. The story revolves around Bong-Soon, a middle aged woman (played by Kim Hae-Sook). Her husband has had an extra-marital affair for years and has neglected her. Her daughter was planning on marrying a young man - Ku Sang - who owns a laundry, and he has moved to their house as a tenant, but then changed her mind, and ran away from home. This young man (played by Kim Young-Min) drowns his sorrow in alcohol. One night he had had too much to drink and collapses on the street, where Bong-Soon finds him, and takes him home. One thing leads to another and they have a one night stand.
There are rarely central movie roles for middle aged actresses. Kim Hae-Sook did a fantastic job in this film. Made to look pretty shubby in the beginning of the film, she shines the inner beauty of her character, and soon blossoms on the outside too, as she starts to take notice of her looks. Kim Young-Min too, did a similarly good job; Initially almost unnoticeable, just as she was in the beginning, he starts to shine with the attention and love he receives from her.
This films was a pleasant surprise.
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