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Fev 28, 2021
5 of 5 episódios vistos
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Acting/Cast 10
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A true gem worth digging into

There are already many reviews written on ITSAY so one more of mine wouldn't add substance to all the praises that it has already received but I'm still giving it the recognition that it deserves. Two months have already passed since I finished this drama but I NEVER stopped thinking about it and even their OSTs are still on my playlist. It's THAT good.

I have to say Bravo to the whole team behind the production, from the location casting to screenwriting, every part of the series is so well-planned and well-coordinated. I feel like I'm really peeking into the world of Teh and Oh-aew and experiencing what they are going through in each and every of their happiness and struggles. To be honest, I was not anticipating much when I heard about how BKPP the series (after my ambulance ended) was happening because of the positive response from the fans. But boy am I wrong, because with Nadao Bangkok, there is no such thing as poor quality. The script is perfectly crafted for Billkin and PP. And it shows. The chemistry between our two leads are exceptionally phenomenal. Its so natural that I can see the exact moment that they fall in love even when no words were exchanged. They convey their feelings with their eyes and it's pleasant to see.

Besides gestures and facial expressions, the series also cleverly uses chinese expressions and objects to symbolize the state of each lead's emotions and thoughts. They are like little riddles picked up along the way for viewers to decipher. The cinematography is amazing, I feel like I'm transported to Phuket with each scene. Not to mention the colour tone and schemes used is not only pleasing to the eyes but also signifies our characters' feelings. The drama wastes no time in telling us the story. There are no filler scenes and every scenes has its story to tell. I also love how the plot is focused only on our two main leads, and there are absolutely no toxic characters just situations and circumstances. The series also highlights the confusion, foolishness, innocence, and awakening of love that we all felt in our teenage moments. Billkin's portrayal of Teh's turmoil, agony, rejection and acceptance towards his own sexual orientation was so wonderfully done. The drama doesn't hide itself from showing the ugliness of that despair but embraces it to give us hope at the end.

The brilliancy of the production even extends to outside of the series where we are treated to 5 music videos for their OSTs (4 of which was separately shot). Even in the music videos, you can see the leads remained in their characters as in the series which was delightful to watch. I never knew that by just exchanging glances, one could feel THAT MUCH.

ITSAY is a really special drama as this is a drama that was developed and produced from scratch (as shown in the documentary). You can see how they truly wanted to create that coming of age drama with LGBTQ element that transcends what we have seen thus far. And for that, I give the team all its due praises.

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