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Where do I even begin with this drama... Probably one of the most stressful and frustrating dramas I've ever watched, in a good way.. Sort of. I was kind of skeptical of watching this after I saw the number of episodes, I mean 50 is a lot and before this I had never finished one so long. But now that it's finally over I'm really glad I stuck around for this. I did like the darker route this drama took, showing a lot of more serious matters and not just developing romance over the course of 50 episodes. I do have to say though that everything that happened in this drama was just SO convenient. I mean this drama was just one disaster after another, and it got real annoying after a while.The acting was pretty mediocre. I think Eugene and Lee Jung Jin did pretty well in portraying their characters. I wish the writers hadn't made Eugene's character to be such a pushover though, I mean you would think she'd have a tougher backbone after all the ill-treatment she received, but nope. Never made an effort to change that. (That wasn't a spoiler, you'll see that in the 1st episode) And I kinda hate to admit it, but I think Yoon Ah Jung was probably my favorite actor in this drama even though I HATED her character. If she was able to portray a character as evil and wicked as she was, I think she has got some serious acting skills. I mean I hated her with a passion so that says something. Well besides her, everyone else was just okay. Except for Jung Bo Suk... I'm sorry, but I just couldn't take him seriously when he was in more serious scenes. Definitely the weakest link of all the actors.
The music was okay as well. "Living is Not Living" by Jo Hyun Ah and "In Your Eyes" by Jang Hee Young were probably my favorites, but other than those 2 nothing else really stuck out to me.
Overall... While part me is happy this drama is FINALLY over, I'm still kind of sad because I have been watching this from the very beginning. Ever since when it first premiered in January, and I never dropped it or forgot it was on one weekend so I'm proud of myself. This is a drama you definitely have to be patient with to watch. You'll definitely find yourself getting frustrated with the characters choices, but in the end you may be happy you stuck around for it. And just so you know, the ending was the best. I'm so happy with how it all wrapped up. I will probably never watch this drama again, maybe certain episodes, but not all 50. Too much stress.. Definitely check this out if you're ever in the mood for a longer drama, and who knows. You may end up liking this one!
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I actually didn't know I'd like the cast as much as I did. Shinohara Ryoko did such a great job in portraying her character. I wasn't really all too thrilled with the portrayal of Sakura in the beginning, but her funny, loyal, over-the-top self managed to grow in me really fast.. Which applies for the rest of the cast as well.
As for the music, there was nothing that stuck out to me. Everything was very fitting for this drama, but nothing too extraordinary to mention. Overall, I enjoyed watching this a lot. This kind of drama goes to prove that you don't need the young, popular idols in order to make a good drama. The type of friendship and romance this drama portrayed was enough for me to stick around all 11 episodes. It'll make you laugh, possibly even cry depending on which guy you root for, and will show you the value of friendship and real every day situations. I would definitely watch this again, one of the best J-Dramas I've seen this year.
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This drama was so much better than I ever expected it to be. It made me cry, angry and on rare occasions, laugh, and definitely had those "pull your hair out" and "bang my head against a concrete wall" moments, but to be honest it's all worth it in the end. Although I feel like since we were viewing the whole background story thing, almost every event that took place (like Da Hae threats, or even Ha Ryu's (I don't want to give specific details out without spoiling it, but those of you who watched it should know what I mean)) you sorta knew how they were going to turn out because of the beginning. How she had already gotten to that high place she hoped for, but Ha Ryu's story took a bit of a twist, so it wasn't all predictable. I hope some of you don't consider that a spoiler, I'm trying to be as discreet as possible...Like the others have stated before me, this was so hard to keep up with. I can't even tell you how many times I wanted to drop this drama because things were turning out so bad and it always felt like the good people were being wronged, but I think in the end that's what I loved most about this drama. It wasn't your typical "cookie-cutter" drama. Bad things WILL happen. Everyone doesn't just miraculously kiss and make-up, and go on with life. You will become so frustrated with this drama it's not even funny. But in my opinion, that's what make dramas so good to me.
And it possibly even showed some meaningful life lessons you can take with you into reality. How people can change, and betray you, and how some aren't all that they seem to be. It may even show the dirty side of our government, and how money is always involved to get one's way. But despite all that, I'll honestly probably never watch this again... Unless I want to cause myself more emotional trauma. The amount of tears that fell from my eyes.... Well, that's a different story. I hope you have a box of tissues lying around somewhere because *warning* you WILL use them.. all.
I hope all of you take a chance with this. This drama won't make you happy whatsoever, but it's so beautifully written you really have to see it for yourself.
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I loved the casting for this drama. I've seen quite a few of Lee Min Jung's dramas/films and I've previously watched Han Chae Ah, Gong Hyung Jin and Kim Jung Nan's dramas, so I was excited to see a cast I was well familiar with. And I absolutely loved Shin Ha Kyun's acting.. He may not have been your basic eye-candy, but with skills like that you can't complain. And his character did turn out to be one of those characters you just fall in love with because they are the way they are. When it comes to the certain character's traits, I wasn't a fan of Han Chae Ah's character. Not because she was an obstacle in the main couple's relationship, but because of how the writers wrote her out to be. This is just my opinion, but I found her character to be quite pathetic and petty at times, excluding some of her comedic relief in the drama, but I think the writers could have gone a slightly different route with her character instead of making her out to act like basically a jealous teenager who couldn't get the man she loved. But I will admit, her character did change quite a bit even helping the lead's relationship towards the end, so in the end all was well.
The OST was pretty good as well. Cute and upbeat songs that you might possibly find yourself singing along to over time. Overall I recommend this drama if you're searching for a cute and bubbly rom-com to watch. Don't let the politics matter psych you out.. I guarantee you'll see this drama's value as you watch more episodes!
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The acting was pretty good. I love Matsuda Shota, and haven't been disappointed with his portrayals in his dramas. So coming into this drama, I had high hopes of his performance and was quite pleased overall. As for the rest of the cast, there was no one else who I was really familiar with, but I did take a liking to Matsuoka Masahiro. He acted well and I enjoyed watching his portrayal of Terashima.. Same goes with Renbutsu Misako, I loved her portrayal of Kaori and how loyal and trusting of a character she was.
As for the music, I loved the drama's theme song. It was fitting for the drama and was upbeat and something anyone would enjoy. Overall, I liked this drama. It may not have been by favorite, but it definitely kept me guessing throughout all 10 episodes and was good in keeping up the suspension. I may watch this again one day, just not anytime soon. I recommend this drama for those who enjoy mystery/crime dramas, and if you're skeptical of starting this drama I suggest you really give it a shot. I personally enjoyed it, so hopefully you will too!
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I've never really watched anything anyone in this drama has been in prior to this drama, so I was somewhat worried about the unfamiliar cast and how well they would portray their characters for this drama, but surprisingly they were all very enjoyable to watch. Furukawa Yuki did really good in portraying a character like Irie Naoki, and pulled off the cold and closed off personality well. Miki Honoka was adorable in this, I'm not sure how she is in other versions, but I loved how cheery and spirited she was portrayed in this. Miki Honoka really brought her character to life with her performance.
The music was pretty mediocre.. Very fitting for this drama, especially it's instrumental versions played within scenes.. They were played at perfect times to bring out the emotion of the scene, but they weren't anything too spectacular to mention.
Overall I enjoyed this drama. I thought it was cute, heartwarming, and always kept me laughing throughout all 16 episodes. I personally liked the ending. It did a good job in bringing this drama to end.. There were no open endings, and really left me satisfied with the drama as a whole. I might rewatch this drama some day, I think it's worth a second watch, but not anytime soon. I recommend this to those who, first of all, are fans of the anime or any other version, and those who're just looking for a cute and bubbly drama to watch. Hopefully you guys like this one ^^
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Nine: Nove Vezes Viajante do Tempo
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The acting was incredible. I have never seen anything of Lee Jin Wook's, so I was kind of weary on how well he'd deliver, but I gotta say I was both surprised and pleased with his performance. Same goes for Jo Yoon Hee.. I didn't think she'd be as good as she was, since the only drama I've seen her in was "Lie To Me" and she wasn't one that stuck out, in my opinion. Even the 1992 counterparts played their roles well, so as far as acting goes this was a really well chosen cast that I must commend whoever's in charge of casting, because it's good to see that some people don't rely on just the most well-known actors to get good ratings, and actually focus on the particular actor's skills performance. As for the music... Nothing that really stuck out to me. A few good OST's here and there, but nothing too special.
Overall, I had to give this drama a 10. Just looking at the story plot and acting was enough on it's own, nothing else mattered. Although I probably wouldn't rewatch this as soon as I could, since every episode was like added stress that I had to agonize over for a week, but definitely a drama I highly recommend you check out! Especially if you too like those deeper meaning endings... I mean I don't know what it is, but they make me so happy I can't explain it. This drama sucks you in from the get-go, so I hope you all give this one a chance!
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The plot was great. Absolutely compelling the whole way through, never getting boring or uninteresting at any moments. The story of Na Mi wanting to reunite all of them together after many years of being separated brought a very light-hearted feel to this film. Throughout watching this, I laughed, I cried (buckets of tears), and found myself smiling at their unbreakable bond of friendship. This film definitely left me feeling hopeful that I too can find a bond like this.. Absolutely inseparable no matter how far apart you are, or how ever long you are separated. I can only thank the amazing actresses who brought these characters to life: Both the young and adult actresses. They made the characters their own, and felt real with their portrayal.
If you say you didn't like the music, you are lying to yourself. There wasn't any specific OST to this film, but the song "Sunny" sung by Bonny M was the most perfect song you could ever pair with this film (and no, not cause of the matching titles). I found myself listening to this song on repeat day in and day out, and to this very moment I'm still not sick of it. A very upbeat song that turned a sad moment into a happy one (you'll know what I mean once you see the ending).
Overall.. If someone tells you to watch this film, YOU DO IT. I 100% guarantee you won't regret it, but prepare a box of tissues, because this is a tear-jerker ;)
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The acting was my favorite part. Sakurai Sho did an excellent job in portraying his character with all of his crazy antics and questioning teaching methods, but didn't necessarily outshine the other actors who I thought portrayed their roles just as well. Speaking of which, Kamiki Ryunosuke definitely stuck out to me with his portrayal of Numata Shinichi. I think portraying someone who was as psychologically unstable as that is not an easy task to take on, but I thought he did exceptionally well it portraying his character and was pleasantly surprised with his performance.
The music was very fitting for this drama.. Although, being an Arashi fan, I've gotta say I did fall in love with the ending theme "Endless Game"... But I generally tend to like their music, so that wasn't much of a shock to me.
Overall I highly, highly recommend this drama. If you like "mystery" type dramas, I suggest you check this out. You won't be disappointed. This drama will keep you guessing every week and the story plot is definitely something to stick around for. It has a very pleasing ending that wraps the drama up nicely and will actually leave you with wanting more episodes. I guess we can only hope for a future special, right?
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I watched this yesterday, and I still can't seem to get over how amazing and tear-jerking this film was! Song Joong Ki was a big factor in why I decided to watch this film, but also because of how well of ratings it was receiving from viewers. Aside from the first 10 or so minutes in the beginning and end of the film, the setting of this film is actually focused more on the past than the present, but it was actually very easy to follow without anything becoming confusing to the audience, so that was good. Although this film is more of a typical "melodrama", I did like how there were incorporated acts of hilarity within the film to show Chul Soo and Soon Yi's progressing relationship.The acting was absolutely incredible. I was so impressed with Song Joong Ki's performance in this film, and I thought it was amazing how he could portray so much emotion just through movements. It was simply incredible. I enjoyed Park Bo Young's performance just as much. Seeing her character transition from secluded and lonely to more optimistic and open to the people surrounding her was so great to watch. However, Yoo Yeon Seok's character was a little too extreme, and what I considered a villain filler in order to turn the film's plot around. I wasn't sure if his actions were out of jealously because Soon Yi showed more affection to Chul Soo than to Ji Tae, but his actions throughout this film were absolutely infuriating to watch. I mean the lying, sabotaging and arrogance was enough to drive anyone mad. In the end, this film had already gripped me emotionally that I had a hard time pulling myself together once it finished.
I didn't really think I'd like the film's OST as much as I did. John Park's "Childlike" and Park Bo Young's "Prince" were perfect song fillers to go into this film.. Very slow songs, but still compelling to listen to and managed to fit in well with the film.
Overall, a very compelling film that will grip onto you from the beginning to the end. **I will say this though, and consider this a spoiler so read at your own caution, this film had one of the most horrendous and tragic endings I've ever seen in a film.** Your reaction to the ending won't really rely on whether you watch the theatrical version or the director's cut version, because both tell the exact same ending.. And I mean, you'll be sobbing like a baby either way so... This film definitely earned becoming the most successful Korean melodrama film of all time. It was very moving, and had a well told love story with unbelievable chemistry.. I 100% guarantee you will be bawling by the end of the film, but will still come to love it because of the well told and beautiful story it offers. I recommend this film to everyone, but prepare a box of tissues.
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The casting was alright. I'm actually surprised by how well Sooyoung did in this drama.. You don't see many idols who can act well, so watching her was very refreshing and fun. I personally love Lee Jong Hyuk.. He was good in A Gentleman's Dignity, and he was good in this. He was actually one of the reasons I started watching this drama. Lee Chun Hee was good too.. I don't think I've ever watched him in anything, but he is a really good actor, so I may be on the lookout for more of his work. I thought he did better as the "gang-leader" persona than of Master who was in love Min Young... I would love to see him in some sort of action film, because I think he can portray a villainous character well. As for the supporting actors, they did well. Hong Jong Hyun didn't have much expression, but I think that's just how his character was. Jo Yoon Woo didn't really stick out to me. I wish the writers would've given him a separate story line like HJH's romance with Hye Ri, cause we only got to see him as a member of Cyrano Agency, and not much of anything else.
The music was alright. "CHANCE!" by the Peppertones, "A Certain Heart Fluttering" by Ra.D and "That One Person is You" by Jessica are ones you want to lookout for, since those are probably the 3 best songs on the soundtrack, the rest of them I didn't paticularly like. But they were all very fitting for the drama, and would be played for just the right scenes, so it wasn't all too bad.
Overall, this drama was very refreshing and cute to watch. A very cheesy rom-com, but that's the best part about them. I don't think I'd rewatch the whole drama again, maybe certain episodes (Like ep.9... holy Gong Yoo) but definitely not the whole thing. I recommend this to those who like rom-com's.. It's not a masterpiece, but it was cute enough to get by on.
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What a roller coaster this drama was! I'm glad I picked this drama back up, cause I went a while without watching it, and I gotta say the twists and turns only get better as this drama progresses. **Small Spoiler: They get better specifically when he regains his memories.** The plot, in my opinion, never had a dull moment. This drama was filled with a lot of drama and suspension, but still slipped in some comedic relief. Not much romance, since they had a slow progressing relationship, but definitely had their share of cute and light-hearted moments.I actually liked the cast. I've watched Kang Ji Hwan in previous dramas, so I knew he would deliver well. As for Hwang Jung Eum, this was my first drama of hers, but I thought her performance as Bok Jae In was so good. This particular character could be difficult to portray, but she did it very well without going overboard.
I personally didn't think the OST was that bad. Definitely downloaded a few songs and momentarily listened to them on repeat, although they were nothing I got too excited over.
I probably wouldn't rewatch this a 2nd time, since almost every person in this drama managed to piss me off at least once at some point, but regardless this drama was great and beautifully written. Something you've got to watch at least once, so I highly recommend this drama. It will leave you on the edge of your seat every episode!
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I, for one, actually enjoyed this film. It's my first cross-over films that didn't really leave me that disappointed. First of all, he actually spoke Japanese and did surprisingly well at it. I mean, when I saw 'Waiting in the Dark' I was disappointed with Chen Berlin cause he didn't really speak much in the film anyways, so I'm glad Song Seung Hun worked on his Japanese.. And I thought his little outbreaks of Korean every now and then were cute. Especially when he started teaching Nanami some words. I can't really say much about the plot, since it's nearly the same as the original... But the acting was well done. Although, I did think Kiki Kirin did perform a little too over-the-top, unlike Whoopie Goldberg's portrayal, but as a group the acting was really nothing to complain about.
As for the music, it was my particular favorite throughout the film. Ken Hirai has the voice of an angel. Now... Would I watch this film again? Not anytime soon, no, but maybe if I become bored or have nothing interesting to watch. Honestly, this film really wasn't too bad if you're looking for a film that's cute and heart-warming, I recommend watching this film.
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The acting was actually very well done, and I think Chae Rim has become one of my favorite heroins because of how strong and independent she was. Even Lee Min Ki was fun to watch... The age gap never really became a problem for me, in fact I think the age gap was actually kind of appropriate. Since some people tend to look down upon the "older woman, younger man" relationship, it was good to see that they showed a genuine and loving relationship toward each other that everyone began to understand and accept.
As for the side romance, Sun Joo and Sae Do... You know, you really can't help but love it. I like how the writers kinda made them out to look like the bad characters because of what happened in the first episode, but as the drama progressed you really got to see an amazing friendship between them, even helping each other out with their relationships... It was great!
Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. It was very lighthearted and had a lot of cute and funny moments that hopefully a lot of you might enjoy!
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The acting was so good in this drama. I find Shin Min Ah a very talented actress, and was not disappointed whatsoever with her portrayal of Arang. Although, as I watched this drama play out I did sense a lot of character development that kind of altered how she was in the very beginning. In the first 5 or so episodes you saw Arang with a lot of spunk and was a feisty one I don't think you'd want to go head-to-head with, and as her character began to adapt to her current situations, I feel like she lost that spark that she originally had in the beginning.. Which may have been the only thing I remotely disliked about her character development. And in my opinion, I always noticed how often she would get herself into trouble and how Joo Wal and Eun Ho were always right there to save her, so I personally think she turned into a damsel in distress, which really rubbed me the wrong way. Nonetheless I gotta give mad props to the male lead actor, Lee Jun Ki, and the supporting lead actor, Yun Woo Jin. They did an outstanding performance portraying their characters.. Especially in the more emotional scenes. Jun Ki and Woo Jin probably did the most believable portrayal of their character handling something so overwhelming that it brought them to tears, and when they cried I cried with them. I loved Joo Wal's character development, and I liked that Arang was a big factor in changing his perception of the world and life.
The OST was pretty average. Many songs I loved, and others I loved a little less, but all were very appropriate for this drama. My particular favorite was "Mask Dance" by MC Sniper because when that song came on, you just KNEW that someone's ass was about to get kicked.. Which reminded me a lot of "Sad Run" in City Hunter's OST. ^^
Overall this drama was very good in keeping up the suspense, that I really never knew what was going to happen next. The comedic relief was great, the action scenes were badass, and the romance scenes were so beautifully written it just might bring tears to your eyes.. I know I had to hold back a few tears in the later episodes. I probably wouldn't rewatch this.. Maybe certain episodes, but definitely not all at once. It was a great drama that I thoroughly enjoyed watching, and I'm certainly glad I did finish it, cause I was very close to putting it on hold in the earlier episodes. I recommend this to those who like historical dramas, or those who are just looking for a good action drama with the romance aspect involved as well. I know many have enjoyed this drama, and I'm certain you might too!
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