"Koi wa Deep ni" is a poppy, offbeat romantic comedy with fairytale vibes. Ishihara Satomi is perfectly cast as Mio, a bubbly and passionate oceanographer who is easy to adore, but has a few secrets. Ayano Go is a little more surprising (but totally enjoyable!) as Rintaro, the tsundere businessman with some baggage. Both do a really good job with these characters, bringing them to life despite somewhat cliche character development (but those cliches are inherently a part of the storytelling style). Outside of the leads, most of the supporting characters feel underdeveloped, especially Eitaro and Aika. There's a lot to say about the writing of this drama - it's definitely not what I expected when I initially read the synopsis! It's quite unique (and to say more would spoil the drama itself), but it's that unique quality that makes it fun to see how it all kind of comes together. I wish the pacing could have been a bit better, especially at the end, but I was totally emotionally invested in the main characters and cheering them on, so I guess it worked? ;) Definitely would recommend this drama to Ishihara Satomi fans - she's just so enjoyable in romantic comedy dramas, and this one is a fun one. :)
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