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Sinister Beings II
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 29, 2024
30 of 30 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
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One of the better dramas of the year.

This year has been pretty dry for TVB. With the terrible, forgettable ones coming out, this drama was the saving grace for the year. It has a good story, interesting cases and best acting shown possible. More emotions from Ruco Chan in this drama rather than the first installment as it was more personal to him especially from breaking up with Rosina Lin in the first. Action has greatly improved, with more realistic depiction of wounds being shown instead of the characters still looking clean after every fist fight, although it still faces with the intense editing issue from the first, with multiple camera cuts making it feel uncomfortable to watch, and the atrocious low frame slow mo they used. Luckily it wasn't a big deal as there were less action related cases in this drama replaced with much more interesting cases showcased, so it didn't make this drama boring to watch at all. The only complain I have is the way Jonathan Cheung was handled in this drama. He suffered brain damage from carbon dioxide from the first drama, and instead of having terrorists hired by his partner, Alex Fung, who posed as a professor to gather information from the police while trying to find a way to cure Jonathan to initiate their plan to take over Hong Kong, to break Jonathan out of prison when he was being escorted to the hospital after getting into a fight with an inmate (who should have been a hitman in disguise that was hired to be part of the operation of breaking him out), the thing that had the ambulance get into a crash and Jonathan breaking out, was a dog standing in the middle of the road. Really, TVB? Could have been a good opportunity to have some action in it and make it much more interesting but nope, a damn dog helped Jonathan escaped. He didn't even do anything at the end too, it was mostly a comedic gag with Moon Lau where in the end, he managed to escape.

They still used the same theme from the first, with a different singer doing the vocals and a more remixed version, which I much preferred as it feels much more action paced and faster than the original (no offence to Hubert Wu as his voice is still good). The new song which was sung by Ruco Chan, was the love theme for this drama and his voice still outshines the most. TVB please let him sing more songs! He has the voice for them.

Overall, it was a good drama, they should cut down on the multiple camera cuts and let us actually see the action in motion with a few tweaks to the script to make it better. If they were to make a third one, hopefully the writing would be a tad bit better with a satisfying conclusion as well.

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Fan Hak Ying Hung
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 29, 2024
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

It's a good drama, but it's pacing was kinda icky in the middle

This has to be one of the best HK police dramas of this year (emphasis on this year as there are way better police dramas before this with a better story) with intense action scenes, more violence (TVB is finally letting loose after the reduction of violence, hated the black and white filter they used to censor it) new locations instead of using the same places over and over again (I'm tired of seeing the same abandoned oil refinery building that is used several times in many dramas). But, the most obvious problem in this drama, is that they center mostly around the supporting characters, making them feel more like the main characters instead of the actual leads as they got more screentime than them. The fact that there were more problems surrounding Jonathan Cheung more than Joel Chan is absurd, there were even episodes where Joel doesn't even appear in it at all! The chemistry between Owen Cheung and Elaine Yiu were the saving grace of this drama, and their love theme was the best of the drama. However, the chemistry between Adrian Yau and Michelle Tsang was too lackluster and took up most of the episodes. Would've been better if they made it shorter, hired better actors to play them as Adrian didn't have the enthusiasm and Michelle was new to the industry. The rivalry between Benjamin Yuen and Hugo Wong's character was the best part of the drama, and should have been the main focus instead.

OST was pretty good, wasn't the traditional TVB theme song for the intro, but it still sounded cool and catchy. Ending theme was really good, an English song sung by JW who's voice is great as usual, and the love theme for Owen and Elaine was the best part of the drama, which was sung by Jinny Ng who also sung the Line Walker love theme.

Overall, it was a pretty good drama, better action scenes than Sinister Beings 2. If they had a better script writer and actual good gun muzzle flashes (they were too small when viewed on screen which did not have an impact during the gun fights) it would have been the best drama of the year. Competition for this year is pretty small, so this could win best drama of the year, unless No Return can beat it as the trailer impressed me a lot.

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Brutally Young
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 29, 2024
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 6.5
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Perfect Story, Perfect Premise but Messy Ending

This drama had a really good pace from start until the 15th episode, where the mysterious person who had killed those who were trying to uncover the mystery of a killing that took place 18 years beforehand, was found and it felt too quick for his reveal with 5 episodes remaining. That caused a lot of problems with the pacing afterwards, as it got boring quick with Shaun Tam losing his sanity after murdering the killer to save his own reputation. The chemistry between Shaun and Mandy Wong's character felt lackluster and did not feel natural at all, which should not have exist as not all dramas need to have love interests in them unless necessary.

OST is good for the most part, as Fred Cheng sung most of the songs for dramas in 2020 which was nice since I like his voice.

Overall, it had a good backdrop for the story, just executed poorly at the end. It was still an enjoyable drama nonetheless when trying to unravel the mystery.

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Os Punhos Justos
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 27, 2024
30 of 30 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
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Drama is pretty good, but did not feel original..

As I really loved A Fist Within Four Walls, I decided to check this drama out as by the posters and trailers, it looks to be a different adaptation with the same period martial arts piece attached. However, when I watched the drama, first episode did not intrigue me to watch the second episode, nor the third as the story felt the exact same. Main characters' fathers get killed, one father was accused of killing the other. In the end, it was revealed that a mastermind was behind killing them. It all got boring too fast. Even with that exact same formula, I got back to watching it again after the fourth episode when I saw a clip online of the fight scene. The fights are an improvement from AFWFW, although it was only good for the first few episodes. The final climax fight scene never lived up to expectations with close camera shots, which made it feel uncomfortable to watch, unlike AFWFW with cool wide angled shots, along with the high quality slow motion shots, which in this drama they never used which was a bummer. But as time passes, camera quality improved greatly, but it would've been nice to get the slow-mo cams again.

Just like AFWFW, even more characters die in this drama. Even Ruco's character dies at the end of the drama who suffered from heart problems as he was too focused on finding his love interest Natalie Tong who disappeared after the final fight with the mastermind, who was Carlos Chan's character, father of Natalie and Grace Chan's characters, who was asked by him to pose as Ruco's long lost sister. The chemistry between Natalie Tong and Ruco Chan didn't feel natural, there were barely any emotional scenes between them like Ruco and Nancy's characters from AFWFW, but Joel Chan and Elene Yiu's chemistry was pretty good for the most part. Philip Ng's character went from a Bruce Lee badass from AFWFW, to a dumb but pure innocent minded character in this drama. His character still fights well though, so he's still a badass in this drama and thankfully he didn't die in the end as his character was too cute! That can't be said for Yuen Qiu's character as she plays Ruco's mom who barely have any fight scenes. Like come on! This is one of her last TVB dramas and you can't even give her a proper departure! Thankfully the emotional scenes, especially her goodbye to Ruco when she found out about his heart condition and forces him to leave her and find Natalie was really effective and made it a huge tear jerker when he read the letter given by her.

And then we have the two baddies of the drama, Jimmy Au and Cheung Kwok Keung's characters, who dies too fast in the drama! We barely get to see Jimmy Au fight in the drama, as we've seen how capable he is in AFWFW, and Cheung Kwok Keung could've gotten more action scenes as well. They got rid of both to save room for the big baddie of the drama, Carlos Chan, who was the killer of Ruco and Joel's dads as he had used an acupuncture to manipulate Ruco's dad into thinking Joel's dad is the bad guy they were fighting, resulting in their deaths, just so he could take over the streets, which his plan failed as Jimmy and Kwok Keung ambushed him so that Tong Yan Street can be theirs instead.

The OST in this drama was pretty good. It was one of the first dramas Ruco get to sing again after he sang the theme for Succession War in 2018, and didn't even get a chance to sing the theme for his 2021 drama, Sinister Beings, so it was nice they let him sing in this drama as I like his voice. Even if the drama was actually supposed to release in 2020 but got delayed to make room for a different drama, Go! Go! Go! Operation C9. Ending OST by Hana Kuk was also good as usual as her voice is one of the best in the industry.

Overall, if you're looking for good fight scenes again, this drama is your go to. But if you're watching this for the story, do NOT watch AFWFW then watch this as it will ruin the experience for you. I'm guessing this is more for the ones who hasn't seen AFWFW, but they should've treated it better with including new stuff for the story for the long time TVB fans like me.

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A Fist Within Four Walls
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 27, 2024
28 of 28 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Highly Recommended TVB Drama

This is one of the best TVB dramas out there. Although made and released in 2016, the camera quality is not that good, however the acting and fight scenes make up for it, so it's not much of a bother if you don't mind the old camera style. This is not the first time Ruco Chan and Nancy Wu had collabed in a drama as they were both in Forensic Heroes 3, but this is the first time they were leading a drama together, and it works so well because their chemistry in this drama is one of the best on screen relationships. Benjamin Yuen and Grace Wong's characters also have good chemistry, although the chemistry between Moon Lau and Philip Ng's character felt awkward at times, but it shouldn't ruin the experience as they do have funny moments. This drama has a mix of emotional, action-packed intense moments, as well as some funny ones as Jazz Boon always love to add in his dramas.

However, the story does fall flat at times with some deaths being unnecessary. Spoiler alert, Grace Wong and Philip Ng dies in this drama, but it wasn't even for the story to progress as it was mostly done so for either shock value or showing that the main bad guy, who is Jimmy Au's character which was revealed as a plot twist that killed Benjamin Yuen's father, who Ruco Chan's father was accused of killing which resulted in him and his wife's death, is extremely powerful and can kill everyone easily, except for the main characters because of plot armor.

The OSTs are great as well, Ruco Chan's Siege has a very powerful feel to the song with electric guitars playing which gets you pumped up for each episode playing. The interlude love song, sung by Ruco Chan and Nancy Wu, is one of the best songs ever in TVB history and never gets repetitive even if it plays a lot in the drama. Background music felt dated but sets the mood well as this is a period martial arts drama.

This is a really good TVB drama for its time, and I highly recommend for you to check it out. Rewatch value is also really good, but only for the action scenes as it wouldn't be as interesting since you would already know the plot twists. So if you're rewatching it solely for the story, don't.

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Alien Space Sensor
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 19, 2024
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Good serial killer drama with horrible ending and sci-fi subplot

This drama is pretty good. It has Carlos Chan's Fong Yat-Chun (Jason) as the criminal psychologist who helps Hera Chan's Madam Ying to solve high-profile cases, along with their forensic assistant friend Nicholas Yuen's Chong Ding-Kan (Duncan). Something that threw me off at the beginning was the unnecessary sci-fi plot where Jason can have premonitions. It's something that can easily be removed and does not do anything much with the plot. Same goes for him being able to contact Madam Ying's future counterpart Mary, which is just her fake name to avoid getting detected from the cops, can also be removed. It pretty much spoils what will happen at the end so as soon as she said she and Jason are going to become wanted, I can tell Jason would eventually kill Duncan and die somehow (his body covered in blood was shown in a teaser lol) then Mary will be wanted (judging from the promotional teaser).

Speaking about Duncan, his whole character was incredibly well-written. This is by far Nicholas Yuen's best role and his portrayal of a mentally-ill person with bipolar disorder was so well acted. You can feel the anger in his eyes and voice everytime he has a crashout. Which is understandable considering that he is Madam Ying's half brother after her dad got with a prostitute while taking notes for a movie involved in a nightclub, and the woman eventually gave birth to Duncan. His backstory was so sad that you can't help but root for him when he killed his mom, and was eventually about to kill Madam Ying's mother too after it was revealed she paid a guy to hookup with Duncan's mom in hopes to get her husband back. It was a really selfish move and I did hope for her to die, but that just shows how well written she was to be incredibly unlikeable. Mimi Kung did a great job of being a selfish mother who only cares about her own family and not Duncan's, as well as being a mother who supports her daughters. The actor who played the father is also really good, you can tell he was in an inescapable situation and was trying his best to please both sides, but in the end it didn't work, which resulted to Duncan relapsing. But the character I really hate was Madam Ying's sister. She's really annoying, and it wasn't just how her character was written, even the actress who played her makes me so angry whenever she does something, every word that comes out of her mouth makes me want to punch my TV everytime she appears onscreen. I don't know what's with the TV producer in writing these extremely annoying characters, but at least it's only one and not multiple. The other characters are fine. I don't understand the hate against Hera Chan though. She's pretty alright for the most part to me, even though her crying sounds so fake like he just immediately shout cries after someone dies, but luckily she doesn't do that for most of the drama. Even the supposedly annoying To Siu-Bo played by Anthony Ho who has a crush on Madam Ying isn't as annoying. You could tell he just cares about her and the family and means no harm.

I actually skipped some of the episodes of the drama because they got boring, but I started watching again after the case where they had to find out what happened to the missing sister. It still got iffy there, but after Duncan's first breakout where it was revealed he was Madam Ying's half brother, that's where I started to pick it up again. I haven't finished the drama yet, but so far it's been great. Just had a terrible start and unnecessary sci-fi subplot. It could have been just a police investigation, would make the drama much more interesting, but the sci-fi part really ruins it. The lighting is also pretty bad, it's too bright and blue. I would prefer the lighting they used in the teaser but oh well.

Update episode 24: Man, so the director of the mental hospital really was the killer. Although it wasn't really predictable since I had to rule out so many possibilities and the director was in it, it really was a good twist and thankfully his motive made sense. So after a hustle with him and Duncan, Duncan would eventually die after bleeding out which really sucked because we're in episode 22 and he already dies. The acting was really good here, as you could hear in his voice before he died that he was happy that Jason and Madam Ying no longer thinks he's the killer, but it's still really sad that in order to prove his innocence, he had to sacrifice himself. The thing that did bug me a lot, was to add in another mystery in episode 23 about a 'new' serial killer nicknamed the Midnight Killer. I feel that them pointing out that the director died from slipping on gasoline and getting burnt to death just makes the final case of the series so rushed, because there was a whole lot of build up for the alphabet killer, and now we're getting a last minute addition. The writers also tried really hard to make it connected to Jason so that it won't feel out of place by saying that he used to be Jason's neighbor when he was young and the ruled out suspect was also the son of the director.

Also apparently I would think Madam Ying would go fugitive after killing the Midnight Killer and going on the run, along with Jason dying, which yes I'm still going to think he dies in the final episode, but nope. Apparently the Midnight Killer used her gun to shoot Siu-Bo, and accuse her of killing him by placing the gun under her hands since he wore gloves to prevent fingerprints on the gun. Man I don't know why but everytime Anthony's character dies in a drama, it's always really sad. He really has the likeable charisma to him so I'd always feel heartbroken if he dies in the drama. His character was a genuine good guy and didn't mind that Madam Ying didn't like him back. Her crying did ruin the mood, how is the downgrade from her crying scene in On-lie Game, to this so big??? Anyways, after that she had to run away from Madam Chiu so that she could find Jason i guess? They never really discussed why she decided to run away instead of just being in custody, which would be a much better decision considering she would be safe in a jail cell and not be a victim of the midnight killer, but oh well. Turns out her long hair was a wig, but what kind of wig is that strong since we saw in the future flash that she'd get drowned by an old serial killer that Jason interrogated in the earlier drama, and her wig manages to stick on. Ridiculous.

We also learnt that the explosion of a car was not the same explosion that happened in Episode 4, which yeah made sense since she would eventually find out that someone saved him and he was wearing different clothing. Feel like it was a stupid reason to make him wear a suit in ep4 though during that car explosion, felt out of place since he never had a clothing style similar. And the call from the future still did not make sense. She tried contacting the author of a crime book, but it turned out to be Jason from the past, which helps connect to what happened in the first episode. I still really hate the sci-fi plot. It's absolutely not important to the story, we've made it this far and if it was removed it wouldn't even make a difference.

Update ep25: Wtf was that ending. So we learnt that the new Midnight Killer is actually the director, but guess what. He’s the director from the future which explains how he came back. He manages to kidnap Jason and tie him up telling him about the time traveling stuff. This just proves my point that the whole sci fi aspect of this show is so dumb. He was able to time travel from jumping off a building and falling into a specific patio. Like what’s so special about a patio? Also, when it was revealed that the original Director actually died when he confronted the director from the future, but if they were interacting, how did the camcorder Duncan recorded didn't pick up their voices? It can also be useful to not just close the case and continue the investigation, making the Midnight Killer case not feel out of place and random. So we get this confrontation between them, but Jason gets a premonition that Madam Ying will get kidnapped by guess what, the original Midnight Killer who was the director’s dad. At least that was the only time the premonition was useful, I feel like that’s the only scene they wrote where he had a premonition, but they realized it wouldn’t make sense, so they had to write more unnecessary premonitions for the earlier episodes which is hilarious.

When it flashes back to the original on how she gets kidnapped, the OG (gna call him that to save space) wakes up and tells her that he fell down and then just woke up. Originally I was going to say “How tf did you fall from that height, and just wake up normally 25 years later with no scratches), guess what. When he fell 25 years ago, he only went missing because he ‘time travelled’. So the OG is actually from the past who only travelled to the future. He kidnaps Madam Ying into a school, which used to be a mountain when he buries his victims, and Jason came to fight him before a ghost Duncan comes in to prevent Jason from going into the bad side. He went to untie Madam Ying until guess what, the director came in to kill his father. I really like the director as the killer, but the whole time traveling thing can be removed which bothers me even more. Without it wouldn’t even have an impact in the story.

We also got one of the worst endings ever with Jason dying in the end after getting killed by the director. Him dying is not the problem, not all dramas need to have a happy ending so this was a risk well taken, the problem is that Madam Ying couldn’t accept so guess what, she jumped off the building into the same patio and then time travelled to the past when Jason was still studying criminal psychology. I mean it’s not really a bad thing if you think about it, she gets to be with Jason again, Duncan will still be alive so that’s another great thing, if she encounters him she’d be able to fully believe him that he wasn’t the serial killer. But what if she runs into her original self in that timeline? It’s also an incredibly selfish move for her to time travel just because Jason died, she could’ve stayed in her current timeline to take care of Jason’s mom. But not only did she leave Jason’s mom to grieve on her on, now her family won’t even know where she is because of her time travel, so now they’d have to look for her as well. Her character went from really smart at the earlier episodes to just really dumb with her decisions, all because of ‘time travel’.

I know I’m going hard on this because of it, this is why TVB shouldn’t lean into sci-fi stuff if they can’t learn to write perfect stories with them as there are some great time travel dramas, hell TVB even had a great time travel drama, Over Run Over, but that was 8 years ago, and TVB can’t craft another good story with the concept? I have to drop down the score a bit because the time traveling actually pissed me off, the story will still be a 6 though since the serial killer plot was very well written and the acting from Nicholas is too unmatched. Better than Secret Door though, another drama made by the producer last year, but that isn’t really a high bar for it, that drama was just terrible.

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