Ao Haru Ride’s Best Live Action
Let me start with stating that I was a fan of the anime, and quickly pick up the manga right after, and unfortunately did not end up as one of my favorites due to many frustrations, but I was super excited about this live action since the trailer came out, why???THE PERFECT CAST! like I was so surprise of these cast. I have also previously watch the live action movie version, and that pale into comparison with it’s casting especially for the main leads. I expected myself to be attracted to Kou, but never expected myself to be more attracted to Futaba on this version, the actress is such a delight to watch, and she wasn’t just pretty, she absolutely nailed the character, it was such a natural to watch her.
Season 1 only has 8 episodes, compare to anime who has 13 episodes, and the anime did not even get to a point where the main leads had their first kiss, so that being said a lot had been skipped. This live action was more fast paced and only focus on the highlights of the story, I would have like them to have spend more time on the friendship side too, and here I am suddenly wishing JDrama would have more episodes on their season. Probably the only cons I could point out. It would have been more flesh out relationship/friendship wise if there were more episodes to show the interactions.
Despite it being felt short, this version was definitely worth watching, the cast brought in their characters on a silver platter, they like came out of the pages, and portrayed their part beautifully.
The chemistry between the leads was great! I wish to see more and more of them, and I cannot wait for the season2. I need the sweet couple moments!
The premise was amazing, the story is truly a classic romance story with all the drama if you like drama. Childhood friends/crushes who parted ways due to unexpected situation, and met again when both aren’t the same person as they used to be, and despite that changes, managed to still fell for each other the second time around and mixed it with drama.
I used to be very frustrated with Kou like I wanted to shake him so badly, but with this version (at least to what has been shown so far in terms of Kou’s attitude with Futaba) it’s been tone down which I appreciated so much, and the portrayal of the actor makes me understand his situation and his actions, his eyes are very expressive that hold such sadness, and all kinds of emotions.
With more drama coming their way on season 2, I would like to separate that second half of the story from my rating, season 1 served well and big thanks to the cast, I enjoyed every part of it.
THE OST WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m addicted to the ost, it has been on repeat.
P.S. big thanks to the subber that subbed the show, she didn’t want to be linked but you’ll see her watermarked at the credits, it’s been amazing watching fansubs again, it takes me back when subs are done so beautifully matching the fonts, subbing all parts.
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Solteiros, Ilhados e Desesperados 2
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Single’s Inferno 2 definitely had given me more of a raw emotions and sincerity to find a partner. I have seen dating shows, I’m not gonna say I like them, I felt like participants mindset is always about finding a fling than truly finding a partner. I do know that most of these show are to promote themselves, but Single’s Inferno 2 I felt their sincerity towards the person they are going after.This may have been an unpopular opinion, but I love and I’m impressed about most of the paticipant being loyal, and decisive.
CAST/PARTICIPANT - I love each individual, and I rarely say this to reality shows. They all have their charms and strength.
Jinyoung : I truly believe that this guy thinks that he cannot decide or show his intentions but his actions says otherwise, unfortunately sometimes subtle actions are not enough to another esp when a better competitor is available.
Seulki : She’s someone who is considerate and knows herself. When she was heartbroken for not being sure if her feelings are reciprocated, she pick herself up and decided to give the person who showed sincerity to her, a chance, unfortunately she took so many bullets from being a person that is most sought after
Jongwoo : A definition of a guy that knows how to express both in words and action and know how to have bounderies. I was happy for him the most.
Seo Eun : Lovelist girl, she’s is honestly one of the best if not the best girls in this season, someone who can be direct, expressive, and decisive.
Youngjae : One of the best guy, I love that when his heart decided for him, he knows how to act on it, he was hated on for stringing a girl on but I do understand that it was hard to reject someone who showed so much sincerity.
SoE : If I’m being honest, I was frustrated that after many hints, after many times YJ did not pick her, after seeing him going only for one girl, I’m surprise she still going for him, I felt so sad for her, but I was so glad that someone came and change the game, she deserve to be loved.
Sejun : Easily the best guy in the show, the unbothered loyalty, and respect to SoE was so admirable. His humor and charm was insane.
Dongwoo : A guy who has two choices at first and was pick by the exact two women, unfortunately failed to capture both of them. May have been the most forgettable cast.
Nadine : Lovely personality, she was a chill person and unfortunately the show just didn’t work out for her.
Hanbin: The most respectful girl, someone who goes fir what he wants but does not make it heavy for another. A considerate nice guy, unfortunately someone had already capture the heart of the person he like.
Sejong : Probably the only person who I felt like someone who just wanted to go to Paradise more than finding a match.
Minsu : She participated late, but didn’t shine at all, she was easily overshadowed by all other girls.
COUPLES - very belivable feelings, like their feelings are so raw, and sincerity was shown.
Jinyoung&Seulki : their chemistry is off the charts, the tension can cut, and the feelings were so strong BUT communication was their downfall.
Jungwoo&Seulki : that love that you wanted to watch grow, that sincerity that blooms, it felt safe and warm.
SeoEun&Youngjae : the power couple, the couple that you can tell was strong from beginning to end, it screams forever.
SoE&Sejun : The unexpected chemistry and charm of like manhwa story, cute, and lovely.
OVERALL/ENDING - I truly enjoyed the whole show and some may not get the proper screentime, to me they have shown the drama between love triangles because it’s intense and interesting. No all character will have the same screentime, so understand why it was done the way it was. Ending was unexpected but it’s a twist that would make you feel happy either way. I like it and I thank all these participant to giving us a great show.
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