Best Actor: Best Actress: Best Overall Drama: OTP of the Year: Bromance of the Year: Fail of the Year (Worst Drama): Fave new discovery:
Dramas I am considering watching... maybe... someday.. if I get around to it (and if they're good).
Best Actor: Zhang Ruo Yun (Joy of Life S2)Best Actress: Sugisaka Hana (Unmet) / Go Min Si (The Frog)Best Overall Drama: Contender(s): Joy…
List of priority cdrama/twdrama which I've heard repeated good things about!
Just a list of must-watch movies that I should prioritise watching :D
Dramas/movies/specials completed in 2023.Best Actor: Cheng Yi (Mysterious Lotus Casebook), Tan Jianci (Lost You Forever)Best Actress: Ahn Eun…
fave couples/pairings from drama series ♡ [even if they're not canon haha]
(just a longer list of actors [& actresses] of whom i really enjoy watching~) ♡also just actors i adoreeee
my ultimate top actors aka those most important to me :')(who I also value the acting of very much~)
Dramas/movies/specials completed in 2022.Best Actor:Best Actress:Best Overall Drama:Best New Talent:Couple of the Year:
just actors and actresses i find particularly beautiful~ (regardless of whether they're my ults or not!)
Dramas with confirmed subs (or that have been announced to be subbed)
Winter 2022 Dramas that are being subbed or have been subbed! [Either official or fansub]
Number of Dramas and Films Completed: 109Best Drama(s): Beyond Evil, Move to Heaven, Youth of May, Influence, D.PBest Movie(s): Yakuza &…
When these movies get subbed finally, these will be the first ones I watch - I wanted to put together a list of the movies that I'm currently…
Dramas and movies that will make me smile on a bad day/week!