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In my own world


In my own world
The Face Reader
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 21, 2013
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Story: I won't spoil it, but I think the storyline was done very well. The storyline has humorous scenes at the beginning, but as the movie turns into a more serious tone for the rest of the movie, that was written beautifully as well. You can kind of guess what's going to happen, but at the same time it's written so well that you're still very much into the movie. The relationship between the Nae Kyung and his family was done really well, you can really feel for the characters.

Acting/Cast: I knew all of the actors before I saw this movie, which is part of the reason why I wanted to see it. The acting in this movie is fantastic, every single character was acted out very well, whether they be 'good' characters or 'evil' characters, you can honestly feel the characters that the actors are trying to portray.

Music: There are only instrumental songs throughout the movie, but I think it's placed in the movie quite well that it feels part of the movie. It's nicely done.

Rewatch Value: I would definitely watch this again. There are so many good things about this movie (storyline, acting, etc.) that I'd re-watch it.

Overall: I enjoyed everything about this movie, from the storyline, to the acting, to the music, etc. I'd definitely recommend this movie to other people, even if they usually don't watch historical-type films. It's worth it.

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O Encontro Fatal
17 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 27, 2014
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
Story: I won’t spoil it, but I think the storyline was done very well. There definitely a lot of flashbacks throughout the movie, but I think they were placed in the movie in a way that made sense, and tied all of the story together. The entire movie does have a dark tone to it, but I found it to be interesting and exciting at times. The action scenes especially, are really good.

Acting/Cast: I know majority of the actors and actresses since I’m a long time drama watcher. But honestly, I love the acting of everyone here. Both the good and bad characters were acted out fantastically, you can tell how hard they’ve worked on this movie. Everyone’s acting, their facial expression, and emotions really made me get into the movie.

Music: Mostly instrumentals, but I think it complimented the movie quite well. I barely noticed the soundtrack because it was like a part of the movie, but it was still nicely done.

Rewatch Value: I would definitely, definitely watch this again. There are many amazing things about this movie, such as the acting, the cast, the storyline, the action scenes and so on.

Overall: This is a fantastic movie. I definitely recommend this movie. If you like any of the actors/actress or if you like historical-type films, then you should definitely watch it. Even if you usually don’t, watch it anyway. I think you’ll like what you see.

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My Love, Madame Butterfly
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 12, 2013
51 of 51 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Story: It started off quite well, and then when as the drama went on, there were times when it felt like it was dragging, and then the ending felt rushed. But regardless of that I still stuck to the story and enjoyed it.

Acting: I've seen Kim Sung Soo in plenty of other dramas before, so I decided to check out the drama because of him. But I found myself enjoying the acting and the cast in this drama. There was our share of funny characters (and frustrating ones), but everyone acted out pretty well to me. The four main cast: Yum Jung Ah, Park Yong Woo, Kim Sung Soo, and Yoon Se Ah, I felt acting their roles well.

Music: I'm a bit of an OST fanatic, but I really enjoyed the OST, the 3 songs, "She is Coming" by Soliste, "Only You Flow Out" by Hwayobi, and "To Death" by Seo Ha Ram are all very beautiful songs, as well as the instrumentals. The instrumental, "Love is Passing By" is beautiful.

Rewatch Value: I think it's worth rewatching. Not every single part, since some parts did drag, but maybe it's because it's a longer drama, I feel attached enough to the characters to rewatch it once in a while.

Overall: Watching all 51 episodes of this drama was enjoyable. The storyline could've been executed better, and honestly Park Yong Woo's character could've appeared more in this drama, but I still enjoyed it.

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Love Forward
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 16, 2013
22 of 22 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Story: I found the story to be interesting and I liked the relationships between the four main characters. The funny scenes were really good, as well as the more serious ones. I did like the loveline switch, but I thought the process to get there took too long. It dragged on way too much and then the end was rushed a lot. I liked the ending, but I just felt like if it didn't drag on in the earlier episodes and was written better, I could've been much more satisfied. I still liked it though.

Acting/Cast: I love all the actors and actresses here. Especially the four main actors/actresses had a lot of chemistry with each other, they were all very believable. It'd be cool to see them together in another drama (with a less draggy storyline). Even the actors/actresses in the supporting roles were acted out well. I think that's what made the drama enjoyable, despite my complaints about the storyline.

Music: Beautiful. All of the music in the soundtrack fit very well, and were used well. I'm a person who really enjoys the soundtrack of a drama, and even when looking up the lyrics behind the music of Love Forward, I think it's beautiful.

Rewatch Value: I think it's rewatch value is good, based on the fact that the acting was well done. Not my number one drama, but still enjoyable enough to rewatch every now and then.

Overall: I basically enjoyed most things about this drama except for the draggy storyline, then rushed ending. I would recommend it on the fact that the acting's good, despite my storyline complaints.

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