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GMA Filipino Dramas 2023

THought I would make another new list of GMA Shows! This time, it is for upcoming dramas for 2023, I will add more recent dramas to the top.…

8 titles
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Live Action Dramas/Movies

Here are a list of live actions that I want to watch/have watched and just want to keep track of  :) *Includes Live actions based off of Manga,…

240 titles 35 loves
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List of GMA Kapuso Dramas Available on YouTube :)

Sometimes it's really hard to access Filipino TV shows when you don't have the box for channels like GMA and ABSCBN!! Here is a list of GMA…

17 titles 4 loves
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Multiple Adaptations of a Drama: Ita-Kiss Version

I really liked the manga an anime for Itazura na Kiss. Since I am also a drama watcher I wanted to  follow most adaptations because im devoted…

13 titles 2 loves