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World of Make-Believe


World of Make-Believe


こんにちは    ¡ Hola!    Salute!    안녕하세요   Shalom!   Gutentag!

I'm Trinah101, but you can  call me Trinah or Rin or something. Honestly, anything's fine as long as I know it's me. >.<
I tend to use a lot of smilies and lingo in my typing, that's just for me to try to convey myself better online & add some voice.. If you don't understand something, don't be shy, ask! I'd love to explain or help out in anyway.
I like Dramas (duh), K-pop (really just music), Anime, Animals, Drawing, Writing, and Learning Languages. 

Links to Other Sites
My lists of anime
My Drawings (I stink at keeping this updated >.<)

Languages I'm currently learning

日本語                                     Español case the embedded video doesn't work)

Some music for y'all's enjoyment while readin'.

Fav groups/bands/soloists include, but are not limited to, A.C.E, Stray Kids, Rollling Quartz向井太一(Mukai Takeshi)Nu'EST, VIXX, Ladies Code, ForestellaTVXQ, Beast/Highlight, B.A.P, KARD, FTIsland, The Rose, Speed, Spica, Onewe, IZ, Bii.
So... yeah... muti-fandom here though, as you might tell by the embedded video, even if the group isn't listed, that doesn't mean I don't also enjoy their music. Also I'm always up for finding more groups, so please recommend some! ^.^

Yearly Updates
2023 Watched List

I  love making lists & making reasons. Feel free to check them out! I try my best to keep them spoiler free (unless stated otherwise in the description).
(Click on picture or letter for the lists!)

(I only add stories I've finished)

 Enjoy a Specially Chosen Song for Each List

Fav. Actors

Fav. Actresses

        Fav. Dramas


Directors & Writers To Watch For
Fav. Child Actors/Actresses
Fav. Actors/Actresses (who are also singers)

GENRES                                     GENRES

Crime & Conundrums
Historical (Disclaimer: Accuracy to actual events may vary)Revenge Missions
Gender BendersMedicinal & Surgical
Superpowers & Other Worldly
Spies & Special Ops
Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey... Stuff 

Character  Driven  Lists    

Resolute Drama Ladies
Atypical Drama Gentlemen
Love-able Dastardly Charlatans
Warm Embraces
Quick-Witted Characters
Characters With Disabilities


(Random topics feat. lil' elements from shows)

Unique Drama Jobs
Cinematic CinematographyWhat's a Language Barrier? These shows don't know
Travel Plans Set & ReadyDelightfully Dizzying Dresswear
Soundtracks to Enhance 
Actors/Actresses With Killer Smiles (twitter thread)

(Creativity, Plot Holes)
(Believability, Relatability, Grey Areas, Not cut-and-paste)
(How effectively it's used)
Emotions Evoked


Perfection. Or, I feel it's impossible to completely hit perfection... As close to it as you can get. Beautiful Cinematography, Compelling Acting, Interesting Plot/Plot Ideas, Emotions are Pushed and Pulled, Fitting OST. A Masterpiece (or so flippin close to) There's also a bit of... Did I start fangirling about it and it basically consume my life?
9 - 9.5This would have gotten a 10... but that one bit... or it's missing a little something
8 - 8.5T'was good, a dang good show. Solid
7.5This is my base. If a show/movie gets this it's because I feel it did what it set out to do. I may not have particularly liked it, but I still feel it hit its own goal in what it wanted to achieve.
7Not quite the 7.5... It's missing something I feel could have reached it's objective better. If you know Hallmark Christmas Movies, think Hallmark Christmas Movies, this is where the majority of them lie... Not bad per-se... just... not... very good. Entertaining though.
6 - 6.5Not 7, but definitely not 5 >.<
5 - 5.5Um... What is going on in this show... I guess SOMEONE could like it...
4 - 4.5Probably the lowest grade I'll give as it's coming close to just a really bad memory. Like... What is even happening in this... Do the actors know? Do the directors? Do the writers? It really just feels like someone's stream-of-consciousness that never went through the final draft stage...
3 - 3.5Nope
1.5 - 2.5Reserved for movies & drama specials as they are short... But I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
1.5-4.5 are the kinda shows I'd only watch to make fun of really >.<

Favorite Genres

Time Travel  //  Spy  //  Historical  //  Fantasy  //  Heist

And anything really lol.

Also good fight scenes make everything better lol >.<

Fav. Tags/Tropes):      *Strong Female Lead*      *Hidden Identity*      *Found Family*      *Antihero*     *Multi-Lingual*      *Playful Male Lead*      

You made it!

Have a cookie ^.^

(Updated: 12/31/22)


157d 1h 26m
4,359 episódios, 403 programas
17d 5h 31m
227 filmes

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