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Confession korean drama review
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by TheLast
Jul 27, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Clever as a devil?

Jun Ho's character, Do Hyun, is a figure of heroic magnitude and energy. He deliberates, resolves and exults. His "spirit" bears up unbroken, resting on its own energy and requiring no support from anything external, not even from hope itself

He undercuts his opponents by questioning what they had previously taken for granted. At times, he seems to be the only character who thinks, or in whom I best recognize what it feels like to think

The power to entangle and excite the audience is an observable feature of his figure. The greatness of his intellect lies in his intemperateness and ferocity

His heart is a tempestuous ocean, its "spirit" of justice/revenge the prow of a gallant ship, its sympathy the waves caressing the shoreline, and its determination the stormclouds that darken the horizon and bring the promise of cleansing rain. The "spirit" of justice/revenge is enhanced by the strain of something approaching tenderness. We see it again when Jun Ho (Do Hyun) is moved towards sympathy for those falsely accused of a crime. His will-power is not the expression of a nature irrevocably hardened or incapable of gentle emotion

What's missing? A season 2. Or a BL spin-off starring a man who will mend Jun Ho (Do Hyun)'s heart and wipe away his tears
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