Good Enough
Korean Web Drama 'Let Me Off The Earth' is an innovative sitcom that deals with school life problems, varying from young love to family drama. The main plot, however, is a fantasy story about a time loop.
First of all, the drama has some interesting short stories that explore multiple genres. Unfortunately, the main story is not that nicely presented. It starts at the beginning of the drama, pulling the viewer in with the time loop mystery, but it doesn't conclude in the end. Rather, the ending is open and it doesn't explain the time loop.
As for the performances, everyone did a great job, even though they are rookie actors and actresses.
So, overall, six out of ten.
First of all, the drama has some interesting short stories that explore multiple genres. Unfortunately, the main story is not that nicely presented. It starts at the beginning of the drama, pulling the viewer in with the time loop mystery, but it doesn't conclude in the end. Rather, the ending is open and it doesn't explain the time loop.
As for the performances, everyone did a great job, even though they are rookie actors and actresses.
So, overall, six out of ten.
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