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This drama was like a badly written wattpad story
My only expectation when I started this drama was a good rom-com, the show started off promising and ended up being one of the worse plots I have ever seen not trying to exaggerate at all, the plots were all over the place and the writer jumped from one plot to another, from one genre to another to create a totall mess.I'm not a stranger to the main actor lee min ki and I always thought to myself how he always picked out good scripts
I have no idea why he picked this one, although I have never seen NANA's works I could tell she had good acting skills and the actors had the needed chemistry too but nothing could save this drama.
Then we have a second lead, he had little to no chemistry with nana and his character was the most useless you won't feel SLS in the slightest, one thing I enjoyed at some point was the story about their mothers, I actually have the last episode left to watch but I'm not even curious about the ending.
all in all I don't recommend this at all and this has to be one of the worst dramas I have ever watched.
UPDATE AFTER FINALE (spoilers on finale)
The ml disappears in the end (there's a plot about him being only able to live 49 days amidst a lot of other things) great a bad ending to a bad drama, i'm aware the leads dying isn't a bad ending but in this case, the whole drama was just really bad, if u dive really deep into the story and re-write 95 percent of this with the initial idea of the plot this drama could have been saved , if they wanted to show the ML'S development after only having 49 days to live even if they would make him die in the end there were a million better ways to do that but alas they failed miserably and to end this giving this a 4 is me being generous
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a cliche story but alright until the finale
I started monthly magazine home on a whim and i'll tell you i had no big regrets at first but didn't enjoy how the story progressed and definitely hated the last two episodesAs a big fan of Jung so min she was my reason for clicking on that first episode, MMH focuses on
the lives of people who work in a real estate magazine and it shows how they go about in a workplace,
I learned a bit about real-state and some life tips for saving money xd The side characters did come off annoying at first but i still managed to like all of them, ok now the bad part...
I was enjoying this drama somewhat id say even though there were some obvious clichés I could get past that but the final two episodes ruined the whole flow of things, from unnecessary breakup to the very unwanted separation plot in the final episode i literally skipped through the last episode, I was going to give the rest of the drama an 8 but then I barely watched the last episode and hated the ending so I don't think that's fair so 7.5 it is.
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a heart warming story that the last two episodes completely messed up
The story started off amazing, the male lead's character was to die for, the female lead has a charming and bubbly mentality that makes people hearts smile. The story was well written in a way which would heal the views hearts and make our hearts flutterbut the last two episodes messed up the whole story, the writing and ending felt forced as if the writer changed it for the viewers to get a happy ending with no back story (spoilers ahead)
jun (our male lead) is suddenly diganosed with blood cancer in episode 14 and he doesnt tell the female lead or his friends. In episode 16 his own mother comes dressed in black and tells that he's not longer with us to the female lead
everyone starts crying when they hear this news, his friends and duh us the viewers but the last 5 minutes of the drama jun is somehow alive and comes to visit the female lead, he says he wanted to get full treatment, and rara (female lead) somehow accepts that
question 1 )If jun didn't want rara to suffer did he think that making her think that he's dead would make her happy?
question 2) the blood cancer plot felt like it was written last minutes with no clues at all in the beginning
question 3 )how could his own mother support the claim that he was dead
at least make another 2 episodes to somehow make since and give us a backstory.
The story had so much potential, towards the end it became a children's drama play.
the writer should have stuck to the initial idea of healing and light heartedness.
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A Relaxing, fresh and pleasant story
Run on has everything, a good story, great acting and cast, good fashion, great osts and most importantly wonderful writing.The writing should be mentioned in a whole another paragraph because its one of the most wonderful writings i have ever seen in a drama or a movie. the lines will leave you smiling and in awe.
Watching run on on a stressful Wednesday and Thursday literally washed all my worries away. I fell in love with all the main leads .The second couple was equally as interesting as the main couple as well as the supporting characters were also pleasant to watch. This show kind of became like my comfort show and I'm going to miss it so much,
I would definitely recommend this drama to anyone in a heart beat, so if you haven't watched it yet definitely do
"you have your world i have mine, but we could align our worlds next to each other, couldn't we ? "
-oh mi joo
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RIP to my expectations.
I'm writing this only to get rid of my anger and frustration, i was so in love with the drama at first, the cast was good the story was good, everything was good until about episode 8.After episode 8 the writer started creating a lot of unwanted problems, the chemistry and understanding between the lead couple disappeared, the friendship between the main leads everyone adored was all gone. The whole story went down hill still i forced my self to watch it till ep 15
later i found out the disappointment of an ending and didn't bother to watch the last episode.
my many problems with the story
1) hye jun and jeong had such beautiful understanding between them i was impressed, but the writer completely killed that after episode 8
2) jeong ha never actually fulfilled her dream, they should have focused on her character development but they didn't at all, it was as if she was a supporting character after episode 8.
3)hye jun's and hae hyo's friendship was so lovable at first, and i understand it all went downhill for reasons but neither hye jun nor hae hyo tried to retrieve it, years of friendship just worthless
4) Hae hyo's father was introduced in the plot so he should have had a bigger role in changing the mother and supporting the children correctly.
5) jeong ha's mother was introduced but the did nothing special with the character she was just a way to kill time and extent the episode to one hour
6) hye na's relationship with jin woo should have had a better story surrounding them.
the reporter lady was just annoying to the core, i didn't like min jae's character after a while either
the writer had such excellent ideas but why did she create problems she wouldn't be able to solve?
I'm more angry since they practically wasted PBG and PSD's talent , i had so much expectations but in the end all went down the drain where i didn't even bother to waste my time on the last episode.
i need my 15+ hours i spent on this drama, I'm so annoyed and i definately would not recommend
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Highly recommended
When I first read the plot, as intriguing as it was I didn’t feel like watching it, I just felt like it was too much for me to handle with all the crime stuffButtttt
I started watching anyway and let me tell you, I don’t think iv seen a crime show so perfectly executed, there’s enough romance and enough Heart felt moments.
The actors have come such a good job, you can literally feel the emotions go right into ur hearts.
They had absolute chemistry, and even the child actress nailed her part at specially being cuteness overload...
You have to watch it even if you prefer light hearted dramas, this drama Is going to be one of those dramas that are going to stay on the popular charts for a long time lol I can already see it.
It isn’t hyped for the wrong reasons, it’s well deserving of the hype,
Definitely recommended.
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I started watching Romance is a bonus book Not only because of LJS, but also I’m interested in books and reading.So from a readers point of view I was satisfied with the office part that was shown. The drama managed to give a quick tour of what goes in a publishing house, enough to make someone interested to work in a publishing house.
However the problem I found with this drama was, Dani, the female lead is supposed to be a divorce with a kid, who’s studying abroad, the story would have been much better if they showed the kid at least in the last few episodes, how the kid will adapt to the male lead, and if the male lead is up to being a good and responsible father to the daughter. That is the only reason I gave it 7.5 or I would go with the majority and rate it 8/10 , because of this I found the ending a bit unsettling.
The acting was ok this is my first time seeing the female lead and I don’t think her character is complicated so her acting was good and fair, LJS brought his cute charm with him as always and his good acting is a given .
Overall I would recommend it if your looking for something light hearted and soft.
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heart touching
I saw this movie on the plane so I'm not entirely sure where it's available with eng subs, The story isn't anything new or original but it's an important film is what I would say. While so many of us are fed up with life there are so many people who want to live but cannot I find the varyings of our lives very different. In the beginning, the lead character is stopped from suicide by a woman and is taken to the hospice where she's told she can learn to die there. Of course, after meeting the people there and seeing their stories she's learned how precious it is to be able to live. You can say she was lucky she met that woman not everyone who's living a hard life is given a life-altering look into why living is worth it.the side characters' stories all will have a special part in my heart simple, very simple call it a cliche but it is heart-touching.
i'll definitely recommend this movie if you have free time, it got me trying to hold back my tears in the middle of an airplane.
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A soft hearted story with soft hearted characters
Do you like brahms definitely made my quarantine better, This drama just made me feel various emotions, varying from happiness to sadness to light frustration and healing.This drama also takes a hard look on reality, and wasn't filled with impossible scenarios that only happens in the movies.
The cast wonderfully pulled of bringing the characters to life. There was this one concern i had read while watching the drama which was the music.
since its a music drama people had a little to say about the main characters piano and violin playing, I'm no professional and I don't know anything about music but they managed to touch me is all i will say.
I had also seen interviews in which the ml and fl says that they spent their whole time practicing their respected instruments. As long as they manage to touch me I would say its a success.
While the drama went so good at the first half of the story, the second half of the story was kind of disappointing. The writers started kind of dragging the plot, the actors had so much chemistry and the writers failed to take advantage of that in the second half of the story.
i would rate the first half of the story a solid 10
while the second part around 8 OR 8.5/
nevertheless it ended well enough and I'm happy with the last episode, i definitely recommend to watch it if your looking for something healing and warm hearted
pls give it a try
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A life changing story everyone should watch at least once in their life time
I’m a very emotional person I tend to avoid even open endings, let alone sad endings, but I knew I just had to watch this drama somehow. So after months of putting it on hold one day I decided to pick it up.For starters, yes you will most likely be crying in every single episode from the second episode onwards, but we should be aware of the difficulties such people go through everyday to live and do most things we do easily,and this drama will teach us to be grateful for the basic things we’re given.
I remember crying to myself saying my life is worthless take me instead of her, I can suffer instead of her let her live,
It’s a valid feeling, since aya, the main character isn’t a fictional character but based of a true story. Which makes it more heart wrenching and painful.
This drama will teach you very important life lessons, so I ask you to at least watch it once, you might not be able to rewatch it if your an emotional person like me, but at least once you should watch it.
It’s worth all your tears.
I watch dramas very fast, I binge watch them until I finish it, so a 11 episode drama would barely take me two days to finish, but this one took me three weeks, I had to get ready for each episode, I’m glad I finally completed it. This is a drama I won’t be forgetting for a long time.
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I couldn’t stop rewatching it lol ?
Firstly this is my first review. So uh I might be all over the place.sorry about that 😭Ok let’s start/ when it comes to Thai dramas they tend to be exaggerated and dramatic.
Yes if u watch the first episode you’ll feel the same thing towards this drama. But it gets better, don’t judge it based on the first episode. The story line was amazing as episodes went by. It all started coming together. Oh yeah let’s talk about the rewatch value. Oh my goodness I couldn’t stop rewatching it..... I don’t normally rewatch a drama right after I finish it. But I missed the cast so much that I just had to rewatch it a bunch of times to satisfy my poor greedy heart. Talking about the cast, the acting was perfect, the main leads killed it with their acting. And finally the ending was satisfactory and happy. Idk if I should put a spoiler tag because I Said the ending was happy Ig I should than.
Anyways pls watch it, it’s totally worth your time.
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the real star is the friendship
I wasn't exactly intrigued by the first episode it wasn't anything too special but from the second i had a feeling this wasnt exactly something overly different but something i currently neededthe friendship and family plot in the first half is the true winner to this drama, the main essence i might say it provided warmth and comfort every episode as i went through the journey of the youth of teenagers and the stories of their parents too here and there. The drama beautifully portrayed a loving group of people adults and children alike who just relied on each other and lived day by day.
The acting was good, better than expected Chen Yu Qi did a good job in the first half playing a bubbly teen, lin yi too, including the supporting cast i loved their characters and how it was bought to real life.
second half
while the latter part of the drama doesn't compare to the first and the romance could have been executed better. The leads practically had no character development which was a miss on their behalf I found the side characters had their development but not the two main leads, the writers should have handled the romance better but it ended up being cliches with a little bit of change to keep going, being attached to the characters, of course, was the only reason I could find good sides to the later half
i would recommend this for the first half and if you can watch cliches watch the whole thing
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Definitely worth your precious time !
Go ahead is by far my most favorite Chinese drama, I have ever seen .… you will be touched by the sibling bond, when they’re hardly even related by blood
… it deals with toxic parents as well
…You will be happy to see the strong friendships throughout the whole story
…The story starts of when they were kids, proceeds to high school than their adult days, so you feel nostalgic and you will feel like you’ve watched them grow up somehow.
The acting was on point I give it a solid 10/10
The actors were able to show the character development smoothly without any difficulties. Also the writers kept the leads in character without any breakage throughout the whole story.
The ending was all good I won’t spoil anything but it’s safe to say that everyone is happy at the end and that’s all that matters.
(Just to clear this up there is in no way any incest , as you can read from the plot they’r not related by blood nor where they legally adopted by the same parents, this you will understand when you see it.)
I cried at the ending even though it was happy and a good one , I thought I’d miss them so much, maybe since it’s like a high school to grown up story I feel like iv been watching them for a long time. Anyways I’m so grateful for this drama.
please do watch it if your interested
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watch it for the cast pls...
Well the cast is definitely to die for, and the chemistry between the lead couple as well as the side couple was also really strong and beautiful so make those the reasons to start the drama.=
story- i enjoyed the story really well in the beginning, than towards the middle, the story became a wee bit less impressive but it was still good enough to keep me going on, their chemistry will definitely keep you going even when the writing becomes a little weak, there was some parts i didn't enjoy and skipped towards the end, but ultimately the last two episodes were well made and well written and i was satisfied
I liked almost all the main characters as well well as the supportive characters, but i didn't really like the second lead, his character should have been stronger. the side couple was also to die for, and their story was also written beautifully.
i like how the main fl and her best friend (xu li)'s friendship remained strong until the very end.
overall this drama was fun to watch and kept me entertained, i recommend it if your looking for something light and fluffy.
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A sweet break but had more potential
once upon a small town was my wanted break from stressful dramas, it was short and sweet, filled with greenery and small town plots, in general, can really fill your heart up, but I can't help but think about how the plot, setting, and characters could have created something more.the drama starts off with Choo Young Woo's character visiting a small village while joy's character is sort of like the backbone of the village, she goes around helping anyone in need then we have the second male lead played by Baek Sung Cheol, despite contrary opinions, I didn't really find him annoying, I found him rather sweet but they dragged the love triangle too long, dragged the romance and that resulted in a lot of filler and cliche episodes in between when they should have explored the leads characters emotions and situations more. The drama had a lot of possible storylines that they could have explored more and made it more interesting so I was kind of disappointed when they didn't.
I would recommend it if you're not looking for anything extraordinary, it's a cliche love triangle plot and romance between a small-town girl and a boy who comes from the city.
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