
  • Última vez online: Abr 11, 2021
  • Localização: Poland
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Aniversário: August 07
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  • Data de Admissão: setembro 17, 2012

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Favorite Actors
15 people 1 love
Favorite Movies
12 titles 2 loves
There's not much to know about me, I think. I'm a student from Poland, a total sucker for the Japanese cinema which is my life. I can watch almost everything and I do. I'm a really lazy person and procrastination is my second name. Fan of good music, no matter what genre but I prefer hard ones like metal, progressive rock etc.

As you can see, I suck in introductions.

I adore jidaigeki and chanbara, everything about Japan's history before Meiji Restoration and shortly after. I enjoy horrors but I'm very careful with exploitation ones. I'm not picky about classics, films from 20' to 80', I'd love to watch them all (I hope I'll have enough time and life for this mission). And in general, I have strange hobbies.

A little touch of the music which I listen:

1) Really awesome music made in Japan (vids soon)

Les Rallizes Dénudés (very controversial band 'cause of the involvment with Japanese Red Army, one of the members assisted in the hijacking of Japanese Airlines Flight 351)

Kitajima Osamu

Yanagida Hiro

Flower Travellin' Band

Apryl Fool

Blues Creation

Speed, Glue and Shinki

Yonin Bayashi

2) Chthonic:

49 Theurgy Chains (English version)
Takao (English version)
Broken Jade (English version)
3) All the awesome rest:

Gostwind - Tears in Memory (Korea)
Gostwind - Game City
Tengger Cavalry - War Horse (People's Republic of China)
Tengger Cavalry - Hero
Mononofu - Rebellion of Hon-Nouji Temple (Japan)
Mononofu - Battle in the Oshibara
Mononofu - General Uyama Choses Death in Regret
Ego Fall - Dōng Guī  (People's Republic of China)
Ego Fall - The Spirit of Mongolia

Soon even more...

Thai films completed:
303 Fear/Faith/Revenge (1998) - 6/10
Beautiful Boxer (2003) - 10/10
Ghost Delivery (2003) - 1/10
Me, Myself (2007) - 7/10
Memory (2008) - 8/10
Shutter (2004) - 7/10
The Coffin (2008) - 7/10

Want to watch:
Bangkok Dangerous (2000)
Coming Soon (2008)
The Spiritual World (2008)

My profile picture is stunning work of Taiwanese artist - Der Jen. It's one of her designs for her Tarot deck called China Tarot.


12d 8h 59m
314 episódios, 27 programas
17d 2h 46m
227 filmes

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